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Thread: The First Earth Age, The Rebellion, The Flood

  1. #1
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    The First Earth Age, The Rebellion, The Flood

    This morning I was captivated for lack of a better word to read this little article.
    As our knowledge of the past is allowed to increase, unavoidably it will assist us in better understanding of scripture. If anyone has data to post related to mainstream academia's latest admissions to revising the dates on mankind's history, please, have at it!

    Seeing some of the results from excavations in Turkey and other places over the last few years has been down right thrilling.

  2. #2
    Boolit Master
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  3. #3
    Boolit Master

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    Pay wall - can't read.

    "In the beginning... the patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain.

  4. #4
    Boolit Master
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    When I was knocked on the head by the Holy Spirit, repented, reformed, reborn, I was very unchurched. As a youth I rejected all of the Calvinist Puritan Congregational Country Club Church goers, mainly because they rejected me.

    So I took my lamp in hand, very skeptically, went looking, asking what the "Truth Project" asks:
    "Is what I believe really real?"
    I dug out a lot of rabbit holes, a Jesuit told me that God doesn't work like that.
    Oh, well, so much for what they believe really real?
    Yes, indeed the Bible is our Owner's Manual.

    My main proof for Noah's Flood is Jesus believed it. That settles it.
    For us to believe in the Flood, we have to admit the miraculous, and some do balk at miraculous, people need a cause and effect system that does not upset reason. Miraculous seems unreasonable these days. God is the Uncaused Cause. He Is.

    I have studied my Bible with people who are convinced the earth was created on a Sunday 4006BC and humor me when I suggest that is isogeny. I have seen the back and forth of "Answers in Genesis". I took a picture of the Grand Canyon, mile wide mile deep, old or new? The only fact I can add to this discussion is that radiocarbon dating is inaccurate. We take a sample and say gee golly, caveman had a fire. Man has a profound desire to see what he wants to see. Evil has a need to deny truth.

    Ever since I got a starved old chihuahua from the dog pound, I have studied an eight pound dog, remarkably healthy and long-lived. Chico is unrelated to any Old World dog or any of the Siberian dogs. How did a tiny dog breed true in the middle of Mexico?

  5. #5
    Boolit Buddy
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  6. #6
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    The last couple of weeks there's been a flurry of articles from the infotainment industry about Noah's ark possibly being found. Aren't they looking at the same thing Ron Wyatt published on years and years ago?

    Looking forward to any published results rather than fluff.

  7. #7
    Boolit Bub
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    Be of Good Cheer!
    Yes definately, for what is actually true that they come out with.

    Depending upon what the truth is concerning Gen.6:4 (unlikely we'll ever know), all of this alien tripe may actually be social engineering/ preparation for a future plan of the Adversary.
    There are at least two ways the "alien thing" could be utilized against the world.
    Last edited by Muser; 11-13-2023 at 03:01 AM.

  8. #8

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    The more we discover and learn about ancient civilizations, and the events in the earth's history,
    the more things in the Bible that are found to be true historical accounts.

    Something I've always found interesting is when dating these old structures like this one thought to be 16,000 years old.
    We're led to believe that's how old their civilization is- as if they climbed down out of trees and built them the next day or so.

    There is no mention or guessing of how long it took those people to learn how to build these things that are
    architectural marvels of design and construction.
    Or, how long it took to develop the society, tools, and skills to do it with.
    Building huge stone building is not done by nomadic hunter/gatherer people.
    It's done by a stable, organized society that permanently lives on location, and can feed itself.

    Not to mention, these structures are not one off things. They're similar, and all over the world.
    Right around the time of the great flood--- they pretty much all stopped building them at the same time.
    Last edited by Winger Ed.; 11-13-2023 at 03:28 AM.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

  9. #9
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Yeah, funny how that worked.

  10. #10
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muser View Post
    Be of Good Cheer!
    Yes definately, for what is actually true that they come out with.

    Depending upon what the truth is concerning Gen.6:4 (unlikely we'll ever know), all of this alien tripe may actually be social engineering/ preparation for a future plan of the Adversary.
    There are at least two ways the "alien thing" could be utilized against the world.
    You know, something I'm really sure of is that this game is rigged and the voyage was made five months for us to learn from.

  11. #11
    Boolit Master Gobeyond's Avatar
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    www.undeniable biblical . 2028 end. The prophetic creation week. And a book

    I know how you all love to do your research.

  12. #12
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    People definitely do need to do their own research.

  13. #13
    Boolit Master

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    God can create an acorn, God can create an oak seedling, God can create an oak sampling and God can create an oak tree that stands 100 ft. tall.
    Man would say the acorn is months old, the seedling a year or two, the sampling maybe ten years old and the 100 ft. oak tree 90 years old. But God can create any and all in milliseconds.
    No where can I find in the Bible that God created by the laws we now have in society. God did not have to create the earth and all things in it by our present laws of thermodynamics. laws of science, laws of nature or mathematics.
    In matter of fact creation itself is making something out of nothing which is impossible by human standards.
    So to believe in creation, Garden of Eden, Jonah being swallowed by a whale, the flood, the virgin birth, Jesus's resurrection and the Second Coming, I must have faith in God and believe the Bible and ignore the bablings of man.

  14. #14
    Boolit Grand Master popper's Avatar
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    Interesting article about Tower of Babel. Supposedly Noah's great-great grandson was a warrior chief who defended Babylon, ordered building more of the 'tower'. Name was Ba and he declared to be a god so name of the tower was Ba'El. Nordics took their dead into fields for animals to strip bodies of flesh to avoid disease, then placed bones in piles inside dome rock structures they built. Many linguists believe written language began in the Caspian area and the people then moved south out of the cold weather. Many think Abram actually came from headwaters of the Euphrates to Ur in the Turkey area where he stayed a while. The 'proclaimed' Ur was way south and thought to just be a ceremonial town like the Valley of the Kings.
    Creation Museum and Noah's ark museums don't really speak much of the ice age that we know did happen.
    The braniac guy mathematically proved that our creation started at a point source (big bang) but said we came through a worm hole from another universe. Couldn't say what created the 'other' universe.
    We really have nothing but conjectures but they are interesting.
    Last edited by popper; 11-13-2023 at 08:50 PM.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master
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    Interesting geological evidence.

  16. #16
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muser View Post
    Be of Good Cheer!
    Yes definately, for what is actually true that they come out with.

    Depending upon what the truth is concerning Gen.6:4 (unlikely we'll ever know), all of this alien tripe may actually be social engineering/ preparation for a future plan of the Adversary.
    There are at least two ways the "alien thing" could be utilized against the world.
    Oh hey by the way and concerning the things flying around the planet, did you ever read I. D. E. Thomas' book The Omega Conspiracy? He was way out in front of the pack in examining them from a scriptural perspective. Dr. David Jacobs is another author that interested me in that he has examined it from a non-scriptural and specifically secular angle, looking at the same things but with a hands on approach. Fascinating stuff and prophecy wise it would seem right on time.

  17. #17
    Boolit Master
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    My woodlot in NH... not my woodlot anymore, but anyway:
    on a pile of sand next to a brook as a kid I played on a glacial erratic as big as a dump truck
    The rock is blue granite, worn smooth, round like it rolled there, about three feet off the ground has a ledge in it for a natural fireplace and my uncle sifted the surrounds for pottery and arrowheads. Made a fine Boy Scout campsite, but after dark was a little spooky. Two hundred feet away, my dad drilled a well and had to case 300 feet of gravel before he hit bedrock. There are other erratics around there, scour holes in the cliffs over the lake where some river was hundreds of feet above the lake. Surely is a lot of sand, to wash all the way down to make Cape Cod. But all this is geologically new from the Ice Age they say 12000 years ago.

    The way the young earth was explained to me, God made the earth sphere smooth. Perfect. Adam lived in a warm spot; the ends of the earth were piled with ice. Didn't rain, so the frost piled up. OK. There were a lot of evil nephilim and whatever they live in, having a gory evil time playing fetch with dinosaurs, animals they might have corrupted. So the Book says. Then God flooded the earth, took the earth between His Hands and twisted it, squashed the stinkers if they didn't drown. Raised a seabed to the top of Everest in an afternoon. Denali is still growing a couple inches a year. The ground is still opening under Turkey. And we ran out of oil in 1980.

    Watched a three part series of scientism on PBS... NOVA... and their theory seems farfetched.
    I need a good believable account of how the Moon got there.
    If the earth was molten, where did all the water come from?
    I don't know for sure how this all happened, but the idolatry of scientism is to rationally deny God.
    They want me to worship the Created.
    I just don't have any faith in them.

  18. #18
    Boolit Bub
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    Good Cheer, yes I have a 2008 copy of The Omega Conspiracy, whose pages are now yellowed like many books on my shelves.
    Its an excellent book on these subjects, and helped me develop my opinions regarding to them.
    I have recommended it over the years.
    When I said in #7 above, "all of this alien tripe may actually be social engineering/ preparation for a future plan of the Adversary.
    There are at least two ways the "alien thing" could be utilized against the world."
    I was alluding to:
    - Satan's use of "flying saucers" and benevolent aliens being used at the time of the Pre-Trib Rapture, ostensibly to remove humans from the Earth that are preventing the rest of humanity from making their quantum leap into the next level of "greater consciousness".
    - if as I stated above, Gen.6:1-4 is truly about fallen angels taking physical forms and having sex with daughters of men: I can see Satan using that method again these many generations later to try to thwart God's plan with man by fully polluting, making God's creation of mankind impure.

    I can see either or both of these occurring.

    If you, or anyone here is interested in reading a book written by christian astrophysicists/ scientists about the impossibilities of physical aliens traveling through space to arrive here, I highly recommend the book - Lights In the Sky And Little Green Men.
    Its been out for some years now and is available online.

    I have a number of books by one of its authors Dr. Hugh Ross, that show the many reasons this universe had to be created by an intelligent designer. His books deal with scientific facts that disprove blind, random, evolutionary processes.
    He is an Old Earth adherent, as am I at this point.

    .429- Hang in there. Your right.
    Here's a quote from the book Good Cheer just asked me about, The Omega Conspiracy- "Satan wants to eliminate faith from the Earth."
    And after we baby-boomers have all died, this world will need a massive revival to counter the tidal wave of evil coming upon us.
    Last edited by Muser; 11-14-2023 at 02:36 AM.

  19. #19
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Hey good morning Muser.
    My understanding:There was a time on Earth before before the rebellion. Then the rebellion occurred, then the planet was wiped and then came this Adamic age.

    Thank you for the reference to Lights In the Sky And Little Green Men. If I come across an affordably priced copy I'll add it to the shelves.

  20. #20
    Boolit Bub
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    Good morning brother, your welcome.
    What your describing I know as the Gap Theory.
    Yes, there could be any number of unknowns that themselves destroyed the Earth, or caused God to do so.
    But the fall of Satan is principally considered to be the top of the list.

    During Covid I discovered a book that deals extremely well with this subject, in my opinion.

    Its Peril In Paradise, subtitled Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth, by Mark S. Whorton PhD. His doctorate is in aerospace engineering. He is a NASA rocket scientist.
    From the back cover- "As an internationally recognized expert in the control of space structures and the principal investigator for an international Space Station experiment, Dr. Whorton has received many professional honors.
    "... he has been active in leading the formation of local chapters for the Reasons To believe Ministry..."
    **sidenote - This is Dr. Hugh Ross' ministry, who I previously mentioned co-wrote Lights In the Sky and Little Green men.
    Dr. Ross' book Creation And Time, presents scientific facts that in themselves refute all possibility of an evolutionary process being the "First Cause" for the universe.

    I love Dr. Whorton's dedication to the book- "For thinking believers and believing thinkers"
    The assumed problem with the Gap Theory is the same for the Old Earth theory, namely that of suffering and death occurring on Earth before Adam's fall.
    According to Dr. Whorton there is no problem, rather a misguided assumption regarding the purpose of creation and the Holy words of God's pronunciations of "very good" and their meaning.
    I also give my highest recommendation for this book.
    Last edited by Muser; 11-14-2023 at 01:36 PM.

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