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Thread: I was asked this Question!

  1. #1
    Boolit Master

    DCP's Avatar
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    The LAST State to allow Conceal Carry -The new 5O

    I was asked this Question!

    So I may be able to get her to join the NRA if I can give her a good answer

    I was asked this Question!

    I would like to ask you, being a law-abiding gun owner, what your ideas are to stop 550+ people from being gunned down in 9 minutes?

    All help is much appreciated.

    "Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
    Theodore Roosevelt


  2. #2

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    he didn't hit 550 people.
    most of the injuries were from the stampede.

  3. #3
    Boolit Grand Master

    dragon813gt's Avatar
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    I was asked this Question!

    The answer is......there is no answer. What happened can't be prevented. The genie is out of the bottle, you can't magically put guns back in it. Complete confiscation won't prevent criminals from being criminals.

    When this country addresses the mental health issue we will start moving in the right direction. We have a mental health issue disguised as a gun problem.

  4. #4
    Boolit Master

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    I'm guessing they actually mean "prevent" right? The LVMPD SWAT team put a stop to things. Shooting back is the only way to stop aggression. As far as preventing it, I can't think of anything that'd have realistically prevented this.

  5. #5
    Boolit Master

    Ickisrulz's Avatar
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    I don't think you join the NRA to prevent acts of terror. You join the NRA so your rights to own guns are preserved and you have a method to defend yourself.

    Guns are just a tool. Even if they all disappeared, individuals set on killing a group of people will use trucks, cars, homemade bombs and fire. In fact they have; in Las Vegas even. The existence of mass murderers is a people problem.

    I suppose, if I were given a choice, I'd prefer someone shooting at me rather than parking a bomb outside my workplace or locking the doors and setting my building on fire. I think my chances of survival would be better. Could sick individuals be driven to use more lethal weapons?

    As a rule I try to avoid large crowds and dangerous locations.

  6. #6
    Boolit Grand Master

    Wayne Smith's Avatar
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    According to the FBI his father was a psychopath. This is physiological (in the brain) and genetic. Good likelihood he was as well, and his behavior is certainly similar. No way to diagnose this beyond behavior or examining the brain. No psychopath will willingly allow their brain to be examined! Psychopathic behavior is easily hidden - A certain financial manager hid it for most of his life. Intelligent psychopaths hide in public.

    Currently no solution to this problem other than immediate reaction to their actions.
    Wayne the Shrink

    There is no 'right' that requires me to work for you or you to work for me!

  7. #7
    Boolit Buddy StolzerandSons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCP View Post
    So I may be able to get her to join the NRA if I can give her a good answer

    I was asked this Question!

    I would like to ask you, being a law-abiding gun owner, what your ideas are to stop 550+ people from being gunned down in 9 minutes?

    All help is much appreciated.
    Be honest and tell her that there is nothing that will stop a determined person from hurting or killing other people. The tool they use is irrelevant. For example the Berlin market attack 12-2016, 12 killed 48 injured with a truck, in a country with fairly restrictive gun laws. How many could a person with a truck kill driving into a crowd of 22,000 at a concert? I don't know the answer but I know a temporary chain link fence doesn't stop 60,000 pounds of rolling steel.
    The Bill of Rights - Void were prohibited by law.
    Soap Box, Ballot Box, Jury Box, Ammo Box. Which one of these is still working properly?

  8. #8
    Boolit Grand Master

    Larry Gibson's Avatar
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    Have to know why he did it before we can answer how to prevent it. He apparently did not violate any gun laws as all were legally purchased so there was no prevention there. No criminal record so no prevention there. No apparent mental health issues, etc. so it boils down to his motive which when that is found out may or may not provide and answer.

    I will say this; you cannot prevent this type of premeditated and planned out incidents from happening with defensive "security" measures. They will always find a way around those or find another venue of attack.
    Larry Gibson

    “Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid notions and foolish ideas prevailing.”
    ― Nikola Tesla

  9. #9
    Boolit Master
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    until you can control the evil in a persons heart. don't take away my ability to protect my self and family. don't punish me for the wrong of others.

  10. #10
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    how many lives were stolen from abortion? how many lives were stolen from illegal drugs? how many lives were stolen from evil?

    when they stop this, i'll "talk" about gun control.

  11. #11
    Boolit Master
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    1.) We know that 500+ persons were INJURED, not "GUNNED DOWN".
    2.) Of the 58 innocent lives lost, we're STILL in the dark about how many died of gunshot wounds vs. how many were killed by trampling or other factors emergent but secondary to the shots fired.
    3.) MY first suggestion would be to NOT cram 20,000 unarmed persons into a roofless enclosure from which they have grave difficulty escaping. I'm aware of the security concerns and making sure that all who entered have paid admission, but surely there is some way of erecting said enclosures with "out-only" gates/doors, and perhaps SOME method of obscuring the view of the audience from structures which are taller and proximal. By itself, an obscured view of Paddock's target area might not have stopped him from shooting. But it almost WOULD HAVE to have made his task more problematic.
    4.) Give room rate discounts to concealed-carry permit holders. There's no guarantee that THIS alone would have stopped Paddock, either, but it would be something that he would have to have considered, before he decided to murder 58 innocent people. I'M not a murdering psychopath, but had I been where Paddock was, I would have had to consider the possibility that, at any moment, I might have to deal with an armed citizen who intends to shut me down.
    5.) Electronic search patrons entering the hotel, NOT to prevent the entry of firearms, but to prevent the entry of hammers heavy enough to defeat the exterior windows of the hotel. Perhaps even exempting CHL holders from the required electronic pass-through would help. Persons with the conduct and discipline to obtain and retain a CHL rarely engage in such atrocities. In fact, I am at a loss to name ONE such example.
    6.) Whoever said that NRA membership is about preserving one's right to and means of self-defense and not preventing lunatics from suddenly murdering people hit it RIGHT ON THE HEAD. If anyone thinks it was tough before, to protect their gun rights against ineffective "feel-good" legislation, well, Ladies & Gentlemen, hang on to your hats.
    7.) Encourage very constituent of the congressional left that we can to contact their congressmen with the entreaty to NOT POLITICIZE such an atrocity, particularly before the deceased can be buried and mourned.

    Okay, end of rant.
    Last edited by Kosh75287; 10-04-2017 at 01:42 PM.
    For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Ecclesiastes 1:18
    He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool become servant to the wise of heart. Proverbs 11:29
    ...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

    Carpe SCOTCH!

  12. #12
    Boolit Master

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    he could as easilly built a platform with 4 ar 15 and a hand crank trigger palpitatoe and fed them with 100 round stick mags if bump fire wasn't legal.

    criminals will do anything.

    I'm wondering why there is no one clammoring for a glass breakage sensor on those hi rise buildings.... if someone breaks out a window, you can bet a suicide or murder is about to happen..

  13. #13
    Boolit Master
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    In Switzerland every citizen has a gun and yet few killings. The problem is not the guns, last year in Nice France a terrorist used a truck to kill more than75, guns are hard to get in France. If someone is bent on killing they will find a way.

  14. #14
    Boolit Grand Master

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    That is an easy answer. In this case it was a firearm but it could be just as easily a bomb, truck airplane or various other methods of mass destruction. Dealing with the people that do this type of action is the only workable solution. Surrendering our rights and ability to protect ourselves and the constitution is not the solution.

    A couple of gallons of gasoline killed 87 people http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/...icle-1.2152091

    Dealing with only one component of a much larger problem never will work.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master
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    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DCP View Post
    So I may be able to get her to join the NRA if I can give her a good answer

    I was asked this Question!

    I would like to ask you, being a law-abiding gun owner, what your ideas are to stop 550+ people from being gunned down in 9 minutes?

    All help is much appreciated.
    Ban all guns, then have military, LEO, and Gubmint agencies go house to house across the nation to search for stashes and confiscate.

    Have military, LEO, etc cordon, search, and secure all venues 48 hours in advance.

    Use tanks and A10 Warthogs as needed.

    On a serious note, you can't stop it without seriously restricting freedom.

    Bad people do bad things.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Boolit Master
    DerekP Houston's Avatar
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    You can't predict or prevent crazy evil people. Restricting the rights of law abiding citizens won't do anything but make the politicians and anti-gun idiots happy.
    My feedback page if you feel inclined to add:

    Thanks Yall!

  17. #17
    Boolit Master
    historicfirearms's Avatar
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    I have an idea on how to stop the antigun Democrats. Have Trump threaten to confiscate the guns of everyone that voted against him. Maybe then the Dems will understand what the second amendment is really for. I think their hatred of conservatives outweighs their hatred of guns.
    I was a dog on a short chain.
    Now there's no chain.
    Jim Harrison

  18. #18
    RogerDat's Avatar
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    You cannot make the world safe from evil. You can only prepare yourself to handle an emergency.
    Ask your friend if they know basic first aid? CPR? How to use a fire extinguisher? Where extinguishers are located in their normal daily routine? Where the emergency exits are at work and where they shop, exits in restaurants or movie theaters they frequent?

    A surprising number of people don't think about what to say if you have to call 911. First thing is location, location, location! Then medical and/or police response request. That is why on so many 911 tapes you here people describing the victim or what they see with a bunch of OMG thrown in. Address and we need police and/or ambulance, then move on to details or answering questions.

    Point is one tool that people have to respond to an emergency with is a firearm, just as the other responses I mention require training and some thought. Considering the FBI statistics place long guns which includes all rifles, not just high capacity, or semi-auto but all rifles combined near the bottom of the list for weapons used in homicide tells a reasonable person that while these shootings are horrific and dramatic news they are not the source of anything close to a majority of homicides. Bludgeoned to death with a club of some sort is higher on the FBI list than long guns.

    If you join the NRA your going to be pushing for solutions that will tackle the real sources of firearm violence as well allowing for law abiding people to have access to the knowledge, training and tools that allow one to defend your life and the life of those you love. Recall in Las Vegas one of those pauses was because an armed security guard was being shot at through the door rather than the gunman shooting out the windows. In that time how many lives were saved? Would that guard have been at the door if unarmed? Would most firearm owners have gone to the assistance of the wounded guard and possibly stopped the shooter from doing more harm? Should that be a possibility?

    Trucks, gasoline, fertilizer and fuel oil, even dropping rocks off of over pass have been used to perpetrate random acts of hate or madness to kill or injure people.
    Scrap.... because all the really pithy and emphatic four letter words were taken and we had to describe this source of casting material somehow so we added an "S" to what non casters and wives call what we collect.

    Kind of hard to claim to love America while one is hating half the Americans that disagree with you. One nation indivisible requires work.

    Feedback page http://castboolits.gunloads.com/show...light=RogerDat

  19. #19
    Texas by God's Avatar
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    Cain started it. There is nothing so evil as the darkness of people's minds. We can &must meet evil with extreme prejudice. Personally I would like to extend the death penalty to the criminally insane and child molesters. And quit keeping inmates on Death Row for more than two years. Forget lethal injection; the executioner can use one .22 bullet to the base of the skull. Arm chair analysis won't stop anything, nor will more laws. Label me a crazy hard case; I have freedom of speech.

  20. #20
    Boolit Master

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    The best thing to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun. Good doesn't mean "government vetted", just good. Until a man is proven "bad" by natural law he's good enough.


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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check