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Thread: Advice needed: Dealing with feral & stray dogs

  1. #41
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7Acres View Post
    CLatch, point taken. Beagle333, thanks for your approach.

    As for calling Animal Control... My good neighbor at the end of the road tells me this became such a problem for him he says he has shot and buried around 200 dogs way before I bought my property here. He caught Animal Control stopped on the side of the road releasing dogs out here. I wasn't thinking I'd bother burying them unless they breathed their last breath on my property.

    Anyway, thanks guys. I'll handle my business. Just wanted a sanity check.
    A shot dog dead on the wrong property could get into the papers and cause much outcry from those that don't have to deal with the problem. Investigations, inquiries, publicity... much better for all concerned if they fertilize your garden.
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  2. #42
    Boolit Buddy
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    In 1991 I came home to an empty farm my father owned from the Marine Corps. Our neighbors had 30 odd dogs and fed them one 50 pound sack of dog food a month. Welfare didn't buy much dog kibble. There wasn't a rabbit, coon or deer within a mile. The neighbor on the ridge to the south had sheep. They had to keep the flock in the barn at night. They had always had a reputation of being dog killers anyhow. They thinned the pack some.

    Neighbors moved out taking only one or two of the pack with them. Dad and I had started to run cattle again also. The dog warden was called. He trapped a few of these ferals out and shot a few. He gave a permission slip to me and several neighbors to cull any of these dogs we saw.

    Either Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up (SSS) or get the dog warden involved.

    You already violated SSS by asking here.

    Multi generational country folk get it. City folk that move to the country do not. SSS
    Last edited by DanishM1Garand; 03-13-2017 at 08:21 AM. Reason: Spelling

  3. #43
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by 7Acres View Post
    I don't know if this type of post belongs in Our Town, but I didn't see any better place. So lately it seems people have been dropping off their unwanted pets out on our dirt road. Normally I don't even consider shooting someone's dog until a few weeks ago. I saw a couple dogs at the end of my driveway that I didn't recognize. I walked outside (stupidly without my gun) to get a closer look. They were sniffing around and ignoring me. I noticed neither dog had a collar. Then I cleared my throat. They both looked up at me and the bigger one snarled and growled. They weren't acting friendly. I got the sense that if I didn't move first I'd lose the upper hand. I turned and bolted for the house as fast as I could. They took off chasing me right to the door where I barely squeaked in. I shut the door and turned around to see how close they got. The one was up the stairs on the landing to the door. No idea what they would have done if they caught up to me.

    I've never owned a dog and don't know many dog breeds. I have no idea what these were. Not a pit bull, black lab or German shepherd. Probably were just mutts. One was the size of a German Shepherd the other more medium size.

    Anyway, with young kids I don't want to take chances. Just last week I saw another set of dogs with no collars on walking on the road. As I passed by in my truck I stopped when I got to them. They had that same attitude. Just stiffened up and stared me down. I called the wife who was running errands. She had the boys. I just wanted her to keep the boys inside with these dogs on the loose.

    Here's my question, I want to start dealing with the threats when they occur. When I see stray dogs with no collars from inside the house I want to simply pick up the shotgun, go outside and shoot them dead before they wander off my radar. I don't want my sons (2yrs and 4yrs old) to be a quick snack.

    Is this the wise thing to do? What advice would you have for me?
    Shoot,shovel and silence above all silence or the do gooders will want to talk to you
    Are my kids/grandkids more important than "o"'s kids, to me they are,darn tooting they are!!! They deserve the same armed protection afforded "o"'s kids.
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  4. #44
    Boolit Master Handloader109's Avatar
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    I lost about a dozen young and old goats that I had in my 4 acre pasture in MS to a supposedly 'good' dog. I could never catch him. I lived in city limits, but on almost 30 acres of property that was pasture/ woods. No cows, or large livestock. Dog would sneak up in early morning or near dusk, And kill one. No eating, nothing but chase and kill. I got off one or two shots over a couple of weeks, but couldn't catch him. Started carrying my shotgun, (no handgun at the time) in my truck. Finally one day, caught him near pen again and I left him where he lay.... I'm not wasting my time using a shovel. Oh, had an interesting discussion with sheriff before this happened and as long as I thought my livestock or family was being potentially harmed, ANY dog was fair game.
    Just my take.

  5. #45
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Col4570 View Post
    Three years since I was taking my daughters elderly Jack Russel Eddie for his daily walk.Approaching us was a bloke with a Husky type Dog,it immediately attacked Eddie by bitting his Back then got him by the Throat.When Blood started to show I Attempted to pull the larger dog off.The more I pulled the more he bit so I had no alternative but to Hit out with my Applewood Stick which broke across the dogs back.I was reduced to Stabbing the Dog with the Jagged end of the Stick until it gave up.If this had not worked my next thought was to Knife the dog that never came to pass.At no time did the big dogs owner try to stop the attack I explained to him that he was close to Hospitalisation at that point and in return for his safety I needed his address.He gave it to me but never honoured the Large vetinary Bill for Eddies treatment.Eddie was never the same after the event,the wind had gone out of his Sails and he died a few months later.
    Sounds like one or both of you did not have your dogs on a leash. Or maybe the owner of the larger dog was too much of a wimp to be able to handle his dog.

    When dogs get into a fight, the best way to separate them is to grab the hind legs, lift so that the dog is having to support his weight on his weaker front legs, and then back away, turning at the same time to keep the dog off balance and make it difficult for him to turn and bite *you*. Trying to grab the dog by the collar will often result in you getting bitten as the dogs try to bite each other.

  6. #46
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  7. #47
    Boolit Master

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    if something goes south and anybody asks why you did it, never say because they were on my property, always say they were attacking my livestock or children. you need to sound like it was them or you or a lawyer will have a field day.

  8. #48
    Boolit Grand Master Outpost75's Avatar
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    Neighbor is Korean. Had issues with marauding dog bothering his geese, so shot the dog. Next week had BBQ and block party for neighbors. Fat woman asked neighbors at BBQ if anyone had seen her dog. "What color dog?" asked my friend. "Black" she said.

    "Yes," he said. When I was young boy growing up in Korea my Grandma LOVED BLACK DOG!

    Black dog the best! Bosintang! (보신탕; 補身湯)"

    We all laughed and ate seconds... Fat lady never got the joke.
    Last edited by Outpost75; 03-13-2017 at 07:52 PM.
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  9. #49
    Boolit Master
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    well in this state if a dog comes on your property and attacks your dog of livestock it is open season on the dog. if you see dogs running a deer it is open season on the dog.

  10. #50
    Boolit Buddy
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    I had that experience when I meet a large stray dog in my yard as I came out the door one morning, He snarled at me and started moving toward me, I backed back into the house and my boys airsoft gun was siting there so I picked it up and opened the door and shot him twice with it from about 15 feet, He yelped and took off, from that day on everytime I saw that dog he would give my place a wide birth. I have used it on other troublesome dogs since and they all get the message and stay out of my yard.

  11. #51
    Boolit Master
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    Handle your business and stay quiet about it.

  12. #52
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by bob208 View Post
    well in this state if a dog comes on your property and attacks your dog of livestock it is open season on the dog. if you see dogs running a deer it is open season on the dog.
    If people cared about their dogs, then they would keep them confined to their yard and not let them run free. If you let 'em run free, they will get into trouble eventually. Kind of like kids in that respect, I guess.

    If they don't care enough about their pets that they let them run loose, I have no sympathy for them if they end up getting run over or shot when they are on someone else's property.

  13. #53
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by NavyVet1959 View Post
    Sounds like one or both of you did not have your dogs on a leash. Or maybe the owner of the larger dog was too much of a wimp to be able to handle his dog.

    When dogs get into a fight, the best way to separate them is to grab the hind legs, lift so that the dog is having to support his weight on his weaker front legs, and then back away, turning at the same time to keep the dog off balance and make it difficult for him to turn and bite *you*. Trying to grab the dog by the collar will often result in you getting bitten as the dogs try to bite each other.
    Eddie was on his Lead but the Attacking Dog had neither Collar or Leash.I usualy think I can handle any dog but this one was hell bent on killing my Dog.Until this confrontation I really had little comprehension on how Powerful a large determined dog can be.The owners body language to me seemed to suggest that he was proud of what had taken place,a sort of I am tough I have a savage dog.

  14. #54
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Col4570 View Post
    Eddie was on his Lead but the Attacking Dog had neither Collar or Leash.I usualy think I can handle any dog but this one was hell bent on killing my Dog.Until this confrontation I really had little comprehension on how Powerful a large determined dog can be.The owners body language to me seemed to suggest that he was proud of what had taken place,a sort of I am tough I have a savage dog.
    One of my dogs gets along with everyone and every other animal. Hell, I've even seen a cat crawl over the top of her when she was laying down and she didn't think it worth doing anything about. She's a pit bull. The other dog is also a pit bull which my daughter rescued from the middle of a highway where someone had dropped it off with the intent of killing it by letting it get run over by a car. She's very well behaved around people, but she will bark at and chase small animals like squirrels and cats. The two dogs kind of get along at present, but I ended up sewing up a few wounds on the older dog as they were hashing out their dominance issues.

  15. #55
    Boolit Master
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    I live in a semi-rural area. We have no livestock so that's not an issue. We have two cats that live in the barn. We don't have a dog problem but we have the occasional stray cat, primarily because people put them out at the nearby veterinary hospital. I've dealt with them by catching them when they come to eat our cats' food and taking them to the county animal control people.

    I'm concerned that people in rural areas who have to deal with feral and stray dogs are in more danger than they used to be because there's probably a higher percentage of pit bull and pit bull mongrels among the strays. Pit bulls seem to be one of the breeds of choice among the rural drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. They let them run free, and when they move on they often leave their "pets" behind to become strays. I know not every pit is a vicious dog, and I don't want to turn this thread in that direction, but they're the breed I would be most concerned about as a potentially dangerous dog.

  16. #56
    Boolit Master

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    It is abused dogs that are dropped off that are the secondary problem.

    The primary is the idiot humans who do the dropping off and abuse.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plate plinker View Post
    It is abused dogs that are dropped off that are the secondary problem.

    The primary is the idiot humans who do the dropping off and abuse.
    I fully agree!! As horrible as it might sound, it would be better to have a dog put down rather than dumped off to starve

  18. #58
    Boolit Master

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    We live in a 'semi-rural' area...the country road out front is the city limits line but there's 80 acres of farmland on the other side. Don't have a feral dog problem but we do get as occasional coyote enroute to or from his housepet dinner on the other side of the of those the tree-huggers want to pay someone to 'catch & release into their natural environment.' Yall' know, a .22 Hornet doesn't make a whole lot of noise and, if those Sierra 40 gr. JSPs exit at all, it's only as fragments. Just sayin'...

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  19. #59
    Boolit Master Half Dog's Avatar
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    I would check with the legal powers. I'm in the city and I cannot shoot a dog unless there are more than one attacking.
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  20. #60
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    People dump strays in front of my house all to often. Most of the time they take off but over the years more than a few have turned into field fertilizer. About 4 years ago a guy said a coyote attacked his little girl, it had a white strip in its fur and was larger than normal. His security camera got a picture of it and I recognized it. A few days later it came into town on its normal path and I shot it. Guy identified it and the DNR picked it up(I got to keep the pelt, cured it as a throw and sold it for $75 because of the different colors) because it had been reported. Turned out to be a coydog, dog/coyote cross that are becoming a problem in my county because they are super aggressive. Town has given me permission to kill any coyotes, stray dogs, skunks that are coming into town behind my house across the field. I get 3-4 coyotes a year that way. Dogs I never mention, there is a low spot out in that field that gets a carcass in the water to rot away.

    And I am a cat person but stray cats kill to many game birds so they do not live long around here. Only one I don't shoot is Orangie who has adopted most of the town. He is very tame, will hop in your lap and hang out etc. He spends most of his time up by the bar where people feed him outside. He does a good job of rodent patrol because HATES them, I had a gopher issue until he moved in... I saw him walk up on a pheasant one day and sniff at it then walk on... he has no interest in birds. The number of rats has dropped way off too,former neighbor had a garbage mountain in his backyard before the city condemned the house. That drew in a bunch of rats and I used to see them a lot. Now I rarely see one. Another case of SSS with stray cats that are wild...

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