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gray wolf
03-10-2010, 06:28 PM
This is one heck of a hard post write. Not asking for anything--don't even know what to say.
I guess I just need to say something to someone.
Don't take me wrong I have been against it before and I am still here, but this is the Pitts. What hurts is I can't offer my wife any encouragement.
The mechanic called today to say my 1994 Dodge pick up can not be fixed.
That means NO as in nothing for transportation. 14 miles from town.
The worst part is no money to wiggle in any direction. With the food stamps and the $1,100 huned a month social Sec. check we are mostly broke at the 20th of the month.
If we want something we have to do without something else.
I had to sell something to get my new Mi Hec mold, and no it did not hurt the family--I am not that kind of guy. I don't even have a set of handles for it.
We talked about it and thought it would be nice to have something new.
Lord knows we do without.
There are many people that are in worse shape then us, I know that cause I hear about it all the time everyday, and nothing shakes my faith in the Lord
I know he has an answer for me and Julie. But it could get a little shaky--I am not sure how far down on his list we are.
Also I am not crying in my Beer (which I don't have).
This is just about talking to let the feelings out and perhaps feel a little better about what is going on. It's not even on the list of the worst 50 things that have happened in the last 68 years.
I sure do appreciate the idea of being able to at least sit and talk about it, kinda makes me feel better.
If you got this far I will say thanks for at least reading it, and yes I will keep my chin up and hope for some kind of a break here.
I think the thing that bothers me most is the fact that in a case like this there ain't much anyone can do. This for ME is not like a fifty dollar bill will get me by.
I have been getting by.
Well I don't want to over stay my welcome on this one,
just needed to get off my chest.

03-10-2010, 08:18 PM
Sounds like it's time for the gang to get together and see if we can offer a little help to a family member. I'm good for a donation to the cause, anyone else?

03-10-2010, 08:35 PM
Sounds like it's time for the gang to get together and see if we can offer a little help to a family member. I'm good for a donation to the cause, anyone else?

LMK where and when. I've been in gray wolf's shoes, and I know things can look pretty grim.

Prayers sent.

03-10-2010, 08:39 PM
I'm in for a set of handles for his mould. Gray Wolf, PM me your postal address and I'll stick a set of mould handles in the mail to you.


03-10-2010, 08:50 PM
I'll donate, Just let me know where to send it.

03-10-2010, 08:55 PM
I'll donate also. And I'll keep you in my prayers.

03-10-2010, 08:57 PM
I'm in.

03-10-2010, 09:14 PM
I'm in

03-10-2010, 09:23 PM
Im in Allso. Someone just say what an where.

03-10-2010, 09:26 PM
I'm in..........where to send donations etc.

grey wolf please see this as a means to assist you and your family. I may not have much to send, but I can spare some $$$ as we all run onto hard times. Lookin after you and someday I may need some lookin after too. A little from all of us and maybe we can pull enough together to get you set up again.


03-10-2010, 09:27 PM
To all who have PM'd me and are interested- I'll see what I can do. Standby.

03-10-2010, 09:29 PM
I'm in, too.

Anyone want to volunteer for collecting the proceeds? Is it better to send it to one member for "assembly", instead of mailing direct to Gray Wolf?

03-10-2010, 09:32 PM
Uncle Bruce, we can do that if we have to, but I'd rather do it by PMing the address and getting the guys to do it on their own.

03-10-2010, 09:33 PM
I'll be glad to help a brother out. I think we need a honcho?

03-10-2010, 09:56 PM
I'm in, let me know how and where.

03-10-2010, 09:57 PM
I'm in........Need address!

03-10-2010, 10:01 PM
I'm in.

This is one of the many reasons why it should be a requirement to know what state the person is inas part of their avatar or whatever the little info box is called

03-10-2010, 10:08 PM
I am in also guys. Someone PM the when and where please.


03-10-2010, 10:26 PM
I already have the handles covered, I spoke with GW via pm the other day about ordering handles from Midway. When I ordered mine,I added an extra set and figured I'd kinda PIF. The handles should be here by Monday and I'll forward them on with a little something extra.

03-10-2010, 10:48 PM
My wife is from Winslow, Maine. We're up there almost every year.

You Maine Cast Boolit folks are like family to us.

My wife and I are both in.

I know we have some Maine folks right here, so why don't we find out if the truck can be fixed, if so for how much? Or do we need to look at getting Gray Wolf another set of wheels?

This is Cast Boolits. We take care of our own.


03-10-2010, 11:00 PM
nothing shakes my faith in the Lord[/U]
I know he has an answer for me and Julie.

The answer is us, your boolit brothers In the short time I have been here I have realized it is like a big family here, without all of the fighting and bickering. It is what familys do for each other. I can dip in to me new gun fund and get a little out for ya. Someone let me know where to send it.

03-10-2010, 11:13 PM
Sign me up.

03-10-2010, 11:18 PM
Any mechanic that says something can't be fixed, hasn't tried. What does it need? Can we help that way, by sending parts? Any good mechanics among us up that way? I can help with a little money, but, not much; owe the IRS $800.00! Damned unemployment 'benefits'!

03-10-2010, 11:19 PM
I'm in, too.

Anyone want to volunteer for collecting the proceeds? Is it better to send it to one member for "assembly", instead of mailing direct to Gray Wolf?
I am in agreement with Bruce, and I'd like to say why.

If forty...or four hundred...guys send money to Gray Wolf, he would be socially remiss if he didn't send a personal 'thank you' to each and every one.
I don't think we should put him in that position...he has trouble enough, already.
Getting the whole load from a single source leaves Gray Wolf just needing to give out a single 'thanks everybody'.

There should also be a 'goal' that we are trying to reach.
Gray Wolf can get with the honcho and say how much it will take for him pick up something dependable, so he can get back and forth to town.
Whether that's five hundred...or fifteen hundred...we should have something to shoot for.

And, finally...the honcho should be someone who can accept PayPal funds.
And, before the PayPal haters get going, let me say this...

I'm in the middle of calving season, and haven't been off of this place for three weeks. Also...it will be a while before I can get away.
I can't see leaving for three hours, to go buy a hundred dollar money order, and have a six hundred dollar calf suffocate because I wasn't here to make sure it could breath when it hit the ground.
It may be a month before I can get to the Post Office, but I can fire out a hundred bucks through PayPal in five minutes.

I'll check this thread tomorrow to see if this project is going to get set up in a way that I can participate in.


03-10-2010, 11:40 PM
iv'e been getting some overtime lately.
somebody p.m. me an address.
I need the karma.

03-10-2010, 11:59 PM
Just let me know where and how to send it I'm in. Been there done that it's my turn to pay it forward.


MT Gianni
03-11-2010, 12:05 AM
Please PM an address. Life is good, friends are great.

03-11-2010, 12:24 AM
The Wife and I have a little extra coming next week, pm address please.

ALSO, GW, I'm an ASE Master automotive mechanic who was Gold Certified with Chrysler for almost 10 years before going independent. I'm not bragging in any way, but I do feel that I probably know more about Dodge trucks than anyone on this board. Don't tell me it can't be fixed. Impractical, maybe, but not impossible. The most valuble thing I could probably give you is some good, sound, honest automotive advice. PLEASE pm me if there is any way I could be of assistance, if you have access to a telephone let me call you and we can talk on my nickel.

One way or another, this will work out.


03-11-2010, 12:29 AM
This really is a great place here. I fairly new myself, and haven't really gotten to know anyone yet, but I think it's awesome that folks are willing to help like this.

I've been feeling sorry for myself lately, but then I realize there's always someone having a tougher time, and still keeping a good attitude. I'd be glad to pitch in a few bucks via paypal. I can't send much right now, as I'm in a tight spot myself, but even $5 from a bunch of folks adds up. I've still got some ebay money left in paypal that's not in the household budget.

I don't need money right now, myself; I need a job! 16 months of unemployment is kind of hard on the old ego. I'm back in school now going for a two-year degree (should have done it years ago), but just found out yesterday that kid #3 is on the way! I love kids and we're happy about it, but it's not the best timing. I know things will work out. I applied for a good job today. There's a ton of competition, but it would be an answer to prayer if I can get it.

03-11-2010, 12:48 AM
I'm in too. I will keep an eye on the thread for more info.

03-11-2010, 12:50 AM
I have an auction started so bid if you can .......all the money goes to GW

NOTE: auction located here: http://www.gunloads.com/castboolits/showthread.php?t=78300

03-11-2010, 12:58 AM
The handles are already covered. Maybe you could send something else?

We DO have to help each other...


257 Shooter
03-11-2010, 01:08 AM
I'm in let me know wher to send funds.

03-11-2010, 01:28 AM
Need an address please (or honcho).

03-11-2010, 01:51 AM
Good thoughts by all- post the paypal (email) address of our ambassador so we can show out support-
Let's get this done, and support one of our own in time of need.
There's no shame in needing a helping hand once in a while. The shame attaches to those that do not help when they can!
I will help today, hoping I don't need help tomorrow-- joining this great fraternity gives each of us the strength and wisdom to do the right thing--
Let's git 'er done, guys--

Chuck 358wcf [smilie=1:[smilie=1:[smilie=1:

03-11-2010, 01:51 AM
Ok I am in for something if someone will put up an address to send the funds to or something along that line. Been in this position and want to help with what I can and that may not be much but it will help...Wes
Someone PM me since I may not watch this thread much.....

03-11-2010, 02:10 AM
Everybody has needs now and then. Please PM me with address & name. Thanks. you guys are great. Mike

03-11-2010, 07:03 AM
Okay guys, Obssd1958 has a Paypal account and has very generously offered to collect and forward the funds. I've also received a very humble and gracious PM from Sam (Gray Wolf) and I think I can understand his feelings on this. He wasn't asking for anything, just venting, and I'm sure all of us would be just as overwhelmed at the outpouring of support. What the heck, we're family right?! This is how it should be, we take care of each other!!! We don;t need no steekin' gov't to get over lifes little bumps! We got each other and I for one and pretty darn proud to belong to such a fine group.

I'll turn this over to Obssd1958 with many thanks. I'm kinda in the same boat as Charlie as it's lambing season. You'd be amazed at how hard a sheep will work at dying!

03-11-2010, 07:24 AM
Dang the timing.

I would love to help you out GW, but I just had to fix my car last night on a moments notice and I'll be on the road for the next coupla days.

I hope everything works out.

03-11-2010, 08:30 AM
I'll send beer. Just tell me where to send it. Seriously. Man does not live by bread alone.

03-11-2010, 08:55 AM
The handles are already covered. Maybe you could send something else?

We DO have to help each other...


No problem Dale, I'll raid the new toy piggy bank and send some off.

I have to agree with the others who have said that nothing is beyond repair. It may not be practical to repair something from a $ standpoint but it can always be repaired.
We have a couple of pull it yourself wrecking yards here full of older dodge trucks, GW if it's a part you need maybe I can round one up this Saturday? I've shipped trannys, engines and rear ends cross country before. Let us know what you need.

03-11-2010, 08:58 AM
As soon as I can get them cast, I'll put up 500 of the 316299 Mod boolits from the NOE GB for auction, to the Gray Wolf benefit. Any takers? (First time auctioning anything, any help in the process would be appreciated!)

Mods, please move this to "Benefit Auctions", for Gray Wolf!

03-11-2010, 09:44 AM
I don't do pay-pal, but I'd like to help out. Can someone pm me with an address to send some cash?

03-11-2010, 09:50 AM
I'm in...prefer to mail a check...details please.

03-11-2010, 10:20 AM
Beanflip, what do you have up for auction?

03-11-2010, 10:30 AM
Beanflip's auction is located here: http://www.gunloads.com/castboolits/showthread.php?t=78300


03-11-2010, 10:45 AM
Gray Wolf,
I have been where you are more than once. I know how it feels to be helped, kind of a sweet sour feeling.Let us help and dont feel you owe us a thing. "Tis better to give than receive" You are blessing us.

03-11-2010, 11:03 AM
Those that want to send a check directly can PM me.

Thanks again guys.

03-11-2010, 11:03 AM
I agree with the others A little help from a bunch of folks is what we can do. Let us know a target to shoot at and I will bet a lot of folks can give a little to get you there.

By the way how did you get the truck to the mechanic? did they charge you to tell you that it absolutely could not be fixed? What year of truck is it? What model is it?

I will see what I can scrape up, you can turn the favor at another day for the next person(s) in worse shape than you at the time.

In edit: Pushed a bit your way, not alot but what I can at the moment. Hope you get back on more even ground soon.

Hip's Ax
03-11-2010, 11:17 AM
I'm in. Where's the paypal info?

What IS wrong with the truck?? "Can't be fixed" is pure Bravo Sierra.

03-11-2010, 11:25 AM
I cannot be amazed by this community anymore, been there for a while now Sam and know first hand how hard it is to reach out and ask for help.
We are truly blessed here to be among such a fine group.
Remember, We take pride in helping here from the newbie casting his first boolit to the old hand with a new project to the member going through rough times, we care and we share.

03-11-2010, 11:26 AM
I knew I should have been up earlier this morning! You guys are amazing!:bigsmyl2:

As Bret posted, I have volunteered to be the Honcho for this effort. Normally I wouldn't post my address, but for this purpose, I'm all in.

For donations through paypal: dcollingham @ cableone dot net
just take the spaces out and make it a regular e-mail address. (please use the personal option, so they don't charge me to get the money!)
Or PM me and I'll send it to you through there. Put a note that it's for Gray Wolf, please.

Monetary donations - check or money order - PM me for a name to make it out to

My mailing address:

Don Collingham
12165 W. Keates Dr.
Boise, Idaho 83709

If you are wanting to mail a package directly to Gray Wolf, casting or shooting stuff, new truck, whatever ! PM me for the address to send it to.

We will work on setting a goal, and then post it and the progress. Maybe in another thread, I haven't thought it through that far yet!!

Let's get this going!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cbpour::redneck:


Down South
03-11-2010, 11:33 AM
Done Deal.

03-11-2010, 11:38 AM
Gray Wolf,
I have been where you are more than once. I know how it feels to be helped, kind of a sweet sour feeling.Let us help and dont feel you owe us a thing. "Tis better to give than receive" You are blessing us.

What he said. I see it as paying back a debt from long ago.

03-11-2010, 11:44 AM
I cannot be amazed by this community anymore, been there for a while now Sam and know first hand how hard it is to reach out and ask for help.
We are truly blessed here to be among such a fine group.
Remember, We take pride in helping here from the newbie casting his first boolit to the old hand with a new project to the member going through rough times, we care and we share.

This is why Cast Boolits, USA (our own town) would work.

In fact, it's already working because we're already our own town. One of our neighbors needs a little help, and we're there.

We've all been there at one time or another, to one degree or another. And in one way or another, the generosity and the love (yeah, I said it--LOVE) neighbors, friends and family have for one another sustained us and helped us through.

To paraphrase my Savior, "To whom much is given, much is expected."

Our power to help comes in numbers, not through any one person giving a big chunk of money or product. Even if it is just $5, that is a blessing. That $5 can buy a gasket, engine additive, sealant, seals, a spark plug, oil filter, etc etc. That $5 can buy several frozen meals at Walmart, or fresh produce at a vegetable stand.

And for some of our neighbors, even $5 may be a real sacrifice, and that's okay. Prayers are free, as are positive thoughts. Perhaps you know something about mechanical things and Dodge pickups. Maybe you know some secret place to get wholesale parts at a whale of a bargain. Maybe you know WHAT parts are needed.

A collective effort brings a bountiful harvest.

Cast Boolits, USA. The world's biggest small town.



Muddy Creek Sam
03-11-2010, 11:57 AM
Not much, but what I can afford. Know what it's like when the Month is Longer than the Money.

Sam :D

Hip's Ax
03-11-2010, 12:18 PM
For donations through paypal: dcollingham @ cableone dot net
just take the spaces out and make it a regular e-mail address. Or PM me and I'll send it to you through there. Put a note that it's for Gray Wolf, please.


03-11-2010, 12:20 PM
To all of you at Cast Boolits. I see you bicker and I see you love. I am proud to be an American again this morning. This is what it is all about. Grey Wolf, I don't know you. But I do. You are my neighbor, my friend, the person who delivers my mail, the person at the grocery store. You are an American too, and the feeling I get from helping you can't be bought. I thank you, for your wife, for myself, and for all the people on this thread for allowing us to help you in your time of need.
A friend in Oregon,

03-11-2010, 12:21 PM
Dont know how I missed this yesterday, but I'm in

gray wolf
03-11-2010, 12:33 PM
I should say something here, but the words are all in my throat. I wanted to post something last night but I found myself at a loss for what to say.
Now it's the next day and I am still trying to find the correct way to say
THANK YOU. So I am going to try and say it from my heart and not get all choked up, because I am.
What you men are doing is way over the top, and goes way beyond the call.
There are no words here to describe you guy's.
I never wanted to sound like I was leaning on anyone. Just saying what was going on helped a lot.
I have been a help the other guy type of person all my life and never gave much thought to people helping me. So please understand that this out pouring from all of you has me at a little loss here.
It seems like we need another word for thank you, It is just two little words and we use it so often in our daily lives. Thank you for this, thank you for that.
What you men are doing will never be forgotten--never.
When your wife Say's what are we going to do and you don't have an answer
It's like your best friend saying I am out of ammo and you no you just fired your last round. It's a very empty feeling in the stomach.
I hope I can help someone soon.
So if I say (and I do) thank you please see it in very big letters and know that it is from our hearts. Also understand that every bit of help will go for getting us some kind of vehicle, and nothing else.
You folks give a new meaning to the words pulling together and helping our own.
I hope people young and old that read this thread will understand that this world we live in is not broken beyond repair. Not as long as there are people like you all in it. I also hope it will touch other hearts and let some hardened people know that folks care, and are still out there.
I love this forum and the folks in it. -- I hope you all understand that I am trying in my own way to say thank you. It's not easy to say your down and need a little help up. You guy's are in my thoughts,
I will post another post and try to explain why the mechanic said the truck was toast. I know all things can be fixed and what has happened here proves that.
So I will explain the truck latter.


03-11-2010, 12:45 PM
What Bulltipper said. We fight, we argue, we disagree - and we help each other out. We are brothers and sisters of the silver stream, AND WE TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN.

Another reason I just love this forum.

03-11-2010, 12:49 PM

I am choked up reading your response. I am blessed to be able to help a little and I have (Thanks to obssd1958!).

God Bless you and your wife.

03-11-2010, 12:57 PM
done deal

03-11-2010, 12:59 PM
I'm new here, but I see that this is more than just a web forum, it's a family. I have been blessed with a good job & steady work. I would be honored to help out. I know things can get tough, money tight & stress high. But the good Lord said he would never put more on us than we can handle.
We will keep your family in our Prayers here in Michigan.

03-11-2010, 01:00 PM
Thanks to obssd1958 for manning up to the honcho task, we'll be in touch.

Gray Wolf, I'm betting you either have oil pressure problems due to engine sludge accumulating in the pickup tube, or fried the overdrive unit in the trans, where the cost of repair exceeds the "value" of the truck, again, pm me and we can discuss options.


03-11-2010, 01:09 PM

I want to say something that will help ease your pain but no matter how many times I type and re-type it just does not convey the message I wish to express. What I do know is that even though we are not of the same blood we share the same blood which makes you my brother and family. I have sent what I can, wish it was more but I guess every bit helps.

God Bless,


03-11-2010, 01:11 PM
I'm in.

We have the ability to be a powerful supportive family here, and that has been proven time after time. If someone needs help, please speak up.

You guys are rapidly becoming my families support system as well simply by buying my products, and the products of other vendors here at Cast Boolits. With all sincerety, I don't know what else I would be doing as things have gotten real bad in our area. There are no jobs.

But as they say the when the going gets tough- the tough get going and we have some very tough folks here.

Also creative- and let me add an idea for you to think about Sam, as my neighbor is in the same boat with a Dodge truck and I had this thought for him....

Dodge parts are so darn expensive (coming from an old GM guy), why not part the thing out bolt by bolt and sell it off on Craigs list and eBay? Then buy you something you can work on yourself and keep running til' the cows come home like a 60-70's pickup (or variation of transportation thereof) in good shape.

I bet money from those parts would add up quick. Just a thought.

Hang in there, as things will get better.

Pat ...:Fire:

03-11-2010, 01:13 PM
I'm in too.

03-11-2010, 01:16 PM
I'm in…both for a donation and a FR box of lino ingots to Gray Wolf. He's gonna need something to pour into that mould now that he's getting handles, right?


Heavy lead
03-11-2010, 01:19 PM
I knew I should have been up earlier this morning! You guys are amazing!:bigsmyl2:

As Bret posted, I have volunteered to be the Honcho for this effort. Normally I wouldn't post my address, but for this purpose, I'm all in.

For donations through paypal: dcollingham @ cableone dot net
just take the spaces out and make it a regular e-mail address. (please use the personal option, so they don't charge me to get the money!)
Or PM me and I'll send it to you through there. Put a note that it's for Gray Wolf, please.

Monetary donations - check or money order - PM me for a name to make it out to

My mailing address:

Don Collingham
12165 W. Keates Dr.
Boise, Idaho 83709

If you are wanting to mail a package directly to Gray Wolf, casting or shooting stuff, new truck, whatever ! PM me for the address to send it to.

We will work on setting a goal, and then post it and the progress. Maybe in another thread, I haven't thought it through that far yet!!

Let's get this going!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cbpour::redneck:


Done here too via paypal.

03-11-2010, 01:38 PM
Paypal sent.

My truck broke down on Friday, thankfully I have a 2nd vehicle to get me to work until I can get my truck running again.

I trust that our combined contributions can get you on the road again rapidly.


03-11-2010, 01:45 PM
I know what it’s like to be walking the tightrope
without a net, but it’s not as far down as you think,
and there is someone to catch you and help you
back up there. Hold on to your faith, my friend.

But in the meantime, DON’T eat your dog!

03-11-2010, 02:24 PM
Thanks to all, Pay pal sent to Don, Mike

03-11-2010, 02:27 PM
Yeah, don't eat your dog! Tippet is sending beer!!

03-11-2010, 02:28 PM
Gray Wolf,
It appears that geargnasher is helping you with tech info. As you said in your OP you are receiving SS and food stamps so it may be worth your while to call Dept. of Public Welfare in your state to see if they can help with repairs. You may have already tried that. I believe they do here in PA.
Also do not forget places like Goodwill, Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. I know they collect used vehicles and they may have donate them to those in need.
Last but not least, I have a friend that teaches automotive repair at a Vo-Tech School and they repair vehicles as projects, sometimes for folks that need help.

gray wolf
03-11-2010, 02:58 PM
So what about the truck?

we were going into town the other day about 14 miles. Half way there the truck was loosing power going up a hill--just enough for me to say something is a little wrong here. So we made it to town and on the way back it was still loosing power
But I was still able to go at least 30 MPH. Just before I turned off onto the dirt road the truck was acting like it was running out of gas and it wanted to quit.
I had to go the last two miles by tapping the gas peddle up and down just to keep it going 5 to 8 MPH. I got it into the driveway and shut it down. the next day it would start and it ran for about 5 min. and I shut it down. The muffler sounded like it was going--the sound like it makes when you need a muffler. Not a straight pipe sound but noisy.
The Mechanic thought it could be the Catalytic converter, then he thought the cam shaft, he said it was getting fuel but would only run a minute or two and then quit. He said a brake line broke and now the tail pipe was cut so he could run it without the catalytic converter.
The truck is a Dodge 4X4 pickup with the big engine 1964, so it is 16 years old
and has close to 200,000 miles very close . They use a lot of salt on the road here and it has taken it's toll on the body. I have been using the plastic body filler on it for two years to get it to pass inspection. But there is nothing left of the rocker panels,
up into the doors and the fenders. He said even if he got it running it would not pass inspection any more and he could see that break lines would also be needed.
It is do for a new sticker soon. I know him and he looked at me and said it's just not worth the money you would spend to fix a truck like this.
I told him to flat bed it back to the cabin and I would deal with it.
My thought was to try and sell the cap and see if some of the other parts would sell. I have been gluing this truck together for two years now.
The body work and the mechanical work would be a lot more than the old truck is worth. I wish I could give a better mechanical description of what is wrong.


03-11-2010, 03:29 PM
It almost sounds like a vacuum problem, as if there is a leak in a vacuum line. Check your fuel filter, too. If the problem 'just happened', I would start there; if it has been a small problem that slowly got bigger, I would think a worn cam, or sticky lifters. Someone mentioned sludge buildup in the pickup tube; try this, when you change the oil next time, BEFORE you put the new oil in, pour some clean diesel fuel (about 1 1/2 gallons) into the crank case, where you would normally put the oil in. Run the engine AT IDLE for a couple of minutes; this will dissolve the gunk in the engine. When you drain that out, believe me, you will be amazed and disgusted! Then put fresh oil in, and may I recommend Castrol GTX High Mileage oil? That is all I use! This will also clean out the lifters, ways, galleries, etc. Somewhere I have a Chilton's manual for these engines; I'll do some checking, and let you know.
Keep your chin up, buddy, we're here for you.

03-11-2010, 03:39 PM
As Bret posted, I have volunteered to be the Honcho for this effort. Normally I wouldn't post my address, but for this purpose, I'm all in.
Thanks to Don for agreeing to be the focal point.

To the rest of the membership...
If you are planning to contribute to this, and five bucks is a strain on your wallet, you deserve sincere praise for sending it.
A lot of money can accumulate when it arrives in five, ten, and twenty dollar bundles,

I am a guy (also) on a fixed income, but my wife and I scrimped enough during our youth to be fairly stable now. Still, expenditures beyond our normal monthly bills need to be planned for. A hundred bucks (all of a sudden) will require some adjustments, but we are talking about the need to purchase a major item, here.

So, for all of you guys who are able to post those "Look what followed me home!" comments when you just happen upon an interesting rifle...I challenge you to match my donation.


03-11-2010, 04:10 PM
Even though I'm not American - I'm a caster and I want to help a fellow caster.

Best Regards from Norway

257 Shooter
03-11-2010, 04:28 PM
This is why America is so great. Men like all of you that step up and help another in need because it is the right action to take and for no other reason. Don, PayPal sent.

03-11-2010, 04:31 PM
I really like the idea of going through a honcho on this. There is a sense of anonymity (sp?) there that provides a little extra "feel good", "no strings attached" donation knowing you are giving without expecting anything in return. I wouldn't want him feeling obligated to repay it in any manner other than kindness and friendship.

03-11-2010, 05:15 PM
I'm proud to be an American, but I respect and enjoy the contributions that our many fellow casters from all over the world make to this forum. Some of them may want and are able to
help here, others contribute to the flavor and breadth of this forum. I love reading about .303 Enfields and metric cartridges for example.

Sorry if this is a little off topic. Just wanted to recognize their support.

03-11-2010, 05:41 PM
We sometimes forget that this is an International Community - thanks for reminding us and please don't hold it against us for forgetting this. You are welcome here regardless of the reason/reasons.

Gray Wolf:
The mould handles are on the way (I hand carried them to the Post Office). Let me know when you receive them, if you will.

All the best,

03-11-2010, 06:04 PM

I only started to cast my own boolits some three years ago and I still feel like a novice compared to most of you guys. It started as a way to shoot more for the same cost of store bought j-word and hard cast bullets, but I'm finding the casting process enjoyable and fun, as I do with the reloading.

I'm visting this forum daily, but don't write so much. Very much of my questions have been asked before and I'm good at using the "Search" button.

But thanks to this forum, I have PID'd my Lee pot and have started to use Bullplate lube and BruceB-speedcasting. I have got an excellent .44 Keith mold through the Group Buy setup and some wonderful Star dies from Lathesmith. I've also found a guy here in Norway that sells Kroil, and the next stubborn mold will get the treatment.

To sum it up, I also feel like a member of the silver stream brotherhood, and I'm very grateful and proud to be a part of it, some 2,500 miles from the nearest point of USA.

03-11-2010, 06:22 PM
>>>To sum it up, I also feel like a member of the silver stream brotherhood, and I'm very grateful and proud to be a part of it, some 2,500 miles from the nearest point of USA. <<<

You are indeed a member of the brotherhood, where ever you live.

I have not made it to Norway. However, my son was stationed in Germany (U.S. Army Medical Officer) for five years. We visited him over a period of three years for a total of nine weeks, visiting many areas in Southern Germany, Austria and France. We were treated exceptionally well and I fancy it broadened my perspective a good bit. We met some VERY nice people and "broke bread" with them in their homes. We'll treasure those memories for a long time to come.

At any rate, we are VERY happy to have you here.


03-11-2010, 06:39 PM
Best thing I ever put some tax return towards!

03-11-2010, 07:01 PM
paypal done! I am glad to help because I feel your pain. I have a 99 dodge ram that is more body filler than steel and am really going to have to think hard if it is worth the cost of body work to get it inspected this year. Luckily a few years back I bought one of the old shop vehicles from my employer for $500 and have been driving it ever since. Best deal i've ever gotten - she has almost 200,000 miles on her and just keeps on going. (95 s-10 blazer by the way)

03-11-2010, 07:09 PM
PayPal is good for something !!! :):) I'm in, best of luck with this Gray Wolf, hope we can raise enough to get you fixed up.

03-11-2010, 07:51 PM
To sum it up, I also feel like a member of the silver stream brotherhood, and I'm very grateful and proud to be a part of it, some 2,500 miles from the nearest point of USA.

The brotherhood is open to anyone with the spirit to try. You're certainly more than welcome at my table anytime!

03-11-2010, 09:40 PM
Done , Thanks Don!!!

My dad , and Grandpa both used to say ,"Shooters are the best group of folks youll ever run in to!"
I am proud to be amoung such a groop!!!! Even if I cant sprell! LOL.....Buck

03-11-2010, 09:57 PM
Anybody figure out if there is some way to fix GW's truck? Unless the rust has eaten
the frame, I can't see why it can't be patched one more time.

When I was young and poor, I always drove cars that were just one step from the
scrap yard. Made me a better mechanic.

Ever strip down a junkyard engine to get the used rings because they were a lot better than
the ones that were in your car? When the $20 for a new set of rings was a far away as
$2000 was, and the oil consumption is so bad that the plugs quit firing pretty soon and
the smoke is really embarrasing. You can get a set of used rings for $5 and a few hours
of work (in the rain, once) to get them out. Well, I have been there and more than once.

Things can be fixed CHEAP if you know how to work on them. I wish I lived closer, I could
work on the truck. Maybe we can find some parts and get them to GW to get the Dodge
back on the road.


Village Idiot
03-11-2010, 09:58 PM
Grey Wolf.

Sir, my friend, my family, if I may be so bold as call you that? I have been down and out myself so my heart is with you. When the wife and I first got together we rented a small 3 room house (converted old garage) because it was all we could afford. The place burnt, we barely got out and lost everything. It was tough when we woke up the following day to realize we didn't even have tooth brushes. I was raised to work hard and be self reliant. It was tough for me to swallow my pride and allow others to help. I view that time as one of the greatest life lessons I have ever learned. I saw the compassion that people are capable of. How such things can draw a community together when helping someone in need. Just look at what it is doing for our community. Since that time I save and keep a little emergency fund as I call it. It’s not for what you would call your typical emergencies. It only gets used when someone is in need, fire, floods, and children in need, etc. It is only used for a hand up, never used as a hand out and there is a world of difference between the two. It’s not a great sum but it’s what the wife and I can scrape together when we can. No matter how many times we use this fund we will never be able to repay what was done for us. Having been where you are I know there seems to be no words good enough to express the gratitude you feel. Being on the other side I can tell you that it is not necessary. The people here are doing this because they want to and no one requires or wants anything in return other than your friendship and wisdom. We just want to help with a hand up for a friend and family member in need. It would be my honor to break into that little emergency fund.


03-11-2010, 10:01 PM
Thanks to Don for agreeing to be the focal point.

To the rest of the membership...

So, for all of you guys who are able to post those "Look what followed me home!" comments when you just happen upon an interesting rifle...I challenge you to match my donation.


Charlie, it's been a long time, but I did once post one of those "Look what followed me home!" posts. I'm now retired and like you and many others, on a fixed income. However, we butchered a couple of calves last fall and have another to butcher this fall, so the freezers are full. We won't go hungry but our stock might as they're saying we won't get much (or any) water for irrigation this year. No water, no grass, high priced hay, you get the picture. This is a long way around the bush to say, I'll match your donation and continue the challenge to others to do same.
Oh, and if anyone wants to buy a half a grass fat steer in the Klamath Falls, Oregon, area this fall let me know. I guarantee he'll be a dandy. Regards, Woody

03-11-2010, 10:02 PM
Another auction at:


Been there, done that, 25.5 years ago. We were picking up pennies where we could find them. The last two meals my family had before I got my first paycheck in our new locale were MREs saved from US Navy SEABEE weekend warrior field exercises. We got by, you will, too. Best to you and your family.



03-11-2010, 11:05 PM
Anybody figure out if there is some way to fix GW's truck? Unless the rust has eaten
the frame, I can't see why it can't be patched one more time.


With 200K miles it could have jumped time. You can un hook the coil and pull the dist cap and crank it . If the rotor has a little "skip back " somewhere in the rotation ,thats the red flag. That is if that modle still has a distributor. Also some of the dodges didnt have a standard Fuel filter, and the sock in the tank would Plug up. Sit for 5 min then bust off, That sounds like it needs fuel. need to check the fuel pressure, could be a pump as well. Just hard to say like this. I worked on some dodges but mostly GM...Buck

03-11-2010, 11:21 PM
GW, [Sam] I cant say anything that has not been said already and being short of words all I can say is your part of the best group of casting family there is. Dont ever loose the faith
brother. Your in my prayers.
God Bless you and your family.

Don, PM on the way to you.


03-11-2010, 11:46 PM
With 200K miles it could have jumped time. You can un hook the coil and pull the dist cap and crank it . If the rotor has a little "skip back " somewhere in the rotation ,thats the red flag. That is if that modle still has a distributor. Also some of the dodges didnt have a standard Fuel filter, and the sock in the tank would Plug up. Sit for 5 min then bust off, That sounds like it needs fuel. need to check the fuel pressure, could be a pump as well. Just hard to say like this. I worked on some dodges but mostly GM...Buck

You are correct about the fuel filter (or lack therof), Dodge with their infinite wisdom decided that fuel injectors were immune to clogs so they eliminated the replaceable in-line filter altogether in 1993 with the new body style and MPI fuel system. What is more common than a clog, though, is the fuel pump getting weak and quitting, or sometimes the fuel pressure regulator diaphragm (located on the fuel rail) will rupture from rot/age and fuel will start flowing unchecked into the intake manifold through the regulator vacuum supply line, causing flooding issues.

The roller camshafts in these engines are just about bulletproof, as are the timing chains (NOT the same type chain/sprockets that were used in the older 5.2/5.9L engines that were notorious for wearing and causing timing fluctuations).

But I think it's fuel pressure. You really need a quality fuel pressure gauge with a fuel bleed-off valve (to check volume as well as pressure) to find out for sure. Here's a cheap way to find out if you're getting fuel or not: Get a can of B-12 Chemtool OR a can of starting fluid (ether, but make sure you get the kind with lubricity additive or you can really screw up your engine), pull off the pcv breather tube from the air intake box (between the filter and throttle body), spray a little in there and get your wife to start the truck, keep pumping little squirts of the spray in there to keep it running. Does it die as soon as you quit spraying? Or does it not start up at all? Pull a spark plug if it won't start this way, does the plug look wet and smell of gas/ether/carb cleaner? If it won't start and the plugs are soaked, remove the fuel pump relay from the power distribution center box (location marked on the underside of the lid) and depress the gas pedal fully while cranking, try to air it out. Then, try to get it to run on just starting fluid, you should be able to get it to run fairly smoothly at a fast idle on ether alone. If it does, that indicates a blown fuel pressure regulator. To check the regulator, pull the vacuum line going to it and see if it's full of gas. It shouldn't even smell of gas, but if it's wet you need to replace it.

One more thing that fools a lot of people on those trucks, but has to be really bad to cause the issue you're having, is a blown or sucked-in bed plate gasket, on the underside of the intake plenum. The plenum is cast open on the bottom, leaving a large cavity for the intake manifold runners to pull from, and this hole is covered with a parallelogram (sp?)-shaped steel plate. The gasket under this plate can fail from backfires and cause a pretty major intake leak that sucks oil mist and crankcase vapors up out of the lifter valley. Most often this fouls the plugs and causes pretty bad oil consumption, often mistaken for excessively worn piston rings or leaking valve stem seals. The tailpipe will have carbon residue and the truck will puff blue smoke upon acceleration if this gasket is blown.

Another thing that can cause your symptoms is a stuck-open EGR valve. Some trucks like yours had them and some didn't, depends on the GVRW and emissions tier. With a stuck-open EGR, the truck won't idle at all, but can be started and run up to 2500-3000 rpm, should run well at that speed but chug and die if you take your foot off the gas.

Of course it could be a million other things, too, hard to say without more info. I take it it wasn't a plugged cat?


03-12-2010, 12:26 AM
I am in with an auction (see swappin & selln).
If i were closer i would come and fix you truck.
any thing can be fixed if you are stubborn enough.
My F250 is a 1985 model and has 890K on it.
I have been close to where you are ,when we were expecting our youngest girl my wife was put on bed rest at 4 months along. Then about 2 weeks later I was out of work when the shop i worked at closed. It didnt take long for the bank to come and get the boat & wifes van. a couple months later we got a forclosure notice on the house. If it hadnt been for our "family" at church we would have been sleeping in the street.
Here I am 9 years later and Thanks to the good Lord above life is good.

03-12-2010, 12:27 AM
Another thing that can cause your symptoms is a stuck-open EGR valve. Some trucks like yours had them and some didn't, depends on the GVRW and emissions tier. With a stuck-open EGR, the truck won't idle at all, but can be started and run up to 2500-3000 rpm, should run well at that speed but chug and die if you take your foot off the gas.


I was wondering about that. My wife's Cadillac mimicked the exact same symptoms of Gray's Dodge pickup. However, her car did it on the way to the inspection shop, where she also found out it failed the emissions test, and she got a "check engine" light immediately afterwards and on the way home.

FSM indicated this was an emissions problem, so I changed the O2 sensor, plugs and wires (which is a HUGE PITA in a Sedan de Ville 4.9 litre). I was hoping it wasn't the EGR, but ended up having to change it out.

Another HUGE PITA. The EGR valve itself only cost me something like $55/$65, but I can easily see where the (shop) labor could make this a $500 job. Fortunately, I have the tools, the time and the vocabulary (:)) to do most things myself ONCE the problem is diagnosed.

Problem is, I have no idea how you would test for a bad EGR other than maybe an emissions test--but Gray said his catalytic converter was going, so that diagnostic possibility is out. . .

What I DO know is that we have some mighty, mighty fine folks here.


03-12-2010, 12:46 AM
I saw someone mention Maine. Is that where GW lives?

Do we have any members, who are mechanics, that are near enough to take a look at it for him?

It's incredibly difficult to diag by long distance.

GW had posted earlier a list of possibilities, but it doesn't look like he was given an actual cause. Did his mechanic actually perform diagnostics down to an actual cause? Or did he just say it's too old and blow it off?

I read that post carefully. I didn't hear any answers. A second set of eyes on this problem is warrented, IMO.

I'm a dealership technician at a Chrysler / Dodge / Jeep store. I know I couldn't get away with a list of maybe's instead of an answer where I work. I wouldn't want to either!!

I'm in.

03-12-2010, 12:48 AM
Pay Pal sent.

03-12-2010, 01:27 AM
............Paypal on the way. I was sniffing a bit (hayfever ya know?) and Donna asked what was up. I pointed out gray wolf's post and said there was already 6 pages of help on the way.

You guys just take the cake!


03-12-2010, 01:58 AM
I grew up dirt poor. I can remember eating welfare cheese sammiches, melted over the gas stove in our kitchen that we also heated our house with.
7 years ago I was living in my jeep, 2000 miles from my family, wondering how I was going to make it.
Things got better. I had help from good friends, and God's grace. Hopefully, things will get better for you too.
I hope what little bit of money I just sent is of some help with your troubles.

Valley Forge
03-12-2010, 02:59 AM
Just sent a little help via Paypal to get that doggone truck fixed. Proud to be a member of this forum with you.

03-12-2010, 03:49 AM
Prayers for Mr./Mrs. Grey Wolf and for you Don for Honchoing.[smilie=s:

03-12-2010, 05:05 AM
Prayers sent, I know what you are dealing with and I feel for you. I was forced into retirement by cardiomyopathy a few years ago and my wife's meager wages barely made for us and two kids. Hang in there Gray Wolf as it looks like the Castboolit Cavalry is on the way.

Matthew 17:20-21
Proverbs 17:17

Village Idiot
03-12-2010, 05:45 AM
One thing I want to bring up, please read GW’s post again on the truck. Not being a mechanic myself, we obviously have some great mechanics here which can fix anything. However, reading his post there is more than just a motor problem here. Living up here in the northeast with the winters (salt bath USA) I know what that can do to a rig. He said he has been patching this thing up the last few years to keep it going. Sounds like the exhaust is shot, catalytic converter included, brake lines are shot, cab & rocker panels etc. are rotted, and I question the condition of the frame if the rest is that bad. I have put a couple of trucks to pasture over the years when they got to that point. Anything can be fixed but you have to weigh the cost/benefit to do so. As he said inspection is in a couple of months and even if he gets it running he has to deal with that next. We may not be able to save this puppy and have to put another set of wheels under him.

gray wolf
03-12-2010, 08:03 AM
Hi guys ! First, this is GW's wife, Julie. We are forever grateful to you all for helping us. I have been in tears for the past two days reading all the care and warmth coming from all of you. I have no words for that. Just a very, grateful, thank you. We both have health problems and being without a vehicle is/was a tough thing, living in the sticks like we do.

Ok, about our truck. It's toast. Even if Roger the mechanic could get it running again, the body and the frame are rust city. Up here they can't really get the plows down tight to the road in the winter cause the roads are so lousy so their answer instead of fixing the roads is to salt the heck out of them. Before the spring rains come, the tarmac is white from all the salt. The moose and deer stand by the road or on it, licking it off. Kinda like a big salt block for them.

Our truck "did" have an undercoating on it when I bought it back in 97, in Michigan. That has been eaten away along with part of the frame. I have spent the past 2 years praying every time I left the property for God to hold it all together to get where I had to go and back home again.

It's just not worth throwing anymore money at our poor old truck. And this makes me cry cause I love that old truck so much. It is breaking my heart to think it is finally all used up but I know it is time to put her to rest. Maybe someone can buy her and use some of the parts that are left that are not salt eaten. She has cancer and it's terminal.
Village Idiot is correct. Our once beautiful, big green truck is shot.

Thank you all for caring. I wish it were different cause I really didn't want to admit that it was "that time".


03-12-2010, 08:14 AM
V.I. and fellow members,

Please forgive me for doing a cut & paste of V.I.'s post. These few sentences pretty much sum it up for me. Got to go now, Buckshot's "hay fever" has found me.


Grey Wolf.

Sir, my friend, my family, if I may be so bold as call you that? The people here are doing this because they want to and no one requires or wants anything in return other than your friendship and wisdom. We just want to help with a hand up for a friend and family member in need.


03-12-2010, 08:20 AM
I've been in the "rust belt" my whole life. Sometimes the cancer just eats away too much of the car to be worth fixing. Better to spend $1-1.5K on a used beater and make do than throw the same amount into a vehicle that's going to literally break in half going down the road.

Those of you without real winter- count your blessings.

03-12-2010, 08:43 AM
I am in. Pay Pal sent. Being I last posted a Look "What Followed Me Home" I'll join Montana Charlies challange. Few appreciate what they have until you realize what others have to live with every day.
I hope this thread generates enough to at least put the vehicle worries out of Gray Wolf's mind.

03-12-2010, 09:01 AM
I had a 79 Dodge pickup (360 V8) years ago with similar symptoms. I never did figure it out and ended up selling the truck cheap. I know it sucks to be without wheels. PayPal sent.

God Bless

03-12-2010, 09:18 AM
I can get a pound of powder, or I can help out...

Im in. Obssd1958 PM sent

03-12-2010, 10:05 AM
Never had to deal with road salt. That must be truly depressing. How could you ever keep a rig you love without daily pressure washing the whole under carriage?

Up here in Nor Cal, they spread something on the icy snow passes, but it doesn't have salt in it.

03-12-2010, 10:24 AM
.......a little cash and a lot of prayers on the way.


03-12-2010, 10:42 AM

Do we have any idea what a replacement vehicle is going to run?
Not knowing what part of the country you are in makes it tough to guestimate the amount needed.
It's out of character for me to be the voice of reason but setting a goal for contributions is most always helpful.

03-12-2010, 11:13 AM
I too have an auction going to help out...... but just think if all the members here would donate 2 bucks.

Members here 13,000 plus ....... WOW:bigsmyl2: endless possibilities

Me to was sniffing a bit (hayfever ya know?)

03-12-2010, 11:27 AM
PayPal donation sent.

Sam and Julie:
It is folks like you who make our lives more worthwhile.

I do wish you the very best.

gray wolf
03-12-2010, 11:31 AM
How the heck do I ask someone else to spend money on us?
You men have opened your hearts to us and I say thank you again.
I also thank all the Mechanics for there input, All the kind words and the overall feelings of deep concern. You don't just take a walk down the street and find this kind of concern for someone. I keep having to shake the feeling that some may think I have not tried hard enough to fix my truck, Men I have--I really have.
It's more than just getting it running, or replacing a part or two.
My wife grew up on a farm in Michigan, Her Dad had dairy Cows. She is the kind of girl that gets attached to things. She loves that old truck--and if it could be back on the road for any kind of reasonable amount of money she would insist on it.
Many folks have asked what state we are in.
We live in Maine--Western Maine, Outside of Rangeley In Oquossoc 35 Miles from the Canada border, My avatar is our home it's 16'X26'. It's not small --it's cozy.
There is not much in the news paper here for vehicles. What we found was a weekly booklet that is like a by and sell thing, It's called Uncle Henrys, I put the link to it here at the bottom. They have all kinds of used trucks.
I am not sure what to even look at. How would you know what is a good thing
to look at and if they don't ask to much money for it?



Muddy Creek Sam
03-12-2010, 11:42 AM

I know how you feel,2 years ago, The Cowboys on the SASS site, got me a power chair,VA said all I qualified for was a thin tired manual chair, Couldn't get around on the terrain here at the house or the shooting range. It is used and was donated by a gentleman in NJ. He had picked it up at a dump and repaired it. Others bought the batteries and managed to get it here to South Carolina. It has been a blessing.

I have never before been so touched by the kindness of people Ihave never actually met. It is wonderful and hard, all at the same time.

Sam :D

03-12-2010, 12:04 PM
I'm in, where do I send funds?

03-12-2010, 12:05 PM
Looked thru the Unclehenrys site. Few pages I looked had a few things. 1986 S10 for $750 and a Ford Explorer w/160K for 1,500 obo. Don't know how far Clinton, ME is from you (the Ford) or if you need a P/U, but if 200 of us can give $5, he might be able to get the Ford for 1K.
Now if I could just win the Powerball tomorrow night!!!!

We help our family, don't we? Sounds like the the Dodge might be finally DOA. Lets see what we can do for GW

gray wolf
03-12-2010, 12:29 PM
rockrat, this is Julie. GW just went to town to take the loaner car back to the mechanic and make arrangements to get the old girl towed back home so we can list it on Craig's list as a parts truck, (I think that's what we are going to do at this point)

We live just a hair under 3 hours from Portland. 2 hours from Lewiston/Auburn. 3 or so from Augusta. When I said we live in the sticks, I meant it. We are about 15 miles from the town where the mechanic lives. We also live high up in the Mt's with nasty roads most of the year. That it why we had a 4x4 which got used a LOT during the winter and the muddy seasons. When all this snow melts it will be mud city and you won't get out without 4 wheel drive for about 2 weeks.
In the winter we can get up to 5 ft of snow on the ground. It dumps feet of snow sometimes.
We also live on a private dirt rd with a lot of summer/winter type cabins where people come to recreate. It's a two track, basically.

We also have two dogs who travel with us always when we leave together as they would, uh, rearrange the cabin if left home alone? (I am being nice as I love our dogs) We have a 2 yr old, 90 lb Malamute and a 17 week old, 26 lb, Labra-Yorkie-doodle.....(Sam's new hunting dog, we hope)

I have gone blind reading ads for vehicles and like Sam said, I don't really know what to look for at this point. Whatever we get has to be dependable and safe to drive. It can't have a bunch of rust on it or it won't pass inspection up here. State law says no visible holes that you can stick your finger into. (like they really care about that, right? grrrr) The inspection covers all the basics like tires, brakes, lights, body and some other stuff, I think there are 75 things that they look for. That is why there are so many ads for old vehicles on Craig's list and Uncle Henry's. Once the body is going, it's fix it yearly or you can't get a sticker for it.

Now if we lived back in Michigan where I am from, it wouldn't matter as they still don't do inspections there. If it will run down the road, you can get a license and drive it. Not that way up here. I guess they only want pretty vehicles on the roads??????????

Sorry, I just had to vent a little bit. This inspection thing is a sore spot with me and a lot of the other natives around here.

Gunload Master
03-12-2010, 12:37 PM
$100.00 sent on behalf of a Mr. Clawson and myself.

03-12-2010, 12:55 PM
I'm in, please pm me paypal instructions.


03-12-2010, 01:54 PM

Again, many thanks for putting this together. PayPal sent.

This is one of the things I love about this group. They still know what it means to be a family, even though you've never met them and they may live in a different state. Doesn't matter. We're all family here...

God bless,


03-12-2010, 02:03 PM
Woody and Bob...
Congratulations to you guys for stepping up to the "Look what followed me home!" challenge.
Let's hope there's a whole handful of 'high rollers' like us out there...


03-12-2010, 04:21 PM
I don't do paypal. Where to send some help ?? or did I miss something ?

03-12-2010, 04:40 PM
I don't do paypal. Where to send some help ?? or did I miss something ?

I knew I should have been up earlier this morning! You guys are amazing!:bigsmyl2:

As Bret posted, I have volunteered to be the Honcho for this effort. Normally I wouldn't post my address, but for this purpose, I'm all in.

For donations through paypal: dcollingham @ cableone dot net
just take the spaces out and make it a regular e-mail address. (please use the personal option, so they don't charge me to get the money!)
Or PM me and I'll send it to you through there. Put a note that it's for Gray Wolf, please.

Monetary donations - check or money order - PM me for a name to make it out to

My mailing address:

Don Collingham
12165 W. Keates Dr.
Boise, Idaho 83709

If you are wanting to mail a package directly to Gray Wolf, casting or shooting stuff, new truck, whatever ! PM me for the address to send it to.

We will work on setting a goal, and then post it and the progress. Maybe in another thread, I haven't thought it through that far yet!!

Let's get this going!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cbpour::redneck:


From earlier in the thread

03-12-2010, 04:41 PM
I don't do paypal. Where to send some help ?? or did I miss something ?
You missed Post #48 and Post #52.

03-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Woody and Bob...
Congratulations to you guys for stepping up to the "Look what followed me home!" challenge.
Let's hope there's a whole handful of 'high rollers' like us out there...


I'm always up for a challenge...pay pal sent. Lets get him a "NICE" 4x4 that they can count on for years to come. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to assist someone in need. Just FEEL"S good!!

03-12-2010, 07:14 PM
The bottom line is that if it's a truck fund it can work. I worked with a guy who was in a financial bind after his wife got really sick and was unable to work. We knew a used car dealer who was a decent guy and we told him what we wanted to do. He loved the idea, and he helped out by giving us a screaming deal on a used pickup. After that it was just collecting the money to close the deal.

I've been really lucky in life, but it could all change tomorrow and I could be the one asking for help, so I'm in. I'll send some cash to obssd1958.

03-12-2010, 07:28 PM
I'm in. My recomendation would be a used 4x4 Subaru wagon. I drove them from '76 through 2006 while living in northern Maine. They are common there and parts are readily available.

03-12-2010, 07:36 PM
A subaru would be a good choice. Around here a lot of folks use 90's model Toyota or Nissan trucks for farm/wood cutting trucks. They last for ever and get mpg's in the 20's. Not to hard to work on with a manual and a set of tools.

03-12-2010, 07:45 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
You make me very proud to be a member of this Family.
The donations, love and concern are amazing.
Somebody mentioned when this thread started, that we needed to set a goal - and I agree, but I don't think it's up to me to choose what it will be. Sam and Julie can't really be expected to answer that question either. Waaaaayyyy too uncomfortable!!!
Based on the road and weather conditions that they have to deal with, it sounds like they need a good 4x4 that has and will pass inspection.

We live just a hair under 3 hours from Portland. 2 hours from Lewiston/Auburn. 3 or so from Augusta. When I said we live in the sticks, I meant it. We are about 15 miles from the town where the mechanic lives. We also live high up in the Mt's with nasty roads most of the year. That it why we had a 4x4 which got used a LOT during the winter and the muddy seasons. When all this snow melts it will be mud city and you won't get out without 4 wheel drive for about 2 weeks.
In the winter we can get up to 5 ft of snow on the ground. It dumps feet of snow sometimes.
We also live on a private dirt rd with a lot of summer/winter type cabins where people come to recreate. It's a two track, basically.
We also have two dogs who travel with us always when we leave together as they would, uh, rearrange the cabin if left home alone? (I am being nice as I love our dogs) We have a 2 yr old, 90 lb Malamute and a 17 week old, 26 lb, Labra-Yorkie-doodle.....(Sam's new hunting dog, we hope)
I have gone blind reading ads for vehicles and like Sam said, I don't really know what to look for at this point. Whatever we get has to be dependable and safe to drive. It can't have a bunch of rust on it or it won't pass inspection up here. State law says no visible holes that you can stick your finger into. (like they really care about that, right? grrrr) The inspection covers all the basics like tires, brakes, lights, body and some other stuff, I think there are 75 things that they look for. That is why there are so many ads for old vehicles on Craig's list and Uncle Henry's. Once the body is going, it's fix it yearly or you can't get a sticker for it.

I would like to put it up to the members here to discuss and suggest a goal based on this link http://www.unclehenrys.com and maybe the ads in the local Criagslist, here: http://maine.craigslist.org/

I don't know of any other way to do this, and if anyone else has a better idea, I'm open to suggestions.
Remember, we're doing a good thing here. Let's keep it going!!


03-12-2010, 08:11 PM
Based on what I have read, the size of the family (2 BIG dogs included) the goal is a full size 4WD truck in good shape. A quick scan of the links showed no suitable vehicles for less than $6000.00 so I would believe our goal should exceed that amount.

Is there anyway we could get one of those thermometer looking bars across the top of our site that shows progress?


03-12-2010, 08:52 PM
I'll also throw out another thought--

I'm always surprised by the number of veterans Maine has, especially per capita. It's incredible!

If Sam, or any of the local Maine or New Hampshire casters are VFW or Legion members, or are in the Guard/Reserves and happen to know anyone who works for a dealership or car lot who ALSO might happen to be a veteran or would like a chance to help a vet out by arranging for a screaming good deal (or wicked good as they say up in Maine). . . then let's go for it.

We're doing a thing here in Texas for the Wounded Warriors project where we're building houses for vets with special needs or challenges. Some of the biggest contributors in both money, material and labor are fellow vets.

As I said, Maine is packed with vets--if anyone knows a vet who sells cars or is in that business, might be worth looking into.


03-12-2010, 08:57 PM
It seems to me that decent gas mileage should be a factor as they are on a small fixed income. My sis has a 4 door S10 4WD that gets good mileage, has decent amount of room and will go anywhere and has the nads to pull a horse trailer.It would not be a problem to haul a couple large dogs in it.

03-12-2010, 08:59 PM
Good point Mr. Oliver. I have a 4 door Chevy Colorado and it does pretty good with the I-5 (straight 5) motor and an auto trans.


Village Idiot
03-12-2010, 09:50 PM
I finally caught up with the wife and the checkbook. We have screwy schedules but such is life. Check is written and will be in the mail tomorrow. Thanks much for being Honcho on this!!!!!

What is needed for a rig should come from GW and Julie. They are the ones that know what their lifestyle is. Do they need a truck? Do they haul wood etc. Does it need to be a full size truck? Can an SUV do the trick or as mentioned here even a Subaru? Will any of the above do the trick? We know it needs to be 4x4 and decent shape (read that as pass inspection and last for a few years). Once we know what category or categories we are looking for it will narrow down what that cost may be. Asking GW and Julie how much just puts them in a way too uncomfortable position. Finding out what the needs are (though still being uncomfortable for them) will help us help them.

It also looks like they are home bound until we get this worked out. It’s going to be difficult for them to go looking not having transportation. Are there any Mainers up in that area that can help out in the search? Especially nice would be someone with some mechanical knowledge that may be able to check out possible leads for them. Not saying that we pick the rig for them but assist as much as possible in the search and help relieve some of the burden. Anyone up there have an in with any used car dealers that could be approached about helping out with a deal? I would help but I am 6- 7 hours away and have the mechanical knowledge of a tree sloth so not much use. However, if I can be of assistance in any other way please speak up. I am not beyond a drive to the northern territory if I can be useful.


03-12-2010, 10:35 PM
Village Idiot is right, as well as others. We need to know what GW and Julie need BEFORE we can figure out how to help them get what they need. If I still had my '89 Chevy S-10 Blazer, I'd give it to them in one heck of a PIF!!

03-12-2010, 10:37 PM
Small donation sent by PayPal as a gift (so I got the charges). Hope GrayWolf is able to do a little with what we can dredge up.



Muddy Creek Sam
03-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Hopefully they can get something that will last them for years and not nickle and dime them into the poor house.

Sam :D

03-12-2010, 11:05 PM
We know we're starting out to replace a 4x4 pickup. The old one had a 'cap' on it, so if the replacement has the same length bed, Sam can continue to use it to keep the dogs dry.

I was looking at the Craig's List link for an idea of values in that area.
I only paid attention to Chevy and GMC pickups because I think their bodies hold up better than Dodge. Been thinking that way since the sixties...

There is this beauty for $10,000. http://maine.craigslist.org/cto/1641551749.html
I would think it surpasses the old Dodge by a good bit. Heck, it surpasses my kept-in-the-garage-and-only-drive-it-to-town 'good pickup' by a country mile when it comes to 'fancy'.

This 'plain jane pickup' is much like my everyday cow-pie truck...except it's seven years newer than mine. http://maine.craigslist.org/ctd/1641424681.html
It appears to be offered by a dealer (if that means anything about local values) and I can't tell if it's a 4x4.

Anyway, somewhere between these two 'types' should be a suitable replacement for the old Dodge.

But I would say one thing...
My donation is already in the kitty so I feel no need to have any say in how it's spent.
But, if 'we' go whole-hog and put Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf in a $20,000 eye popper, their fixed income might be unable to cover yearly registration costs depending on how Maine figures those things...and insurance premuims could be a problem, too.

That really could be 'too much of a good thing'.

I'm thinking that it would be reasonable to set a goal of $5000 (based on the Craig's List ads). Once the goal is reached, set a limit of (say) an additional week to see how far the goal can be surpassed.
A 'progress bar' showing how we're doing would be good incentive for superlative effort.

Meanwhile, having an idea of what he will have available, Sam can be looking for a good candidate.


gray wolf
03-12-2010, 11:21 PM
Asking GW and Julie how much just puts them in a way too uncomfortable position. Finding out what the needs are (though still being uncomfortable for them) will help us help them.

Do I say something here?? Do I not say something ??
uncomfortable for me ? Yes it is (very) I am getting help for me and my family
from the most unselfish group of people I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
Many folks can say they know a nice guy--a nice person --or even a couple of nice people. But to be able to say I know so many that it would take a place the size of Foot ball stadium for all of them to gather in and the better part of a day to shake all there hands would be an understatement.
I am going to save this thread and if anyone EVER talks to me about not wanting to help someone in need I am going to give them a copy of it. That is how much you all effected me and Julie.
I have gotten some PM's from some of the greatest people--- folks that have told me they are not well off and also live week to week--but they wanted to send us a little something to help.
Men there are no words to say to folks like that. I wish the whole world could see what is happening here. It might change a few people, perhaps many.
Yes we have needs as to a vehicle I would think everyone does.
Is this difficult to put into words ? yes it is. Am I ashamed that you all may think
I am trying to spend someone Else's money? yes I am. But I don't want to lay this on another person either. So I am going to try and say it in the most humble way I can.
A truck that could pass inspection with 4 wheel drive so we don't get stuck and maybe one of those back seats so Julie wont have to hold Sophie on her lap.
Some good tires and it should start ok. If it didn't have holes in it that would be a plus. I would like to show it to a mechanic and have him say it looks ok.
I do bring wood home sometimes for the stove, and I put my shooting things in the back. Julie said no ripped seats would be nice.
Ok I gave my input--I hope no one takes it in the wrong way.
This whole thing made me change my Sig. Line at the bottom.


Muddy Creek Sam
03-12-2010, 11:26 PM

Keep your head up, This is a Hand, Not a Hand out. All of us wish you and Julie all the Best and a lot of us understand your position Completely.

Sam :D

03-12-2010, 11:30 PM
And there's one other thing to consider as well, when buying a used vehicle.

Me? I've never bought a new vehicle in my life. If it flies, floats or forages down the highway (gotcha, didn't I?), I buy used. Only thing I hate worst than depreciation are the taxes you pay on something new.

First thing I do when I bring a new used vehicle home is change all fluids--oil, radiator, brake fluid, power steering, etc. All new fluids.

Next thing I generally do is replace all plugs and wires.

I take a look at the brakes--still good or do I go ahead and replace them right now? Same for tires.

No matter what Sam and Julie end up with, I think it's vitally important that we make sure the new truck has a 100% and then some tune-up. This way Sam can start a maintenance log on the new truck and be able to tell his mechanic or anyone else exactly what has been done to the truck, when, at what mileage and the condition of the truck at the time of the work/maintenance/tune-up/oil-change.

Every vehicle we have has a maintenance logbook. It's required for airplanes, but I keep a detailed maintenance logbook on the boat and our cars. There is no guessing when it is time for an oil change or tune-up or radiator flush and fill, air-filter replacement, fuel filter replacement, etc.

I figure a couple of hundred dollars to get Sam and Julie's new vehicle 100% squared away once they get it home.


03-12-2010, 11:38 PM
A truck that could pass inspection with 4 wheel drive so we don't get stuck and maybe one of those back seats so Julie wont have to hold Sophie on her lap.
Some good tires and it should start ok. If it didn't have holes in it that would be a plus. I would like to show it to a mechanic and have him say it looks ok.
I do bring wood home sometimes for the stove, and I put my shooting things in the back.

That's what you need, then that's what we shoot for. Absolutely doable.

Julie said no ripped seats would be nice.

No problem.

We'll have Crabo post some pictures of his new simulated leather camouflage seat covers made from duct tape. We have a wily Texan from around Waxahachie who volunteered to answer most any technical questions Crabo might have about the installation of that duct tape seat cover.

Tell your lovely bride not to worry one whit--your Cast Boolit brethren have you covered when it comes to durable, lasting seat covers. :)


Village Idiot
03-12-2010, 11:42 PM
No place for shame here you are with family, hold your head high.

Alright then, we be a looking for a 4x4 truck for the family. With that I +1 to Montana Charlie's post.


03-12-2010, 11:44 PM
. ""I would like to show it to a mechanic and have him say it looks ok.""

Thats the ticket!! Nothing is a sure thing but that helps the odds!....Buck

03-12-2010, 11:46 PM
Just found this thread and got to jump in. Been a rough week for me. Tax man says Obama wants another $2500.00 of my money to give away as bailouts. My Bobcat skidloader is in the shop for engine overhaul $$$$. However, I just sold a bunch of pistol molds on this forum so I accept "montana charlie's" challenge.

PM sent to Obssd 1958 for name/address. Also, I do not think we should set a goal for any specific vehicle. Lets go as high as possible plus a little more and let Greywolf get whatever he can. Maybe a strong 4X4 for winter and a cheap 2X for summer and as a backup. Just thinking outloud!


Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 12:10 AM

Nice thought on 2 rigs however, with Sam and Julie on a fixed income supporting 2 rigs with insurance, registrations, upkeep to pass inspections may be a little much for them.

As M-Charlie said my money is in so I feel I have no say in what they get and don't really care as long as it makes life easier for them. I only posed the question on needs so we would all know what the target is. Also we have casters up in maine that may be able to help with the search. Knowing what they need will help locate a good candidate.


03-13-2010, 12:16 AM
Montana Charlie makes a good point. I don't know their local laws but in Indiana there is an excise tax applied to vehicles that hits a flat fee after seven years. And around here insurance premiums for a 4W drive anything are pretty high but since that's what they need maybe somebody who understands insurance coverage in their area could add some thoughts to which models might have lower premiums.

And gas mileage is an issue also, might want to look at that as it is an ongoing expense. A low mileage seven to ten year old 4WD pickup NOT tricked up by the factory for sale to adventurous young adults would be just the ticket, wouldn't it?

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 12:25 AM
A low mileage seven to ten year old 4WD pickup NOT tricked up by the factory for sale to adventurous young adults would be just the ticket, wouldn't it?

+1 to that!


03-13-2010, 12:29 AM

Nice thought on 2 rigs however, with Sam and Julie on a fixed income supporting 2 rigs with insurance, registrations, upkeep to pass inspections may be a little much for them.

As M-Charlie said my money is in so I feel I have no say in what they get and don't really care as long as it makes life easier for them. I only posed the question on needs so we would all know what the target is. Also we have casters up in maine that may be able to help with the search. Knowing what they need will help locate a good candidate.


You are quite right about the insurance & tags, didn't think about it. Should have since mine costs me around $1500/yr.

03-13-2010, 10:04 AM
How bout after they suggest what they would like check out auto trader .com and find one out of the rust belt and have one of our retired members deliver and take a bus ride back home. Sort of an adventure. Busses are pretty cheap transportation.

03-13-2010, 10:40 AM

Add what I've sent to the greywolf fund.

03-13-2010, 11:38 AM
You are quite right about the insurance & tags, didn't think about it. Should have since mine costs me around $1500/yr.

Looks to me like there's also a 5% state sales tax tacked on and may be a local excise tax also. All have to be paid prior to registration. We need some Mainers to chime in here. Regards, Woody

03-13-2010, 12:41 PM
I would seriously think about spraying the underside with a coat of Fluid Film. Much like cosmoline, and kinda like alox. Cheap insurance. Salt water would penatrate an auto dealer undercoating, but they use Fluid Film on ships at sea.

03-13-2010, 12:49 PM
As close to Canada as he is I would say Krown or Rust Chex rustproofing. Spray on oil undercoating, much better than the Ziebart stuff. Check out Google.

gray wolf
03-13-2010, 01:17 PM
This is Julie.

I see you were discussing insurance. We have been using Geico for about 15 years now. They have always been very reasonable in rates and good to us when we needed them for towing or such.
I believe you can go to their website and put in a make, model and year, zip code and find out the rates pretty close. Our's would probably be a little less as we have established a relationship with them and have perks for safe driving, seat belts, ect, ect.

On our 94 truck it was about $500 for the year and has been that rate for several years now.
Even when we first took it out and the truck was about 6 years old, the rate was only about $600 ? I think?

In any case, that is who we would be going with.

Edited to add that we have been carrying full coverage on it all these years, just in case. At least we could get something out of it if it were in an accident.

03-13-2010, 01:52 PM
How bout after they suggest what they would like check out auto trader .com and find one out of the rust belt and have one of our retired members deliver and take a bus ride back home. Sort of an adventure. Busses are pretty cheap transportation.
I might be able to do this if it becomes necessary. Ohio is hardly out of the rust belt though.

03-13-2010, 02:04 PM
How bout after they suggest what they would like check out auto trader .com and find one out of the rust belt and have one of our retired members deliver and take a bus ride back home. Sort of an adventure. Busses are pretty cheap transportation.

Might get a vehicle delivered by relay if it came down to it. I bet family members along the way would buy a tank of gas or a meal for the driver. Maybe someone knows of someone with a vehilce that fits the bill in their area or has a contact that goes to dealer auctions. Just some random thoughts.

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 02:09 PM
How bout after they suggest what they would like check out auto trader .com and find one out of the rust belt and have one of our retired members deliver and take a bus ride back home. Sort of an adventure. Busses are pretty cheap transportation.

I gave this some thought myself as they would have a better chance of getting something that hasn't already seen the salt up here. The problem is how to get it up there. Does anyone know how we could get it registered legally to get it there? Not going through a dealer can a 20 day plate be acquired? Also would need insurance and such. I even thought about possibly renting one of those u-haul car haulers and just passing it from member to member capable of hauling to get it up there. Just seems to be a very difficult thing to arrange, that’s why I didn't speak up. It would also be good if they are going to use an undercoat to do it on something that hasn’t already started to rust.


03-13-2010, 03:53 PM
Here in OH we can buy a 30 day temp tag to get a vehicle around until title etc gets done.I dont know any car dealers but I bet they could make it all easier.

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 04:25 PM
Found this on auto trader and supposedly only 43 miles for my zip. Looks like auto trader may be another option for Sam and Julie.


Used 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 Truck 4x4 Crew Cab Sport

Mileage: 84,000

Price $6,000
Mileage 84,000
Body Style Truck
Exterior Color Black
Interior Color Gray
Engine 8 Cylinder Gasoline
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type 4 wheel drive - rear
Fuel Type Gasoline
Ice cold A/C, Looks & runs great, No accidents, Non-smoker, Runs & drives great, Very clean interior, Well maintained, there is some rust staining on the rear bumper

03-13-2010, 05:17 PM
Compared to what I have been looking at around here that is a good deal. $6000 will get you a 2000ish with 150.000 miles usually more miles. If I knew the vehicle was well cared for and driven sensibly with lots of highway driving, 150K is no big deal.
I think we need to get a total of donations in the next few days and see where we stand. Most benefit auctions will be done in the next couple of days so we should be able to get an estimate of where we stand. As far as long range purchasing, we could bus GW somewhere to pick one up to drive home if he is able.
I have a mold up for sale and will make up the difference to meet the $100. challenge.I am on a fixed income also and it is not easy to do this. If I can most can. I seen a feller buy 2 $20 lottery tickets the other day! I dont drink, smoke, chew or gamble so I can exist on very little if UNCLE stays out of the way. $2.75 Regular gas

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 05:45 PM
Yep, seen a lot of them in the $5,000 to $6,000 range in the 2000 to 2002 catagory with 130,000 to 170,000 mile range. Also some in the $3500 range but usually a little older and pushing or over 200,000 miles. I put that one up becuase of the low milage for a truck that year. It was just to let GW and Julie that auto trader may be worth a look. Whatever they come up with I like GW's idea of having a mechanic give it a once over.

We will need to see what they end up with for $ so they know the range they need to be looking for. I was scanning the $5000 to $6000 range based on the Post's of NO 1 and Montana Charlie suggesting that range. Not sure if a goal has actually been set.


03-13-2010, 05:52 PM
Money sent. hope it helps.


03-13-2010, 05:53 PM
Used 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 Truck 4x4 Crew Cab Sport

Mileage: 84,000

Price $6,000
Mileage 84,000
Body Style Truck
Exterior Color Black
Interior Color Gray
Engine 8 Cylinder Gasoline
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type 4 wheel drive - rear
Fuel Type Gasoline
Ice cold A/C, Looks & runs great, No accidents, Non-smoker, Runs & drives great, Very clean interior, Well maintained, there is some rust staining on the rear bumper


That looks like a helluva deal.

Several options that can be explored on getting the title into Sam's hands.

Buy the truck in New Hampshire for whatever it is being sold for. If it is an individual, see if they will state "gift" on the title transfer slip, then price as "$500." This will keep the "tax" Sam and Julie have to pay for registration down to a minimum.

If not--I'm not familiar with the laws in Maine and my wife hasn't lived there for 20 years--we can always figure out something else.


03-13-2010, 06:08 PM
Some states have a minimum threshold before tax is levied on a personal vehicle. See what that is in Maine. Have the dealer in the state where the vehicle is bought make the bill of sale somewhere "reasonable" below that Maine threshold amount. I know, because that is my standard practice when buying from dealers. No, I won't buy from anyone other than a dealer. Why? State were bought might have a lemon law on the books. Verify that too before purchase. ... felix

03-13-2010, 06:09 PM
In OH if you gift a vehicle to a non close family member the title office will give it a(bluebook?) value and tax on that.
Felix, how can a dealer LIE on the forms when they have to keep track of everything for tax purposes?
This needs to be done above the table.

03-13-2010, 06:16 PM
Jim, you are so correct. Every dealer has their own table for deals. Most of them you can't see through. No, we are not talking about gifting anything. ... felix

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 06:20 PM

The add is a private sale as that’s what I was scanning, which means cash in hand may get it cheaper.

Not sure if the rig is in NH, auto trader just said it was within 43 miles of my zip. From my place that could mean NH, VT, or possibly MA. It’s farther than 43 to MA by road but not sure as the crow flies. I live close to the boarders. Not sure how they figure the distance if it’s just a straight line or by road.

Also not sure on the gifting laws. I thought someone usually had to pay some sort of tax on the gift as it is considered unearned income. I don't know, my knowledge of such things is right there with my mechanical knowledge (me and the tree sloth have a lot in common) if you know what i mean.


mold maker
03-13-2010, 06:28 PM
Just my personal experience. STAY AWAY from an 03 Dodge crew cab with a 4.7 ci engine.
11 MPG and eats a set of 17" (expensive) tires every 17-20K local miles. A 4wd is even worse.
I can't give it away and I can't afford to drive it.
Sam and Julie don't need that.

03-13-2010, 06:44 PM
Cash deal, positively. Bill of sale says GW, so we need his info. ... felix

Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 07:05 PM
Just my personal experience. STAY AWAY from an 03 Dodge crew cab with a 4.7 ci engine.
11 MPG and eats a set of 17" (expensive) tires every 17-20K local miles. A 4wd is even worse.
I can't give it away and I can't afford to drive it.
Sam and Julie don't need that.

Yep, the full size dodges are hard on petrol. Got a 94 dodge 4x4 myself and 12 mpg was a good day with her. It got so I couldn’t afford to run it every day so when it hit around 8 yrs old I bought a cheaper rig to drive daily. It was used as a work truck from then on plowing, dump runs, hauling wood etc but not driven daily. About 5 years back it was getting too much to keep it passing inspection and paying the reg and ins. I retired it from the road and gave it to my dad as a yard truck. He still has it and uses it mostly to keep him and mom plowed out, hauling wood from out back, and moving stuff around the yard. I assume GW and Julie know how they are on gas as they have been running one for years. I assume they don’t do much traveling where gas will be a big issue for them. My mom and dad are now retired and I know they do not put a bunch of mileage on. They go to the Doc’s, to town for shopping, etc but there are many days the rigs don’t leave the yard.

The tires surprise me though, I got 60,000 out of the originals then bought a set off a guy at work. He pulled them off his dodge with 12,000 miles on it; he wanted some pretty ones with raised lettering. Those are still on it and the truck is well over 100,000 miles. However, mine was a standard cab.


Village Idiot
03-13-2010, 07:16 PM
Cash deal, positively. Bill of sale says GW, so we need his info. ... felix

Mileage: 84,000

Price $6,000
Mileage 84,000
Body Style Truck
Exterior Color Black
Interior Color Gray
Engine 8 Cylinder Gasoline
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type 4 wheel drive - rear
Fuel Type Gasoline
Ice cold A/C, Looks & runs great, No accidents, Non-smoker, Runs & drives great, Very clean interior, Well maintained, there is some rust staining on the rear bumper.

Little more info on the truck. It is in manchester HN by the looks, seller number is 603-540-6342. If thats what ya be looking for?

gray wolf
03-13-2010, 07:42 PM
Are you talking to us? If so, yes, something like that is exactly what we are looking for.


Nice truck.

03-13-2010, 08:35 PM
In rereading my last post I think I came across as snotty to Felix. That was not my intention at all and I apologize if anybody took offense.
Mebbe I should check my pain level before posting.:oops:

03-13-2010, 11:40 PM
Mebbe I should check my pain level before posting.:oops:

Hey, I can relate, big time.

Didn't sound snotty to me. Everyone is trying to do the right thing here and everyone's comments are coming from the heart.

Has anyone considered looking at/for Toyota 4-Runners or the Nissan equivalents, or either brand in their mid-size 4WD trucks? A bit better gas mileage, built rugged, reliable as can be, and parts galore for them.

Downside is because of all of the above, they are often priced a bit higher.


03-13-2010, 11:55 PM
Has anyone considered looking at/for Toyota 4-Runners or the Nissan equivalents

Good point.

For that matter, has anyone asked GW for his preferance? I know He has a Dodge, but does he need to replace it with a Dodge?

I mean, if he run across a good deal on a Ford or Chevy, would that be ok?

Paypal sent.

03-14-2010, 07:13 AM
How far away are we on money? I know I can dig a little deeper if necessary.
We need to move this along as these people are without transportation. I know what that is like as my little car lost a fuel pump yesterday. The stinking thing is in the tank and I just filled it with gas... As luck would have it, i have a fuel pump, sitting on the shelf. Now, if I could just figure out how to get the gas out of it.

Lloyd Smale
03-14-2010, 07:51 AM
the pride thing is something that you have to be there to understand. When i had my fire everyone here came to my rescue and although it was unbelievably great it was a bit embarassing. Grey wolf, from someone thats been there sit back and relax. Keep in mind that these are good people and that they enjoy being able to help as much as you need it. You stumbled onto probably the strangest place on the internet. Somewhere that people actually care about there fellow man. Your a lucky man because like me you will now truely understand how great these people are.
Do I say something here?? Do I not say something ??
uncomfortable for me ? Yes it is (very) I am getting help for me and my family
from the most unselfish group of people I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
Many folks can say they know a nice guy--a nice person --or even a couple of nice people. But to be able to say I know so many that it would take a place the size of Foot ball stadium for all of them to gather in and the better part of a day to shake all there hands would be an understatement.
I am going to save this thread and if anyone EVER talks to me about not wanting to help someone in need I am going to give them a copy of it. That is how much you all effected me and Julie.
I have gotten some PM's from some of the greatest people--- folks that have told me they are not well off and also live week to week--but they wanted to send us a little something to help.
Men there are no words to say to folks like that. I wish the whole world could see what is happening here. It might change a few people, perhaps many.
Yes we have needs as to a vehicle I would think everyone does.
Is this difficult to put into words ? yes it is. Am I ashamed that you all may think
I am trying to spend someone Else's money? yes I am. But I don't want to lay this on another person either. So I am going to try and say it in the most humble way I can.
A truck that could pass inspection with 4 wheel drive so we don't get stuck and maybe one of those back seats so Julie wont have to hold Sophie on her lap.
Some good tires and it should start ok. If it didn't have holes in it that would be a plus. I would like to show it to a mechanic and have him say it looks ok.
I do bring wood home sometimes for the stove, and I put my shooting things in the back. Julie said no ripped seats would be nice.
Ok I gave my input--I hope no one takes it in the wrong way.
This whole thing made me change my Sig. Line at the bottom.


03-14-2010, 07:55 AM
Siphon and some gas cans.

03-14-2010, 08:17 AM
How far away are we on money? I know I can dig a little deeper if necessary.
We need to move this along as these people are without transportation. I know what that is like as my little car lost a fuel pump yesterday. The stinking thing is in the tank and I just filled it with gas... As luck would have it, i have a fuel pump, sitting on the shelf. Now, if I could just figure out how to get the gas out of it.

SOME vehicles have an access cover above the fuel pump, (MOST do not) but I would check first. Like Bret said, you may have to siphon the gas out though.

Down South
03-14-2010, 09:01 AM
How far away are we on money? I know I can dig a little deeper if necessary.
We need to move this along as these people are without transportation.

That's going to be hard to figure at this point. Some funds have been sent through Pay Pal. Those will be easy to tally up. Other funds have been mailed to obssd1958 or sent directly to Gray Wolf. There are several auctions ongoing too.
It might be a good idea for obssd1958 to post a running balance of what he received plus a total on the completed auctions so we can see about where we stand.

gray wolf
03-14-2010, 09:45 AM
I am not sure if I am posed to post this or not but if it helps,
We have $105.00 in our the pay pal. From a auction and a donation.


03-14-2010, 10:10 AM
SOME vehicles have an access cover above the fuel pump, (MOST do not) but I would check first. Like Bret said, you may have to siphon the gas out though.

Pontiac Grand Am does not have access, however it does have a spill preventer, in case of a rollover, so a siphon hose won't go down the tank.
That comment was meant as a joke, I just have to pull the tank full of gas. I've done it before. The car has 265,000 miles on it, and this is it's second fuel pump.

The serious thing is to get these people some wheels.

03-14-2010, 11:30 AM
Have sent check made out to Mrs. Slocum via obssd1958. This is meant for their personal use as they see fit. Will contribute identical amount to "official truck fund" when established. Let's get this established soon so we have a target goal.

03-14-2010, 03:03 PM
Our total "received" so far is:

$1810.00 !!!!!!!

that doesn't take into account the current auctions, or money in the US mail system, or the money sent directly to Gray Wolf.
I will be updating this amount each day, in the afternoon after the postman stops by, in a new post to this thread.
I also think we can come up with a goal amount and deadline by tomorrow, and maybe get the moderators to put up a sticky for us to post this in.

As I said before, you folks are amazing!!

Take care!


03-14-2010, 05:17 PM
does he need to replace it with a Dodge?

I mean, if he run across a good deal on a Ford or Chevy, would that be ok?

Paypal sent.

My thoughts on this are if he gets another dodge,
He will be able to use the old one for parts. If he plans on keeping the old one. He may be money ahead just to scrap it out and start fresh.

If you find one somewhere around me, Ill take a day off of work and drive it as far as I can get it in a day to someone else who can drive it to the next stop.

03-14-2010, 05:39 PM
I just read this post today. What an outpouring of support for a fellow member!!
I'm in and sent a PM for name to make check out to.

This post made my "hayfever" bad! I was feeling kinda down because of several things, health wise and financial, but this made me realize I am not doing too bad after all and can do a little to help out.

03-14-2010, 05:53 PM
post #52 Has the payment info on it. I just sent my money in via paypal. I am also in on a benefit auction.

03-14-2010, 06:49 PM
Don't have much do to a move and wreck along with it but let me know can throw some $$ at the issue.
Just glad they spoke up. If we don't help each other no one will

mold maker
03-14-2010, 07:00 PM
Our total "received" so far is:

$1810.00 !!!!!!!

that doesn't take into account the current auctions, or money in the US mail system, or the money sent directly to Gray Wolf.
I will be updating this amount each day, in the afternoon after the postman stops by, in a new post to this thread.
I also think we can come up with a goal amount and deadline by tomorrow, and maybe get the moderators to put up a sticky for us to post this in.

As I said before, you folks are amazing!!

Take care!


Come on folks, this is a really great start, but Gray Wolf need a decent truck for basic transportation, not a hot wheels.
I've been in the position of worrying about where the next meal for my wife and kids, was coming from. I've had no way to go, but I lived in town with kenfolks nearby.
Gray Wolf isn't that lucky. He didn't put himself in this fix. Life just progressively boxed him in.
Now open your heart and spread your wallet. Let some of those moths fly out to help our fellow boolit caster.

Village Idiot
03-14-2010, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE=obssd1958;840577]Our total "received" so far is:

$1810.00 !!!!!!!

that doesn't take into account the current auctions, or money in the US mail system, or the money sent directly to Gray Wolf.

I know I have not been a member long but, seeing the outpouring of support it makes me darn proud to have joined such a wonderful community. We be doing good, lets keep it going.

03-14-2010, 08:26 PM
My small check goes in the mail to Don to forward tomorrow. FWIW- my "new" truck is a 1977 Dodge that's probably had everything replaced in it's life ! Hope Mr. & Mrs. GW can get a really good ride out've this. Really great folks here.

03-14-2010, 08:29 PM
Don't really have any $ to help with, as work is very slow for me, but I can and will help with what I have, which is brass, boolits and some good thoughts every night, let me know

03-14-2010, 08:39 PM
just dumped $20 in paypal
doesn't say anything but you have money
sure is good to see we do look out for our own

03-14-2010, 09:50 PM
I bought a new truck 3 years ago and kept tthe old one hanging around for a couple of years then finaly sold it, If I still had it I would drive it up there and leave it with Grey Wolf. Tried to aquiire the bullets that hickory was autioning, missed em by $5.00, slept to late I guess when I checked auction was over. :neutral: Anyway made a paypal donation. If I can't help out a neighbor, if you live in New England everyone is your neighbor, I would not feel right. Grey Wolf I hope it helps you get to where you need to be.

03-14-2010, 09:59 PM
I see the moldI donated has passed $100. I have a couple other items to post tomorrow and will add cash to my total auction take to make $200. So Don figure me for the $200 in the kitty by weeks end. This is a small pay back for people carrying me through tough times.

03-14-2010, 11:29 PM
I have a small request for the wonderful people here - when you send your "hand up" to me to send on, no matter what form it is in, would you please put in a note for me with your forum handle?
It will make it much easier for me to keep track of for auctions and things!

Thank you!!!!


03-14-2010, 11:33 PM
I have on autotrader a 1992 caprice classic w/ 59000mi for 1700. nothing wrong w/ it was my moms car. Located in NJ not used much in the winter so no rust problems. I know grey wolf needs a truck where he is. so as soon as it sell I will donate 10% to him. So if someone needs a car w/ low miles at a fair price you can help out.

03-15-2010, 12:52 AM
My check ain't much, but it'll be in the mail tomorrow.

03-15-2010, 04:09 PM
My "MC" match check went in the mail today, will probably take 3-5 days to get to Don.

Have seen where many members have volunteered to drive the purchased truck part way. Well they will have to get back home someway. Double cost for transportation. What is your opinion on this idea: If a truck is found within a reasonable distance from Gray Wolf give him money for a bus ticket and let him drive it home. Would have to get a transport tag. Don't know if this is practicle or not but it's a thought.


03-15-2010, 07:09 PM
The total collected so far through Paypal, Checks, and Money orders (including the amounts sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf) is


How do you guys feel about setting $5000 as a goal? We have a ways to go to get there, but we have a great start, and a great group of people here!!

What say you all??

03-15-2010, 07:22 PM
More's on the way!

03-15-2010, 08:10 PM
The total collected so far through Paypal, Checks, and Money orders (including the amounts sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf) is


How do you guys feel about setting $5000 as a goal? We have a ways to go to get there, but we have a great start, and a great group of people here!!

What say you all??

Remember the old saying "Shoot For The Stars But Settle For The Moon"? How about a goal of $7000.00 but be satisfied if we get $5000.00?
This is not only the greatest group on the web, this is the greatest group of guys & gals in the whole country. If every member gave just $1.00 we would easily pass $7000.00. However, history tells us that only 10% are the real go-gitter's of any mass of people.
Will you be part of the 10% or the 90% ? Can you, will you give $1.00 or more?


Village Idiot
03-15-2010, 09:29 PM
The total collected so far through Paypal, Checks, and Money orders (including the amounts sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf) is


How do you guys feel about setting $5000 as a goal? We have a ways to go to get there, but we have a great start, and a great group of people here!!

What say you all??

I'm in for that. I know my check probably has not made it to Don yet and I see others here sent checks that probably have not made it yet. Also PayPal’s are coming in daily. If needed, I can scrape another round this week once the pay check hits. This will give Sam and Julie a figure to work with for their search.

Remember the old saying "Shoot For The Stars But Settle For The Moon"? How about a goal of $7000.00 but be satisfied if we get $5000.00?

+1 to Larry, we should push this as high as we can within a reasonable time frame and if we can do better we do it. This could put them in a better rig or used improve what the buy.

And there's one other thing to consider as well, when buying a used vehicle.

First thing I do when I bring a new used vehicle home is change all fluids--oil, radiator, brake fluid, power steering, etc. All new fluids.

Next thing I generally do is replace all plugs and wires.

I take a look at the brakes--still good or do I go ahead and replace them right now? Same for tires.

No matter what Sam and Julie end up with, I think it's vitally important that we make sure the new truck has a 100% and then some tune-up.

Anything over the 5,000.00 could be used to insure, register, and get it in the shop and do what Recluse recommended. It would be nice to have it gone through and get them started on the right foot with it.

Appoligies on the cut and paste on the quotes. Just my 2 cents.
What you say all?


03-15-2010, 09:58 PM
Finally got into the bank today so money order will go in the mail tomorrow!

03-15-2010, 10:06 PM
I think the general chain of thought says we ought to shoot for $7k and help them find a $5k+ truck that can be put in top shape with taxes, registration, licensing, etc. to come from difference. Is this a reasonable summary?

And I hope I'm not out of line to say this, and I'd like to hear from GW and/or his bride if I am, but I'm betting that they have probably gotten some temporary help already from some of the folks here, enough to give them and us a little bit of time to do this right. I'm not suggesting prolonging things unnecessarily, but lets set a reasonable time frame to accomplish our fund raising effort while we all keep an eye out for trucks meeting the right specs in the $5-$6 k range.

Any comments?

gray wolf
03-15-2010, 10:37 PM
Please don't worry about asking us anything, --Ask--
As for other help? this is it. I wish I had family help but I don't.
Yes we have received some money in the mail and from Pay pal.
Don has been told about all of it on a daily bases.
The amount is $280.00 if my math is rite.
It is counted in the total that Don has given. I will not use any of it for anything but the truck.
I think what thePerfessor has said sounds like a good idea.
If I were on the other side of this posting I would also suggest a reasonable goal and a reasonable time frame.


03-15-2010, 10:53 PM
Sam, I can appreciate what you say. But I don't think anybody here would question using a little bit of that in case you had to make an emergency run into town for something and had to pay for the ride, or had to pay for delivery on something necessary. Its nice to have just a little cushion in case of an emergency until you get a truck. Hope I'm not misreading your situation here, apologize if I am.

gray wolf
03-15-2010, 11:01 PM
No your not miss reading it and that is very nice of you to say that.
If we get in a bind we can do as you sugjested, but I still want everyone to know how the money is spent. I wouldn't have it any other way.

03-15-2010, 11:03 PM
Cheque for Sam and Julie headed to Don this morning.

This is a buyer's market for trucks and suvs right now, I could pick a half-dozen quality vehicles that would fit the bill out of our paper any day for $5,000, and for half that could get a very decent one and have money left over for some pretty major maintenance/repairs. But I live in Texas, and vehicles here last 50 years if not driven on the beach.


Muddy Creek Sam
03-15-2010, 11:04 PM
Sam, I can appreciate what you say. But I don't think anybody here would question using a little bit of that in case you had to make an emergency run into town for something and had to pay for the ride, or had to pay for delivery on something necessary. Its nice to have just a little cushion in case of an emergency until you get a truck. Hope I'm not misreading your situation here, apologize if I am.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Sam :D

03-16-2010, 12:22 AM
Don't know if anyone has offered yet, but I'd be willing to deliver a truck from just about anywhere. All I need is a plane ticket to where the truck is, money for gas, and a ticket back. I normally have between 10-14 days off between wells. A rust free rig from Texas might be just the ticket for them.

Village Idiot
03-16-2010, 05:19 AM
Sam, I can appreciate what you say. But I don't think anybody here would question using a little bit of that in case you had to make an emergency run into town for something and had to pay for the ride, or had to pay for delivery on something necessary. Its nice to have just a little cushion in case of an emergency until you get a truck. Hope I'm not misreading your situation here, apologize if I am.

+1 to ThePerfessor. I have no problem with Sam and Julie using some of the money to get them by until we can get some wheels under them. I would prefer they do that and give us enough time to accumulate the money to get them something nice. If you can get help getting to the store and need to stock up knowing it may be a bit before you can get back, by all means do it.

Sam & Julie, I am not sure what you have for support up there but it does not sound like much. I know my small town does not have a taxi service just not enough business for it. Couple of places you can check for help. First being a local church. For years after her retirement my grandmother through the church used to take shut-ins to the store, doc appointments, rides to church etc. She was on the go daily, (an amazing woman). Also they have a “senior center” here in our small town. It’s a community of retired people that do the same as my grandmother, rides, meals on wheels, etc. Help from organizations like that may help get you to the store and stocking up if needed. Also, if all else fails and you get desperate please speak up. Like I said in a previous post I am 6-7 hours away but not beyond making a trip up there and get you to the store to stock up if needed.


03-16-2010, 05:39 AM
"Like I said in a previous post I am 6-7 hours away but not beyond making a trip up there and get you to the store to stock up if needed."

I love this forum. God bless you all for what you are doing.


03-16-2010, 07:03 AM
Here's a thought; what about a "Rent-to-Own" place? I bought my car that way from an outfit called 'Auto by Rent' in Marshfield, Mo. $100.00 a week, and when you make a payment, you are given a four digit code to enter into the control box. Is this feasible in Maine? Does Maine have any place like this? If there is, they can bank the money, let it earn some interest, and make payments that are affordable. The title is held by the RTO, the sales tax is a bare minimum (based on the last payment amount, or a flat fee), and all you need is full coverage insurance.

Bad Water Bill
03-16-2010, 09:01 AM
Been so broke I had to sell my tropical fish for a meal. Check will be in the mail today.

Just a thought. Does any one have frequent flier miles to use if someone drove the vehicle to its new home?

03-16-2010, 09:46 AM
Funds on the way.:cbpour:

gray wolf
03-16-2010, 08:35 PM
Here I go butting in again with some info.
Julie found a person on the net today who has a dealership of some sort.
He said he buys used cars I guess at auctions and sell them whole sale.
He said he takes the very best and sells 5 or 6 a month as private sales.
He is in the state of New Hampshire 3 hours away from us.
He has a Ford F150--1999

1999 Ford F150 4x4 Super Cab XLT 123k miles, Runs Perfect, good tires brakes, no exhaust leaks, has nice matching cap, interior is immaculate, body has no rust, underside is excellent, 4.6 V8. matching cap (can be removed) price is firm $4,995.

We called him and he said he would have the truck delivered to us and take the old truck--also give us $400.00 for the old truck. He said 30 day warranty on the engine and power train. So I guess that would be $4,600.
Julie called the Insurance people and our rate would go up $16.00 a year for the same coverage. Tax would be $230.00--I guess the plate could be tranfered.
He said he didn't think he could hold this for us, so I guess this one is not an option. But he may have others come up.
Just wanted you all to know that this type of thing is possible.
Here are some pictures. Please say how you think about this kind of a thing.
------$40.00----in the mail today.

We have a friend that checks our mail and picks stuff up for us if we need it. We gave him $15 for gas today.

03-16-2010, 08:58 PM
The total collected as of today, through Paypal, Checks, and Money orders (including the amounts sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf) is


...and more on the way.
There are quite a few auctions going on right now, with the proceeds going to the truck fund - check them out and see if there is something that you need!!!

Thanks to ALL!!


Village Idiot
03-16-2010, 08:59 PM
Looks like a nice rig GW, glad you and Julie are finding possibilities out there. I understand he can’t hold it but we can pray it doesn’t move before we can get the money up. If it does it shows they are out there. Also very glad to know you have a friend that can help in the area. Hang in there, last count we were over half way there and that was the count after only 5 days from your original post. I know it can’t be pleasant not having wheels but we will get you fixed up.
Keep the faith!


03-16-2010, 08:59 PM
If that's a 1999 Triton engine I would look for a different vehicle. That engine is known for throwing spark plugs and stripping the heads (not repairable per ford). Repair is replacement of the heads at substantial expense (been there, done that).

gray wolf
03-16-2010, 09:06 PM
Thank you ROCK

How the heck would a person know that ??
Good to know thanks again

Village Idiot
03-16-2010, 09:11 PM
Thank you ROCK

How the heck would a person know that ??
Good to know thanks again

Because you belong to a family with lots of very smart people.;)

03-16-2010, 09:14 PM
If that's a 1999 Triton engine I would look for a different vehicle. That engine is known for throwing spark plugs and stripping the heads (not repairable per ford). Repair is replacement of the heads at substantial expense (been there, done that).

Rock, your close, but no cigar.

"Triton" is a brand/ advertising name, not a specific engine.

the 5.4L, and sometimes the 6.8L V10, in their earlier years DID do that, unfortunatly.

The 4.6L DOES NOT.

I've seen plenty of 5.4's come in with a blown plug, but NEVER a 4.6L . The 4.6L is a good engine, and the one I would pick.

I was a Ford dealership technician for 14 years, 1994- 2008, with a senior master certification.

03-16-2010, 09:19 PM
G.W. if you do procede to purchase any vehicle. My suggestion is to have a seperate party inspect it on your nickle an responsable to you. Allmost any repair shop can check a vehicle from stem to stern. An the price is usually under 50$
Just my 2cents

gray wolf
03-16-2010, 09:24 PM
G.W. if you do procede to purchase any vehicle. My suggestion is to have a seperate party inspect it on your nickle an responsable to you. Allmost any repair shop can check a vehicle from stem to stern. An the price is usually under 50$
Just my 2cents

Yes a great Idea --but how do I do that? do you think it could be done before you pay.
I thought of that but couldn't put it togeather in my head.
That would give you a great idea of what was going on with the truck Eh.

03-16-2010, 09:33 PM
the total collected as of today, through paypal, checks, and money orders (including the amounts sent directly to mr. And mrs. Gray wolf) is


...and more on the way.
There are quite a few auctions going on right now, with the proceeds going to the truck fund - check them out and see if there is something that you need!!!

Thanks to all!!


lookin goooood!

03-16-2010, 10:03 PM
It looks like there are two problems. Short term getting Gray Wolf and family some form of transportation. Longer term a reliable vehicle that willhold up for several years. I would hate for them to be in a postion where they had to get the first vehicle that came along just to avoid being stranded and have problems later on. If someone could loan them a vehicel for a few weeks then time would be on their side.

Geargnasher seemed confident that a rig within their budget could be found fairly easily. We have folks available who could give any vehicle a good going over before Gray Wolf commited his funds.

Surely someone close by has a vehicle that sits most of the time that could be loaned. My truck sits way more than it runs except in the fall and winter. If I were closer I would be glad to loan it to them for a few weeks.

If a vehicle is located far away I think it woud make more sense to transport Gray Wolf to the truck than the truck to Gray Wolf. Just my thoughts.

03-16-2010, 10:30 PM
I always have an independent mechanic check out a used car before I buy. I make an offer conditional on the mechanic's evaluation. At least twice mechanics gave a "thumbs down" to cars we were interested in purchasing for my daughters. And, if the seller is unwilling to agree to the inspection, I would walk away quickly.

03-16-2010, 10:30 PM
Gray Wolf,

If donations don't come up to what you need, are you able to get a loan to cover some of the vehicle cost? With a newer vehicle, you should be able to save some money on maintenance which will help to offset the cost of the loan.


03-16-2010, 10:33 PM
Rock, your close, but no cigar.

"Triton" is a brand/ advertising name, not a specific engine.

the 5.4L, and sometimes the 6.8L V10, in their earlier years DID do that, unfortunatly.

The 4.6L DOES NOT.

I've seen plenty of 5.4's come in with a blown plug, but NEVER a 4.6L . The 4.6L is a good engine, and the one I would pick.

I was a Ford dealership technician for 14 years, 1994- 2008, with a senior master certification.

They're all three excellent engines, probably the best gasoline light truck engines on the road.

Early 4.6/5.4/6.8 Ford engines came from the factory with spark plugs having only about four threads cut on them, insufficient clamp load caused them to back out and blow out of the head, along with the coil and boot. More commonly, this happens with the full-threaded replacement plugs installed by ham-handed morons who're too lazy to torque them correctly. Seen it happen more than once.

The new Triton 3-valve that came out in 2004 (officially) has it's own particular disaster (we expect nothing less from Ford powerplant engineers these days, and don't get me started on Navistar) in that the tip of the very unique plug cokes up and lodges in the head when you try to unscrew them kinda like an old GM 6.2/6.5l glow plug. The fix involves a $500.00 set of removal tools or pull the heads.

One other thing those era of F150s are famous for is excessive wear of their upper and lower ball joints, necessitating a front end overhaul every 50-75,000 miles when driven off road enough to see any water or mud/snow slush. A good mechanic will check for this when doing a general checkover. Other than that, they are good trucks. Any gasoline Ford pickup will need a major tune-up at around 100k miles, so if you find one with 120k on it, it likely hasn't been and needs to be done.



Bad Water Bill
03-16-2010, 10:33 PM
I just looked at some of the auctions and the money received so far and I think we should have over $3,600.00 plus a bunch more that is in the mail. We may just have seen pictures of the new truck.

Where else can we post to get some more exposier?

I think we are 1/2 way there:drinks:

By the way those 2 mugs are full of BRANCH WATER.

03-16-2010, 10:34 PM
I'm glad to see the 'Wolf family' being proactive, and actually seeking out sources.

Let's talk about the 'dealer' who has the Ford that Gray Wolf described.
If the guy is willing to deliver a vehicle (when the time comes) that would settle that problem without having people bussed around the country...or Gray Wolf traveling to pick up a pickup that might let him down on the way home.

If (further) this 'dealer' will provide a guarantee of thirty days, that is something to work with. If an agreement can be reached ahead of time that Gray Wolf will have a mechanic inspect the truck during that period, perhaps the guy will agee to take it back if the mechanic finds a problem.
To make the delivery and recovery worthwhile, Gray Wolf can say he will pay the guy's expenses for the trip to come take it back. That shouldn't be more than a hundred, or so, and EVERYBODY involved (including the dealer) hopes it wouldn't be necessary.

Added to those above, if this guy is a dealer, he has a reputation to protect. He may even have one that can be checked out by talking to some of his other customers.

And finally...
Assuming the guy is dependable, he is a 'local source' (sort of) available to Gray Wolf, who has a continuing supply of vehicles GW can choose from...and who is willing to give GW $400 for his old junker. That alone is worth some thought.

Dealing with this 'dealer' simplifies a lot of things our Aid Society has been mulling over, and provides Gray Wolf with more control over what vehicle is being considered.

It may not be the way to go...but it deserves some serious evaluation.


03-16-2010, 10:43 PM
I always have an independent mechanic check out a used car before I buy. I make an offer conditional on the mechanic's evaluation. At least twice mechanics gave a "thumbs down" to cars we were interested in purchasing for my daughters. And, if the seller is unwilling to agree to the inspection, I would walk away quickly.

+1, you are a very smart man. A bad report doesn't always have to mean no sale, just means price reduction based on predicted expenses. If the seller won't deal, you're only out the Mechanic's checkout fee rather than hundereds or thousands in unexpected repairs.

I offer this service free to my regular customers, and only charge a minimum for others, waived on their first bill if they buy it and I do the repairs. Usually, one in three is a keeper, you wouldn't believe the stuff I've found wrong with "perfectly good-running" vehicles folks were about to buy.


03-17-2010, 07:24 AM
Well, it took me a while, but I got some $ out. Wish the tax return would come back sooner!

03-17-2010, 11:32 AM
I'm glad to see the 'Wolf family' being proactive, and actually seeking out sources.
Let's talk about the 'dealer' who has the Ford that Gray Wolf described.

It may not be the way to go...but it deserves some serious evaluation.
Check out the dealer. Check out his "dealership". There's a lot of "dealers" out there that I personally wouldn't deal with. At a minimum do an internet search using the dealers name and see if anything out of the ordinary turns up. Just a pessimistic old curmudgeon's thoughts. That's a kinda redundant statement huh?
Regards, Woody

03-17-2010, 11:33 AM
If I am looking at a used truck and the seller will not agree to my mechanic inspecting it before I agree to buy, I just walk away. There are a lot more trucks out there than dealers! Take the time to do it right!

03-17-2010, 11:51 AM
Rock, your close, but no cigar.

"Triton" is a brand/ advertising name, not a specific engine.

the 5.4L, and sometimes the 6.8L V10, in their earlier years DID do that, unfortunatly.

The 4.6L DOES NOT.

I've seen plenty of 5.4's come in with a blown plug, but NEVER a 4.6L . The 4.6L is a good engine, and the one I would pick.

I was a Ford dealership technician for 14 years, 1994- 2008, with a senior master certification.

Thank you for clarifying Lylejb, my problem was indeed with the 5.4L engine in a 1999 Ford.

03-17-2010, 01:18 PM
I just now came in on this thread - yeah, I know, kind of the 11th hour and all, but I need to know the address to send the funds along via PayPal. And I don't have any FF miles to give but if we need to move someone from Point A to Point B as part of this process I can provide a Buddy Pass! Not a ticket, mind you, but a pass - you would fly 'Space Available' but you have a chance to fly first class!
Just let me know and I will take the bona fides to prepare.
And 'Best Regards,' here to the Grey Eagle and the Memsahib.

03-17-2010, 03:33 PM
I just now came in on this thread - yeah, I know, kind of the 11th hour and all, but I need to know the address to send the funds along via PayPal.
I think that was in Post #52.

03-17-2010, 04:18 PM
I think that was in Post #52.

Something coming on payday via paypal!

03-17-2010, 04:19 PM
Do we have any southern mechanics here that could locate a truck? I've had much better luck buying used vehicles in the south as they are not nearly as rusty, and the 4 wheel drive is less valued, (and less used).

03-17-2010, 04:33 PM
late to the party but i've got an auction posted, can't believe i missed this thread! great group of people.

03-17-2010, 05:14 PM
The total collected as of today, through Paypal, Checks, and Money orders (including the amounts sent directly to Mr. and Mrs. Gray Wolf) is


We're getting there guys!!!!!!!!

