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Thread: Will the USA be judged for its rebellion?

  1. #1
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Will the USA be judged for its rebellion?

    As we celebrate Independence from Britain, are we mocking God's word and His authority?

    Romans 13:
    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

    The main reasons for the Revolutionary War were discontent regarding Britain imposing new taxes (which they had the authority to do), and their desire for more control of the colonies (which they also had the authority to do).

    It does not appear that Britain was evil and that seems about the only reason the Bible speaks to for not obeying the government.
    Don Verna

  2. #2

    Winger Ed.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    It does not appear that Britain was evil
    As with other governments and revolts--- how good or evil the govt. is will be a matter of each person's perspective.

    During the American revolution, some people were loyal to the Crown, some didn't really care one way or another,
    and some felt quite oppressed by various actions of the British govt. not just the taxation.
    In school: We learn lessons, and are given tests.
    In life: We are given tests, and learn lessons.

    OK People. Enough of this idle chit-chat.
    This ain't your Grandma's sewing circle.
    Back to your oars. The Captain wants to waterski.

  3. #3
    Boolit Master

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    The United State's may be judged more for this KJB Genius 13.13. Just Saying

    Ever noticed that verse's numbers match our first flag.

  4. #4
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    As we celebrate Independence from Britain, are we mocking God's word and His authority?


    It does not appear that Britain was evil and that seems about the only reason the Bible speaks to for not obeying the government.

    It seems that there is a different observation of Historical Facts at play. The British WERE PERCEIVED by many of the Colonialsts as evil. The British citizenry of England were allowed to go about their daily activities - provided they conformed to the "Dictates of the Crown" - punishment from diverting from the "Dictates of the Crown" included incarceration for debts, called debtors prison (whether incurred by oneself voluntarily or from unbearable taxation by the crown), incarceration for real or perceived offenses to the Crown with no obligation for a trial unless the Crown decided to do so (unless one was a member of the Select and Privileged Classes), and of course the "Horrendous Torture of Prisoners" at the discretion of the Crown or the Crowns delegates.

    In the Colonies; those who offended the Governor, could receive the same type of treatment - or be thrown in irons and shipped to England to "Answer to the Crown".

    As I said; the interpretation of Evil may be different for different people. The Creator will determine if the decision of a person or peoples to resist a governance (Caesar at biblical times such as documented in ROMANS) because it was evil.

    "In the beginning... the patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain.

  5. #5
    Boolit Master
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    No, and I’m not sure what a country being judged by God would even look like. We tend to aggregate folks onto groups because we haven't the capacity to consider each person individually, but God has no such limitation. I don’t believe that the USA was blessed by God, rather a large number of individual people in the USA were/are blessed and we incorrectly attribute the aggregate effect to a blessing of the country.

    About Paul’s comments, I think either the bible is invariably correct, and I don’t understand him, or it is not and his statements are demonstrably false. Consider “Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment” in the context of war between two governments. In that context, is not one authority appointed by God resisting another authority appointed by God? Who will be judged for this, which state, leadership, soldiers, citizens? Perhaps at the time of his writing all governmental authority was appointed by God, but is that still true today? At that time the American Indians were tribes, your question focuses on our fight with England, but our forefathers “resisted” American Indian authority much more fiercely than it did the English Monarchy, and it seems fair for the Indians to have considered Europeans to be evil…so are “we” (whoever that might be) to be judged for that? Maybe that’s a question for late November.

    Off the cuff I think he was saying “we’re not overthrowing the government, be good citizens and good christians” but I haven’t studied it at all.

  6. #6
    Boolit Grand Master
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    The Stamp Tax Act of 1765 was repealed in 1766

    The Townshend Tax Act of 1767 was repealed in 1770...expect for the Tea Tax.

    And we all know English tea is an essential commodity that Americans had to have to survive. Some Americans had to resort to Dutch tea for comfort.

    BTW, the real losers wrt to the Tea Tax were...follow the money...American merchants:

    "By allowing the East India Company to sell tea directly in the American colonies, the Tea Act cut out colonial merchants, and the prominent and influential colonial merchants reacted with anger."

    In fact, the Tax Act lowered the price of tea to the colonies:

    "The act granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England, and to commission agents who would have the sole right to sell tea in the colonies. The act retained the duty on imported tea at its existing rate, but, since the company was no longer required to pay an additional tax in England, the Tea Act effectively lowered the price of the East India Company’s tea in the colonies."

    For a full read of the Tea Act:
    Don Verna

  7. #7
    Boolit Master huntinlever's Avatar
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    In my opinion, at the start until well into the process, we considered ourselves Englishmen, and we wanted the rights of any English subject. Increasingly we felt we were being subjugated in a way that made us lesser subjects - two different systems, with ourselves getting the short end of the stick relative to Englishmen in England. That drove the ire through much of our growing discontent. Not taxation per se, but "taxation without representation." So when William turned as obdurate as granite, he horribly miscalculated and the rest is as they say history.

    This lined up with the growing embrace of "natural law" - Locke, with some Rousseau tossed in - and the notion of an immutable, universal, divinely-bestowed set of rights governing all mankind in civil society, as distinct from the "state of nature" theorized by Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and many others. To me of all the Founders, Thomas Jefferson was probably the most fervent believer in this ethos: his adaptation of Locke, "All mean are created equal....inalienable, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

    I'll tell you one thing - thank god we were colonized by the British. Colonization under Spain or Portugal, well, I feel blessed.
    Last edited by huntinlever; 07-05-2023 at 03:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Boolit Grand Master
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    I reminded of Daniel. He obeyed King Nebuchadnezzar and faithfully served the King in all things expect his faith. Daniel kept his faith in God and would not bow down to the idols of Babylon.

    At that point, Romans had not been written, yet Daniel submitted to the reign of the King that had defeated Israel.

    We glamourize our Revolution and justify it. We want to believe it was a "just" revolution in God's eyes and that He interceded on our behalf. But there is little or no foundation in the bible to support least that I can find.

    If, as stated in Romans, God appoints our leaders, is God using Biden and his crew of misfits and fools to drag us down and punish America? Or is God pushing us to the point we must overthrow our government?

    In my opinion, our current government is worse than the British we battled in the Revolutionary War. We are taxed with impunity on everything we do or own. We celebrate Pride month and applaud perversion. We sanction the killing of babies because if makes life easier. The government is indoctrinating our kids and failing to educate them. Our "representatives" are part of the gang rape of America; with most of them bought and paid for.

    In 2010, 26% of Americans did not know who we fought in the Revolutionay War:

    I bet that percentage has gone up.

    Most people have no idea why we fought for Independence.

    God knows the truth.

    My Pastor sent me this. "I believe the moral decline of our country is in fact the judgement of God on our country because as a whole our country has rejected Him." It is an interesting statement as it suggests moral decline is being used to punish us. Something I had not considered.
    Don Verna

  9. #9
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Why would the USA be judged for its rebellion today? Individuals involved in the Revolutionary War faced their judgement at the time of their death.

    The sins of others are NOT my sins past or present. Some for governments. Governments are run by individuals. These individuals are solely responsible for their action.

    Same for me being responsible for the actions of the current administration. I didn't vote for this, and I stand up to it whenever possible.
    Last edited by M-Tecs; 07-05-2023 at 08:15 PM.
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    "Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point."
    – Amber Veal

    "The Highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about".
    - Wayne Dyer

  10. #10
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by M-Tecs View Post
    Why would the USA be judged for its rebellion today? Individuals involved in the Revolutionary War faced their judgement at the time of their death.

    The sins of others are NOT my sins past or present. Some for governments. Governments are run by individuals. These individuals are solely responsible for their action.

    Same for me being responsible for the actions of the current administration. I didn't vote for this, and I stand up to it whenever possible.
    That's is a easy answer out of the King James Bible because God is going to Judge the Nation's.

    All the Nation's

  11. #11
    Boolit Master
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    The British Crown set itself up as the Pope of the Anglican church.
    King Chuck owns all Britain and all else he can occupy.
    That crown conquered the world.

    God asked Samuel why on earth Israel wanted a king
    then God warned about earthly kings

    Americans have been fat and happy for so long
    we have been taught what to think, taught not to read
    rejected God's first language, math.
    Cancelled evangelism.
    So some want a powerful ruler to tell them what to do
    while they watch a flickering screen.
    The sheep forgot they are sheep.

    America seems to be judging itself.
    God is Love, yet God is Wrath: a God to be feared.
    He Blesses who He will bless and His Wrath is awesome.
    America asked for His Blessing, received abundantly, then forgot Him.
    The Book says we need repentance.
    God judges individuals, one at a time.
    He has a special Love for the children of Israel, and there Israel stands.

  12. #12
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by M-Tecs View Post
    Why would the USA be judged for its rebellion today? Individuals involved in the Revolutionary War faced their judgement at the time of their death.

    The sins of others are NOT my sins past or present. Some for governments. Governments are run by individuals. These individuals are solely responsible for their action.

    Same for me being responsible for the actions of the current administration. I didn't vote for this, and I stand up to it whenever possible.
    God has shown He inflicts his judgement on succeeding generations. A cursory reading of Genesis is all the proof needed to understand that sins affects future generations. In Genesis, it is forever….for one mistake.

    In fact, it is Genesis that has made me question if God is just and fair…as I define just and fair. But that is another rabbit hole.
    Don Verna

  13. #13
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    Does this question not imply that the British commonwealth was seen favorably in God's eyes?

    Who's to say that the breakaway by the Colonies was not Britain's punishment for their actions?

    The actions of both countries are questionable at best given what I've read in scripture.

    And if you believe in God, who are you to question his actions and motivations?

  14. #14
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    God has shown He inflicts his judgement on succeeding generations. A cursory reading of Genesis is all the proof needed to understand that sins affects future generations. In Genesis, it is forever….for one mistake.

    In fact, it is Genesis that has made me question if God is just and fair…as I define just and fair. But that is another rabbit hole.
    Most of the major organized religions have done some very questionable things. Based on that the followers of most organized religions followers are going to be judge harshly for actions of previous generations and their organizations?

    I grow up under one of the very last fire and brimstones priests in the Catholic church. He was followed by a child molester that the church had covered for at least twice before. The child molester was followed by political activist (socialist/communist).

    Other than funerals I have not set foot in a church since the mid 80's.

    I do live my life and treat others the best I can.

    What I find most interest is that apparently a large number of priests have little or no concern about their own actions on judgement day let alone the actions of previous generations????
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    "Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point."
    – Amber Veal

    "The Highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about".
    - Wayne Dyer

  15. #15
    Boolit Master
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    Some good replies here, much to think about.

    I've pondered that maybe the Rev war and the colonies involved were part of God's way to spread the Gospel, as it did in Rome, Asia and other places in the world, as written, at that time.

    The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  16. #16
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal View Post
    Does this question not imply that the British commonwealth was seen favorably in God's eyes?

    Who's to say that the breakaway by the Colonies was not Britain's punishment for their actions?

    The actions of both countries are questionable at best given what I've read in scripture.

    And if you believe in God, who are you to question his actions and motivations?
    I certainly believe in God. None of us can pretend to understand God or His plan. That does not mean we should not think about things and how the Bible, His word, can help us gain understanding and wisdom.

    Many American Christians seem to believe we are somehow “special”. I do not believe that is the case. There is only one nation that is God’s chosen people…it is not us.

    America has been here for less than 250 years. It seems like a long time, but God’s timeline is eternity.

    The greatest country in the world today is being torn apart. That interests me. If it is God’s will, so be it.
    Don Verna

  17. #17
    Boolit Master
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    Individuals are judged - not governments. None of you will have to answer for my actions - nor I for yours. The rest won’t be known until we each meet our Maker and for any human to truly understand God is not possible, i.e., the pot cannot conceive the potter. It is for this reason that Jesus Christ came into the world, so that each of us can choose whether to follow Him. As for the rest of it, all we can do is pray continuously, and take action when our hearts tell us to do so.

  18. #18
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    I certainly believe in God. None of us can pretend to understand God or His plan. That does not mean we should not think about things and how the Bible, His word, can help us gain understanding and wisdom.

    Many American Christians seem to believe we are somehow “special”. I do not believe that is the case. There is only one nation that is God’s chosen people…it is not us.

    America has been here for less than 250 years. It seems like a long time, but God’s timeline is eternity.

    The greatest country in the world today is being torn apart. That interests me. If it is God’s will, so be it.
    Have you considered that the title of 'Greatest County in the World today' is nothing more than your personal opinion?

    Who declared that to be the case? God?

  19. #19
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by HWooldridge View Post
    Individuals are judged - not governments. None of you will have to answer for my actions - nor I for yours. The rest won’t be known until we each meet our Maker and for any human to truly understand God is not possible, i.e., the pot cannot conceive the potter. It is for this reason that Jesus Christ came into the world, so that each of us can choose whether to follow Him. As for the rest of it, all we can do is pray continuously, and take action when our hearts tell us to do so.
    If God is not going to Judge Nations; I guess I will have to put a line though Matt. 25:32 in the old KJB

  20. #20
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyd View Post
    If God is not going to Judge Nations; I guess I will have to put a line though Matt. 25:32 in the old KJB
    Do you want to be judged based on the nation or your own actions? I believe it’s pretty clear that each person has to answer for how he/she lived their life.

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