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View Poll Results: What are your blood lead levels and has your doctor prescribed treatment?

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  • 10 mcg/dL or less

    401 30.33%
  • 11 to 25 mcg/dL

    107 8.09%
  • 25 to 44 mcg/dL

    46 3.48%
  • 45 mcg/dL or more

    20 1.51%
  • I've never been tested, but show no symptoms

    714 54.01%
  • I've never been tested, but DO show symptoms

    15 1.13%
  • My doctor prescribed treatment

    6 0.45%
  • My doctor did not prescribe treatment

    143 10.82%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Are you poisoned? The lead blood levels poll...

  1. #181
    Boolit Buddy
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    I went to see my doctor last fall for a physical, and for the lab tests, he threw in heavy metals testing as well.

    My lead levels were a bit on the 'high' side of the average range he said - I forget the number - but still not detrimental to health! He asked me how I was getting the exposure so I explained to him the frequent handling / use of cast lead bullets. He informed me that lead can enter the body in numerous ways, but in my case, it was likely entering in two ways:
    1.) Inhaling lead fumes.
    2.) Absorption through the skin.

    He suggested that I buy THREE THINGS to reduce my lead levels:
    1.) Buy a FULL NATO SPEC GAS MASK WITH 40MM NBC FILTER. He said that inhaling MELTED LEAD fumes is different from inhaling lead dust in the air! Typical dust masks & filtration masks you can buy at the hardware store most likely are NOT SUFFICIENT to keeping lead out of your lungs, and it can also get in through the mucous membranes near your eyes, etc... So a full-face mask is recommended for added protection.
    2.) Wear Leather Gloves, and try to NEVER touch the lead with my bare skin if I can use gloves instead - he even recommended gloves when shooting so I don't touch it when loading magazines.
    3.) Buy a Lead Decontamination Soap. Whenever you finish making bullets, loading ammo, or shooting your guns, he said just wash from your hands up to your elbows with the decontamination soap, and wash your face with regular soap, and a washcloth after you get home from the shooting range. DO NOT EAT/DRINK ANYTHING BEFORE WASHING.

    I've since done all of these three things! I bought a cheap surplus Israeli M15 Gas Mask, a new NATO standard NBC Filter, decontamination soap, and used leather gloves when loading ammo... Then I went back for monthly testing (as per his orders), and by January my lead levels had PLUMMETED! He said they were on the low-end of normal, or virtually nonexistent.

    He said he has never seen a lead count drop that quickly, noting that it usually only drops a couple 2-3 points in ~6 months or so. Mine fell quite a bit in only ~4-5 months! Just by using a gas mask with good filter, leather gloves, and a decontamination soap (Called D-Lead Hand Soap)!!!

    I seriously think the two biggest factors were switching to a full NBC Mask (the neighbors probably think I'm cooking up Meth or something, ), and the use of the decontamination soap!

  2. #182
    Boolit Buddy windrider919's Avatar
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    No Problem

    I had a very complete physical at the VA hospital in January after suddenly out of the blue being unable to breath. I have been having a low level cough for almost two years and they found I had 'Walking Pneumonia'. On the questionnaire I filled out i wrote down that I had been bullet casting since 1970 and the doctor went crazy, claiming i must be lead poisoned and that my high BP and memory problems were caused by lead poisoning. Actually, I got run over by a 16 year old kid in a stolen car in March 2005 and had a head injury which has caused long term recall problems. Of course at 54 years old thats my story and I am sticking to it.

    Anyway, the long and short of it is that I cast indoors but use a vent hood over my workbench. I shoot outdoors and usually shoot 200 rounds a month. I cast a lot of bullets for friends of whom I really barely charge for the cost of electricity to run my pot. And the results of my test was a 3.

    The really odd thing is that I know several guys that do not shoot or handle lead in any known way and work indoors in downtown Houston and drive an hour or more each way in heavy traffic who DO have high lead levels (one told me his count is in the mid 30s) yet I thought there was no lead in gasoline any more. Go figure.

    Another person I know that has had lead poisening and health problems is a fishing fanatic. He has fished in Galveston Bay (which is surounded by chemical plants , etc in operation for decades) for years and he told me that while searching for the source when he took some of his frozen fish in they found elevated levels of heavy metals in it's flesh. The levels were in the toxic range! They had him dispose of all his fish as toxic waste and recommended he eat nothing out of the bay anymore. That was two years ago and people still fish in the bay and there are no public health warnings posted. again, go figure.

  3. #183
    Boolit Grand Master 303Guy's Avatar
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    Lead poisening is like gun control. Gun control is making your shot count. Lead poisening is what the other guy gets when you control your gun!
    Rest In Peace My Son (01/06/1986 - 14/01/2014)

    ''Assume everything that moves is a human before identifying as otherwise''

  4. #184
    Boolit Master

    Taylor's Avatar
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    I see my VA doctor about 2X per year for blood work,he likes to keep up with my cholesterol.So I figger it ain't hard to go ahead and check for lead.I told him why,and he is fine with the idea.All good so far.
    Pro Patria-Ne Desit Virtus

  5. #185
    Boolit Buddy
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    Last time I was tested, I hadn't started casting, but I do construction, often on older houses that certainly have lead paint, and we often bust out plaster, which would obviously have lead paint on it and turns into dust when you remove it. My levels were fine, even lower than average if I recall (though I don't know the specific number, my doctor wasn't worried), and while I usually wear a respirator (not even the paper masks, but a real respirator), there are times when it's only a few minutes of dust that I neglect it.

    I can understand not eating finger foods or smoking while casting, but if you're not touching the food (like a sandwich in a wrapper, or something eaten with a fork), or drinking but not touching the rim, how does the lead get in your mouth? Does it settle on the drink/food from vapors and dust, or is it only what's transferred from hands to objects and then to the mouth?

  6. #186
    Boolit Master

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    1.) Inhaling lead fumes.
    2.) Absorption through the skin.
    Unless you're running you lead pot at or above 1200 degrees, there's no lead fumes. Smoke is not lead fumes.

    As for lead absorbing through the skin, it can't. Not metallic lead anyway. Some of the lead salts may be able to be absorbed, but not metallic lead.

    The VA didn't send the results of my last lead blood levels out with the last panel they did. My PA can't be bothered to scribble a note on the sheet the computer spits out, says there's not room for it on that sheet. I'll see her in a couple weeks, got to do another panel.
    Quoted from my post on 2-21-09. My test this time was 4.0!!! If I'm that low, there's no reason most casters should be worried. Just keep your hands clean after handling lead boolits. The metallic lead on your hands will be absorbed if you don't wash, then eat or drink Especially if you eat finger foods.

  7. #187
    Boolit Mold
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    Florida's Ghetto's and Trailer Parks
    I am new to casting and new to this site. I take my personal safety seriously, but I believe this as well as other subjects are blown out of proportion. I cast outdoors and I wear gloves and jeans. It's Florida so I wear short sleeves. I do not wear a mask I dip snuff. It's too hard to spit. I know that I'm taking unnecessary chances and I have weighed the options and made my choice. I work as a Deputy Sheriff in South Florida I wear body armor everyday even when it's 100 degrees with 99% humity. There are some chences I'm willing to take and others that I'm not willing to. I understand the point of the survey and why the results are needed. I also believe that I'm a full ghrown man and am capable of making my own decisions. I don't get into anyone else's buisness unless I have to, and I don't expect them to try to get into mine. Sorry bout the rant, but part of what I see is wrong with this country is some do gooder is always trying to get into someone else's buisness and tell them how wrong they are. I have a better chance of getting into a car crash and being killed or being killed in the line of duty than I do from lead. Right Wrong or Indifferent it's just the way I see it.

  8. #188
    Boolit Buddy
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    I saw that some folks were talking about not "tumbling" indoors. Does this mean tumble lubing? What first came to mind to me was my vibratory case cleaner, but that has a top and pretty much zero dust escapes it, though I could see it putting out dust if I didn't use the top.

  9. #189
    Boolit Master
    high standard 40's Avatar
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    This is something I have been concerned about for some time but never took the time to get checked. When I was younger I had heavy exposure to lead based paint while helping maintain my dad's shop. I've been one of those who held lead sinkers in my mouth while fising. I've smelted over a ton of wheel weights this year alone and cast several thousand bullets. Worst of all, I maintain all the targets for our metallic silhouette club which requires welding steel plate with a good coating of lead on it. I've never used a dust mask but do use good ventilation. Anyway, I just got my blood test report and my level is 7.
    Pleasant surprise.

  10. #190
    Boolit Buddy
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    last year I tested at 17 which was on a scale of 1-20 for non-work enviroment lead levels. This year I tested at a 7. The test dates were almost exactly a year apart. I started melting my batches in bigger lots instead of once a week and started wearing a mask. Must have paid off.

  11. #191
    Boolit Master at Heaven's Range 2010

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    Feb 2007


    this bull started in the early 70s.I had a level of one knew how to lower it.
    remember leaded gas most of us cleaned parts with next check at VA will be for lead.but my last was 9.
    dont smoke,eat or drink.and zinc or iron supliments will claer any up.if you get it.
    which you wont.its all "about the children"and another way to get rid of guns.
    unfortunately to many are so paranoyed that they believe any thing.lead does not leach in the ground its been tested.
    and tell me where is all this lead going to go when they collect it,it came from the ground to begin with.

  12. #192
    Boolit Buddy masscaster's Avatar
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    Lead poisioning, hmmmm, i've handled well over 10 million rounds of boolits and ballits in my 30 + years as a caster, commercial & personal and my levels have never been above 4.
    Let's see, wash hands squeaky clean before eating is a good start, don't huff off of the lead pot is another. A little common sense goes a long way with ANYTHING! It's like Mr. White says "Ya can't fix stupid". There I said it.............
    Thank you, and goodnight.

  13. #193
    Boolit Master

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    Getting tested is easy. I go to the Doc twice a year. She always does blood work. Now I tell her check for lead. What?? Lead?? Why?? Because I have different hobbies!! Just get it checked. I've always been good to go. Mike

  14. #194
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I saw that some folks were talking about not "tumbling" indoors. Does this mean tumble lubing? What first came to mind to me was my vibratory case cleaner, but that has a top and pretty much zero dust escapes it, though I could see it putting out dust if I didn't use the top.
    I see people who tumble brass inside their home. Tumbling brass evidently is a big source of lead exposure, like shooting at indoor ranges. Take a look at your tumbler. Is it sealed top and bottom? Nope. Dust creeps out constantly. So tumbling for me stays outside. And when it is done, it fits in a sealed 5 gallon bucket, the whole unit.

  15. #195
    Boolit Master & Generous Contributor

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    I had my lead level checked a few months ago while getting some other blood work done. My blood level came back good. I don’t know what the number was but the doctor just said it was fine.
    If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.
    Samuel Adams


  16. #196
    Boolit Master at Heaven's Range 2010

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    Feb 2007


    this has been going on since the early 70s."FOR THE CHIDREN"the only ones I have heard or were police instucters that spent their days teaching police.I am 85 been casting since 1937.there was a time when cleaning parts with gasoline may have caused problems.its anothe scam the activist have been working.

  17. #197
    Boolit Mold
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    Arizona USA

    ON Target

    I think this post By Pat is right on the money. Stinking cancer seems to be every where, and there arnt that many casters in the U.S. I will start getting my blood tested twice a year as I have to get tested for my cholesterol anyway. But This is a good thread IMHO.....George

    Quote Originally Posted by PatMarlin View Post
    I think there is a far greater threat with the toxins in our food chain, water supply, and meat today than there ever was and is- or should be more of a concern than casting lead boolits.

    I've never known so many people to come down with cancer, as I see know. Seems like eveyone is getting it.

    And we all know what a great job our government is doing to inspect and regulate what we put in our mouths. Specially now with the help from our buddies in China supplying things like wheat gluten and other food additives..

  18. #198
    Boolit Man

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    Quote Originally Posted by imashooter2 View Post
    Signs and symptoms in adults
    Although children are primarily at risk, lead poisoning is also dangerous to adults. Signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in adults may include:

    * Pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities
    * Muscular weakness
    * Headache
    * Abdominal pain
    * Memory loss
    * Mood disorders
    * Reduced sperm count, abnormal sperm
    Darn, I thought I was just getting old......
    Last edited by Hammer; 10-16-2009 at 07:04 AM.

  19. #199
    Boolit Master at Heaven's Range 2010

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    Feb 2007

    lead posioning

    this is all bu** started in the 70s and you people keep rehashing cra p.
    I am 85 been casting since 1937.leaded gas was one cause.I too have my level checked at VA.but had it checked yrs ago.there were a number of us that had levels in the 50/60 range.and we all used gas to clean with.leaded gas is gone and our level went with the doc how to get rid of it. I asked my doctor and he admitted he was not familiar with the subject.It was all about children control.
    and it succeeded better than they was at the start of all the PC bull.

  20. #200
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    Quote Originally Posted by TAWILDCATT View Post
    this is all bu** started in the 70s and you people keep rehashing cra p.
    I am 85 been casting since 1937.leaded gas was one cause.I too have my level checked at VA.but had it checked yrs ago.there were a number of us that had levels in the 50/60 range.and we all used gas to clean with.leaded gas is gone and our level went with the doc how to get rid of it. I asked my doctor and he admitted he was not familiar with the subject.It was all about children control.
    and it succeeded better than they was at the start of all the PC bull.
    A voice of reason in a jungle of PC idiocy. My God we played with lead pellets/bullets, sinkers ect., ect., even had mercury available back in those long ago days. Dissected frogs in biology class saturated in formaldehyde, and thru all this we managed to keep enough brains to put a man on the moon, and build all the technology we have today?

    Wonder how all this happened?

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check