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Thread: Took Nephew out again

  1. #1
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Amite County MS

    Took Nephew out again

    Posted this on another site but been ripping and running and dealing with all this wedding planning had been able to post here.
    So yeah after last go round fishing apparently he's badgered the inlaws so much and had so much fun they basically said next time I wanted to kidnap him their more then happy to let me lol ! So today I had to go watch him and his brother for a hour while their grandma ( my mother in law) had to go run some errands. Welp she's gone for 5min before I tell them to put their clothes on we're going outside to play. His bother is autistic but so is my older brother so it's bout second nature dealing with him . Gave him some side walk chalk showed him how to use it and he was in heaven. Just sat there drawing all sorts of stuff.making his little happy nosies. Told nephew to go get the bow his mom and dad got him for Christmas and we'd so some archery to which he was beyond happy ! Gotta say though I need to get this boy into working out so somthing because he's on the weaker side lol . Had trouble drawing back this little deal but he was happy regardless. Even if all he was doing was hitting a 2'x2" pice of styrofoam @ 7' Shoot I was the same way when I was his age though, got a lil black no name compound that was probably like 10lb draw and could barely pull it back but I was ticked pink to hit anything really gotta work on his stance though.

    Proceeded to let him ride around on his bike and DEFINITELY did not go into very detailed stories of how we'd ride past each other trying to shove sticks in each other's spokes making each other flip ......I'd never , but yeah grandma came back and I said im kidnapping nephew,told him to grab his gear let's go ! Theres a state park with a lake not 15min from there house so I said why not ? Been there once when I was a kid but never fishing so thought it would be a fun little adventure for the both of us ! Hes never been to a bait shop and it was on the way so decided to take him instead of Walmart to pick up some stuff . Walked around for probably 30min with him asking about what this is, what that is ,why these reels look like this ,what's this hook for, why these weights are round why these are fat, and boy he loved all the minnows and gold fish ! Ended up getting him a little black widow extendable can pole because they where $13 and thought he'd enjoy it like I did.....aaannnd possibly not break 30 something of them like I did the owner loved him too

    Then took him to the fish and game office down the road to buy my licence . Kid about pissed himself looking at all the taxidermied snakes , turkeys, bobcats , deer ect, at the same time he was all wide eyed asking about the gator skins( and was terrified of the game Warden who was doing my fishing license...in all fairness the guy sound like death incarnate but he was super nice )and the posters then off to the park. Where I proceeded to ask a dozen questions at the ranger station because I really had no clue what I was doing in a state park. They where super nice though and even found a map for nephews to look at . Welp found the peir and long story short got one fish and the bottom fell out the sky and we got soaked ! Deal is he wanted to stay and keep fishing till I drug him off due to lightning lol, all smiles though

    So told him we'll run 20 miles over to the next town and check out the gun store because I lost my bow release and need a new one and he might like seeing a gun store. So cranked on some divorced dad rock ( kids nine so I can't play 70% of what I listen to laugh so Creed Metallica Nirvana black Sabbath ect it was ) was kind awkward trying to explain the song iron man to him without saying " these guys where probably high as heck and just made something up " I think I'm helping him learn to calm down and relax instead of being such a drama queen too. It was pouring down cats and dogs and lightning with wind and he'd mention it id just say " yeeeep sure is nephew" after about the third time he had went from "O MY GOD LOOK AT THAT LIGHTING! " to "wow that one was really cool looking ". He also noticed my gun when I put in it's usual spot and he went " IS THAT A GUN ?! WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT ?!" All I said was " bad people " he really chilled out after that . He seems a lot easier to deal with when there are not a bunch of women folk around .Was also telling him how I used to have to do ruck marches in that kind of crap to which it was all oos and awes laugh definitely don't inflate any story's with add-ons dealing with fighting off starving bears or something
    Well get to the shop and find out pretty quick this kid just plain gravitates to anything with a sting. He had mild interest in the guns but any cross bow or bow he saw he was all over it. There was a bow fishing bow he was asking about and when I explained you use it to shoot fish ....Lord have mercy he wanted it lol !
    Funny enough actually found just the nicest lil shotgun, for me pretty decent and just felt nice, well the guy at the register seemed a little confused when I told him I'd be buying it for me instead of him if I did....till he saw me shoulder it and realized I basically fist most youth sized guns better then full sized ( the joys of being 5'1") if I had the spare $350 I would have gotten it but forgot to pay a bill and got late fees to pay

    Got my release and he mentioned how he'd really like to start goin hunting ( which supried the hell out of me honestly ) and wanted some camo so yeah ended up with a camo face paint compact because I think hes gonna need it lol. Gotta see if I remember how to do it again . He really enjoyed looking at and learning about the ammo too. Was showing home a .22 hornet vs a .17 hornet and he was all into it . The 50 cal rounds seemed to scare him a little though Got that and the kid actually said he was hungry for once (picky and never eats it seems why he's like 60lbs soaking wet ) so I caved and got him some McDonald's, whatever it was right there and he actually wanted to eat. Well we'd been out for 4hours at this point and I asked him " hay you wanna go home or try and go back out and see if we can catch something? There's a good chance we'll get rained out again"
    Proceeded to start jumping in his car seat like I gave him a red bull saying "FISHING FISHING FISHING !!" so back we went and

    See usually I have problems keeping kids still in once place for a little bit.. problem is with nephew if I let him that kid will stay in one place locked in like a statue for an hour. Me personally I hate sitting in one place for more then say 15min. I'm constantly bumping around cast re casting and trying new stuff depending on when I'm fishing for. And when it's new water ? Yeah a spot has 5min tops before I'm moving my line. So I start moving up and down the pier casting around and I'm explaining to nephew how bream ( bream being a catch all term for various panfish like bluegill pumpkin seeds redear sunfish ect there like 50 different ones I think) are , why fish like structure, how they feed , ect . Well the kid can definitely think for himself because I see him put up his can pole and say " I don't think with will be super effective, it like using a sword to chop trees in Minecraft instead of an axe !" Puts down the cane pole picks up his spinning reel and starts tying to cast , which he was having trouble with . Well I bait his hook , show him how it cast again and told him he's smart he can figure it out. " it more technique then just pure power" well I go down the dock and he's not any casting he's just watching me . Then I hear a bobber "kerplunk" in the water and him go " WOW I GOT A GOOD CAST ! " Kid cast from the pier about 20yd out ! And he was grinning ear to ear grin and he proceeded to do it again and again and again! Check out that form ! Still need some work but man he's learning fast

    Well after another 10min I say I think we sound move and asked him where where sould go. He looks round and points to the lil boat dock/ marina about 75yd up the bank. I say ok , but why ? Proceeds to tell me " well you said the little fish like structure because thats where all the little things they eat be and it gives them a place this front he big fish that eat them ! And the big fish will hang out around those areas waiting for the little fish to go too far so they can catch them , well that boat dock thingy had all those things ( pilings)in the water and those branches and there's shade too !" Hot DANG I was proud of nephew so we packed duo and walked over and sure enough his first cast

    We after a bit of nothing he said we should move again and I told him I think we should check out the spill way I saw in the map. Explained it was kinda like a man made waterfall and at the bottom of them a there usually deep pools where the bigger fish can just sit and wait for the food to come to them ! Well he's all for it so did the ole Mississippi fisherman's classic of shoving all your rods out your window and took off it's funny though , this brought back a lot of memories because this is exactly what my grandma would do when we went fishing. Id annoy the dog crap out of her till she finally just old me to go get my stuff and wed load up the rods in her car just like this , drive though the same cow pasture to the pond behind my house and fish, half the time i wouldn't even get a bite ,but that want even the point I guess.

    Well we get to the bridge pull over and walk down with another set of guys and he was acting like this was the biggest adventure ever. Had to go though the woods on a lil foot path a bit to get to the bottom pool. Told him to make sure to watch his feet because of cottonmouths and copperheads ( two venomous snakes we have that camouflage pretty well). He asked about rattle snakes and just told him " well if you hear the rattle just stop and go the opposite direction "

    Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

  2. #2
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Mar 2020
    Amite County MS
    Got down there and was one other guy and the other guy and his son we walked down with.got to talking and tied seeing what was biting what and all that goodness. Was explaining to nephew about how you would be polite as and outdoorsman. Ask the guy when was there before you if he's ok with you setting up next to him, don't cast over his lines ask where he's fishing ect. Well we tried a few things and no luck so I started messing with stuff , worms bobbers big hook small hook till I started getting hits on the bottom. He asked be why I was switching all this stuff for and I explained that different places require different things. Just because the float rig we where cathing fish worked on the main lake didn't mean it would work here in the pool with all this current. Told him to always analyze the situation and try to come up with more effective way , just like in Minecraft ( little world building video game he loves)
    Told him I think we should try fishing the bottom here and see what would happen so rigged up some Carolina rigs and red worms and he was super confused about how he'd know if he was getting a bite without a bobber. Told him he'd " feel " as see it , and just watch his rod tip. Let him use one of the extendable rod holders I had on my back pack ( really just a telescoping rod with a Y at the top) that he'd been eyeing and asking about all day. Set mine up and had him watch and showed him what his rod tip would look like when he's getting a bite. Well he set sup and not 2min later !

    Caught the biggest dang brim out of anyone of us in that hole the whole time ! And after that he was just a bream catching fool ! Think he got about 12 till he asked about how the the fish probably where in there with the current. To which I explained how more predatory fish with kinda wait around the current seams in the slack areas for food to come in and just rush in and get it and swim back to rest . Said that's what catfish do a lot he said ok stared a the water for a bit and made a difference cast then what he had been doing. Asked why and he said he though it seemed like it made sense after what I said .. few minutes later this boy got his very first catfish just a lil channel

    And he's just having a ball at this point ! Like he's just plain addicted to seeing that rod tip bounce and jerk there was the other guy and his kid and they just kept throwing the same thing in the same spot not catching anything, got to the point we invited them over to fish with us a few times ,had plenty of extra bait hooks etc to share because we kept seeing them looking over at use reeling fish in .Finally got the kid over ( looked be about 13-14) and man he just don't seem to idk . He'd just sit there and wait for you to tell him exactly what to do , seemed really confused with me and nephew's rigs and constantly reelin in and casting back out as our right bounced down to a certain point with no hits . Rigged him up what we had and got him a fish but idk seem like he thought it was wrong not to use a bobber or something .

    But yeah we ended up out fishing everyone there and he had a blast finding. Hooks and lures in the bank. His prized find was a large snagging type treble hook ( like the size you use for a paddle fish ) said it's his harpoon and wants to harpoon something with it he also got to see a gar go nuts on the surface which he was just in awe of. Might have wizzed on of the guys off when it happened and they said " YEAH THATS WHY THE FISH ANNT BITING DANG GAR SCARING THEM !" To which he said a lil to loud " but we been catching fish the whole time "

    So yeah end up getting late he was finally getting wore out so we packed up but before we left he hard to get some pictures and I think he's got some good taste in photography

    Was spamming the inlaws and gf with pics and video all day of our lil adventure all day got home and got to show him what a decent compound bow can do at 50yd to wish he though was awesome and his mom was terrified but after seeing how happy he was I basically got the green light for teaching him guns ,hunting and other stuff though she asking I start off with a "BB gun " first. Told her to let me use a air rifle at least to which she agreed as long as it stay at my house.....that being said I don't think she has any clue what she just green lighted
    Was able to shoot my bow with him too and his mom ene duo taking some pics of use ended up they have a lil 760 pump master for popping cats and had a lil fun with that

    Just gotta wait for my new niece to start walking and talking and she's next well the gf already has bought her some camo baby cloths so we're already kinda starting.
    O the joys of being and uncle can creating lil monsters

    Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

  3. #3
    Boolit Master

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    Sep 2009
    The Lowcountry
    Mighty fine memories you are making with the youngin, hopefully it takes a hold and grows.

    "O the joys of being and uncle can creating lil monsters!!!!"
    yep yep yep, cause you can send them home!

  4. #4
    Boolit Grand Master
    Mk42gunner's Avatar
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    Butler, MO
    Nice write up, it brought back some fond memories of when I was a kid going fishing with Grandma and Grandpa. Even a memory of one time Dad and I were fishing and got rained out by a lightning storm, oddly enough it was at the same strip pit from the time with my grandparents.

    Keep up the good work,

  5. #5
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Enjoyed it Wolf!!
    Don Verna

  6. #6
    Boolit Bub
    Join Date
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    Good for you, keep it up and you'll have hunting/fishing buddy for life!

  7. #7
    Boolit Buddy
    Buzz Krumhunger's Avatar
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    Good job, Uncle!

  8. #8
    Boolit Mold
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    Mar 2024
    I had uncles on my mother side (grew up on a farm and they ran it) that would always teach me cool stuff and build things like go-carts etc for all of the cousins. Nothing better than fun uncles with knowledge and the willingness to teach youngins

  9. #9
    Boolit Master BNE's Avatar
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    Best Uncle ever.
    I'm a Happy Clinger.

  10. #10
    Boolit Master Murphy's Avatar
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    Thank you my friend for sharing this. It's more of what this old world needs. You and that young man are building a bond and friendship that will last forever. And that my friend, is pure gold.

    Thanks again!

    If I should depart this life while defending those who cannot defend themselves, then I have died the most honorable of deaths. Marc R. Murphy '2006'.

  11. #11
    Boolit Master
    contender1's Avatar
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    Lake Lure NC
    Even though the read was long,,, it was well worth it ALL!

    Kudos my friend!

    We need much more of this kind of stuff in the world.

  12. #12
    Boolit Master
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    West Tennessee
    Your the best uncle!

    My father is a good man, but wasn't much of an outdoorsman. Had it not been for uncles I'd missed a lot. Thanks for sharing.

  13. #13
    Boolit Master
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    NE Kansas
    You may never know how valuable the skills you are passing on may be. Fishing, hunting, situational awareness and using common sense to figure out things by yourself. You are giving this youngster some valuable life skills and he is loving the educational experience. Excellent.

  14. #14
    Boolit Master Thumbcocker's Avatar
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    Great job! Amazing how a picky eater changes when he gets outside and moves around.
    Be honest, who really had the most fun? Keep up the good work and keep updating us.
    Paper targets aren't your friends. They won't lie for you and they don't care if your feelings get hurt.

  15. #15
    Texas by God's Avatar
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    He will remember these days forever.
    Good job, Unk!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Your giving a skill set that will stand by him for life, Independence. Your teaching him to supply his needs in the most natural way. You might even consider some do it yourself projects. An old hub cap can make a lot of fishing spoons. Some wire and small parts can make spinners. Theres a lot of things to teach him making his own gear. He will really light up catching fish on a lure he made. Kids need the hands on and Your doing a great service and making a great friend.

  17. #17
    Boolit Grand Master

    gwpercle's Avatar
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    Awesome Job ...

    You doing just fine ... Keep On Keeping On ... He will never forget you !
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    " Let's Go Brandon !"

  18. #18

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    Just outside Gun Barrel City, Texas
    What a great uncle.

    For the other guys fishing close to you and not catching anything,,,,
    My guess is that you didn't teach them the well kept secret of spitting on your bait before a cast.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

  19. #19
    Boolit Master

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    The Lowcountry
    Quote Originally Posted by Winger Ed. View Post
    What a great uncle.

    For the other guys fishing close to you and not catching anything,,,,
    My guess is that you didn't teach them the well kept secret of spitting on your bait before a cast.
    I thought it was keeping your bait in your mouth to keep it warm!

  20. #20

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    Just outside Gun Barrel City, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by 45workhorse View Post
    I thought it was keeping your bait in your mouth to keep it warm!
    That only works for me with the classic hot dogs, garlic, and cherry Jello, pickled in straight vinegar.
    It's a classic for catfish. I was out one time and got hungry, so I tried one.
    A few minutes later......... I had to go home early because I ended up eating all my bait.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check