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Thread: Where did all these sissy metrasexual (so-called) men come from?

  1. #41
    Boolit Master
    marlin39a's Avatar
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    Liberal Parents who leave the childs upbringing to the Public School System. I saw it first hand in Massachusetts. Young boys being emasculated by feminists. They don't stand a chance. I talked to several young women over the years that say it's hard to find a man that doesn't "go both ways". They hate guns too. Add a Medical Marijuana Card to the mix and you have a Man by name only.

  2. #42
    Boolit Master oscarflytyer's Avatar
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    Contributors to the sorry situation...

    Women had to leave the home for the workplace to make ends meet and pay the extra taxes for the liberal politicians to give the money to the worthless in return for votes - read Democrats.

    Soccer Mommies and all the sorry pathetic self-esteem BS. Getting participation trophies. Are you kidding me?!? "I showed up" trophies accomplish nothing. Ask any kid in a comeptitive sport (is soccer competitive?!?) and they can flat tell you who the better players are! Guaranteed. Kids aren't stupid. The trophies are for the mommies...

    And then there is the gay agenda and all that ****...

    Oh yeah, and forgot, as said above... Letting the schools take over raising the kids. See the very first problem I posted. And when you have a fit if a boy even makes a gun with his fingers or a stick!?! ***! Kids have been doing that since early post caveman days, and will always do that, unless the metros manage to dumb themselves down and breed it out. Darwinism, you know!

  3. #43
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    Trey45's Avatar
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    Well I might as well add to the hornets nest. When women were given the right to vote, it all started going downhill (voting with emotion instead of intelligence). And I'm not joking. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to the cave.
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    Sic Semper Tyrannis.

    If you don't want 1984 you're going to need some 1776.

  4. #44
    Boolit Master

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    RFR is right in stating that instead of bemoaning how this all started, we should be doing something about it. I grew up in the Bronx. When we went out to dinner, which wasn't often, we wore a shirt with a collar and SHOES! I still do, and I'm 60. No curmudgeon here, as I have out worked men 20 yrs my junior. I came of age in the 60' s and you wore SHOES to school, to church, to dinner. The fall started when Adults emulated Children..... in dress... in action.. in life! You cant begrudge a business for accepting cuctomers when things are slow financially....but really... out to dinner, movie, store..... in a wife-beater t-shirt,shorts, and flip flops? Lack of pride.... and most of all... HONOR! Strange word that. I've done business for thousands of dollars on a hand shake because i knew the gentleman (another lost word) was HONORABLE! Ok...... rant now over.....

  5. #45
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by missionary5155 View Post
    Good morning
    The roots of the problem go back a bit farther. Somewhere moms and dads generally decided the Bible did not need to be read at home. The minority wanted the Bible out of the schools. No one stood up and said No to that. So the general majority got just what it did not care to care about.
    There are few executions of murders, child molesters, rapists, those who sell drugs (pharmesuticas)especially to children and those who sell women and children. Transexuals were to be executed. Men were to be distinct in dress and actions. Women also.
    So now.. no morals, few codes of conduct, even less honor. But hold on to your hats... the day will come when the Bible will be banned and the minority will want all Biblicists done away with.
    So what do you think the general poulace will do then ?? As they have always.. the east road ? Don't make waves ? Just let me get along with my life and enjoy my weekend ?
    A nation that does not right it's wrongs will only suffer far more evil in it's future. And without a guide who will know what is right ?
    Mike in Peru
    You said it right one of the reasons the Roman Empire fell!
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  6. #46
    Boolit Master waynem34's Avatar
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    Man I laugh when see a dude scared to get his hands dirty.I say "hey Man we got soap!!!!!!" I want to see blisters and no complaining while wearing gloves. Dont worry bout the sun and heat. Dont worry bout the mule going blind.LOAD THE WAGON!!!! Im a roofer and sheet metal mechanic/jack of all trades master of none.

  7. #47
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkf View Post
    IMO. Mainly started with the baby boomer kids after the war. Parents knew what the depression was like and wanted the kids to have it better than they did. So they started spoiling the kids in one way or the other. Seems to have snowballed over the years and of course there are exceptions.

    Well said.


  8. #48
    Boolit Master
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    Trey45, I have been saying that for years but people think I'm kidding but I'm not. Granted there are females that do vote with their head instead of heart and by far they are conservatives but they are outnumbered by the dingbats and low information voters.

  9. #49
    Boolit Grand Master

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    A tip of the Hat to Recluse for starting this thread! It is one of the best of this type of thread on this forum I have read in a number or years. I try to use the word "WOOSY" for the type individual he started this about, because it isn't vulgar, you can use it without (for the most part) being nailed for political incorrectness, etc.etc.etc. However, all of the other names listed here are more than applicable. Don't care for Arnold Swartwhatever, but did like his term "girlly men". I see far to many of them today. I am not sure when it started for sure, but I was not aware of it to any degree until about 30 years ago, or maybe during Nam. Seems like it really got kicked off when womans lib started getting attention, and has gone down hill and seems to be essulating (sp) more each day. Makes me mad as He!!, but I can't do much about it except to voice my opinion, write my senators and representatives, go to Tea Party functions, and cuss a lot. I do feel sorry however that my grand daughter will never know the America that I grew up in, and the values that existed when I was young.
    "Common Sense Is An Uncommon Virtue" Ben Franklin

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  10. #50
    Boolit Master pmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeyjones View Post
    I call your math skills or reading comprehension into serious question. "Tweeners" are preteens (10-12) by definition. I'm well beyond that age.

    You strike me as a curmudgeon. Complaining about this generation yet doing nothing to change or influence it. The "greatest generation" complained a lot about baby boomers too. Then the cycle repeats.

    Culture as a whole evolves and changes. We once thought that the world was flat or that the earth was the center of the universe. Hell, some cultures even sacrificed virgins to appease their gods. Should we revert back to that?

    Point is that things change, culture, morality, etc are all relative. Not saying that the trend toward weaker men or p*ssifuation is good but it's a fact and its there. I hate it, especially since its predominantly my generation. You can either deal with it, complain about it, or help to change it by having a positive impact on those around you.
    Your part about culture and morality etc. changing used to be untrue. This is how people can say the Constitution is "a living and breathing document" and then can/should be changed. The bible didn't change but some churches bending to culture decided not to teach the parts that could make certian people uncomfortable. I had to leave a church like that and I'm more free now than ever before. Free to do the right thing in the confines that you and I are born to be in. Using the power of forgiveness and having redemption takes it all off your shoulders and lets you have peace. If you really beleive what you typed, you got something missing in your life.

    FWIW My 2 cents on when it happened was when government learned it could stay in power by giving stuff to people. And division politics.
    Oh great, another thread that makes me spend money.

  11. #51
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by nhrifle View Post
    we "did" our nails with a pocket knife,
    I watched my dad do his with dikes...
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    One of the most endearing sights in the world is the vision of a naked good-looking woman leaving the bedroom to make breakfast. Bolivar Shagnasty (I believe that Lazarus Long also said it, but I can't find any record of it.)

  12. #52
    Boolit Master opos's Avatar
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    I'm an old duffer and grew up in a different time and place. I came from solid and strong stock and there was not much room for complaining, whining or being a sissy. We grew up with respect for our parents, love for our Country and a God in our lives. We didn't push much but would not be pushed without provication.

    I was at the airport a while back...chatting with a young man...quiet, gentle and respectful. Didn't smart mouth an old guy just chatting...he was polite, asked a few questions about my life, etc...he was wearing a shirt that said "Respect all and fear none". I commented on his shirt and he said it was the credo his life revolved around. He got up to leave...we shook hands and he started to walk away...a "girly man" with a belly full of booze or something else cut him off at the line to board. The man I'd been talking with simply backed up a bit and the smart mouth made some comment about "good thing you moved" or something like that....it took one very quick move with a thumb to the neck to bring the smart butt to his knees with tears in his eyes...not one word more was said..the guy just smiled at me and got on the plane...That's the way to handle people that respect no one and secretly fear all men. I'm old...I still respect women and open doors for them and I got absolutely no respect nor will I tolerate disrespect from some punk. Respect is something I do not demand but I don't tolerate any disrespect either.

  13. #53
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    You'all should have been watching "The Five" on FOX news and their remarks about Justin Bieber. By Bob Bickle-2 inches.
    Last edited by jcwit; 07-10-2013 at 06:04 PM.
    Lets make America GREAT again!
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  14. #54
    Boolit Bub
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    All I can think of this: they will be the first to be eaten by starving crowds when the SHTF.

  15. #55
    Boolit Buddy
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    When did it start . . . a long long time ago. I am sure the older Vikings at some point were lamenting the fact how easy their kids had it, how soft they were becoming. Same for America during the late 1800's - I am pretty sure that the westerner of that time used the term to 'tenderfoot' or 'city boy' much like we are now using metrosexual.

    Real women want real men, but the problem is, that we just aren't breeding as fast as others. Mainly due to a thing called a job and being responsible, those without a job and don't believe in responsiblity are just out breeding us.

    I am a step-dad to a wonderful daughter, have a good job, and work hard. Never had any kids of my own. My daughter's real dad has three other kids, besides my daughter, has three DUI, and has not held a steady job for more than a year, unless you count his chosen career a job - Karoke DJ at Bars, and hasn't paid one cent in child support or for any of her activities in the five years I have been part of her life.

    The solution is that I should have had 10 kids, but at nearly a half century old, I am not going to start now, so blame me.

  16. #56
    Boolit Master

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    Been a slow decent into a failing society, women allowed to vote, no draft, TV and idiot sitcoms,hippies gaining political power, civil rights movement , unrestrained illegal immigration and most important, the removal of God from much of society. We are becoming Rome and will fall the same way....

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    "The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office"------Will Rogers

  17. #57
    Boolit Master

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    I guess things are different here in AZ. I hold doors open for men or women, I open the car door for my libtard GF (hopefully she will see the light), and I get no sneers or comments. Of course I AM 6' tall and weigh 270, and that might have something to do with it. And if pressed, I can show attitude that would probably cause the other to reconsider the situation. Old OCS training still with me...
    But Holy Smoke! Going back to the OP - I CANNOT imagine ANY MAN allowing his wife to go get, and carry, and load, a propane tank, while he played an electronic game! His name, and picture, should be posted for all to see. Criminy...
    USAF Ret
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    One of the most endearing sights in the world is the vision of a naked good-looking woman leaving the bedroom to make breakfast. Bolivar Shagnasty (I believe that Lazarus Long also said it, but I can't find any record of it.)

  18. #58
    Boolit Master PS Paul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trey45 View Post
    Well I might as well add to the hornets nest. When women were given the right to vote, it all started going downhill (voting with emotion instead of intelligence). And I'm not joking. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to the cave.
    For some time now I figured I was one of the only few who felt this way. Obviously, I NEVER uttered those words or shared this sentiment with anyone. Not even the wife. But you could NOT be more right.

    Now, visit Seattle some time and prepare to vomit in your own mouth at the sight of the dummies who likely rate at the top of vaginization of American men. I am often vilified for being a man and being decisive with direction. It's as if being a man is somehow frowned on UNLESS you are a minority, then it's alright. Shameful. Nevertheless, I won't change no matter how much "pressure" is put on me from those who come in contact with me. I do have a sense of style and enjoy wearing slacks and button-downs when the occasion calls for it, but tattoos, earrings and stupid bandanas? NEVER.
    A government that robs from Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

  19. #59
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I have to laugh at a lot of things said in this thread. It's blatantly obvious how old most of you are. I bet when you were young you wanted to buck the system and hated how your Dad said your generation is a bunch of sissies and men were men when he was growing up. Now you are all doing to same thing your Dad did.

    I'm 34 and consider myself at the tail end of kids that were raised right. I have a sister that is seven years younger and there is a vast difference between us. How was I raised right? For starters I got smacked when I did something wrong. I was not beat as they will have you believe now a days. I was smacked hard enough to know I did something wrong. My Grandmom was the worst as she would make me cut switches.

    I have never been in a fight in my life. I was always able to talk my way out of one. But they happened all the time. My sister was neither smacked or ever saw a fight growing up. There were physical repercussions for doing something wrong. By the time my sister was born you could no longer physically reprimand a child in public. And if you did it in the privacy of your home and the school found out you would be getting a visit from Law Enforcement.

    I will not defend the behavior of a lot of my generation. But there is nothing wrong w/ playing video games. There is nothing wrong w/ not practicing a religion. No one wants something shoved down their throats. Most kids don't like going to church. It's when they grow up that they realize how it shaped them as a person. The homosexual thing I just laugh at. They have always been around. It's not a learned behavior. It's not going to bring the end to society. Most of you have seen a kid at a very young age and had a feeling that the kid was homosexual. Now if you admit it, that's up to you.

    But back to the no one wants things shoved down their throats. The gay agenda at the moment is a bit ridiculous. You shouldn't be shamed for speaking out against homosexuality. Just like you shouldn't be shamed for having any opinion on any matter. Political correctness has damaged society a lot more than most factors. When you aren't free to express your opinions on a subject or celebrate when you win a game then everything goes numb. Instead of a myriad of colors the world becomes a dull grey place.

    I also feel that the pushing of white collar jobs over blue collar is very harmful. While I realize that white collar jobs are needed. I have a hard time seeing their value in society when they shuffle papers and numbers. Obviously that is a generalization but an office worker can't drive by a bridge and tell his kid that he helped build it like a blue collar worker can. The devaluation of a skilled trade has been very harmful to society. Ted Knight said it best, "The world needs ditch diggers to." The world does not need people that don't add anything tangible to society.

    I know I've veered off on many courses so I will just stop. Stop waxing poetic about the past because it wasn't as perfect as you remember it. Everyone turns into their fathers and grand fathers. So don't be a hypocrite and remember how much you hated when they talked about your generation the same way you're talking about the current generation.

  20. #60
    Boolit Master

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    I have to laugh at a lot of things said in this thread. It's blatantly obvious how old most of you are. I bet when you were young you wanted to buck the system and hated how your Dad said your generation is a bunch of sissies and men were men when he was growing up. Now you are all doing to same thing your Dad did.
    I know I've veered off on many courses so I will just stop. Stop waxing poetic about the past because it wasn't as perfect as you remember it. Everyone turns into their fathers and grand fathers. So don't be a hypocrite and remember how much you hated when they talked about your generation the same way you're talking about the current generation.
    Yup !! you had a lot to say but IMHO you missed the point completely, (totally )
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HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
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