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04-07-2010, 07:01 PM
Sam and Julie -

Sometime in the next few weeks I will put some items I'm making up for sale in a benefit auction for you guys, the site, and my friend Ken (45Nut). Can't guarantee it will raise a lot of cash but some of it will come your way.

For those that are interested the items include some 2-lb lead hammers w/the castboolits URL, one of the two 2-lb hammer molds, and as yet to be determined number of 00/0000 multiple buckshot molds. I plan to cast the hammers this weekend and then I will put the hammers and mold up. It will be four-five weeks yet on the buckshot molds as they are a student project still in process.

If you use buckshot give me a shout out and I will send you one and some WW/lead for you to be the official "beta" testers.

I don't think the other folks here are going to walk away from you until you are set up right.

gray wolf
04-08-2010, 09:38 AM
Well that's a nice thing to do, Sounds like something a lot of people can use.
We don't load any buckshot over here, but thank you for thinking of us.
If you ever make a mold for the 32 auto I might bid on that one myself (grin)
I guess with cast bullets it ain't over till it's over.

04-08-2010, 01:37 PM
When gray wolf said he got a truck, and posted the pictures, I said. "Mission Accomplished" and stopped reading the thread. I am surprised to see it still active, so I looked in.
Because the discussion now centers on tires, I just mentally counted up all the tires I have to maintain. Even though we have a modest little place, there are 56 tires out there which need to hold air.

With that many, you can bet I save a buck at every chance, but they have to be dependable. I can't afford 'top of the line', but I really can't afford to buy 'junk'.

My two pickups put the most wear on tires, and my 'cow pie truck' gets used the most. The last time it needed to be re-shod, the tire guy I deal with suggested Hancook light truck AT radials. I don't know where they're made, and I'm afraid to ask. But, they are providing excellent service for me (even on gravel), and their ability to get through mud and snow is as good as any pickup tire I have used.

If you see them available in your area, it wouldn't be a bad idea to compare prices. Mine are the '10 ply' type...and I can recommend them.


gray wolf
04-10-2010, 10:58 AM
I was talking about tires, Yes they are up there on the to do list and they seem to have many to offer. Also looks like $600.00 to $675.00 is there magic number.
But I think the spark plugs are going to get done first. Here is why.
I tracked down the last owner ( Julie had to be a detective to find him ) Hey I don't mind saying she is much better than I am at some things. Anyway--let me back up a bit.
I called two Ford dealers and spoke to the service Managers, they said the 5.4L engines do blow spark plugs--but they just don't do it Willy nilly. He said it happens if they are not replaced properly, or the get loose, and some other reason ?
He said if they are installed correctly and the right plugs ( Mo-par plugs) are used it should not be a problem. The Ford plugs are 10-12 bucks each and the job is about 200$$ to replace them. He said if they are over 100,000 miles they should be done. Said to try and reach the old owner, like I said I did talk to the old owner and he said he never replaced the plugs--so I am going to try and have them done this week. He said he had a couple of the rubber coil packs replaced --they go on the spark plugs. There are so many parts on these newer cars and trucks I never heard about. The truck runs very good but at least I will have them pull a plug or two and look at the electrodes. If they need to be replaced I will have it done.
I also want to double check that the tranny fluid is not burned or black.
The old owner said he had the ball joints done and some rear end suspension work done,
My mechanic confirmed that.
Anyway this is the work that was done on Thursday.

1 muffler---- $$ 159.10
1 tail pipe--- 58.70
2 clamps-----------------6.00
Oil & filter & lube 37.00 ( wow )
2 front rotors 98.00
2 rear rotors 122.00
2 sets inexpensive pads 88.00
1 fuel filter 14.97
1/2 set E shoes 22.11
clean and fix all pivot pins 00.00
oil frame & clean up transfer case 00.00
4 hours labor @ $ 60.00= 240.00
Mis, shop supply's 8.00
nail in Rt. rear tire-fixed 00.00
Tax-------------- 30.69

TOTAL--------------------- $884.57

I hope I said all that so you could understand it.
So it looks like tires and the plugs to go, and MAYBE the tranny flush.
I can't say thank you enough to all of you for knowing in advance that we would need the extra money for the fix up work. I have to understand that the truck is a 1998 and I had to expect that some things would have to be done. You all had good insight.
All and all we are happy with it and we feel like it's a new car for us, and we are thankful every day, we still can't believe it.
I got out of it yesterday at the store and turned to Julie and said
" Julie do you realize that some fine folks got together and bought this for us"
She said " How could I ever forget"

Please post if you think I should be going about this in a different way.

Thank you all


04-10-2010, 11:37 AM
Want to get a shock to change the oil on my diesel it sets me back $145 every 5-6000 miles. Fuel filters and there are two of them run $65 every 15000 miles. But I have a diesel so you get to pay more.
I hope it lasts for 300,000 miles which means I won't be buying another truck in my lifetime,yea I am an old guy.

04-10-2010, 12:12 PM
I'm not an expert but I work at DTP in Detroit (Dearborn Truck Plant) and worked at the engine plant also (18yrs) and we did have a small problem with blowing plugs but that was on a later run of trucks than yours.
The problem stemmed from a cutter that was set improperly and cut too deep leaving only a couple of threads for the plug to hold #3 plug. If a guy was to cross thread or torque a plug too high, or stressing the engine when hot (Heavy load) they could let go (Bad GU GU) and Very expensive to have fixed. But again a later run than yours, I have a 1998 F-150 5.4 120,000+ Tows a 24Ft Hydra sports (Twice from Mi to N.C. an back) 0 plug problems.
You will have to replace the C.O.P.s (coil over plugs) as they go bad. The truck will start acting like its missing and run rough when one fails. Don't panic it will get you where your going but at 45mph. I swap them out myself cost about 25.00 about a hour of work.
Tires are so specialized now, I run top end stuff but I'm asking my truck to do alot of stuff, sounds like you need more of an off road style tire. Around here you see a lot of tires an rims for sale on craigslist from guys swapping out factory to aftermarket. You may want to look their. Then for less than the cost of new you have a spare set to swap to.

04-10-2010, 12:44 PM
I've ran used Craigs list tires for about 4 years now. I've paid about $100 per set and get about 1 1/2 years out of them. Still a better deal than new.

Thing to look for is the mfg date on the tire. Shops won't install them around these parts if they are over 7 years old. I change my own, but still check the dates. Some folks have tires setting around for years and if left in the sun, that's a disaster waiting to happen.

04-10-2010, 02:04 PM
Good deal GW sounds like your in business again and can get back with the more important things in life! LOL.....Buck

Bad Water Bill
04-10-2010, 02:05 PM
Pat It has been over 20 years since I sold tires so I will not try to tell GW where the MFG date or code is. It may have been mentioned somewhere in the over 500 posts BUT. Can you fill him in on where to look?

gray wolf
04-12-2010, 02:10 PM
Hi all,

I just wanted to say thank you to all again. I have tried to personally thank (thru PM's) all who sent funds but not all of you added your forum handle so I don't know who to thank. So here is a big THANK YOU to everyone.

That said, we have an appointment tomorrow at the Ford dealer in a town about an hour and a half away. (closest one to us)
They will be checking the spark plugs to see if they need changed out. (Sam talked to the previous owner on Friday and he said he hadn't done it in the 7 years he owned it) So, with 140,000 miles on her, it probably needs to be done.
Also they will check the tranny to see if it needs serviced. (fluids and screens, fittings, ect) If that looks ok then we should be good to go for awhile.

The tire dealer that Sam spoke to last week is in the same town and we will be stopping there to look at those General Grabbers he said he could put on for around $700 out the door. Less if we don't put them on yet, naturally. The ones on the truck right now should easily get us thru the summer but not the winter and we both figure prices are going to go up on new rubber so it may be prudent to get the new ones and store them in the shed for the summer and put them on come Nov or late Oct when the snow starts.

Hopefully we can handle all of this funds wise. Then be able to enjoy the summer this year for a change without worry of our truck breaking down like we did the past several summers. (yes, it was a constant worry and we didn't do much because of that)

Guess that sums up what is happening. Thanks again to all, the thought of that new truck out there still blows me away and that you folks made it happen for us.

Bless you all again.


Bad Water Bill
04-13-2010, 03:44 AM
Dear Mrs Gray Wolf Give your fingers a rest. Waaaay back on page 1 or 2 all here said that there was to be no attempt to thank everyone individually as that would be almost impossible. If you missed the wrong person feelings could be hurt. The answer at that time (I have not seen any change yet) was one THANK YOU from the family in the beautiful log cabin. Both of you have done that many times over so sit back and RELAX,:smile::smile:

04-13-2010, 04:55 PM
Mrs. Graywolf
We got our thank you when you posted your first pictures of the your new ride and how happy you both were with it. Many of us chose not to tell you who we were because it was not important to us, still isn't. The family at castboolits just helped one of our family and that was all it was.
Go enjoy your new ride and be happy and have many miles of fun with it. that is enough of a thanks.
Well you could write here once if a while if the mood strikes you. Ha Ha
Go have fun.

04-13-2010, 06:22 PM
If you can find a take off set of factory rims or some rims from a junk yard it may be in your best interest to mount the grabbers on them and find a less expensive street tread set to run in the summer. The money you will save from not having to buy bondo and paint to fill the rust holes so you could pass inspection in the old truck may well pay for the extra rims and tires. Just a suggestion, and I am sure the thought has ran through your heads or may have been mentioned in the many posts in this thread. The street tread tires will last alot longer than the grabbers. There is no sense wearing out the new tires in the summer months. If you need ANYTHING else just ask. Ill try my best to get it for you two.

gray wolf
04-13-2010, 07:13 PM
We had the tranny fluid checked today and were told it looked good and no flush at this time.
The plugs have been changed by the old owner so they were ok. He checked a few other things and the Ford dealer charged us $81.00 to give us That info.
The best so far on the tires seems to be about $625.00 out the door for 4 grabber AT2 tires.
But the bad news was that 7 coil packs have small cracks in them. Ford wants 100 a piece for them and my local mechanic said about 75 each. But he also said to hold off till they give trouble, skipping, ruff running ? I don't know what else they cause. He said don't wash the engine, go slow through water on the road, and be watchful in rainy damp weather.
If they give a problem replace as needed.
I agree with the extra rim information and not using the grabbers for the summer.
But we may have to use the same rims, The tires and a coil pack or two will just about do it for the money. Thank goodness you guy's gave us a buffer for some repairs.

04-14-2010, 02:01 AM
But the bad news was that 7 coil packs have small cracks in them. Ford wants 100 a piece for them and my local mechanic said about 75 each.

Hold it.

I would be very suprised if the COIL's themselves had cracks. One maybe, but 7 at one time? No way!!

What he meant was the BOOTS on the coils have cracks. This was common for these engines.
These can be replaced seperately, I've installed a 100 of them. The reason he's recommending coils is to cover his tail. Be sure to ask BEFORE you buy, If it's really the coil, or just the boots.

I was a Ford dealership technician until Dec. 2008, when Ford closed the dealer I worked for.

gray wolf
04-14-2010, 06:48 AM
Lyle, it was the coil packs. He showed us one and we had to look at it really close to see the cracks in them. They were hairline cracks. We only looked at one of them tho.
Seems like something could be done at this point to seal up those really tiny cracks.

04-14-2010, 07:39 AM
Coil packs have cracks on the top of them & they can get moisture inside over time. Get yourself a tube of dialectic grease & put a coating on top of the coil packs about an 1/8' thick, this will help keep humidity & water from getting in your coil packs (C. O. P. ) Check out this link, these are made the same as Ford just don't have the Ford branding on them "Much Less $$$)http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/8-140033-8-Super-Coils-2005-2008-Ford-4-6-5-4-3V-8_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2eaab8f271QQitemZ2004 32743025QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccess ories

04-14-2010, 09:29 AM

At the risk of drifting the thread a little bit, could I ask if you have a part number or description for the coil packs on a 1995 F-150 with 5.4-liter engine (if the engine even needs such things)?

04-14-2010, 10:04 AM
Couldn't you seal those, with Black silicon or similar? Liquid PVC tape. Somthin,. Dang- that's a pricey consumable.

04-14-2010, 10:18 AM
Just for info, shop around for parts.

I found the following for your vehicle;
Auto Zone Part # C1417----------------------$49.99
Advance Auto Part #---------------------------$33.99

Rock Auto "this is my go to for auto parts" they have 7 differend brands available for your truck, prices anywhere from $23.79 to $58.79. Course you'd have shipping but even with that it would still save you money.

gray wolf
04-14-2010, 10:20 AM
Jc, thanks! That is much cheaper.

Sealing them up would be simpler but what if they are already starting to corrode? How would you know?


04-14-2010, 10:31 AM
Most Autozone parts come with a lifetime warranty as well.

04-14-2010, 12:50 PM

At the risk of drifting the thread a little bit, could I ask if you have a part number or description for the coil packs on a 1995 F-150 with 5.4-liter engine (if the engine even needs such things)?

I believe that the 1995 5.4 ran just an ignition coil no C.O.P.

04-14-2010, 02:22 PM
I had already looked it up in A/Z, AA, and Rock, and it takes a coil per cylinder.

04-14-2010, 03:08 PM
Buy a couple for use in case one/two go out when you're tripping. Unless/until the engine starts missing, be happy, don't worry ! No way all go out at same time.

04-14-2010, 04:46 PM
Buy a couple for use in case one/two go out when you're tripping. Unless/until the engine starts missing, be happy, don't worry ! No way all go out at same time.

But be aware of what is needed to change them out. I have changed out 5 on my 1998, you need a couple of metric sockets. As long as it is not the #4 & #8 cylinder it is fairly easy to do. The other two are hard to get at. I'm with your mec, and would not replace until they go. Like I said you can still drive although she will run rough she should get you where you are going, you will really see it over 45mph.

04-14-2010, 04:53 PM
I'm with shooterg, buy a couple or few and carry them with you for that in case that hopefully never happens. Something like a spare tire. Frankly I'd get a couple of the $23.00 ones from Rock Auto and keep them in the glove box. http://www.rockauto.com/ There you go, they're a very good company, helped a family stationed in Germany get an odd ball gas cap with fewer problems.