I have been toying with the idea of getting a metal lathe. Zero experience and a bad back and neck so I cannot spend a lot of time at it.
I keep getting a 25% off coupon from Harbor Freight for one item with basically no exceptions. I have mentioned getting them before but no idea how long they will keep sending them to me before they give up trying to get me back to buy. I know their stuff is mostly junk and will require a lot of cleaning up, etc. and will need upgrades.
The store near me only has the 7x10 in stock (must be in stock for coupon at store). I could get it for $563 ($750 less 25%). Little Machine Shop sells a16" bed extender for $220. I know there are other upgrades required. Guess my question, assuming I can convince myself I can take a lot of time doing the upgrade work, is would I be better off just getting a better machine as suggested in the recent table top lathe recommendation thread? I would be doing gunsmith related work primarily. Would the 7x even handle barrels?
Looking to make use of the coupon before it's no longer going to be offered to me. I could always find another use for it but I typically wait until the weather is better so I have to decide soon. I have been going back and forth on the lathe question in my head for a very long time now. I do not have to buy anything now, this is just an opportunity and we all know prices are not coming down anytime soon, if ever.