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Thread: 30/30 rules and forum warning

  1. #21
    Boolit Master steve urquell's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    I moderated on 2 forums and the buy and sell forums were always the most involved part of it. Scammers always trying to skirt the rules and some users only wanting to be a member of the forum to use it like Craigslist.

    One of the developers who worked for the owner explained it to me like this:
    Forums cost money to run. That is paid for by membership fees as well as ad revenue. If members post good content the advertisers pay.

    So a non-paying member pays their way by posting quality content. Someone who is only here to post the minimum in order to use the S&S forum is not helping the forum at all, just using it for their personal gain.
    Dan Wesson 744V .44mag, S&W Mod 19-4 .357 , S&W Mod 17 K22, Stevens Favorite .22mag 30GM, ADC .45/410, CZ SP01 9mm

  2. #22
    Boolit Buddy braddock's Avatar
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    Rules is rules, they are the same for everyone why bitch about it?

  3. #23
    Boolit Master
    sundog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coryj View Post
    ... In short, I read way more than I post.
    A wise old owl lived in an oak,
    The more he saw, the less he spoke
    The less he spoke, the more he heard,
    Now, wasn't he a wise old bird?
    It ain't rocket science, it's boolit science.

  4. #24
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundog View Post
    A wise old owl lived in an oak,
    The more he saw, the less he spoke
    The less he spoke, the more he heard,
    Now, wasn't he a wise old bird?
    Excellent observation.

  5. #25
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I have bought from members on here and always a good experience. I try to be helpful when I can. While I havent sold anything, I would rather see it go to friends here than set on a gun show table being resold. I think the swapping and selling section is good and agree with the 30-30 rule as far as posting, a buddy tried to post an Ill take it with not enough posts and couldnt. That Is a shame as buying is different than selling

  6. #26
    Boolit Bub
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    Quote Originally Posted by sundog View Post
    A wise old owl lived in an oak,
    The more he saw, the less he spoke
    The less he spoke, the more he heard,
    Now, wasn't he a wise old bird?
    Death and Taxes, Magnum, P.I.

  7. #27

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by country gent View Post
    a buddy tried to post an Ill take it with not enough posts and couldnt. That Is a shame as buying is different than selling
    He should have been able to post. My first guess is he wasn't logged in.
    If you're not logged in, you still see the same screens we do, but typing in a reply won't post.
    The only restriction for someone under the 30/30 is listing a WTS ad.

    They can even post WTBuy ads.
    With them, the seller has the ability to not ship an item until he gets the money.
    A member can possibly be scammed on a WTB transaction, but you have to work at it.

    A few years ago, I had some unusual Weatherby brass for sale.
    A guy joined, his one and only post was to claim and buy it.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

  8. #28
    Boolit Master Sasquatch-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWolf View Post
    I was gonna say almost the same things. It is not hard to reach 30 meaningful posts. I personally don't like the ones that go back and resurrect a several year old thread to basically say "I agree" with a few additional words to get a post count. Everyone in this hobby will have a question now and then or a way of doing something that may be slightly different than the "norm". Look at powder coating or golden/crimson powders. Folks are pretty smart in these parts.
    I have questioned this myself many times. "I agree" "That's really nice" "WOW, I really like that", things of that nature. Also, the guy who responds to every poster in a separate post and will have 3 or 4 post in a row. I know these are hard to control, so I have never said anything about them.

    For S&S, I would go as far as saying maintain the 30/30 rule and add 3 to 5 additional post a month to keep current.

    Personally, I have seen a couple of items that have interested me but did not buy because the seller had less than a couple hundred post and was too new on the forum.
    A vote for anyone other then the conservative candidates is a vote for the liberal candidates.

  9. #29
    Boolit Master
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    I find it most curious that they system rules allowed you to post an ad at all. It should be automated and infallible.

  10. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by JimB.. View Post
    I find it most curious that they system rules allowed you to post an ad at all. It should be automated and infallible.
    You piqued my curiosity, JimB. What do you mean?


  11. #31
    Boolit Bub Merc41's Avatar
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    Well let me see, 30 meaningful posts in 30 days, well I don't even qualify for that and I have been here for 18 years. I think this is my 55th post in that amount of time and I am fairly sure half of mine were not meaningful. Which drives us into another question what is "meaningful"? I guess that is at the discrepancy of the moderators. But I believe the OP said he had been a member since 2010, so I guess there is not grandfathering.

  12. #32
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    It appears that the OP only made 10 posts in 10 years.

    It further appears that the OP made a big enough ruckus that he's no longer welcome here.

  13. #33
    Boolit Bub Merc41's Avatar
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    I must have missed something, the man was banned for asking a simple question?

  14. #34
    Boolit Master

    jdgabbard's Avatar
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    No offense intended. But I would not ever buy anything from someone who has a low post count. If you haven't contributed to the community, it's hard to tell what type of gent I'd be doing business with. That isn't to say long time members couldn't also be a scammer or a cheat. But if they've been actively posting here for years chances are they're around to stay. And if they value that, they're not going to do anything that gets them booted.
    JDGabbard's Feedback Thread

    Jdgabbard's very own boolit boxes pattern!

    GOA and FPC have done more in the last decade than your NRA has done in it's entire existence... Support the ones that actually do something for you.

  15. #35
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc41 View Post
    I must have missed something, the man was banned for asking a simple question?
    It's been my observation that these types of questions are best asked in private via PM instead of a public airing of the situation. We are all guests here and should behave accordingly. I suspect the situation escalated but it's none of my business.

  16. #36

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    The 'meaningful' requirement is to keep someone from running the meter up
    just to be able to post WTS ads in S&S.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

  17. #37

    Join Date
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    No, no, no. No one gets banned for asking a question. The question was likely in the nature of a complaint following a problem. We often see this by those who have had a problem with the Forum's Rules. It is in the nature of an appeal by that individual to the general membership for moral support. In this case, it's quite likely that the ban came after this thread started as a result of an earlier problem. Such actions are not taken "spur of the moment" and are often considered by Staff for awhile before the hammer drops.

    Long time members with low post counts aren't grandfathered in on anything. Someone who has been here 15 years and has 8 posts really isn't too interested in the Forum, and probably doesn't have that much to contribute. If their interest is now only in selling something we get the feeling of being "used", and will respond accordingly. Fair enough? WTS ads are interesting, sometimes entertaining, but of a secondary purpose to the Forum, the primary interest being the exchange of information and ideas on the subject of casting, reloading, shooting, etc.

    What is meaningful? A contribution to the Forum's bank of knowledge. That doesn't mean that the post has to contain 5 years of intensive research. It could mean, just as an example, a post appearing in a thread about crimping cartridges when reloading, "I've found the roll crimp feature on my RCBS dies to be perfectly satisfactory." Or, in a thread about smokeless powder, "I prefer Bullseye when I can find it, but have found AA #5 to be a good substitute and more available." Of course, if you do have original research we're very glad to have you contribute it.

    Such posts as, "That's really nice!", or "I agree!" are encouraging to the OP, but aren't what we're looking for. They are allowed, even encouraged to some extent, and I sometimes make them myself to express admiration of good craftsmanship. But they do not count as "meaningful". Posts in "The Pit" do not count for the 30/30 rule. In fact, they don't count at all. The Pit is a place to express opinions, with courtesy and within the bounds of decorum, but are not germane to the Forum's reason to exist.

    In general, it seems that the membership is in favor of the 30/30 rule, desiring to get to know the new guy a bit before sending him any money. Usually scammers have very few or no posts. That's because they really aren't interested in the Forum's subject matter, just in scamming money. Very often we've gotten reports of scammers who joined the Forum and immediately sent a PM to a person who answered a WTS ad instructing them to send the payment to an address other than that of the seller. Unfortunately, it has sometimes happened, and there is seldom any recourse to recovery of the funds. A non-member can read the ads, select a target, and then join specifically to scam.

    Further questions?


  18. #38
    Super Moderator

    ShooterAZ's Avatar
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    DG summed it up nicely. If anyone has any further questions regarding the 30/30 rule, please feel free to reach out to one of the moderators.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check