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Thread: Are you ready for the Rapture?

  1. #141
    Boolit Master

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    Woke up today thinking of the Rapture, great way to get up in the Morning, Horn Blows and as Jackie Gleason said, " And away we go".

    If you divide your KING JAMES BIBLE properly there is Nothing in the Book of Matthew for a Saved Christian, everything in that Book is said to a Jew.

    Divide that Bible properly.

  2. #142
    Boolit Buddy

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    The Bible tells us repeatedly that there is NO difference between the Jew and the Gentile...below is just a few examples

    So stating that the entire book of Matthew (one of the 4 books of the Gospel) is written entirely to the Jews and in your words there is Nothing for the "Saved Christian" in the entire book of Matthew even though the King James Bible tells us we are all one in Christ!

    This is what you call rightly dividing the Word???

    Quote Originally Posted by dannyd View Post
    Woke up today thinking of the Rapture, great way to get up in the Morning, Horn Blows and as Jackie Gleason said, " And away we go".

    If you divide your KING JAMES BIBLE properly there is Nothing in the Book of Matthew for a Saved Christian, everything in that Book is said to a Jew.

    Divide that Bible properly.
    Galatians 3:28
    28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

    Colossians 3:11
    11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

    1Corinthians 12:13
    13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

  3. #143
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    This exchange confirms my belief that the Bible is not "divinely inspired". God's word has been corrupted by man for thousands of years. When people who are honest believers cannot agree on what the Bible says, it should concern all of us!!

    God knows we are sheep. Why would He inspire scripture the average man cannot fully comprehend? Why does it take "biblical scholars" to pry "the truth" out of God's word? And which scholar is a normal man to believe? Why would He leave us dependent on men to understand His word?

    In my limited study of this part of the Bible I have concluded. IT DOES NOT MATTER! You may ask why?

    How Jesus returns does affect how we should live our lives. It does not affect our need to accept Jesus if we want salvation. It does not affect the fact He will return. It does not draw me closer to Him. In short....IT DOES NOT MATTER.

    People getting their undies in a knot over this is not constructive. It does not bring others to Christ. It does not boost our faith in Him. It does not make us better people...in fact it seems to foster divisiveness amongst believers.

    If someone can succulently explain to me why this matters, I am all ears!!! If it is an exercise of who is smarter, or more "learned" I am not interested. We are all dumber than rocks compared to Him.
    You are pretty much right on. One REALLY needs a Strong's and the desire to go look at what words mean instead of assuming they know by reading English. One should also be at the point of getting on our Father's nerves asking for wisdom and guidance. ...I jest at that, there is no point at which he tires of hearing from a loving child of His but if you want results...push that hard none the less.
    It is good to debate but arguing does NOTHING to glorify our Father. Likewise...as long as you do not worship the wrong one...it makes no difference when Christ returns....you should be in the field working until you die or He arrives. One thing about it...if you have ANY doubt if it's Jesus...it's not HIM. When he returns we will all KNOW.
    Last edited by Nines&Twos; 04-26-2024 at 11:26 AM.
    Isaiah 45 - I AM the Lord and there is none else

  4. #144
    Boolit Buddy

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bowdrie View Post
    The "church" does not come "Out" of the tribulation, it's gone beforehand.
    If you go back to Rev. 6:11 you'll see that the "great multitude" are all wearing white robes.
    We, (the church,) get robes too, but we ain't carrying palm branches.
    Because "we ain't carrying palm branches" HA!!! That has got to be the best argument for Pre-Trib that I have EVER heard!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bowdrie View Post
    That great multitude are those who have been martyred for their faith during the tribulation.
    "a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues"

    So I guess you think there was a 2nd rapture of a great multitude that no man could number (of the martyred or is it the Jews that Christ is collecting in Matthew 24) 3 1/2 years after the Church was raptured... If not a 2nd rapture, how did they get there

    Speaking of the Church...Where are they at this gathering? Are they waiting in the non-palm branch carrying room.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bowdrie View Post
    I believe that all those I mentioned are "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" at a higher degree than you are, (or probably anyone else on this forum, including me).
    Just as predicted... Out comes the "Rightly Dividing the Truth" argument.

  5. #145
    Boolit Buddy
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    I'm sorry Alabama358, a couple of the previous posts served to re-remind me of the futility of getting bogged down in arguments about Scripture which are not "mission critical" to the primary task of spreading the word/scattering the seed/plant and water.
    As Christians it's all too easy to get 12 opinions from 10 believers, and that's probably one of the main reasons we have a bazillion different denominations.
    In any event, if the rapture happens before the tribulation you'll be surprised, and if it happens in or at the end I'll be surprised, but both of us will still be happy beyond belief.
    That said, I'll excuse myself from this thread.

  6. #146
    Boolit Master
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    All four of the gospels were written by a different person with a different cultural perspective on the same events. That does not mean that they are not written for all of us and do not have immeasurable, eternal value for us all.

    God chose not to spell out every little thing for us in Scripture. I think He did that so that each one of us would have cause to search the Word for ourselves, and discover what it means for each of us individually.

    That is a good thing, because each one of us will stand before God someday, alone, responsible for our own beliefs and actions.

    At that time what we think about all these interesting points of doctrine will not matter.

    The only thing that will matter is whether each one of us, individually, have placed our faith in Christ alone for our salvation.

    I am convinced that there will be Christians from every creed and denomination in heaven, such that God will be true and every man a liar.

    Until then, I commend each one you (not that my opinion matters) for searching the Word for yourselves, and I look forward to the Day when we will all sing praises to the Living Word with one voice.

    Until then, may God bless each one of you! We do make for an interesting mix of perspectives, don't we?

    And I am so thankful that we have a place where we can do that!


    "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men. 1776

    "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 (E.S.V.)

  7. #147
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    This exchange confirms my belief that the Bible is not "divinely inspired". God's word has been corrupted by man for thousands of years. When people who are honest believers cannot agree on what the Bible says, it should concern all of us!!

    God knows we are sheep. Why would He inspire scripture the average man cannot fully comprehend? Why does it take "biblical scholars" to pry "the truth" out of God's word? And which scholar is a normal man to believe? Why would He leave us dependent on men to understand His word?

    In my limited study of this part of the Bible I have concluded. IT DOES NOT MATTER! You may ask why?

    How Jesus returns does affect how we should live our lives. It does not affect our need to accept Jesus if we want salvation. It does not affect the fact He will return. It does not draw me closer to Him. In short....IT DOES NOT MATTER.

    People getting their undies in a knot over this is not constructive. It does not bring others to Christ. It does not boost our faith in Him. It does not make us better people...in fact it seems to foster divisiveness amongst believers.

    If someone can succulently explain to me why this matters, I am all ears!!! If it is an exercise of who is smarter, or more "learned" I am not interested. We are all dumber than rocks compared to Him.
    And if you look at the history of the Bible, you'll find there was quite the fight, both for and against including Revelation in the Bible as we know it at all. The Revelation could be completely stricken from our scripture and have ZERO impact on one becoming a Christian and trying to live as Christ would have us live. The biggest thing I personally have gleaned from Revelation is that Christ is victorious and has the power to keep his charge!

  8. #148
    Boolit Master
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    The book of Revelation was written as a warning, to the Body of Christ, to look up, for their redemption is near, and to an unbelieving world, to repent while they still have the opportunity.

    In addition, the book of Revelation serves several purposes. It is a confirmation that God's word is true, and that his purposes for mankind do not change, and neither does He.

    Considering the fact that prophecy is being fulfilled daily in the nation of Israel and around the world (God's judgment upon the nations that hate Israel, the gathering together of all the nations to attack Israel in the Valley of Armageddon, [Joel 3:1-3], the rebuilding of the third temple, etc...) you would think that the churches in this country would renew the interest in the book of Revelation and other prophetic passages that they once had, but sadly, they are asleep at the wheel.

    Finally, the book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that promises a special blessing for those who read and understand it.

    Of course the book of Revelation matters. Why else would God go to the trouble of writing it and preserving it for our understanding and edification for over two thousand years?

    Last edited by exile; 04-28-2024 at 12:24 AM.
    "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men. 1776

    "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 (E.S.V.)

  9. #149
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by exile View Post

    Of course the book of Revelation matters. Why else would God go to the trouble of writing it and preserving it for our understanding and edification for over two thousand years?

    Very good, thank you. Our Father took the time to dictate a letter written specifically to you...if man has mistranslated some of it...that's irrelevant. The very idea that our Father couldn't communicate through man's errors shows a blasphemous lack of faith. If HE took the time to write me a letter then I want to read ALL of it and with His guidance, navigate through errors in translation as they present themselves. Our Father certainly blessed men such as E.W. Bullinger and James Strong...all men are fallible but when combined with prayer, HE can and will show you the truth He wants you to see. He promised wisdom for those who seek it...I ask multiple times a day for 3 things...open eyes, open ears and a closed mouth.

    As for Revelation...the very name means to be revealed....There is SO MUCH to learn from it. Christ addresses 7 churches and that should teach you volumes. 2 out of 7 got a good report. Christ was not happy with the other 5. Logic demands you compare the two he was pleased with, find the common denominator and use that as a litmus test for whatever church you attend. The two churches Christ was happy with both knew who the kenites are....those who CLAIM to be our brother Judah but do lie. If your church does not address that, perhaps you should consider it....if Christ thought it was important and your church doesn't....well....who do you follow?
    Knowing who they are lets you know who your enemy is(one of them)...even if you cannot do anything about it, for Christ also told you in Matthew 13, parable of the tares...and if you don't understand that parable...the rest of them will not make much sense either.....You are to leave them alone. Don't attack them or draw attention to them, the angels will reap, bundle and burn them at our Fathers order...not ours. BUT, we are called to watch. Be alert. How can you watch if you don't know what you're watching for??? It breaks my heart to know people ignore parts of The Word...laboring under the delusion they don't need it. Sad.
    Last edited by Nines&Twos; 04-27-2024 at 08:04 PM.
    Isaiah 45 - I AM the Lord and there is none else

  10. #150
    Boolit Master
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    Open eyes, open ears and a closed mouth. Such amazing wisdom there, brother! I struggle daily with all three.

    As you quoted some time ago (and I wrote down)

    "I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me!"

    Psalm 119:19 (E.S.V.)

    "and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

    Ephesians 6:17 (E.S.V.)

    "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men. 1776

    "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 (E.S.V.)

  11. #151
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nines&Twos View Post
    Very good, thank you. Our Father took the time to dictate a letter written specifically to you...if man has mistranslated some of it...that's irrelevant. The very idea that our Father couldn't communicate through man's errors shows a blasphemous lack of faith. If HE took the time to write me a letter then I want to read ALL of it and with His guidance, navigate through errors in translation as they present themselves. Our Father certainly blessed men such as E.W. Bullinger and James Strong...all men are fallible but when combined with prayer, HE can and will show you the truth He wants you to see. He promised wisdom for those who seek it...I ask multiple times a day for 3 things...open eyes, open ears and a closed mouth.

    As for Revelation...the very name means to be revealed....There is SO MUCH to learn from it. Christ addresses 7 churches and that should teach you volumes. 2 out of 7 got a good report. Christ was not happy with the other 5. Logic demands you compare the two he was pleased with, find the common denominator and use that as a litmus test for whatever church you attend. The two churches Christ was happy with both knew who the kenites are....those who CLAIM to be our brother Judah but do lie. If your church does not address that, perhaps you should consider it....if Christ thought it was important and your church doesn't....well....who do you follow?
    Knowing who they are lets you know who your enemy is(one of them)...even if you cannot do anything about it, for Christ also told you in Matthew 13, parable of the tares...and if you don't understand that parable...the rest of them will not make much sense either.....You are to leave them alone. Don't attack them or draw attention to them, the angels will reap, bundle and burn them at our Fathers order...not ours. BUT, we are called to watch. Be alert. How can you watch if you don't know what you're watching for??? It breaks my heart to know people ignore parts of The Word...laboring under the delusion they don't need it. Sad.
    My opinions on the veracity of every word in bible may be blasphemous but God knows I believe in Him and that is all that matters.

    The fact that we have over 1200 Christian sects is something to ponder. Why has that happened if the Word is divinely inspired and perfect. Which church has the right interpretation? And, more importantly, does God care? Man can never answer that question, "Who is right?", because we do not know. I believe anyone who tells me they know which sect is "right" is deluded. We chose the sect that fits our needs and it does not matter to God as long as we accept Jesus.

    Man touched the Bible and man is corrupt. God lost one third of His angels in the first few days after creation. Think about that. Not a handful, but 1/3. If He could not "divinely inspire" His newly created angels, what make us think He can control man to give us a perfect Bible over centuries of time and numerous translations?

    God could have controlled His angels and prevented sin from entering the world, but He chose not to. There was no sin until He created it. The first sin happened in heaven. Adam and Eve did not commit the first sin. They did not create Satin. Christians cannot accept this obvious conclusion because it is too difficult for them to face the truth. Our loving God created sin. He created everything.

    Revelations tells us God eventually defeats the sin He unleashed on the world. The timeline of events is irrelevant. All that matters is that God is victorious in the end. Sin is defeated. Some day we may know why God created sin. The reason is not in the Bible.
    Don Verna

  12. #152
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nines&Twos View Post
    Very good, thank you. Our Father took the time to dictate a letter written specifically to you...if man has mistranslated some of it...that's irrelevant. The very idea that our Father couldn't communicate through man's errors shows a blasphemous lack of faith. If HE took the time to write me a letter then I want to read ALL of it and with His guidance, navigate through errors in translation as they present themselves. Our Father certainly blessed men such as E.W. Bullinger and James Strong...all men are fallible but when combined with prayer, HE can and will show you the truth He wants you to see. He promised wisdom for those who seek it...I ask multiple times a day for 3 things...open eyes, open ears and a closed mouth.

    As for Revelation...the very name means to be revealed....There is SO MUCH to learn from it. Christ addresses 7 churches and that should teach you volumes. 2 out of 7 got a good report. Christ was not happy with the other 5. Logic demands you compare the two he was pleased with, find the common denominator and use that as a litmus test for whatever church you attend. The two churches Christ was happy with both knew who the kenites are....those who CLAIM to be our brother Judah but do lie. If your church does not address that, perhaps you should consider it....if Christ thought it was important and your church doesn't....well....who do you follow?
    Knowing who they are lets you know who your enemy is(one of them)...even if you cannot do anything about it, for Christ also told you in Matthew 13, parable of the tares...and if you don't understand that parable...the rest of them will not make much sense either.....You are to leave them alone. Don't attack them or draw attention to them, the angels will reap, bundle and burn them at our Fathers order...not ours. BUT, we are called to watch. Be alert. How can you watch if you don't know what you're watching for??? It breaks my heart to know people ignore parts of The Word...laboring under the delusion they don't need it. Sad.
    That should set some teeth on edge.

  13. #153
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Good Cheer View Post
    That should set some teeth on edge.
    I will not apologize for the Word of my Father. I do NOT set out to hurt anyone, nor do I direct that at anyone specific...but if that hits home for anyone...put it on, snug it up and wear it. If I am wrong i will thankfully take correction from a Father that loves me....He sends Christ with a rod of iron and the rod will drive foolishness far from anyone.
    I can admit when I am wrong but the conviction my Father puts in me gives me a peace I have not felt in nearly 5 decades of life. What does man have to offer?
    When others believe contrary to what I understand from HIS word...I will sometimes comment....but I won't keep up the argument for it's incumbent upon each of us to choose this day.......Make your choice and be a workman that ain't ashamed.
    Isaiah 45 - I AM the Lord and there is none else

  14. #154
    Boolit Buddy

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    Quote Originally Posted by exile View Post

    Until then, I commend each one you (not that my opinion matters) for searching the Word for yourselves, and I look forward to the Day when we will all sing praises to the Living Word with one voice.

    Make no mistake about it... the opinions of fellow Justified brothers always matter...

    And Lord knows there is probably no other member of this forum that has posted more pure scripture then you. (albeit some of them from suspect versions )
    Keep up the good work

  15. #155
    Boolit Master
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    Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. I can only hope that someone is encouraged to keep on going with the Lord in a world that just keeps getting tougher every day.

    God bless.

    "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men. 1776

    "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 (E.S.V.)

  16. #156
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nines&Twos View Post
    I will not apologize for the Word of my Father. I do NOT set out to hurt anyone, nor do I direct that at anyone specific...but if that hits home for anyone...put it on, snug it up and wear it. If I am wrong i will thankfully take correction from a Father that loves me....He sends Christ with a rod of iron and the rod will drive foolishness far from anyone.
    I can admit when I am wrong but the conviction my Father puts in me gives me a peace I have not felt in nearly 5 decades of life. What does man have to offer?
    When others believe contrary to what I understand from HIS word...I will sometimes comment....but I won't keep up the argument for it's incumbent upon each of us to choose this day.......Make your choice and be a workman that ain't ashamed.
    If you're gonna plant seeds sometimes you need to break the sod.

  17. #157
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Good Cheer View Post
    If you're gonna plant seeds sometimes you need to break the sod.
    Tough love is still love. Emmanuel, GOD with us, Jesus Christ returns with a rod of iron. ....Show of hands, who thinks he's gonna use it to pet you on the head and tell you it's OK?
    If I offend someone to the point they MUST prove me wrong...there's only ONE way and that's in our Father's word. We can never know the mind of our Father but a good guess can be made on rare occasions. [rhetorical] What would our Father have to say to me: You made that guy SO upset, he turned to ME and made a swan dive into my word. [/rhetorical] Pull brothers and sisters out the fire by any means*....there is a literal party in heaven for each one that comes out of iniquity and into the fold of the Shepherd.

    *I do NOT believe that gives people a license to go ramming religion down other peoples' throat. To everything there is a time and place.
    Isaiah 45 - I AM the Lord and there is none else

  18. #158
    Boolit Master
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    Why Dispensationalism is Wrong,Unbiblical, and Deceptive!


    I doubt many here will take the 30 mins to hear this young man's scriptural explanation of why, but here it is.

    One huge question about the great apostasy. Will believers in rapture theology become apostate when they are left to endure the great tribulation?

  19. #159
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thundarstick View Post

    One huge question about the great apostasy. Will believers in rapture theology become apostate when they are left to endure the great tribulation?
    Good question....How will the masses react indeed when the 1st messiah appears....he will be beautiful...he will have an answer to everything...he will come in peacefully and properously...he will put a chicken in every pot...pay all your bills...How will they react when he starts collecting the masses with the message "I've come to fly you away children...come and love me and I will save you!"
    Be careful brothers...Christ returns at the 7th trump....the spurious messiah shows up at the 6th. 6 comes before 7.

    Will they become apostate? Hmm, maybe not in the way we see 'apostate'.....intentionally wicked...I don't think so. Take the bait and be deceived? Oh yeah...hook line and sinker. Many will be deceived. When they realize what they have done and who they have bowed their knee too they will be crying for the mountains to fall upon them out of shame.
    Isaiah 45 - I AM the Lord and there is none else

  20. #160
    Boolit Buddy

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    The Great Commission

    Quote Originally Posted by exile View Post
    Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. I can only hope that someone is encouraged to keep on going with the Lord in a world that just keeps getting tougher every day.

    God bless.

    18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
    19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
    20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

    My wife ask me "why do you even fool around on that forum" My answer was something along the lines of...

    Christ gave us what has come to be known as "The Great Commission"

    In a way, this forum is like going out and knocking doors, maybe even better because folks actually come here looking for some portion of God's word.
    When you see thousands of views on some threads, think of it like you have knocked a 1,000 doors or witnessed to thousands of folks... sharing the LORD's word is never a waste of time and is always fruitful.

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BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check