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View Full Version : I think the Gougers are getting edgey...

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03-22-2013, 02:24 PM
Just got off the horn with a "friend" who has a "friend" that has 365,000 SPP's wanting to unload the whole shebang for $60.00X1000. Told him to keep them and I got hung up on....LOL!

Anyone else know anyone trying to unload their hoard? Seems to me that with that silly twit from CA getting her ban dropped has a few folks getting worried about their "investment."

03-22-2013, 02:29 PM
when he gets to $25 per 1,000 I'll buy some, provided he pays shipping. :)

Love Life
03-22-2013, 02:32 PM
At 25 per 1,000 I would take a whole bunch off his hands.

Don't invest what you can't afford to eat...

03-22-2013, 02:37 PM
Yeah, what Blammer said. :D

03-22-2013, 02:40 PM
There is going to be a bunch of people stuck with things they do not need or even use. I will set back and watch!! I will buy or trade in a fair market, not during a craze.

41 mag fan
03-22-2013, 02:48 PM
I hope noone buys it from any of those who bought to gouge prices. Let them eat their losses

03-22-2013, 02:52 PM
I hope [okay no I don't] he paid wholesale.

03-22-2013, 02:53 PM
$60 per 1K primers, is that the market right now? that is crazy

Case Stuffer
03-22-2013, 03:09 PM
I purchased 2K at $40 per K yesterday at a local dealer. I felt that was a fair price as Federal and CCI s are $140 per 5K at Midways USA then there is the hazmat plus shipping. I have a back order placed at another online dealer for 5K CCI SP $154.43 plus27.50 hazmat plus $16.95 shipping for a total of $198.89 . $40 per k plus $2.80 sales tax out the door is likely to be the new fair price.
Wish I had the ones I paid less than $10 per K years ago stolen while I was moving 6 years ago but then all that got was most of my primers,powder ,cast bullets and alloy. Non of my reloading or casting equipment was stolen so I still considered myself lucky.

Bad Water Bill
03-22-2013, 03:10 PM
When the bottom falls out and he can not feed his greedy family now living in a cardboard box I MIGHT offer $10.00 per K if I am feeling generous that day.

Otherwise learn your lesson and eat beans.

03-22-2013, 03:20 PM
I agree with yo'all. I did the math and if the friend is actually him he was bragging a few months back on his "investment." Told him then that I was set and good for him. So much for that "set for life" comment he made at the time.

I just checked my goto supplier and they are still taking backorders at $34.78X1000 for CCI #41's, being as that's the only one I'm worried about I'm good with that.

03-22-2013, 03:25 PM
You need new "friends"

03-22-2013, 03:28 PM
Any person that bought 365K primers is a speculator. Let him learn that the market goes up and the market goes down. Pay your money and take your chances.

03-22-2013, 03:43 PM
If he bought them in normal times I'm assuming he worked a deal. I would have anyway. So if the normal price was. $25 per K I'd want it to for less. So he should be able to recoup his initial investment easy. If he bought at inflated prices screw him and that's what he gets. I don't need 365k. But I will easily shoot close to 10k this year depending on the weather. I know it's a free market. But when you keep a product out of the hands of people that will actually use it I have no respect for you. The shortage would be 365k heavier if he wasn't sitting on them and not planning on using them.

John Allen
03-22-2013, 03:45 PM
I am waiting to see what happens. We all know there are people out there who bought the stuff just expecting the bans to make money. Well I am sitting here with cash in hand waiting for the regular prices to come back.

gray wolf
03-22-2013, 03:53 PM
Free enterprise is one thing, but IMHO any person that willfully takes advantage of another person is not a very nice soul. But then again if the people wouldn't pay the price they wouldn't be able to sell the stuff. So what do we have here ? the chicken and the egg thing ?
It's there right to sell and someones right to buy, but I just don't like how some as in many choose to make there money. Just say-in.

03-22-2013, 04:00 PM
The only thing I bought in the last 6 months were 6 Sig SP 2022's and a Dillon 650XL. I am keeping at least two of the Sig 9 MM's for myself and my wife and the other 4 will be barter material for when the Dollar falls and becomes worthless.....

If it does not then I will have 4 Sig's for sale at reasonable prices since I bought them very reasonably.

The Dillon will be used and will have a place of honor on my reloading bench.

03-22-2013, 05:38 PM
NO! I try not to hang out with people like that! :)

03-22-2013, 06:12 PM
The speculators that are not gun people are the ones most likely to get burned. They are not familiar enough with the market to know when to "bail out"........................

41 mag fan
03-22-2013, 06:30 PM
The speculators that are not gun people are the ones most likely to get burned. They are not familiar enough with the market to know when to "bail out"........................

Call obama...he can tell them when to and how a bail out works!!!

03-22-2013, 06:39 PM
i needed a grin :D aye a sunny spot on a cloudy day , and while i refuse to pay scalpers prices i hope they bought high and have to sell low ( yeah i know ....i'm bad like that )

03-22-2013, 07:21 PM
I have no animosity toward the guy for offering primers at $60 per even if he got them at $10 per.

But I'm not buying either...

03-22-2013, 07:46 PM
I had to pay $35 This last Feb The only way I would pay that was I just got the guns to reload and that was the last thing I needed.

I hope they get stuck with all them primers and every one that's doing that

Alvarez Kelly
03-22-2013, 07:50 PM
I bought 200 SRP yesterday for $7.98. That's all I could buy... LGS limit. That works out to $39.90 per 1000. I needed them...

03-22-2013, 08:07 PM
$40 per K isn't that bad. Cabelas normal price is $32 - $35 depending on brand. I was on a site yesterday that was charing $9.50 per 100. They will remain nameless since I wasn't on their site before the panic. They may have been asking that much before the shortage. I have my doubts and I'm almost positive they're gouging. But no one is forcing anyone to buy from them. The market will determine who survives.

03-22-2013, 08:23 PM
I bought 200 SRP yesterday for $7.98. That's all I could buy... LGS limit. That works out to $39.90 per 1000. I needed them...

That's not a bad price at all.

03-22-2013, 08:40 PM
I just got 1K CCI lg rifle for $40.00 today. Thought it was a little high but not bad considering I have been looking and could not find any. Been getting sm rifle and sm and lg pistol for $34.95 here.

03-22-2013, 09:13 PM
I've been watching the sell sites and there are a lot of guns for sale. Most of the prices are high. The only ones I see selling are moderate to low priced. The rest just sit there. I think there are a lot more people needing money than guns. It shouldn't be too long before the prices on guns start to come down. Primers and powder may take a while because of the big order by DHS.

03-22-2013, 09:14 PM
I buy mine from a guy at the gumshow in Lima. $26.99/1k. Sells out in about 20 minutes. Just grinned at you when he sells them.

Swamp Man
03-23-2013, 07:33 AM
I'm waiting on some of those poor SOB's that bought all the 410 reloading gear and stock piled all those slugs,00 & 000 loads. Because I got a feel like I'm going to make a score soon that's gonna leave me smiling.

41 mag fan
03-23-2013, 07:51 AM
It shouldn't be too long before the prices on guns start to come down. Primers and powder may take a while because of the big order by DHS.

Theres no "big" order by DHS. Thats a conspriracy thrown out there. The 1.6 Bil rds bought is actually 103 mil rds. Amounts over the last 3 yrs have actually fallen not risen.
1.6 Billion rounds is what congress has allocated DHS that they could buy up to.

03-23-2013, 08:09 AM
Theres no "big" order by DHS. Thats a conspriracy thrown out there. The 1.6 Bil rds bought is actually 103 mil rds. Amounts over the last 3 yrs have actually fallen not risen.
1.6 Billion rounds is what congress has allocated DHS that they could buy up to.

I've described IDIQ orders many times but the conspiracy types go right back to their theorizing. Oh well.


03-23-2013, 05:27 PM
$60 per thousand? Not his wildest dreams.

LOL! Speculating can be a tough game. I think that ol' boy is about to get a
rude lesson.


03-23-2013, 07:17 PM
"Theres no "big" order by DHS. Thats a conspriracy thrown out there. The 1.6 Bil rds bought is actually 103 mil rds. Amounts over the last 3 yrs have actually fallen not risen.
1.6 Billion rounds is what congress has allocated DHS that they could buy up to."

Hey I just go by what I read. We know that the news is always right. :kidding:

03-23-2013, 08:26 PM
The speculators that are not gun people are the ones most likely to get burned. They are not familiar enough with the market to know when to "bail out"........................

There's a very old anecdote about the Rothschilds - asked why they always made money speculating, the answer came: "We always sell too soon".

My financial son-in-law has another one: "Bears make money, bulls make money, and pigs get slaughtered".

Gator 45/70
03-23-2013, 10:15 PM
Down here we are starting to see AR's on display, Bunch of pistol ammo, Powder and primer's are trickling in, I would say the gouger's have pretty much shot their _ _ _ No one is buying the overpriced item's in the last few day's. I see daylight gentlemen !

tomme boy
03-23-2013, 10:21 PM
Paid $26/1000 for Win primers today at the local gun show. There are two dealers that have not raised thier prices at all. They both had people standing in line to get stuff. While the other 2 dealers that have their primers at $45/1000 had no one buying anything.

03-23-2013, 10:55 PM
Wonder if obama will have bailouts for the "ammo speculators" when they lose their shirts?

Iowa Fox
03-23-2013, 10:58 PM
tomme was that the Cedar Rapids show? I didn't go, didn't feel like fighting the mob and I don't need anything.

Paid $26/1000 for Win primers today at the local gun show. There are two dealers that have not raised thier prices at all. They both had people standing in line to get stuff. While the other 2 dealers that have their primers at $45/1000 had no one buying anything.

Larry Gibson
03-23-2013, 11:07 PM
$60 per thousand? Not his wildest dreams.

LOL! Speculating can be a tough game. I think that ol' boy is about to get a
rude lesson.


Unfortunately LOLs is the joke on us. Went to the local gunshow today; all primers were selling for $60 a thousand and idiots were paying it! Pulled M193 & M855 bullets going for $300 a thousand and idiots were paying it! Low end berdan primed milsurp of anything going for 70 cents to a dollar a round and idiots were paying it! Federal bulk .22LR boxes of 525 rds selling for $259.00 and idiots were paying it! Shot to cr*p ARs and AKs going for $800 - $1000 and idiots were paying it! Rack M1As at $2000 and match ones at $3000+ and idiots were paying it! All mags (never saw so many and wonder where they all came from!) for any handgun or rifle holding over 10 rounds going for rediculous prices........Met a guy walking out bragging to his buddy on the "good deal" he got on a shot to cr*p SKS for $650 (one of the idiots)! Wives telling hubby's to go ahead and buy "it" because it will only get more expensive (behind every idiot is a woman?)......I left early, went home and and checked the price tags on the 10 boxes of bulk "525" Federal .22LR I have and the ran from $16.95 to $21.00 and now are worth $259.00.......wondered what I could sell the 8mm I paid 5 cents a round for......stood guard over my own "Fort Knox" of precious metals.....used to say to invest in "precious metals; brass and lead"........that has come true as they appear to be worth more than gold.........absolutely insane.......is it really getting better in other parts of the country???????

Larry Gibson

03-23-2013, 11:13 PM
Long as people pay that much it will stay there

03-23-2013, 11:16 PM
I like the way my buddy did it. Bought an AR for $599 just before Sandy Hook, then he bought a duffle bag full of P-mags (50 I think), then bought a couple thousand rounds of ammo. All this before the big "shortage". He sold all the stuff a month ago (probably for 3 times what he gave for it) and used the money to put a down payment on a piece of land.
Perfectly executed timing. Game, set, match.
He was glad to buy it, he was glad to sell it, and the buyer was glad to buy it. Everybody went home happy.

Swamp Man
03-23-2013, 11:34 PM
Unfortunately LOLs is the joke on us. Went to the local gunshow today; all primers were selling for $60 a thousand and idiots were paying it! Pulled M193 & M855 bullets going for $300 a thousand and idiots were paying it! Low end berdan primed milsurp of anything going for 70 cents to a dollar a round and idiots were paying it! Federal bulk .22LR boxes of 525 rds selling for $259.00 and idiots were paying it! Shot to cr*p ARs and AKs going for $800 - $1000 and idiots were paying it! Rack M1As at $2000 and match ones at $3000+ and idiots were paying it! All mags (never saw so many and wonder where they all came from!) for any handgun or rifle holding over 10 rounds going for rediculous prices........Met a guy walking out bragging to his buddy on the "good deal" he got on a shot to cr*p SKS for $650 (one of the idiots)! Wives telling hubby's to go ahead and buy "it" because it will only get more expensive (behind every idiot is a woman?)......I left early, went home and and checked the price tags on the 10 boxes of bulk "525" Federal .22LR I have and the ran from $16.95 to $21.00 and now are worth $259.00.......wondered what I could sell the 8mm I paid 5 cents a round for......stood guard over my own "Fort Knox" of precious metals.....used to say to invest in "precious metals; brass and lead"........that has come true as they appear to be worth more than gold.........absolutely insane.......is it really getting better in other parts of the country???????

Larry GibsonDown in my area of fl things are looking better everyday the turn around started a few weeks back. Lots of shotguns,rifles and different ammo in the cases/racks lately. Still not seeing much in the way of 223,9mm or 22lr. I did hear yesterday that one shop just got in a few cases of 9mm they own two shops so I would think they both had them. I don't have a 9mm so wasn't something I needed I'm just watching the 9mm as a sign of change taking place.

03-23-2013, 11:36 PM
Well, I hope all the Hoarders, Flippers, and Chicken Littles have their salt & pepper shakers filled and ready.

If some clown offered me such a deal on primers......$60/1K.......he would have been told where to put them. In a place never warmed by the sun's radiance. Avaricious, greedy, low-life afterbirths of b--tard skunks.

Bad Water Bill
03-24-2013, 12:02 AM
Well, I hope all the Hoarders, Flippers, and Chicken Littles have their salt & pepper shakers filled and ready.

If some clown offered me such a deal on primers......$60/1K.......he would have been told where to put them. In a place never warmed by the sun's radiance. Avaricious, greedy, low-life afterbirths of b--tard skunks.

IIRC That price was if you purchased the whole lot of 365K as one order. And that was the special price from a friend of a friend.

With that kind of friends WHO needs enemies?

03-24-2013, 12:17 AM
last week gander had 10 boxes of 9mm for sale needless to say they didn't last long, and before that some guy bought a whole pallet as it was being rolled out to the sales floor (selling at a gun show)

Bad Water Bill
03-24-2013, 12:25 AM
last week gander had 10 boxes of 9mm for sale needless to say they didn't last long, and before that some guy bought a whole pallet as it was being rolled out to the sales floor (selling at a gun show)

Hope that guy enjoys them with MUSTARD & ONIONS.:bigsmyl2:

Love Life
03-24-2013, 12:29 AM
I have not seen any let up in demand around here in Nevada for ammo or components. Larry's Pistol and Pawn in Alabama is my market indicator, and from what Mom says he is still busy as can be with purchase limits on ammo. Seems there is still more demand than supply on the ammo and components side of the house. Not so much those black rifles. Let prices keep on dropping.

Gator 45/70
03-24-2013, 12:36 AM
Wow, Nice man...
Arkansas is off my list, Thanks' for the head's up !

I like the way my buddy did it. Bought an AR for $599 just before Sandy Hook, then he bought a duffle bag full of P-mags (50 I think), then bought a couple thousand rounds of ammo. All this before the big "shortage". He sold all the stuff a month ago (probably for 3 times what he gave for it) and used the money to put a down payment on a piece of land.
Perfectly executed timing. Game, set, match.
He was glad to buy it, he was glad to sell it, and the buyer was glad to buy it. Everybody went home happy.

03-24-2013, 12:38 AM
I like the way my buddy did it. Bought an AR for $599 just before Sandy Hook, then he bought a duffle bag full of P-mags (50 I think), then bought a couple thousand rounds of ammo. All this before the big "shortage". He sold all the stuff a month ago (probably for 3 times what he gave for it) and used the money to put a down payment on a piece of land.
Perfectly executed timing. Game, set, match.
He was glad to buy it, he was glad to sell it, and the buyer was glad to buy it. Everybody went home happy.

Awesome timing! I was tempted to unload a bit of my surplus but decided my little stash wasn't worth the bother. I did consider moving my primers into the safe, tho.

Swamp Man
03-24-2013, 12:43 AM
Hope that guy enjoys them with MUSTARD & ONIONS.:bigsmyl2:

Your not alone. That's gonna be a bitter pill to shallow if he's stuck with them.LOL

03-24-2013, 12:57 AM
bad thing is some dummy WILL pay that price, hopefully nun of us in cast boolits.

03-24-2013, 12:59 AM
I like the way my buddy did it. Bought an AR for $599 just before Sandy Hook, then he bought a duffle bag full of P-mags (50 I think), then bought a couple thousand rounds of ammo. All this before the big "shortage". He sold all the stuff a month ago (probably for 3 times what he gave for it) and used the money to put a down payment on a piece of land.
Perfectly executed timing. Game, set, match.
He was glad to buy it, he was glad to sell it, and the buyer was glad to buy it. Everybody went home happy.

That is awesome! Good for him. When all of this nonsense started with the “sky is falling” people, we sold off a couple of extra ar’s we had, brass, small primers and powder. I had stupid prices on them and people couldn’t pay fast enough. We were able to re-retrofit my roofing and framing crew trucks with some new compressors, nail guns, hoses, more ladders and safety gear with the profit. My crews are happy as all get out. Call it gouging if you want to but, I don’t feel bad about it regardless of what others think. The power of the all mighty dollar.

03-24-2013, 02:49 AM
None of the LGS I go to around Indy have charged anything like what I have been hearing about out on this site. Many went up $3-4 per 1,000 and limited the amount you could purchase at any time. I did not consider that gouging considering the circumstances. Let the speculators eat their primers.

03-24-2013, 06:49 AM
Plenty of ARs to be found around me. But all at double the price they should be. Not sure how I feel about the shop. It's the only thing they raised their prices on. They usually sell at MSRP so they aren't a bargain shop. But they have plenty of powder at reasonable prices. Full selection of primers but to much for me at $45 per k. They also have plenty of ammo but at their normal high prices. Like I said they always charge those prices so they haven't changed during the panic. Well they did hire a very attractive young lady that knows what she's talking about to work the counter. Want to guess who's selling more firearms than anyone else :)

03-24-2013, 08:40 AM
IIRC That price was if you purchased the whole lot of 365K as one order. And that was the special price from a friend of a friend.

With that kind of friends WHO needs enemies?

Not me, still haven't heard a peep out of him. Not that I want to. As for the origin of his "stash" it was mid-Dec. WIN SPP's were still at around $27.00X1000. He's trying to double his investment and from what I know of the area he's going to be sittin' on 'em for a bit. Midsouth is getting back orders filled but it's 4-6 weeks at a time IIRC.

cajun shooter
03-24-2013, 09:10 AM
I agree with Larry Gibson. I posted a similar posting a few months back. We have people with lots of extra cash in our ranks. They are hurting everyone who is in the sport of shooting and owning guns. From what I've seen around the Baton Rouge area it will take some time for the shortage to go away.
My local Wally World which is about 3 miles away has not had a single box of 22's for about 3 months now. The ammo cabinet is empty except for a few boxes of 30-06 and 7MM mag. No rimfire at all.
We just had a local gun show and it was just as Larry posted, the people were paying the $60 a thousand that was demanded by the sellers. Some of them are sitting there with 100,000 or more primers with big grins on their faces.
They had people that were buying sleeves(5000) of each size at the $60 K price. The madness will continue for some time I'm afraid.

tomme boy
03-24-2013, 11:13 AM
Iowa Fox, yes it was.

03-24-2013, 11:26 AM
i went to a gun show yesterday and bought some primers for $38 per thousand. some vendors had ammo at crazy prices and some had it at just a little markup but all had ammo for sale at 5pm. saw some crazy prices on powders though. $42 per pound for accurate #2, but again all had merchandise

03-24-2013, 01:09 PM
Wow, Nice man...
Arkansas is off my list, Thanks' for the head's up !

Hey, its not like that. He just slung the thing over his shoulder and took a walk through a local gunshow on the last day. Some nervous feller came up and made him an offer. He just said OK and made the guy aware of the magazines and ammo too. Dude started thumbing out the 100's. I don't see anything wrong with that. The guy would have gone without otherwise. It was worth it to him, and my buddy was the only one selling, so the deal was struck. I commend my friend for putting the money in a much less volatile investment scenario, and had the banns gone through, the buyer would have gotten a good deal. It was his gamble to make, and that's why I mentioned it in this thread.
Lots of bad decisions have been made out of fear. Those who keep their head in a tense environment......well...... keep their head!

Friends call me Pac
03-24-2013, 05:20 PM
Sounds like good news to me. Maybe I'll be able to get a mold so I can cast for my 30.06 now before too much longer. I've got gas checks, lead, powder & primers but no mold.

03-24-2013, 07:18 PM
Sounds like good news to me. Maybe I'll be able to get a mold so I can cast for my 30.06 now before too much longer. I've got gas checks, lead, powder & primers but no mold.

Get a custom mold from Accurate Molds. The turn around time is something likes 2 weeks usually.

Bad Water Bill
03-24-2013, 07:29 PM
We have many quality mould makers right in our family. Several of these fine folks probably have just what you are looking for sitting on their shelf just waiting for your call.

03-24-2013, 07:39 PM
Well, I suppose a thing is only worth what it's worth to the buyer or seller. If I'm not one of those, maybe it's none of my business. But I'll be d---ed if I'm going to cough up $60 for 1K of primers! That is NUTS!

03-24-2013, 07:56 PM
I went to gunshow 2 weeks ago and got cci 41's for $32 per K

03-24-2013, 08:05 PM
We just had a gun show in town. One guy had sr primers for $100/K and another had srmatch primers for $100/K. Don't think they sold any, but a guy with some older CCI mini mag was getting $100/brick and people were buying. Cheapest was $65/brick and he sold it all. Cheapest primers were $47/K for small rifle and $42/K for large rifle. Most powder was $30/lb, but I just missed out on an old 4lb cardboard keg of Red dot for $80 (unopened).

03-24-2013, 08:41 PM
I've been watching this thread wondering what folks will do to prepare for the next "shortage". If you don't think there will be one you haven't been paying attention. I haven't been caught short in the last couple of shortages, my first one forced me to buy a 22 revolver to save my primers for match ammo. Obviously we all need to take a hard look at our minimum stocking levels for components and rimfire ammo but there are other possibilities that come to mind.
I'm considering investing in a few commodities that I'm pretty familiar with. Even a modest profit would have netted me a better return on investment than anything I did in the stock market in 2012, and I had a decent year there. I won't invest the mortgage payment or my retirement savings but I think there's money to be made without gouging. A pallet of primers and another of powder next to a pallet or two of ammo would go a long ways towards supplying my friends with less foresight.

03-24-2013, 08:56 PM
The thing about these situations is a handfull of people will make a few bucks but the majority probably won't in the long run, and quite a few will even get stung. The downside is that it sets a precidence that the manufacturers and retailers see and opens the door for them to take a price increase because they know we will pay it.

Availability of ammo or lack of is probably driving the component cost more than anything. If there were ample supplies of ammo even at an inflated cost I don't think components would be as much in demand as they are.

03-25-2013, 08:09 AM
I stock up the larder and shoot more in times of plenty. I don't buy much, and shoot a whole lot less during shortage periods. My hunt rate stays about the same, but experimental shooting--plinking--and recreational shooting dwindle markedly. I utterly refuse to deal with any schlub that wants to play Captain Menshevik during times of shortage. Not only do I hope such cretins get to eat their stockpiles......I could almost condone theft loss for such greedheads. They really annoy me.

03-25-2013, 10:35 AM
Dunno if many here know what "Rural King" is. But I was in there yesterday so the kids could check out the chicks, ducklings and rabbits. Couple of your "typical" good ole boys were going over the empty ammo shelves looking at the prices. I stopped checking out some steel loads and listened as one was teaching the other about the diffrences in pricing on handgun ammo. "You see the more expensive stuff is for self defence, like my .357 it's just for the bad guy's but I bought a cheap .38 Special for targets..."[smilie=b:

The more I see of the misinformed spreading their paticular form of expert advice I don't wonder much how the shortages happened, just how many are sitting on componants/ammo they have no intent on using or have weapons for? Awhile ago someone/many made refrence to "hurricane" buyers and I am in total agreement. Funny thing though, there are no shortages around here of any kind of shotgun ammo, picked up another 25 rounds of 00 buck for a hair under a buck a round. Oodle's of .410, 28, 20 and 12ga galore. No 16's though.

Bad Water Bill
03-25-2013, 11:00 AM

When I see something on evil bay that catches my eye I save it.

I visited there this mourning and checked on 2 Lyman 225415 moulds.

3-7 SOLD a used one $211.51

3-24 SOLD a brand new in box $86.00

Could it be slowing down?

Swamp Man
03-25-2013, 04:50 PM

When I see something on evil bay that catches my eye I save it.

I visited there this mourning and checked on 2 Lyman 225415 moulds.

3-7 SOLD a used one $211.51

3-24 SOLD a brand new in box $86.00

Could it be slowing down?
All signs are pointing toward stock returning.

03-25-2013, 05:25 PM
Last summer before this mess started Bass Pro was asking $67 / 1000 i told the guy at the counter they should go out of business.

03-25-2013, 05:41 PM
All signs are pointing toward stock returning.
Could also be a sign that the new one isn't the quality of the old one.

03-25-2013, 05:58 PM
I hope a bunch of them get burned and have to sell for a loss.

03-25-2013, 06:15 PM
. "You see the more expensive stuff is for self defence, like my .357 it's just for the bad guy's but I bought a cheap .38 Special for targets..."[smilie=b:.

Then this same guy will have a pocket size .22mag for those times when the 357 is too big to conceal.............LOL

03-25-2013, 09:07 PM
The thing about these situations is a handfull of people will make a few bucks but the majority probably won't in the long run, and quite a few will even get stung.

I agree, that's why I'm kicking it around. I'd sell for a reasonable price after the pipeline runs dry and use some of the profits to buy the gougers a bottle of ketchup.

03-25-2013, 09:34 PM
It's not slowing down yet.

03-25-2013, 09:44 PM
Where in the CR show did you see primers for <$45/K? I saw SPMP from a dealer @$45/K that I bought from the same dealer for $30/K the show before.. but as far as SPP's.. I heard if you made it there in the first 5 minutes of the show you could get win SPP from that same dealer for $45/K.. One of the ammo gougers there said "I normally don't sell reloading stuff".. but was proudly selling CCI 500s for $75/K or $10/100. I needed some but I still couldn't do it.. I walked away...

03-25-2013, 10:08 PM
I bought 1k spp mag primers and 4 lbs of power pistol powder for $65 from sportsman warehouse last Monday.

Bad Water Bill
03-25-2013, 10:10 PM
What ? some folks are. The biggest idiot on the first 6 banger placed his ONLY bid on 3-19 starting at $50.00 and winning at $152.50. What his max was we will never know. What did he prove? Way more $ than brains.

The 2nd (9 MM) bid $51.00 on 3-22 (again his only bid) and bought it for $122.50.

Still a FAR cry from what some went for 4 weeks ago.

03-25-2013, 10:59 PM
I stopped in at the LGS today to look around, and the guy behind the counter saw me looking at powder. He walks over to tell me he got in some 8lb Kegs of 2400 and Red Dot. I bit and asked how much? He said $239 per keg! I just smiled and told him that I had picked up a 4lb keg of Red Dot last month for $69 at Wal Mart. He just gave a frown and walked off. He gets most of his powder from Powder Valley and is basically asking double what he paid. All of his 1lb cans of various powders are 29.95. He marked most of his firearms up $50 to $150. I had been looking at a plain Jane Henry 22 in January and he offered it to me for $280, today he wanted $350. Wal Mart still has the Henry for $289. I used to buy a lot of stuff from this guy, but I dont appreciate his attitude. I believe in the free market system but I don't have to buy from him and he is not the only game in town. The other major dealer in town has only raised his prices slightly and is willing to give a good frequent customer a break. Guess where I am taking my business.


Bad Water Bill
03-25-2013, 11:13 PM
I stopped in at the LGS today to look around, and the guy behind the counter saw me looking at powder. He walks over to tell me he got in some 8lb Kegs of 2400 and Red Dot. I bit and asked how much? He said $239 per keg! I just smiled and told him that I had picked up a 4lb keg of Red Dot last month for $69 at Wal Mart. He just gave a frown and walked off. He gets most of his powder from Powder Valley and is basically asking double what he paid. All of his 1lb cans of various powders are 29.95. He marked most of his firearms up $50 to $150. I had been looking at a plain Jane Henry 22 in January and he offered it to me for $280, today he wanted $350. Wal Mart still has the Henry for $289. I used to buy a lot of stuff from this guy, but I dont appreciate his attitude. I believe in the free market system but I don't have to buy from him and he is not the only game in town. The other major dealer in town has only raised his prices slightly and is willing to give a good frequent customer a break. Guess where I am taking my business.

When you make your purchase from your NEW G S mail a copy of your sales check with a note attached "You lost this sale because you tried to make a fool of me after I have been a customer of yours for X years. Goodby for good".

03-26-2013, 12:47 AM
B/W Bill et al--

I think a number of the flim-flammers get this message or one very much like it each time one of these buying binges takes place. Good customers understand that a seller has to make a profit to keep the lights on and the doors open, but greed and avarice leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. $10/100 for SPPs?? Get outta here! Afraid some dude will strip your shelves and flip your stock to double his money? Fine--200 primers per day, per customer, at a reasonable mark-up. That's fair, and discourages the stripper/flippers--whom I loathe with the same vigor I reserve for greedheads. Sooner or later, the market will return to relative sanity. For now, I'm not about to swim in waters so full of sharks and barracudas.

03-27-2013, 01:12 AM
We have a local guy like that. He's been in business for a long time and I just don't know why. He's always the highest price in town, has always priced new guns 10% or more above MSRP, thus considerably more than his competition. His only appeal to me has been that he usually has some of the more eclectic things that are not stocked by the "other guys" and he's an authorized Dillon dealer so I can get some of the parts kits and stuff from him when I can't wait for Dillon to ship them to me. He's also not a very personable guy, though his ever increasing staff is all pretty nice. The place has flourished for some reason that I just can't fathom.
I've been checking in pretty much weekly for a while because he has managed to maintain a pretty good flow of reloading supplies and I keep hoping he'll get in some powder I need at which point I'd have to decide if I was willing to pay the price he posts. In the interim I've noticed: good stock of primers, any size, any brand, $50.00/1000. Wolf .22 ammo, $70/brick. WW 330ish bulk pack .22s, $20. Today was probably the last straw for me. His staff was bustling around unloading a pretty good sized shipment of ammo and reloading supplies when I noticed a big stack of red boxes in the bullets section. Hornady .224 FMJ BT j-word bullets.... $94.99/100 pack. 95 friggin' cents per round before you ever stuff a 5 cent primer into the case and dump the powder charge.

Correction & apology: I feel like an idiot. I went back to the LGS today and was smugly not surprised that he still had a large stack of the Hornady FMJs sitting on the shelf with the $94.95 price tag. Problem is, upon looking a bit closer they are stacks of 5-100 packs shrinkwrapped together. 500 bullets for $95 is still a bit steep to my way of thinking, but it is a far cry from the disparaging comments I made before. My sincere, humble apologies to him and this group for my misinformation.


03-27-2013, 11:30 AM
Wonder if obama will have bailouts for the "ammo speculators" when they lose their shirts?

of course. gun buyback programs sponsored by YOUR GOVT? Why not an ammo buyback? Every bullet bought is one that won't be used to kill a small child!

03-27-2013, 11:35 AM
We have a local guy like that. He's been in business for a long time and I just don't know why. He's always the highest price in town, has always priced new guns 10% or more above MSRP, thus considerably more than his competition. His only appeal to me has been that he usually has some of the more eclectic things that are not stocked by the "other guys" and he's an authorized Dillon dealer so I can get some of the parts kits and stuff from him when I can't wait for Dillon to ship them to me. He's also not a very personable guy, though his ever increasing staff is all pretty nice. The place has flourished for some reason that I just can't fathom.
I've been checking in pretty much weekly for a while because he has managed to maintain a pretty good flow of reloading supplies and I keep hoping he'll get in some powder I need at which point I'd have to decide if I was willing to pay the price he posts. In the interim I've noticed: good stock of primers, any size, any brand, $50.00/1000. Wolf .22 ammo, $70/brick. WW 330ish bulk pack .22s, $20. Today was probably the last straw for me. His staff was bustling around unloading a pretty good sized shipment of ammo and reloading supplies when I noticed a big stack of red boxes in the bullets section. Hornady .224 FMJ BT j-word bullets.... $94.99/100 pack. 95 friggin' cents per round before you ever stuff a 5 cent primer into the case and dump the powder charge.


Mike, I can guess why. Based on what I bolded, it's clear he is a savvy businessman who makes good decisions. I would give that guy my business. Based on what you told me.

03-27-2013, 11:47 AM
Give you a whole different slant on the primer and powder situation here. I have some extra primers and powder that I've had for a year or so and with some eye problems I'll probably be much less involved in reloading for a while...so I figured to try and sell a small quantity of primers and a few pounds of powder....we have a fairly small web site that is dedicated to fishing and hunting...got some loaders on it...I didn't want to have to ship for obvious reasons. I posted 3000 cci primers (1K spp and 2 K lpp) and 4# of 231...primer price was $35 per K and the powder was $25 a pound. It lit a fire...name calling, people trying to secret bid and unhook others offers, etc. I simply sold it all to a buddy and closed he "thread" down....must have had 25 people squabbling about that silly little bunch of primers and powder...I don't care about prices...I'm simply not selling anything until the world settles down..I got plenty of storage room and plenty of time...so I guess I'm a 'reverse hoarder" but I'm not dealing with the frenzy buyers..it's just nuts!!

Love Life
03-27-2013, 11:50 AM
Interesting reading here. It makes one wonder though. I used to shoot only jacketed bullets until the price on them went sky high. At that point I started casting.

I wonder what I'll do if it costs as much to reload a box of 50 rds as it does to just buy it. Hmmm. As for the gouger thingy I get it. I don't like getting gouged or seeing people get gouged, but they (sellers) have the choice to ask whatever price they want. Whether or not it sells is their problem.

To me it is a pure numbers game. At some point SOMEBODY is going to pay the price you ask.

Case Stuffer
03-27-2013, 11:54 AM
I stopped in at the LGS today to look around, and the guy behind the counter saw me looking at powder. He walks over to tell me he got in some 8lb Kegs of 2400 and Red Dot. I bit and asked how much? He said $239 per keg! I just smiled and told him that I had picked up a 4lb keg of Red Dot last month for $69 at Wal Mart. He just gave a frown and walked off. He gets most of his powder from Powder Valley and is basically asking double what he paid.

Two months ago I ordered an 8 pounder of HS-6 from Powder Valley and it cost me right at $200 including Hazmat and shipping. Two weeks ago I purchased eight one pounders of WW231 from another oon line source atnd it cost $196 delivered. I liked it much better when WW 231 was less than $10 a pound and primers were less than $10 per K but I also liked gas at less than $2 a gallon and state sales tax at 4%. Last new Colt Goverment model .45 ACP I purchased cost $239 but I am afraid those days are long gone.

Love Life
03-27-2013, 12:00 PM
Last new Colt Goverment model .45 ACP I purchased cost $239 but I am afraid those days are long gone.

I'll give you your money back on that Colt! :kidding:

03-27-2013, 12:43 PM
good deal on the colt. :)

03-27-2013, 01:30 PM
Got my Colt Python 6" blue for $269.oo with tax. Oh for the old times Clint

03-27-2013, 01:42 PM
I have a couple of different LGS that I deal with, and neither one of them has raised prices much at all as far as powder and primers. The only problem they have is staying stocked. The thing is, they always seemed to be under stocked in the first place.
If they were the type to gouge, I wouldn't have dealt with them BEFORE the panic, let alone during it. Granted, they aren't the cheapest either, but they are fair and reasonable. (and have some great sales) They treat their customers well, and will keep those customers through the good times and bad times because they treat people well.
I don't deal with gougers, and have given up some of my supplies to friends so they won't have to deal with gougers either. I have also been blessed with friends that have helped meet my needs as well, where I've come up short.

03-27-2013, 01:49 PM
wow 60K,,, Hope he made his house payment!
sad to tell your kids we spend it on stupid primers,,

we got gouged but bought only 5K
in hopes that might cover us untill the worst is over so hope he sees the light and dumps them quick
and near me to boot,, haha
Hope it changes soon, my son and I love to shoot and this is sure puttin the hurt on us

sad some one to spend that much thinking to burn people


03-27-2013, 02:23 PM
And people here wonder why someone now pays $150 or more for a mold!. At least they only over pay once and than are masters of their boolit supply!

We have a local guy like that. He's been in business for a long time and I just don't know why. He's always the highest price in town, has always priced new guns 10% or more above MSRP, thus considerably more than his competition. His only appeal to me has been that he usually has some of the more eclectic things that are not stocked by the "other guys" and he's an authorized Dillon dealer so I can get some of the parts kits and stuff from him when I can't wait for Dillon to ship them to me. He's also not a very personable guy, though his ever increasing staff is all pretty nice. The place has flourished for some reason that I just can't fathom.
I've been checking in pretty much weekly for a while because he has managed to maintain a pretty good flow of reloading supplies and I keep hoping he'll get in some powder I need at which point I'd have to decide if I was willing to pay the price he posts. In the interim I've noticed: good stock of primers, any size, any brand, $50.00/1000. Wolf .22 ammo, $70/brick. WW 330ish bulk pack .22s, $20. Today was probably the last straw for me. His staff was bustling around unloading a pretty good sized shipment of ammo and reloading supplies when I noticed a big stack of red boxes in the bullets section. Hornady .224 FMJ BT j-word bullets.... $94.99/100 pack. 95 friggin' cents per round before you ever stuff a 5 cent primer into the case and dump the powder charge.


10 ga
03-27-2013, 02:49 PM
Two months ago I ordered an 8 pounder of HS-6 from Powder Valley and it cost me right at $200 including Hazmat and shipping. Two weeks ago I purchased eight one pounders of WW231 from another oon line source atnd it cost $196 delivered. I liked it much better when WW 231 was less than $10 a pound and primers were less than $10 per K but I also liked gas at less than $2 a gallon and state sales tax at 4%. Last new Colt Goverment model .45 ACP I purchased cost $239 but I am afraid those days are long gone.

I can remember gas at $.23 regular, cigs $.26 pack, chew $.30, 50box of good .22lr $.45, 7oz coke in green return bottle($.02 deposit) $.05 and VW beetles $1100 new off showroom floor. Hunting license $1.50 and deer tags another $1.50 and trapping license $1.50. Well guess you can see I'm an old guy. Listen to us, we know stuff.

10 ga

03-27-2013, 03:11 PM
I don't complain at all about gougers. If I don't like their price, then I don't buy from them - simple as that. This is capitalism at its finest.
All this talk about limiting the amount of stuff I can buy at one time leaves a sour taste in my mouth. What's next, I can only buy 5 gallons of gasoline per day for my car? The wife can only buy $40 worth of groceries each time she goes shopping? My local Wal Mart ticked me off by limiting ammo to three boxes per day. Are they in the business of selling stuff, or rationing? So what if someone wants to buy up all the supply and try to resell it, this is still America right? If someone wants to take a gamble and resell things they bought at retail, more power to them. Most of us don't live in a Bloomberg-Nanny-state, and don't want to be told what we can or can't do with our money.
One other thing, the gun shops that are charging a little more for their product now are the smart ones. They have no idea what it will cost to replace stock after it is sold. If they left their prices the same, they would be money behind when it came time to re-order.

Case Stuffer
03-27-2013, 03:25 PM
We have had gas rationing many times in the past and likely will many more times. We have had food rationing and ammo sales limited to a single box of 30 30 to ranchers to be used to protect livestock only.

Ask some of the people that stood in line for 12 hours trying to purchase 5 gallons of gas for thier generators after Sandy is they feel that gas should not have been rationed.

Retailers will mark new inventory according top their new prices from suppliers. No one has to pay for anything this is the land of the free. There are many in Goverment that would love to see ammo prices go up 10 fold or more. Some have tried many times in the past to price it more out of reach. Some have not gotten over the $1 per pack sin tax on cigarettes ,I never liked being told I had to wear a safety helment when I rode motorcycles and I do not like being told I have to wear a safety belt and I detest air bags.

03-27-2013, 03:29 PM
I can tell you that it's the customers that decide the price, not the seller.

There is nothing that will make people pay more for something than it is worth to them.

During the height of the panic I listed an AK74 for $850 on Gunbroker. It was bid up to $1650. Did I do that as the seller?

I had an AR15 listed for $899 that went for $1800.

Things are worth exactly what people are willing to pay for them.

If you had a classic car you bought for $3000, then you found out it was owned by Elvis Presley and it was suddenly worth $100,000 dollars, would you sell it for $3000?

03-27-2013, 03:42 PM
Here in Maine handgun ammo, rimfire ammo, and reloading supplies are extremely slim pickings. Have seen in local swap and sells ads with people asking $65-$80 for a brick of primers. I emailed one who posted an ad "too much to list", he told me $7/sleeve on primers.

Stop by the local Walmart on the way home yesterday and it was the first time I'd seen any handgun ammo, 2 boxes of Tula 45acp (50 round steel case junk) $15.59/50 plus tax. My brother-in-law was speaking to someone working in the Walmart near him, and they said that the same guy comes in every morning checking on ammo, and buys everything he can get, and said they had seen his order ring up at over $800--so much for 3 box limit.

How does one exactly fund $60/1000 on primers when there are 365,000? Can't imagine a big crowd as $21,900 floating around.

03-27-2013, 04:22 PM
Here in Maine handgun ammo, rimfire ammo, and reloading supplies are extremely slim pickings. Have seen in local swap and sells ads with people asking $65-$80 for a brick of primers. I emailed one who posted an ad "too much to list", he told me $7/sleeve on primers.

Stop by the local Walmart on the way home yesterday and it was the first time I'd seen any handgun ammo, 2 boxes of Tula 45acp (50 round steel case junk) $15.59/50 plus tax. My brother-in-law was speaking to someone working in the Walmart near him, and they said that the same guy comes in every morning checking on ammo, and buys everything he can get, and said they had seen his order ring up at over $800--so much for 3 box limit.

How does one exactly fund $60/1000 on primers when there are 365,000? Can't imagine a big crowd as $21,900 floating around.

I sure don't but, there are "groups" here and there that can pony up that kind of coin with out batting an eye and do. One interesting one comes to mind that I saw at a gunshow selling 40' shipping containers for housing in their "compound."

03-27-2013, 05:37 PM
I don't complain at all about gougers. If I don't like their price, then I don't buy from them - simple as that. This is capitalism at its finest.
All this talk about limiting the amount of stuff I can buy at one time leaves a sour taste in my mouth. What's next, I can only buy 5 gallons of gasoline per day for my car? The wife can only buy $40 worth of groceries each time she goes shopping? My local Wal Mart ticked me off by limiting ammo to three boxes per day. Are they in the business of selling stuff, or rationing? So what if someone wants to buy up all the supply and try to resell it, this is still America right? If someone wants to take a gamble and resell things they bought at retail, more power to them. Most of us don't live in a Bloomberg-Nanny-state, and don't want to be told what we can or can't do with our money.
One other thing, the gun shops that are charging a little more for their product now are the smart ones. They have no idea what it will cost to replace stock after it is sold. If they left their prices the same, they would be money behind when it came time to re-order.

You probably thought company stores and the Pullman Strike were great things, too.

03-27-2013, 05:44 PM
My concern is what your price hikes will do to our's over here. You appear to experiencing UK prices. Alliant powders are currently $56 a pound and that is our normal price. I hope shortages don't drive the prices any higher.
A few years ago all reloading components leapt up in price but what was particularly annoying was that vast amounts of old stock appeared at new prices. I did meet one dealer at a gun show who had his stock at its original prices although he said his next lot would go up, but he hadn't jumped on the repricing bandwagon. Credit to him.

Fortunately, I am a bit of a horder and buy components as and when I see them or can afford them and so currently have a resonable stock. So I hope to ride out any storms that come our way.


03-27-2013, 05:46 PM
I live in the Commie Wealth of Mass I was at a LGS and he had 30 round preban AR Mags for 30 bucks each! I thought that wasn't bad cause before the "PANIC" they were 25?? Another "store" told me he had striped Bushmaster lowers for $425.00 each!!! HOLY SHEEP DIP!! I won't be going to him for to much after this mess subsides! I won't pay the insane prices for some of the stuff people are selling (I can't afford it anyway!) and as far as "speculators" let um fry with there purchases!! If they were going to use them it would be one thing, if there doing it to make a few bucks good for them, if there doing it to screw people over F&%$ um!! I just bought some 1/K of 209 primers for $29. Primers in my area even before the scare were 32-36 bucks per 1K. I've recently paid 39 for small pistol and rifle primers. Again I didn't think to far out of line still not cheap though.

03-27-2013, 05:51 PM
I can tell you that it's the customers that decide the price, not the seller.

There is nothing that will make people pay more for something than it is worth to them.

During the height of the panic I listed an AK74 for $850 on Gunbroker. It was bid up to $1650. Did I do that as the seller?

I had an AR15 listed for $899 that went for $1800.

Things are worth exactly what people are willing to pay for them.

If you had a classic car you bought for $3000, then you found out it was owned by Elvis Presley and it was suddenly worth $100,000 dollars, would you sell it for $3000?


Competition sets the price!

I've have been in the retail business most of my life since I was 13 till I retired at 58 from my own retail business. Your competition sets the price.

That is what has made WalMart so successful, beating the competition, and under pricing most everyone else.

03-27-2013, 05:53 PM
I really believe some shops are going to put themselves out of business. The shops that are keeping reasonable prices will likely be able to take reasonable price increases when the flow of supplies stabilize and no one will make to big a fuss of it because they were treated fairly. The guys who were gouging and suddenly have to reduce the price back to normal are not going to fare as well and WILL lose some customers. The old saying in retail is "it's far easier to keep customers you have than to find new ones"

03-27-2013, 05:54 PM
You probably thought company stores and the Pullman Strike were great things, too.

Really??? I believe in a free market.

03-27-2013, 07:03 PM
Quote "I never liked being told I had to wear a safety helment when I rode motorcycles and I do not like being told I have to wear a safety belt and I detest air bags."

I absolutly support your right not to: wear a helmet, wear a saftey belt or have air bags in your car---IF---you are willing to sign a paper saying you will not claim for injuries those things could have prevented or minimized from your insurance.

03-27-2013, 07:43 PM
The customers still set the price by deciding to buy from the place with the lowest price, best service, etc.

And do you know how it is that Wal-Mart is able yo lower prices?

But that is taking us off course... If the prices were too high, people would not buy. Doesn't get much simpler than that.

Gouging is when you raise prices on something necessary, such as water during a natural disaster.

None of us NEEDS a box of .22 ammo to make it through the nigh, though we may strongly WANT it.

The people that caused the price hikes are the guys that walked into stores and bought every box of .22 ammo. This decreased supply and demand increased. What happens to price in this situation?


Competition sets the price!

I've have been in the retail business most of my life since I was 13 till I retired at 58 from my own retail business. Your competition sets the price.

That is what has made WalMart so successful, beating the competition, and under pricing most everyone else.

03-27-2013, 08:00 PM
The customers still set the price by deciding to buy from the place with the lowest price, best service, etc.

And do you know how it is that Wal-Mart is able yo lower prices?

But that is taking us off course... If the prices were too high, people would not buy. Doesn't get much simpler than that.

Gouging is when you raise prices on something necessary, such as water during a natural disaster.

None of us NEEDS a box of .22 ammo to make it through the nigh, though we may strongly WANT it.

The people that caused the price hikes are the guys that walked into stores and bought every box of .22 ammo. This decreased supply and demand increased. What happens to price in this situation?

BULL! So explain the continued success of high end stores and brand name goods.

You ever own or manage a retail business?

I've gotten into to many price wars over 45 years in the retail business. And I was successful, retired at 58.

And do you know how it is that Wal-Mart is able yo lower prices?

Of course I do, but thats taking us way off topic.

Swamp Man
03-27-2013, 08:09 PM

Competition sets the price!

I've have been in the retail business most of my life since I was 13 till I retired at 58 from my own retail business. Your competition sets the price.

That is what has made WalMart so successful, beating the competition, and under pricing most everyone else.
That is correct the competition is the price setters. Anyone that has ever worked where gas is sold knows if your competitor goes up so do you if they go down so do you.

03-27-2013, 08:11 PM
that is correct the competition is the price setters. Anyone that has ever worked where gas is sold knows if your competitor goes up so do you if they go down so do you.


Love Life
03-27-2013, 08:13 PM
I'm confused. Are the people charging very high prices evil, or are the people paying high prices evil?

Swamp Man
03-27-2013, 08:17 PM
I'm confused. Are the people charging very high prices evil, or are the people paying high prices evil?
Neither one the ones selling for vary high prices are greedy,the ones paying vary high prices are stupid.

03-27-2013, 08:22 PM

Love Life
03-27-2013, 08:23 PM
What swamp man said should be the final answer to all of these related threads. I do not like paying stupid high prices. So I don't.

Fortunately I don't NEED anything right now. Well except a Dillon super 1050...

03-27-2013, 09:38 PM
Nobody is evil. Well, maybe the bastage sitting at Wal-Mart waiting for the ammo shipment so he can throw it on craigslist, but even he is not evil. If nobody was buying the ammo at his inflated prices, he wouldn't be doing it.

Now tell me this: What made everybody all of a sudden rush out to buy guns in December & January? What caused the drastic increase in demand? Maybe that is what is evil.

If I can charge whatever I want for a product and people will still buy it, then why exactly are gun dealers not normally charging $200 a brick for .22LR?

If it was competition, (and we were just talking about Wal-Mart) what are Wal-Mart's prices on .22 ammo? Why are people paying $200 a brick at the gunshow if they can just stroll down to Wal-Mart to get a brick for $30?

If it was only competition, then Wal-Mart would win, right? It is supply and demand - outrageous demand and people who have never even thought about owning a gun running out to buy 6 of them and a year's supply of ammo. And they have no idea how much it costs, so whatever it costs is what they will pay.

03-27-2013, 09:41 PM
Neither one the ones selling for vary high prices are greedy,the ones paying vary high prices are stupid.

But greed is one of the seven while stupid is, well, just stupid.

03-27-2013, 09:46 PM
I hope they have to eat their greed...

03-27-2013, 10:10 PM
The customers still set the price by deciding to buy from the place with the lowest price, best service, etc.

And do you know how it is that Wal-Mart is able yo lower prices?

But that is taking us off course... If the prices were too high, people would not buy. Doesn't get much simpler than that.

Gouging is when you raise prices on something necessary, such as water during a natural disaster.

None of us NEEDS a box of .22 ammo to make it through the nigh, though we may strongly WANT it.

The people that caused the price hikes are the guys that walked into stores and bought every box of .22 ammo. This decreased supply and demand increased. What happens to price in this situation?

yep,there is a lot of people bitchin about gouging that either dont know what the hell it is
or are at heart a progressive statist after all the only solution to there so called gouging
problem would be centralized prize controls,I think I will just wait for the price of 22lr
to come down then I will buy

03-27-2013, 10:16 PM
yep,there is a lot of people bitchin about gouging that either dont know what the hell it is
or are at heart a progressive statist after all the only solution to there so called gouging
problem would be centralized prize controls,I think I will just wait for the price of 22lr
to come down then I will buy

With what I've laid back over the years, I'm more than likely set for the rest of my shooting lifetime. Haven't bought any during this madness, but rounds will last awhile.

Price controls are not used for fuel prices, but again competition & speculation controls the price, not the consumer.

03-27-2013, 10:16 PM
Friend of mine visited Cheaper than Dirt today and said the cases were full of handguns and they had lots of .22lr and 9mm ammo. ( McKinney Texas )

People were asking the price then turning and walking out.

He said prices were about three times normal.

When enough people walk out, they will begin to lower prices.

03-27-2013, 10:18 PM
Really??? I believe in a free market.

Me, too. And the reverse edge of that free market sword is my choice to have NOTHING to do with any greedhead making avaricious profits. Are they evil? No, but they ARE about two clicks to right of thieves or burglars in my view--just like the animated tea towel oil shieks in their tinpot sand spits in the Middle East.

03-27-2013, 10:27 PM
Friend of mine visited Cheaper than Dirt today and said the cases were full of handguns and they had lots of .22lr and 9mm ammo. ( McKinney Texas )

People were asking the price then turning and walking out.

He said prices were about three times normal.

When enough people walk out, they will begin to lower prices.

thats kinda how supply and demand works

03-27-2013, 10:46 PM
BULL! So explain the continued success of high end stores and brand name goods.

Marketing that creates a demand for a product so that the CUSTOMERS will desire it enough to pay a higher price. Simply pricing something higher does not encourage people to buy it (well, usually... there is a rare scenario where people associate quality with price...)

You ever own or manage a retail business?


I've gotten into to many price wars over 45 years in the retail business. And I was successful, retired at 58.

What did you sell?

Iron Mike Golf
03-27-2013, 11:10 PM
I guess I am lucky. The local outfitter near me has been keeping a lot of SKUs in stock (excepting used guns!). Prices are up a few bucks ($40/K on primers and $30/brick of 22LR). Powder is running low, but I did get a 4lb jug of Power Pistol a week ago. Powder prices did not go up during all this.

03-27-2013, 11:18 PM
What did you sell?

Locally made Amish and my own hardware furniture, jewlery, hardware, and general merchandise. If it sold and made my wife and I a profit I we sold it over the years.

Overall it was quite an experience and I might add fullfilling.

03-27-2013, 11:39 PM
I'm a gouger!

I bought two extra bricks of Blazer .22 ammo for a junior program to make sure we had enough for everyone and I paid $49.90 a brick. We finished the program and didn't need the bricks I bought so I sold them, the second guy I offered them to took them both (the first guy came back the next day and said he changed his mind). I sold them for $50 a brick. Well actually I tried to give the guy his $0.20 change and he said forget it.

I actually felt bad selling for that much even though that is what I paid. I also felt bad about paying that much when I bought but did not want to disappoint a bunch of junior shooters since they are the future.

03-27-2013, 11:53 PM
Bless your heart, Blacksmith! That's "taking one for the team", all right. I'm glad you were able to recoup your costs. The bandit that sold to you, I hope gets his taxes audited.

You're no "gouger" in my book.

03-28-2013, 12:05 AM
The only Evil ones are the ones fueling this "PANIC" The OBUMMER administration!! There the best Gun and Ammo salespeople EVER!!

Ed Barrett
03-28-2013, 12:44 AM
Today I had an acquaintance (I won't say friend) call me to ask about finding him some small pistol primers. This is a guy who bragged he never bought more than 300 primers at a time. I told him I had been checking around and I couldn't find any at the local places. I told him of several places where he could have them shipped to him and what hazmat would cost him. He asked if I had any primers and if I wanted to sell some. I explained that I had over 2K but I didn't want to sell them. He then told me that the shortage would be over in a month everyone would have components again. I explained that if he was so sure of that just wait a month and he could get some then. He then became irate and said I was a hoarder and some other names. I try to get along with people but I don't really think I did anything out of line.

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 01:20 AM
Well call me what you want but I keep a good stock of ammo for the guns I shoot,I just call it being prepared. If you didn't prepare then that's your fault not mine. You had the right to buy a few thousand rounds to stock up just the same as I did only difference is I done it and you didn't. Now if I stocked up with 100,000 rounds then I'd call myself a hoarder but even then I'd have the right to call you unprepared. The ones that get me are the ones that buy everything up to put on auctions when stock is low so they can cash in on the unprepared.

03-28-2013, 01:30 AM
Your last sentence describes my pet irritation, too, Swamp Man. I'm stocked in some depth, certainly a couple lifetimes'-worth of hunting ammo and some stuff to sight-in with. 90% of that is refilled with cast boolits, so with the primers I have on hand I'm in fair shape. Greedy, grasping SOBs just give me a case of the a--, bigtime.

03-28-2013, 01:43 AM
i went into Miwall today they wanted 4.50 per hundred , ok iasked how much for 1000 he said 4.50 per hundred , so 45.00 per thousand ? no he said its 5 box minimum so all i can buy is 500 at 4.50 each ? no thanks ill wait for the prices to come down , and walked out , ill buy at 3.80 not a penny more , besides i still have 600 at home , i was getting low , reloading my makarov alot lately ..the prices will come down im sure of it

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 02:02 AM
Your last sentence describes my pet irritation, too, Swamp Man. I'm stocked in some depth, certainly a couple lifetimes'-worth of hunting ammo and some stuff to sight-in with. 90% of that is refilled with cast boolits, so with the primers I have on hand I'm in fair shape. Greedy, grasping SOBs just give me a case of the a--, bigtime.
I'm waiting on them some people to offer to sell off what they get stuck with. That's when I will offer them 10 cents on the dollar at Wal-Mart prices. I bet they will call me all kinds of nasty things and say I'm trying to rip them off. Oh it's so much fun to turn the table on folks like that. LOL

Stephen Cohen
03-28-2013, 02:53 AM
You guys are lucky primers are at $57.00x1000 here now, been many years since I saw them at $20.00x1000.

03-28-2013, 06:11 AM
I got lucky I found a little Gem of a store that either very few people know about or this guy knows people. He has had components thru all of this garbage without. When I go there I buy 1K or 2K of something in Primers, also has had Ammo bought CCI standard Velocity 22LR! Last time I was there I got some Varget Powder and he had 55GR Nosler 223 bullets!! And this guy doesn't gouge!! He has charged a couple bucks more for the stuff but I don't feel like he's raped me! Think he's a smart guy with good business sense, and when this is over with I will do business with him for a long time!!

03-28-2013, 10:33 AM
The ones that get me are the ones that buy everything up to put on auctions when stock is low so they can cash in on the unprepared.

That's the opposite of me. It's the unprepared that get me. If yoy live an urban to semi urban area you will witness this anytime bad weather is coming. If people thought ahead and planned accordingly there wouldn't be such an increase in demand.

I laughed at one of my good friends when he bought a generator right before Hurricane Sandy. Not because of the generator purchase. It was because he didn't buy any gas cans or gas. He figured he's be able to go to the gas station to get it. And the gas stations in our town don't have backup generators. Nothing happened in our area and he didn't need to use it. But after seeing the gas lines in NY he still hasn't purchased any gas cans. I see him a few times a week and he gets offended every time. I know I will be the first person he calls because he knows I'm prepared.

I have no issues w/ people that make money of the lazy unprepared people. In rural areas you have to be prepared as part of everyday life. This isn't the case in more urban areas.

03-28-2013, 11:39 AM
That's the opposite of me. It's the unprepared that get me. If yoy live an urban to semi urban area you will witness this anytime bad weather is coming. If people thought ahead and planned accordingly there wouldn't be such an increase in demand.

I laughed at one of my good friends when he bought a generator right before Hurricane Sandy. Not because of the generator purchase. It was because he didn't buy any gas cans or gas. He figured he's be able to go to the gas station to get it. And the gas stations in our town don't have backup generators. Nothing happened in our area and he didn't need to use it. But after seeing the gas lines in NY he still hasn't purchased any gas cans. I see him a few times a week and he gets offended every time. I know I will be the first person he calls because he knows I'm prepared.

I have no issues w/ people that make money of the lazy unprepared people. In rural areas you have to be prepared as part of everyday life. This isn't the case in more urban areas.

So tell me just how Little Johnny that got his first .22 for Christmas is to be "prepared". Or the 4-H group, Boy Scout Camp, Jr. League from the local club you belong to, how are they to be "prepared".

Your local club does support all of the above and does have a Jr. League, right?

I could list many more cases, all of them different.

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 11:56 AM
I have no issues w/ people that make money of the lazy unprepared people. In rural areas you have to be prepared as part of everyday life. This isn't the case in more urban areas. When it happens with food supplies and you were prepared but the shortage last longer then you were prepared for. Then you have to pay $25 for a pound of dry beans please don't forget you have no issues with folks that make money off of the unprepared.

03-28-2013, 12:02 PM
When it happens with food supplies and you were prepared but the shortage last longer then you were prepared for. Then you have to pay $25 for a pound of dry beans please don't forget you have no issues with folks that make money off of the unprepared.

Food and gas for generators is a little different than a box of ammo or primers.

Food is a requirement for life, generators could be, ammo is probably not unless your circumstances are very, very unusual.

If you folks want fixed prices and fixed supply, Obama is working on that for you already. Just you wait...[smilie=b:

03-28-2013, 12:10 PM
No one can be prepared for everything. If it comes to a point where I have to pay more because I wasn't prepared enough then so be it. It's a free market and that's how it works.

As far as new shooters and junior leagues. This has no bearing on me or my life so I really don't care. If an instructor came to me and asked to buy some ammo for a junior league I would gladly sell them some at the cost that I paid. If they happened to ask and my supply was low I would tell them that unfortunately I am unable to sell them any. This may sound harsh to some but my family and friends come before anyone else. I don't expect anyone to do me any favors and I don't ask for them.

I'm not going to get mad at someone trying to make money. Which is what the current environment is. This is not life or death and no one is forcing someone to pay high prices. Why waste my time and energy being made about it? You can't compare the ammo shortage to a potential food shortage. One is an inconvenience while the other could be fatal.

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 12:45 PM
Don't tell me the ammo shortage isn't a life or death issue. Unless you have seen what I've seen then you may think it's not but when I see a older man and his wife in their late 80's facing their home being broken into. Then they can't even buy a box of ammo to protect themselves because of scum buying ammo for resell on auctions it becomes a life or death issue. If they want to sell ammo let them become a dealer and order their supplies wholesale like a real business man.

03-28-2013, 12:52 PM
As far as new shooters and junior leagues. This has no bearing on me or my life so I really don't care. If an instructor came to me and asked to buy some ammo for a junior league I would gladly sell them some at the cost that I paid. If they happened to ask and my supply was low I would tell them that unfortunately I am unable to sell them any. This may sound harsh to some but my family and friends come before anyone else. I don't expect anyone to do me any favors and I don't ask for them.

Thats the attitude, the new American way, ITS ALL ABOUT ME!

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 01:06 PM
Thats the attitude, the new American way, ITS ALL ABOUT ME!

Yep you got that right.

03-28-2013, 01:14 PM
Don't tell me the ammo shortage isn't a life or death issue. Unless you have seen what I've seen then you may think it's not but when I see a older man and his wife in their late 80's facing their home being broken into. Then they can't even buy a box of ammo to protect themselves because of scum buying ammo for resell on auctions it becomes a life or death issue. If they want to sell ammo let them become a dealer and order their supplies wholesale like a real business man.

This would be a very rare situation, whereas everyone must have: water, food, shelter(heat).

Not the same thing.

Area Man
03-28-2013, 01:24 PM
The bandit that sold to you, I hope gets his taxes audited"
You're no "gouger" in my book.

That's COLD!

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 01:26 PM
This would be a very rare situation, whereas everyone must have: water, food, shelter(heat).

Not the same thing.
How much are you making on your ammo auctions?

Area Man
03-28-2013, 01:27 PM
...Why waste my time and energy being made about it? .

I thought that's what the Internet was for!

03-28-2013, 01:29 PM
How much are you making on your ammo auctions?

I have never auctioned ammo, nor sold any on Gunbroker. So the answer would be $0.


Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 01:33 PM
I have never auctioned ammo, nor sold any on Gunbroker. So the answer would be $0.

LMAO How did I know that would be your reply? I'll let you be I'm sure you have auctions to keep an eye on.

03-28-2013, 01:41 PM
Swamp Man, what is your point?

BTW, I like that avatar, LOL!

03-28-2013, 01:44 PM
And Subsonic did what to you Swampman ????

03-28-2013, 01:52 PM
Friend of mine visited Cheaper than Dirt today and said the cases were full of handguns and they had lots of .22lr and 9mm ammo. ( McKinney Texas )

People were asking the price then turning and walking out.

He said prices were about three times normal.

When enough people walk out, they will begin to lower prices.

Yeah, CTD always was a bit high... but they have truly inflated their prices as much as they possibly could during all of this. It's one thing to raise them till you can keep up with order volume... and quite another to raise them till you can sit back and prey on a few select suckers who have more money than brains. CTD is on my permanent black-list.

For a good example of how to run in this market... look at Cabelas. They have stuff in stock on a daily basis, higher than usual prices on most of it, but it's still low enough that they are consistently selling the stuff at the same rate as they restock it. As certain stuff fills the shelf and stays there, prices drop till it's moving again.

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 02:02 PM
Defending the resellers when they are ripping people off left and right says a lot about those who support their actions that's the point.

03-28-2013, 02:13 PM
Defending the resellers when they are ripping people off left and right says a lot about those who support their actions that's the point.

If you look back, you will see that I'm not fond of this either. But in the end, it's the customers that enable it by paying the higher prices.

If nobody is buying it at the inflated prices, the appeal to buy and re-sell won't be there.

The only other way to cure it, is for retailers to raise prices to close the gap between the market value and the selling price, which you guys don't like either.

03-28-2013, 03:03 PM
So tell me just how Little Johnny that got his first .22 for Christmas is to be "prepared". Or the 4-H group, Boy Scout Camp, Jr. League from the local club you belong to, how are they to be "prepared".

Your local club does support all of the above and does have a Jr. League, right?

I could list many more cases, all of them different.

My grandsons got .22 for Christmas and ammo to get them started, so they were prepared.

Yes my clubs support junior programs and to support another program is why I bought extra ammo and took some of my stash as well to see they were covered. Now to be prepared I have advised them, the junior programs I have contact with, and posted on some forums and suggested to the Director of the CMP that he use his bully pulpit to inform all junior programs that they need to plan further in the future due to the present conditions.

ATTENTION JUNIOR PROGRAMS: .22 Ammunition can still be ordered at regular prices from the Civilian Marksmanship Program however, they are currently projecting delivery in 6 to 12 months. You need to plan ahead and order the ammunition you need for next year 2014 now to be sure you are not caught short again.

03-28-2013, 03:07 PM
How about this for gouging? $149.79 for a brick of import .22LR


03-28-2013, 04:00 PM
Thats the attitude, the new American way, ITS ALL ABOUT ME!

You don't know me my family or friends. You don't know how active I am in my community. You don't know jack besides what I posted.

The ammo shortage is NOT life or death. To say so is an extreme stretch. In the example of an old couple needing it for protection. If they were people that I knew I would give it to them. If I don't know them then it would be sold to them. You can't expect me to think that you guys would give away ammo to people you don't know.

And with all the talk about this country is heading down the socialist toilet. Wanting to stop the gougers seems pretty socialist to me. It's a free market. You cant have it both ways. There will always be bad no matter the system.

I think some of you have lost faith in humanity. I live in a more urban area and I'm not worried about end of the world situations. That's another waste of time and energy. I've seen my community pull together and help each other when things go bad. Most recently when the house next door caught on fire and is gutted. And when I say next door it's 12' from my house. I will just let you all assume I haven't helped them out since I'm part of the new American way.

Bad Water Bill
03-28-2013, 04:03 PM
Years ago I bought mil/surp 30 06 from them. Well the headstamp was KA72 and it looked nice so off to the range.

I fired ONE round and my son at the next bench was hit with flying brass.

We went into the range masters office to show him. His answer was A man came here yesterday and had the same results. He dumped the whole 400 + rounds in the dump.

We had a long long discussion here about KA72 and they kept selling till ??

I broke mine down and found
1 the bullets were great
2 inspecting of brass saved most of it.
3 powder in some had deteriorated into a SOLID plug at the neck with some viable powder near the primers.

Yes my garden got fertilized.

I no longer waste my time looking at anything with their name on it.

How they can sleep at night I do not know.

03-28-2013, 04:32 PM
You don't know me my family or friends. You don't know how active I am in my community. You don't know jack besides what I posted.

YUP! You got that right, I don't know you. But by what you posted I consider that a good thing.

03-28-2013, 04:35 PM
Right, rexherring that is a classic example of "The Free Market". I hope they keep sending me their rag, it cost them money and I never spend a cent.

03-28-2013, 06:08 PM
This really bites into the "recreational" aspect of shooting and somewhat plays into the anti gunners hands. I equate 30 cent .22 ammo to $500 golf balls............

03-28-2013, 07:25 PM
this thread makes my head hurt[smilie=b: to all the people whining about gouging
what is your solution?

03-28-2013, 10:25 PM
Phil, the "solution" in past similar instances has been to wait it out. These dust-ups always end, sooner or later. My own contribution to this effort is to strictly avoid dealing with anyone who sells in avaricious fashion--not to feed the scumbags, in other words. If EVERYONE did that, such idiocies would be very short-lived.

The core of my disgust with such dealings is the grasping greed that suffuses such activities. More than a few justify these rip-offs by claiming "It's the market at work" or "Caveat emptor" or some other lucre-inspired homily. Just save that s--t. I am equally as opposed to governmental regulation of trade as I am to the freebooting larceny under way lately with guns, ammo, and components. If ya don't want government oversight, don't rip people off.

03-28-2013, 10:35 PM
This recent gun and ammo run did help me decide what companies I want to do business with now and in the future. Several companies got deleted from the bookmarks on my web browser and several companies got put to the top to stand out later.

Swamp Man
03-28-2013, 11:24 PM
Guys don't forget the auction sites that let them openly rip people off on ammo. They are just as guilty as the ones selling the ammo because they let it take place on their site and they get a cut of the profits. Any gun auction or gun site that goes along with this should be boycotted. Hit them in the pocket to send them a message that we disapprove of their actions.

03-28-2013, 11:52 PM
I give up,you guys can sit around and bemoan how unfair the world is because you
cant find any ammo at a reasonable price,go ahead and pine for price controls
I will just wait and buy when this all blows over or if this becomes the new
norm I will adjust accordingly

Russel Nash
03-28-2013, 11:56 PM
I guess ya'll won't like the shirt I have on:


I went ahead and had this added to the back:


And for whatever it is worth, NO! I am not one of those yayho's waiting at the wally world ammo counter to snatch up the ammo and turn around and re-sell.

I just started buying primers years ago. Thought I was going to shoot more matches as time went on, and I was going to actually practice more. Neither happened so, I am sitting on a pretty good stash of primers.

Some idiot on armslist.com sent me hate email over my primers ad.

I didn't try to gloat too much a couple weeks back when I bumped my thread from last January, the one in the politics forum about the 270towin.com website. I knew Obama was gonna win. The Zimmerman shooting just clenched it for me, that something was up.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

03-29-2013, 12:18 AM
Something that has been puzzling me. What companies are making the 1.5 billion rounds for DHS? Why have they not told the government they will have to wait until they fulfill other orders?

03-29-2013, 12:29 AM
the vast majority will be made at the Lake city munitions plant its gov.owned

03-29-2013, 12:30 AM
Guys don't forget the auction sites that let them openly rip people off on ammo. They are just as guilty as the ones selling the ammo because they let it take place on their site and they get a cut of the profits. Any gun auction or gun site that goes along with this should be boycotted. Hit them in the pocket to send them a message that we disapprove of their actions.

The auction sites are not setting the price there. The seller sets a "Buy It Now", reserve or bid starting price and it bidders/buyer does the rest. Many auctions during this fiasco had a penny start bid and no reserve. The bidders did the rest.

03-29-2013, 01:06 AM
Some interesting looks into the consciences of members here. I don't know how some of you sleep at night.

Bad Water Bill
03-29-2013, 03:19 AM
IF i owned a Colt 1911 mfd in 1913 with verified proof that this weapon saw service through out WW1 where one person issued it received the C M O medal.

Then the same gun found its DOCUMENTED way to some of the skirmishes in the pacific theater in the 30s.

Documents show it was issued shortly after the outbreak of WW2.

While in the European theater 2 more soldiers possessing said weapon were also presented with the C M O.

At the end of WW2 it was sent to be examined and again made safe to continue doing its job.

Documented records also show it also served honorably in the Korean conflict.

After that it was turned over to DCM to be sold to the general public where I could have purchased it.

Now someone here says there must be a top price set as to what this valuable piece of history can be sold for. [smilie=b:[smilie=b:

Because it is a GUN it is not eligible to grow in actual value as a portrait by ? or a violin created by ?

Isn't this just wrong?

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 05:04 AM
The auction sites are not setting the price there. The seller sets a "Buy It Now", reserve or bid starting price and it bidders/buyer does the rest. Many auctions during this fiasco had a penny start bid and no reserve. The bidders did the rest.I know good and well how the auctions work. I also know when they go along with what is taking place they are feeding off of the unprepared. With the ammo shortage the sites should have stopped all live ammo sells until stock it returned to normal levels. However they see a profit to be made and that's the only thing they care about more money in their greedy little hands.

03-29-2013, 06:30 AM
What should the auction sites do, shut down till the madnes is over and let the market goto gunshows?

I know good and well how the auctions work. I also know when they go along with what is taking place they are feeding off of the unprepared. With the ammo shortage the sites should have stopped all live ammo sells until stock it returned to normal levels. However they see a profit to be made and that's the only thing they care about more money in their greedy little hands.

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 06:37 AM
What should the auction sites do, shut down till the madnes is over and let the market goto gunshows?I made myself clear on that point,they should stop all live ammo sells until stock is returned to normal levels. That leaves them plenty of other items to carry on business with gun,reloading supplies,dies and countless other items.

03-29-2013, 07:03 AM
i seen primers prices all over the place. from $40 to $50 dollars in the stores. seen some guys trying to get over $60 dollars for 1k. they are not getting any buyers at that price.

Case Stuffer
03-29-2013, 07:21 AM
I don't know how some of you sleep at night.

With a 9mm under my pillow a .45ACP in the night stand and a 20 ga. pump 5 steps away.

Reality check, while we all would like thimngs we need and want to go down in price, not up that does not always happen.

Back around 1980 primers were around $10 per K , six months ago they were around $25 which in reality a 250% increase in 30 plus years is not that bab. Check out the price increase in a steak, pound of ground serlion,loaf of bread ,pound of coffee,gallon of gas , a weeks stay in a hospital.

Consumer electronics is one area where prices go down not up. The 32" TV I paid $600 for six years ago can now be replaced for around $225. Is that good ,well those who purchase now get a good deal but if I really needed the money from selling mine not so much. Firearms I purchased yrears ago have gone up in value and some at a greater rate than many of my stock investements.

03-29-2013, 07:47 AM
I'm not citing ridiculously extreme examples to make my points, guys. I just think "reasonable" and "normalcy" have a place in the market, too. And again, I'm in pretty good shape ammo- and components-wise.......and goodness knows I have firearms enough for my uses. I just want the hobby to return to its "hobby" status, and not become pig sty or barracuda farm.

03-29-2013, 09:30 AM
I made myself clear on that point,they should stop all live ammo sells until stock is returned to normal levels. That leaves them plenty of other items to carry on business with gun,reloading supplies,dies and countless other items.

The "run" was/is not just on ammo. It is guns, mags, lowers, trigger groups, molds, everything and anything gun related. Even Glock prices inflated greatly on the auction sites due to high demand and low restock rates. If they follow your logic they would have to shut the whole site down and alienate not only their sellers but buyers as well. Not even remotely reasonable.

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 10:42 AM
The "run" was/is not just on ammo. It is guns, mags, lowers, trigger groups, molds, everything and anything gun related. Even Glock prices inflated greatly on the auction sites due to high demand and low restock rates. If they follow your logic they would have to shut the whole site down and alienate not only their sellers but buyers as well. Not even remotely reasonable.
What don't you understand about the word "AMMO"?

Ed Barrett
03-29-2013, 11:02 AM
Guys don't forget the auction sites that let them openly rip people off on ammo. They are just as guilty as the ones selling the ammo betheir follycause they let it take place on their site and they get a cut of the profits. Any gun auction or gun site that goes along with this should be boycotted. Hit them in the pocket to send them a message that we disapprove of their actions.

Auctions are "The" free market place, weather it's the stock market, the board of trade, or the local farm auction. People who call for changes usually make the situation worse. When people call for the government to do something, they should think for a minute and see problems that this type of thinking has caused or move to NY or CA where this is the norm.
The government, as originally set up in this country, was supposed to run the Army, Navy, and the Post Office. Everything else they have touched the have messed up. Even the Post Office is on the downhill slope. Need I say more.

03-29-2013, 11:04 AM
What don't you understand about the word "AMMO"?

Why? Ammo is not the only thing that are getting "gouged". It just suits you. The same thing that is happening with ammo is happening to primers, bullets, molds and etc. Maybe spending a couple years in a country like North Korea or Venezuela would give you some perspective on things. It obvious you have not learned from history.

For the record I do not like this "run" at all and I have sold nothing through it. Grossly inflated prices from some retailers, "Black Friday" hysteria mentality, guys whom own multiple ARs already calling up walmarts every few hours to score an AR to flip for double the money and etc. The problem is the other way around and having say the government stepping in controlling prices has been proven not to work. There are good and bad to everything and this is no exception. If we look at back at fairly recent history and current examples in some countries, we can see what the other way can and will produce. I feel that other way is far worse.

03-29-2013, 11:20 AM
Why? Ammo is not the only thing that are getting "gouged". It just suits you. The same thing that is happening with ammo is happening to primers, bullets, molds and etc. Maybe spending a couple years in a country like North Korea or Venezuela would give you some perspective on things. It obvious you have not learned from history.

Not sure about Swamp Man, but its clearly obvious there are many here who have not learned from recent history ie; 2008, or they would not be in the shape they are in and not having ammo or at least complaining about not having ammo.

03-29-2013, 11:21 AM
Auctions are "The" free market place, weather it's the stock market, the board of trade, or the local farm auction. People who call for changes usually make the situation worse. When people call for the government to do something, they should think for a minute and see problems that this type of thinking has caused or move to NY or CA where this is the norm.
The government, as originally set up in this country, was supposed to run the Army, Navy, and the Post Office. Everything else they have touched the have messed up. Even the Post Office is on the downhill slope. Need I say more.

Ed, aren't you glad you don't buy your groceries under the above system?

BTW the Post Office is now a stand alone company.

03-29-2013, 11:29 AM
Not sure about Swamp Man, but its clearly obvious there are many here who have not learned from recent history ie; 2008, or they would not be in the shape they are in and not having ammo or at least complaining about not having ammo.

I can understand why some people may not have a stock of some things. I just recently built an AR.(and paid "normal" prices I will add through this deal) Something I did not think I would even bother with a couple years ago. I never had a use for .223/5.56 before I got the AR. Thus when I finished the build I was not setup to reload for it and had a 40 whole rounds of .223 ammo. I am picking up items and components slowly to reload the caliber and picked up some extra ammo locally to sight in for an inflated but currently pretty fair $.60 per round.

We got a lot of newbs getting into things now and I am a newb to the AR .223 deal. So I can understand that perspective. I just would rather be patient and not pay the crazy prices. Other calibers that I have had for a while I has some supply of but nothing excessive. Enough for a couple years at normal consumption rate.

03-29-2013, 11:48 AM
I can understand why some people may not have a stock of some things. I just recently built an AR.(and paid "normal" prices I will add through this deal) Something I did not think I would even bother with a couple years ago. I never had a use for .223/5.56 before I got the AR. Thus when I finished the build I was not setup to reload for it and had a 40 whole rounds of .223 ammo. I am picking up items and components slowly to reload the caliber and picked up some extra ammo locally to sight in for an inflated but currently pretty fair $.60 per round.

We got a lot of newbs getting into things now and I am a newb to the AR .223 deal. So I can understand that perspective. I just would rather be patient and not pay the crazy prices. Other calibers that I have had for a while I has some supply of but nothing excessive. Enough for a couple years at normal consumption rate.

I understand your dilemma, but its similar to the dude that goes out and buys the vehicle that only gets 12 to 16 miles per gal. then concludes he can't afford to drive it with gas at $4 to $5 bucks a gallon.

If I was thinking of a build of an AR, which I'm not as I have no interest in them, I think I would consider the availability of ammo.

Another example would be the guy who goes out and buys a 50 cal. BMG bolt rifle, then discovers there is no long range available to him.

Crazy world we live in today.

03-29-2013, 12:51 PM
Do you mean that a buisness that is making record profits should shutdown for a few months, lay off its employees and wait till the shelves are full of materail that he will not be able to move as the demand will be gone. You do also know guns, reloading suplies and dies are in the same boat.

I made myself clear on that point,they should stop all live ammo sells until stock is returned to normal levels. That leaves them plenty of other items to carry on business with gun,reloading supplies,dies and countless other items.

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 02:46 PM
Well first of all who said anything about government regulations? Second who said shut down the auctions? I have plenty of ammo for the guns I shoot so I don't need ammo. We as a nation have lost our way when we no longer look out for our fellow man. We now have a nation where it's all about me and the profits that can be made off others on any cut throat deal we can get away with. I grew up where it was a way of life to look out for others not try to get over on them. But it's clear to me many of you grew up where everything was about you and what you could gain by screwing others over. No need for me to try to teach you what your parents didn't because it's clear I'm dealing with a bunch of hopeless cases.

03-29-2013, 03:57 PM
Well first of all who said anything about government regulations? Second who said shut down the auctions? I have plenty of ammo for the guns I shoot so I don't need ammo. We as a nation have lost our way when we no longer look out for our fellow man. We now have a nation where it's all about me and the profits that can be made off others on any cut throat deal we can get away with. I grew up where it was a way of life to look out for others not try to get over on them. But it's clear to me many of you grew up where everything was about you and what you could gain by screwing others over. No need for me to try to teach you what your parents didn't because it's clear I'm dealing with a bunch of hopeless cases.

Its clear they can't even see/get the point even when they're poked with it. But I guess when folks are so self centered its hard to grasp another's concept.

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 04:16 PM
Its clear they can't even see/get the point even when they're poked with it. But I guess when folks are so self centered its hard to grasp another's concept.
I agree.

03-29-2013, 04:21 PM
I made myself clear on that point,they should stop all live ammo sells until stock is returned to normal levels. That leaves them plenty of other items to carry on business with gun,reloading supplies,dies and countless other items.

How would that help?

You still couldn't get ammo.

What in the world do you think would happen when they "opened the floodgates" again?

03-29-2013, 04:24 PM
Ed, aren't you glad you don't buy your groceries under the above system?

BTW the Post Office is now a stand alone company.

Guns are not groceries. Duh.

If you don't have a gun, you CAN continue to live. If you don't have food, you will die in fairly short order.

I will suggest that 99% of the guys moaning already have enough guns, ammo, and accessories to arm a small country.....

Swamp Man
03-29-2013, 04:34 PM
How would that help?

You still couldn't get ammo.

What in the world do you think would happen when they "opened the floodgates" again?

LMAO Why don't you read a bit and maybe you wouldn't be lost,I DON"T NEED AMMO! I'm done with this thread,have fun standing in front of the ammo case at wal-mart tomorrow morning for your daily auction items.

Love Life
03-29-2013, 04:56 PM
I can almost taste the tears from this thread.

03-29-2013, 04:56 PM
I have never sold any ammo on-line or in an auction. Maybe you are the one that should read?? :?

I am a dealer and can buy my ammo from a distributor... If there is any to buy.

03-29-2013, 05:02 PM
These "gouging" threads give me agita. Thanks to this thread, I understand it now. Those that are upset by this aren't against capitalism aren't per se but are more sympathetic to our less fortunate fellow shooters. Posting about it (venting) may help your blood pressure but really won't affect the situation.

To be sure, it sucks that little Timmy can't shoot his 22 he got for Christmas or a recent birthday. I wish I could help out. The only to fixes are supply and time. I doubt if we dumped all we had in the market that it would make a dent. We will have to wait it out for people to get more than their full and prices drop to something less crazy. If nothing else, I hope these events cause Timmy to learn to stock up and people in general get a clue just how dire things could get if this wasn't shooting related but FOOD!

Swamp Man, if you are still reading this, thank you for helping out the elderly family.

03-29-2013, 05:02 PM
Guns are not groceries. Duh.

If you don't have a gun, you CAN continue to live. If you don't have food, you will die in fairly short order.

I will suggest that 99% of the guys moaning already have enough guns, ammo, and accessories to arm a small country.....

Hey guy! Poke, poke, poke, its the principal, not the need. DUH! GET IT?

Probably not, but thats another issue!

03-29-2013, 05:02 PM
Well first of all who said anything about government regulations? Second who said shut down the auctions? I have plenty of ammo for the guns I shoot so I don't need ammo. We as a nation have lost our way when we no longer look out for our fellow man. We now have a nation where it's all about me and the profits that can be made off others on any cut throat deal we can get away with. I grew up where it was a way of life to look out for others not try to get over on them. But it's clear to me many of you grew up where everything was about you and what you could gain by screwing others over. No need for me to try to teach you what your parents didn't because it's clear I'm dealing with a bunch of hopeless cases.

You said...

I made myself clear on that point,they should stop all live ammo sells until stock is returned to normal levels. That leaves them plenty of other items to carry on business with gun,reloading supplies,dies and countless other items.

Which will equate to shutting down auctions. You don't know me or most of the people here so your assumptions or worthless. Some day you will figure out that the world is not rays of sunshine, can be unfair and not everyone can have everything the same.

I understand your dilemma, but its similar to the dude that goes out and buys the vehicle that only gets 12 to 16 miles per gal. then concludes he can't afford to drive it with gas at $4 to $5 bucks a gallon.

So do you think you as their neighbor should help "the dude" out by giving him some gas for his truck? Have .GOV subsidize fuel costs so he can afford it? Or let him figure out on his own that he cannot afford the fuel for his truck and trade it on something else.

It is obvious the two here that "can't even see/get the point even when they're poked with it" are jcwit and Swamp Man. Good luck with socialism boys.

Wis. Tom
03-29-2013, 05:22 PM
Do you know what is the scariest of this past thread? We, as a nation, are only one signing of a bill away from this whole issue really becoming a food shortage, and most don't have a clue. 48 million Americans out of 308 million are now on food stamps, our govt. is borrowing future debt everyday, just to keep the programs going, and at any day, we could wake up to these idiots just pulling the plug, and none of us want to see that. You want to see riots, just watch the day the the food stamp cards lose their auto pay mode at the checkout line, and you will wish you paid the $1.00 a round for 223, as hoarding will be the last thing on your mind at that time. Just saying.

Russel Nash
03-29-2013, 05:27 PM
Do you know what is the scariest of this past thread? We, as a nation, are only one signing of a bill away from this whole issue really becoming a food shortage, and most don't have a clue. 48 million Americans out of 308 million are now on food stamps, our govt. is borrowing future debt everyday, just to keep the programs going, and at any day, we could wake up to these idiots just pulling the plug, and none of us want to see that. You want to see riots, just watch the day the the food stamp cards lose their auto pay mode at the checkout line, and you will wish you paid the $1.00 a round for 223, as hoarding will be the last thing on your mind at that time. Just saying.

If the Chinese have been as successful at hacking other .gov computer systems as they could of the Link card or EBT card systems, they most certainly could start a war here in the US without ever firing a shot or invading us. They could just sit back in comfort in Beijing watch the shenanigans unfold in every major city via CNN. And laugh.

Russel Nash
03-29-2013, 05:37 PM
Some interesting looks into the consciences of members here. I don't know how some of you sleep at night.

I sleep just fine, thanks!

Do you realize with all of your pro-police posts in the politics forum and now your posts here against capitalism, how much of a statist you sound like?

I take it you sleep just fine, too???

03-29-2013, 05:44 PM
So do you think you as their neighbor should help "the dude" out by giving him some gas for his truck? Have .GOV subsidize fuel costs so he can afford it? Or let him figure out on his own that he cannot afford the fuel for his truck and trade it on something else.

It is obvious the two here that "can't even see/get the point even when they're poked with it" are jcwit and Swamp Man. Good luck with socialism boys.

You missed my concept entirely, but that doesn't surprise me.

To quote myself.

Its clear they can't even see/get the point even when they're poked with it. But I guess when folks are so self centered its hard to grasp another's concept.

Hey guy! Poke, poke, poke, its the principal, not the need. DUH! GET IT?

Probably not, but thats another issue!

Our society has morphed into, it all about ME, and how much I can get, whether ethical or legal or not, and how many entitlements I entitled to and how much I can get, again whether ethical or not, or legal or not.

This to shall change also, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, who knows, I'm sure I don't.

Anyone notice how many times the least important word in our language was used in the above?

03-29-2013, 05:47 PM
Hey guy! Poke, poke, poke, its the principal, not the need. DUH! GET IT?

Probably not, but thats another issue!

Yes, the principal is exactly it. You choose: Capitalism or Socialism.

And that's always what it boils down to - the principal.

03-29-2013, 05:57 PM
There is a natural order in the world, which can be seen if you are looking for it. For example look at nature.

When we go and mess with something in nature, we throw it out of balance and usually the results are not very pleasing. For example, introducing non-native species for a "good reason" or re-introducing a species that no longer exists in an area. There is generally a reason why that species is not there. Any problems that existed when it was there or tried to re-locate there, are usually still there.

You can see the same thing with capitalism. The more you interfere, the more unbalanced and screwed up it gets. This whole issue is a perfect example. The government has proposed legislation of these products and now the whole industry is on it's ear.....

What is the fix? Let things run their course. If something is too much money, don't buy it. If you buy at the inflated prices, you will only encourage the prices to stay high and supply to stay low.

If you truly are worried about jimmy and his .22. Give him a couple of boxes of your ammo. This will probably teach him that when times are tough, people will give you free things.

Although, I suspect if Jimmy goes without ammo for a few months, he wil have LEARNED FROM THE EXPERIENCE. Hopefully learned that life is not fair and you had better be prepared and think ahead. Nobody will be there to hold your hand and you are not entitled to anything you cannot earn or fight for.

Too many handouts breeds too many expecting hand-outs. We are becoming (have become?) a nation of shoulder shruggers when the going gets tough.

Jimmy is probably playing x-box and texting his friends and could care less about .22 ammo....

03-29-2013, 06:00 PM
Something that has been puzzling me. What companies are making the 1.5 billion rounds for DHS? Why have they not told the government they will have to wait until they fulfill other orders?

Nobody is. They were granted the funds to buy up to that much... but they haven't even actually ordered anything close to that much.

03-29-2013, 06:01 PM
Yes, the principal is exactly it. You choose: Capitalism or Socialism.

And that's always what it boils down to - the principal.

Nope, missed again, ethics versus all about ME, ME, ME!

But its obvious thats beyond your comprehension.

03-29-2013, 06:04 PM
Nobody is. They were granted the funds to buy up to that much... but they haven't even actually ordered anything close to that much.

Furthermore, would not Lake City be the manufacturer?


03-29-2013, 06:09 PM
Too many handouts breed people waiting for handouts.

Nobody is paying my house payment for me, and as a matter of fact, the lender who I have my home loan through IS offering reduced mortgages and 0% interest to people who CAN'T pay.

Seems a bit unfair to reward those who can't manage their money or hold a job while holding me to my full payment. How about cutting me some slack since I've never had a late payment?

Lets reward the guys that are smart and hard working - and let the others maybe get the message?

Nope, missed again, ethics versus all about ME, ME, ME!

But its obvious thats beyond your comprehension.

03-29-2013, 06:23 PM
ATK in general. ... felix

03-29-2013, 06:39 PM
Too many handouts breed people waiting for handouts.

Nobody is paying my house payment for me, and as a matter of fact, the lender who I have my home loan through IS offering reduced mortgages and 0% interest to people who CAN'T pay.

Seems a bit unfair to reward those who can't manage their money or hold a job while holding me to my full payment. How about cutting me some slack since I've never had a late payment?

Lets reward the guys that are smart and hard working - and let the others maybe get the message?

This I agree with.

Last time I upgraded my Dish Network they wanted to charge me for it after being a loyal customer for over 10 years at that point, while they gave a new customer the complete set-up for free with a 1 year contract. I talked it over with the main office and got the same deal as a new customer. Didn't need to have a year contract either, still with Dish now 5 years later.

03-29-2013, 06:41 PM
I spy the progressives do you:lol:

03-29-2013, 06:42 PM
You missed my concept entirely, but that doesn't surprise me.

To quote myself.

Our society has morphed into, it all about ME, and how much I can get, whether ethical or legal or not, and how many entitlements I entitled to and how much I can get, again whether ethical or not, or legal or not.

This to shall change also, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, who knows, I'm sure I don't.

Anyone notice how many times the least important word in our language was used in the above?

I guess I misunderstood you. If so I appologize.;)

03-29-2013, 06:45 PM
Nobody is. They were granted the funds to buy up to that much... but they haven't even actually ordered anything close to that much.

Big plus one. Very true.

The DHS is NOT stockpiling or buying up the ammo otherwise and has absolutely nothing to do with the ammo shortages, unless you consider this rumor's effect on the people buying up the ammo.... :lol::lol:;-)

Do I trust the government? NO.
Do I need them to give me a handout? NO.
Do I expect them to take care of me? NO.

03-29-2013, 07:02 PM
okay think on this.
even if the government did order 1.6 billion rounds.
how many rounds a day does a factory put out?
and who did they order it from? [federal i'm sure]
so if one company does nothing but make ammo for the government order it would take them how long? [4-5 months]
so were is the ammo from win/rem/tula/magtech/black hills et-al???
the same place the ammo from federal is going.

they didn't stop making it,it's being sold and bought.
it's just not sitting on the shelves
same thing that's up with bullets/molds/presses/primers/powder.

don't buy the inflated priced stuff and the prices will stop being high
pretty simple huh.

03-29-2013, 08:07 PM
BTW the Post Office is now a stand alone company.

Yeah... right... Required by law to both hire veterans and take over their entire retirement costs from the VA.

Please name their free market competitor required to do that.

Ed Barrett
03-29-2013, 11:15 PM
Ed, aren't you glad you don't buy your groceries under the above system?

BTW the Post Office is now a stand alone company.

I do buy some of my groceries at an auction (We buy a hog about every 6 or 8 months and I butcher it myself)
If the Post Office is a stand alone company, why is the Government covering their deficit?

03-29-2013, 11:45 PM
I don't think most folks understand the difference between a panic and a shortage. Symptoms are the same, treatment is totally different. A shortage of a commodity is generally due to a breakdown in the supply chain somewhere between raw materials and the store shelf. A panic is caused by an outside influence that affects buying patterns and supply is unable to keep up with this unusual demand. Which one do we have here? It's a panic and panic buying will continue to feed the gougers and deprive the consumers of cash, the commodity or both.
If you believe it's a genuine shortage then continue to feed the gougers and buy ammo and components at inflated prices. If you feel, as I do, that it's a panic, then simply refuse to participate. Asking $150 for a brick of .22's doesn't make them worth that much. Paying that silly price does, according to some theories. If we have no buyers at inflated prices then we will someday have sellers at a price we can live with.
In a nutshell, if you think the price you're asked to pay amounts to gouging, walk away. When prices come down, and they will, stock up on enough ammo to sit out the next panic as well. If you have enough supplies on the shelf to get thru the next panic you may have enough to survive a genuine shortage as well.
Other countries have genuine commodity shortages and their citizens have to deal with them. Our president and the UN think we need to be just like other countries. We're going to see bigger problems than ammo panics, consider this a wakeup call.

03-29-2013, 11:54 PM
I do buy some of my groceries at an auction (We buy a hog about every 6 or 8 months and I butcher it myself)
If the Post Office is a stand alone company, why is the Government covering their deficit?

Because that is the way the government is allowing them to operate. Called rules and regulations, just as with the auro industry, the meat packing industry, the firearms industry, etc., etc.

BTW, buying a hog at auction is a bit of a streatch of calling buying your groceries at an auction, but you may feel that way if you wish.

Buying groceries at auction is buying loaves of bread, canned vegies, product, etc., etc. Thats buying groceries.

Or do you go to the public auction house once to bid on items similar to the above?

BTW, be watching for the increase in gas pricing because of federal regulations.

Bad Water Bill
03-30-2013, 02:19 AM
In case you doubt the P O is a GOV entity remember that your community police can NOT issue a violation to a P O vehicle or its driver.

As far as gas prices go check back and listen to his speeches AFTER his first election. "Your utility bills WILL double. Gas will be $6.00 per gallon."

There were so many things he promised and did not deliver on,so many things he did that WE did not approve etc but none of them were mentioned as a challenge in his second election.

I have seen presidential elections for over 60 years and NEVER saw one that was handed to a candidate on a GOLDEN PLATTER like the last election or 2.

03-30-2013, 09:28 AM
In case you doubt the P O is a GOV entity remember that your community police can NOT issue a violation to a P O vehicle or its driver.

Well according to this


And this


it is and it isn't.

Sooooooooooooooooo, now we only need to define whatever is is, I guess it is what it is however.

Regarding the price of gas, I see after all these years and now a lower consumption of gas we now must get the sulfur out of the gas, thus increasing the cost.

03-30-2013, 11:35 AM
In case you doubt the P O is a GOV entity remember that your community police can NOT issue a violation to a P O vehicle or its driver.

As far as gas prices go check back and listen to his speeches AFTER his first election. "Your utility bills WILL double. Gas will be $6.00 per gallon."

There were so many things he promised and did not deliver on,so many things he did that WE did not approve etc but none of them were mentioned as a challenge in his second election.

I have seen presidential elections for over 60 years and NEVER saw one that was handed to a candidate on a GOLDEN PLATTER like the last election or 2.

Sort of makes you wonder if our "friends" really want some of this legislation in place but don't have the guts to do it themselves don't it??? It is interesting to note that when Government changes bad legislation seldom gets thrown out AND if it does it is never the whole lot, just a part of it so that we get stuck with what is left!

03-30-2013, 12:08 PM
In case you doubt the P O is a GOV entity remember that your community police can NOT issue a violation to a P O vehicle or its driver.

I have no argument about the PO being a gov entity, but this is not true. The USPS cannot be ticketed and cannot be compelled to pay a fine, but an individual driver is another matter. Direct from the PO own safety manual-

B. Civil Laws
 You must obey all state and local traffic laws when
driving any Postal Service vehicle. You will receive no
special privileges or rights as a postal driver. Police
citations for traffic violations are your personal responsibility.
Promptly report them to your supervisor while
on duty.

Postal carriers can and are ticketed while working. Most parking regs are pretty much ignored for mail carriers as long as it is a quick stop, but not driving offences.

03-30-2013, 01:18 PM
What does the PO have to do with guns and ammo price gougers?

03-30-2013, 01:29 PM
What does the PO have to do with guns and ammo price gougers?

I'm a little unclear on that myself, Blacksmith. Seems we had a few pages of off-topic posts. I think it came up somewhere during the discussion of the evils of capitalism but I skimmed most of that.

03-30-2013, 02:05 PM
started back with post 184 by Ed Barret.

03-30-2013, 02:08 PM
:lol: Hopefully not related to that GOUGING SOB Ronnie Barrett :lol::kidding:

03-30-2013, 06:13 PM
Somehow I doubt it!

03-30-2013, 09:45 PM
All well and good discussion, but I want to know if P.K.'s friend of a friend has dropped his price on primers yet? He's 10 large out of pocket if he paid average retail for them. He could probably make 10% if he prices them right, NOW. Later he'll be lucky to break even.

03-31-2013, 05:22 AM
All well and good discussion, but I want to know if P.K.'s friend of a friend has dropped his price on primers yet? He's 10 large out of pocket if he paid average retail for them. He could probably make 10% if he prices them right, NOW. Later he'll be lucky to break even.

I haven't heard from him at this time, not suprising though, IIRC I think I was laughing at him. If my speculation was on target and he is one and the same then no, he's going to stay at the highest possible price point untill it's too late. My money is on them makeing their way to the local gun shows/CL/GB etc.

03-31-2013, 10:08 AM
He will probably spend a lot on table rent at many gun shows before he gets what he wants. Maybe he will still have them for the next shortage by which time inflation will make his price seem reasonable.

03-31-2013, 01:50 PM
OMG the next shortage NO way Never can that happen. Crawls under bed and hides i do

03-31-2013, 04:51 PM
If you don't think it can happen again you will get caught short. When the prices come down stock up and keep enough on hand to keep you going as the minimum stock level you never go below.

Love Life
03-31-2013, 07:03 PM
Funny story. I was just browsing through Our Town, and in my just awakened fogged mind I thought the title of this thread was "The cougars are getting edgy"

For a second I had to ask myself why there was a thread on older women wanting to date younger men in Our town.

03-31-2013, 09:03 PM
Funny story. I was just browsing through Our Town, and in my just awakened fogged mind I thought the title of this thread was "The cougars are getting edgy"

For a second I had to ask myself why there was a thread on older women wanting to date younger men in Our town.

Gosh, if they are looking here they must be gold diggers, going after the social security checks! Do you realize how old a cougar would have to be, to be after this bunch? Not to mention desperate!

Love Life
03-31-2013, 09:44 PM
Well I reckon a cougar would have to 125 years old to go after Bad Water Bill. :D

Bad Water Bill
03-31-2013, 10:15 PM
Well I reckon a cougar would have to 125 years old to go after Bad Water Bill. :D

What ya shoot you MUST eat. Me and Girty are to tough to cook with any known process.:bigsmyl2:

04-01-2013, 05:38 AM
Well I reckon a cougar would have to 125 years old to go after Bad Water Bill. :D

Ouch! LOL!

What ya shoot you MUST eat. Me and Girty are to tough to cook with any known process.:bigsmyl2:

Yo'all should be o-k, no worries outrunning them "gold diggers" with the walkers, it's the ones with those illegal "Rascals" you need to watch out for! ;-)

04-01-2013, 01:13 PM
I think they are getting edgy as well. My LGS has 5.56 ammo on shelf for .50 per round. 9mm has been hitting wal-marts shelves regularly. ARs are also sitting on the shelf now.. 750 for a dpms oracle.

I see ads in the newspaper now of ppl trying to dump 5.56 ammo for .50-60 cents a round. I even see overlapping ads where they are dropping their price. This tells me that people have enough ammo at this point and are unwilling to pay crazy prices.

In a month people will be lucky to get rid of primers for what they have into them.

04-01-2013, 01:43 PM
Gee, I hope you are right, but I don't think you are. I don't know where you live, but where I live there hasn't been ANYTHING on Wmarts shelves for months, especially .22LR, 9mm, or any of the common rounds. Last I checked they did have some .410 shotshells.

04-01-2013, 02:20 PM
Gee, I hope you are right, but I don't think you are. I don't know where you live, but where I live there hasn't been ANYTHING on Wmarts shelves for months, especially .22LR, 9mm, or any of the common rounds. Last I checked they did have some .410 shotshells.

I live in minnesota area. I have four wal marts within a half hour drive. The manager calls me when they get 9mm in. They each get a 500 round shipment three times a week of 9mm 5.56 and 45 of some brand. It does sell quickly.

04-01-2013, 03:06 PM
Don't know if it means anything but my last Lee six banger went for only $102+ on ebay last night. Previously, the lowest was $122 to $152. Maybe some of the panic is wearing off, but the mold I sold last night was one that I just got in from Midway last week. The panic is still so bad that I was able to flip the mold for $40 profit.


04-01-2013, 03:56 PM
I've been seeing more loaded ammo for sale. 45 acp and 40 s&w. But not much 9mm yet. I am starting to see small lots of powder out there too. I think we still have a ways to go but it does look better than last month. I know there are a lot of people buying all the 9mm, 45 acp., and 40 s&w carbide dies and then reselling them on fleabay. The price has come down a little but still has a ways to go.

04-01-2013, 07:14 PM
I was in Sportsmans Warehouse in Lexington, KY last weekend. All the 1lb cans of powder were gone, but there were 8lb kegs of 4064, 4198 and CFE223 on the shelf. Plenty of J-words and .44 cal GC's. Plenty of equipment too, mostly Green and Red. Also saw a few MSR's too. Wasn't to crazy about the cat with pants around his ankles( you know, 4 sizes too big and some joker named "Klein" tagged his skivvies) that was fondling one of them but at least they are getting back on the shelf.

04-01-2013, 11:23 PM
I sleep just fine, thanks!

Do you realize with all of your pro-police posts in the politics forum and now your posts here against capitalism, how much of a statist you sound like?

I take it you sleep just fine, too???

"Statist?" That's funny, right there. I have no issue whatsoever with capitalism, and in fact believe in it whole-heartedly. I just have no use for thieves and predators of any stripe, which is in keeping with my pro-LEO postings and therefor consistent in content. Gougers are thieves and predators, and if it hurts your feelings to read that then I'm sorry. These are honestly-held feelings. Your remarks have the tinge of cop-hater, and not for the first time. I appreciate the notice.

04-02-2013, 01:51 PM
I just came back "from the city". It looks like the Sportsman's Warehouse in Provo has a lot more pistols than they had a few weeks ago. I saw kimber, sig sauer, s&w, ruger,etc. Their selection has improved dramatically. Only saw a couple of pounds of powder. No primers. Loaded ammo is coming back. There wasn't a lot but there was some for every caliber. I never buy store bought ammo so I usually don't look for it. But under the circumstances I took a walk around to see what was happening.

04-02-2013, 10:54 PM
Didn't know if I would post this or not but WTH. I ran into my "friend" today and the price has dropped to $55.00X1000, "Are you interested in any?"

I sat there for a second, thinking I missed something then mentioned the phone call. I ended the conversation with a rather "tactful" nope. Thinking the entire time that the schmuck can't even remember the first time he tried his song and dance on me.:roll:

Ed Barrett
04-03-2013, 09:56 AM
I took the car up to Springfield (Missouri) to get it serviced yesterday, afterwards stopped at Harbor Fright as usual. Thought I would check out BassPro and had some sticker shock, they had some j-bullets high priced 50 cent to a dollar a piece type. The had one one pound can of Lil' gun for powder, no primers, no pistol ammo, they did have some rimfire .17 Cal, no 22lr. I stopped in to buy a .22 brass jag and they didn't have any, just plastic. They had plenty of rifles and shotguns, and a few pistols.