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Thread: Will the USA be judged for its rebellion?

  1. #21
    Boolit Bub
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    May 2023
    back then the King was god as far as peasants were concerned,
    so by having the revolution (to get away for the state ordered church as well)
    we made God our king!!

  2. #22
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hannibal View Post
    Have you considered that the title of 'Greatest County in the World today' is nothing more than your personal opinion?

    Who declared that to be the case? God?
    Good point. I think we have the greatest country in the world based on my experiences. I am blessed to be able to live anywhere that will take me and have no desire to leave the USA. So yes, it is my personal opinion this is the greatest country in the world.

    If you feel differently, that is OK.

    I left my country when I was in my 40's and became a US citizen in my 50's. Never regretted my decision. If you think there is a better place for you...go for it. Life is short.
    Don Verna

  3. #23
    Boolit Grand Master GhostHawk's Avatar
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    Cahn passionately detailed the prophetic parallels between ancient Israel and the modern-day decline of morality in America.
    Johnathan Cahn
    “As the people of ancient Israel, in the midst of their blessings, committed a fatal error, so have we,” he continued. “We too, as a nation, have turned from God. We too, as a nation, have removed Him from our lives. Step by step we too have ruled Him out of our culture, out of our government, out of our economy. We too have ruled Him out of the instruction and lives of our children. We too have made God a stranger. And as we have driven God from our national life, we have brought in other gods and idols to replace Him—gods of sensuality, violence, wealth, carnality, sexual promiscuity. And as did Israel, so too we have abandoned the ways of God and the laws of God for the ways of immorality.”

    ive-time, best-selling author and renowned Christian leader Jonathan Cahn says America is paralleling ancient Israel before it was destroyed by God. Can we turn it around before it is too late? According to Cahn’s new upcoming movie called “The Harbingers of Things to Come,” we can turn it around, but it’s going to take repentance, prayer, faith and God to do it. Cahn explains, “The harbinger is revealing the Biblical template of national judgment that begins with a strike on the land. It happened in ancient Israel. It’s a wake-up call, calling the nation back. The nation is then given a span of time, years, to come back to God. It’s mercy. The same harbingers or warning signs that happened in the last days of Israel have now happened or have all appeared in America. So, the warning is now for us. Ancient Israel did not turn back. It actually got worse, and that is exactly what happened. In America, the strike came on 9/11, and all the harbingers, nine harbingers, all appeared starting with 9/11. They were warning America of judgment. We have followed the course of ancient Israel. . . . One of the things that ancient Israel did was lifted up its children on the alters of Baal and Moloch, and they killed their children. Israel killed thousands, and we killed millions. Therefore, this puts us in danger of judgment.”

    So, how long do we have before God’s judgment starts? Cahn says, “19 years before judgment. When did it happen for America? It was 9.11.2001. Could it be the 19th year would be when great shakings would start coming on the land? What’s the year? It pinpoints the year 2020. 2020 is the year that the shakings come on. The plague comes on. Cities are burning. We are still dealing with Covid. We have been shaken and locked up, and all these things to this day. . . . In Jeramiah, he said a plague would come on the land in Israel. We have a plague, and on the 19th year, the plague came. What’s the name of this plague? They call it Covid and then the number 19. When Jeramiah is talking about the plague and shaking, he is linking it to the sin of killing the nation’s children in ancient Israel. When was the first case of Covid in America? It was called patient zero, and it made headlines across America. It made headlines, and there was a date next to the headline. The date was January 22 (2020). January 22 (1973) is the date the Supreme Court legalized the killing of children.”

    Cahn says, “We’ve got to pray that this thing gets undone. God says if you want to kill your children, there is going to be a price to pay.”

    America is doing what Israel did in their last days. We are embracing immorality. We are punishing the people of God. We are still killing our children, and we are doing everything they did, and then judgment came. We can’t say we were not warned. The only answer we have is from God.”

    So, is the recent Supreme Court decision to limit abortion something that can help save America from Gods judgement? Cahn says, “It’s definitely a step in the right direction, but who knows? This is a gigantic step, but at the same time, it’s not going to end abortion. Abortion is still going to happen in the major places where it happens like New York, which is the abortion capitol of the country. It’s still going to happen in all these places where it is happening, but it’s going to make it harder to kill babies. That means it’s going to save lives. . . . We are seeing pushback on abortion in many places. . . . There is a pushback, but there must be revival if we are going to be saved. The other forces are still going full blast. They are still training the children. So, we have to pray as never before, we have to stand as never before and proclaim the Truth (of Jesus Christ) as never before.

    Cahn contends the states that continue abortion will do far worse than states that end abortion.
    I truly believe we need to get back to basics.

    Get right with the Lord.
    Get back to the land.
    Get back to thinking like our forefathers thought.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you
    and give you His peace. Let all of the earth – all of His creation – worship and praise His name! Make His
    praise glorious!

  4. #24
    Boolit Master
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    The Return of the God's by Jonathan Cahn is well worth reading or get the DVD, this really puts the condition of America in context of our history for the last 100 years.
    As Israel turned away from the one true God and turned to the many gods, so has America.
    If there is time for the people of America to repent and turn back to the God of the Bible, that time is growing short.

  5. #25
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    As we celebrate Independence from Britain, are we mocking God's word and His authority?

    Romans 13:
    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

    The main reasons for the Revolutionary War were discontent regarding Britain imposing new taxes (which they had the authority to do), and their desire for more control of the colonies (which they also had the authority to do).

    It does not appear that Britain was evil and that seems about the only reason the Bible speaks to for not obeying the government.

    Who thought it a good idea to erect in DC a giant phallus sticking up through a vesica piscis, would they mock God?

  6. #26
    Boolit Master
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    Supreme Court ruled on abortion
    and Lake Mead started filling up.
    There are no co-incidences.

  7. #27
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Who thought it a good idea to erect in DC a giant phallus sticking up through a vesica piscis, would they mock God?

  8. #28
    Boolit Master Hannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    Good point. I think we have the greatest country in the world based on my experiences. I am blessed to be able to live anywhere that will take me and have no desire to leave the USA. So yes, it is my personal opinion this is the greatest country in the world.

    If you feel differently, that is OK.

    I left my country when I was in my 40's and became a US citizen in my 50's. Never regretted my decision. If you think there is a better place for you...go for it. Life is short.
    My point was it would seem impossible for any of us to determine if there is any country or group of people who are pleasing God in their behaviors and thinking. Given what is going on here in the US I seriously doubt we would have his blessing now, if we ever did.

  9. #29
    Boolit Master

    William Yanda's Avatar
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    When I saw your question I thought of Abraham's dilemma when God revealed his plan for Sodom and Gomorrah while Lot was living there. If judgement for America is delayed, it will be only because of God's mercy.
    Micah 6:8
    He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

    "I don't have hobbies - I'm developing a robust post-apocalyptic skill set"
    I may be discharged and retired but I'm sure I did not renounce the oath that I solemnly swore!

  10. #30
    Boolit Master

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    "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, The handwriting is already on the wall.........and....we know what happens next.
    “You should tell someone what you know. There should be a history, so that men can learn from it.

    He smiled. “Men do not learn from history. Each generation believes itself brighter than the last, each believes it can survive the mistakes of the older ones. Each discovers each old thing and they throw up their hands and say ‘See! Look what I have found! Look upon what I know!’ And each believes it is something new.

    Louis L’Amour

    The Californios

  11. #31
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electrod47 View Post
    "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, The handwriting is already on the wall.........and....we know what happens next.
    A most appropriate song by the great Jonhy Cash.
    Don Verna

  12. #32
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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  13. #33
    Boolit Master
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    Yep, its going by the Book.

  14. #34
    Boolit Master
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    The KING JAMES version of the ancient writings is a lyrical and poetic interpretation of the ancient tomes. Of course the KING JAMES version would provide the authority to the monarch of the time, supporting the 'born to be ruler' premise.

  15. #35
    Boolit Buddy
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    not just the USA but all nations will see the wrath of our Lord.
    the USA has been turning from God for a very long time. its has just been these past
    60+ yrs has it been so evil. other nations have shared this evil even longer.

    my Savior`s return is very soon.

  16. #36
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MostlyLeverGuns View Post
    The KING JAMES version of the ancient writings is a lyrical and poetic interpretation of the ancient tomes. Of course the KING JAMES version would provide the authority to the monarch of the time, supporting the 'born to be ruler' premise.
    The various study aids, the myriad of available interlinears and concordances, keyed to the King James bible make it a wonderful resource for students of scripture. My favorite edition of the 1611 King James is the 1922 edition Companion Bible with notes and appendixes by E. W. Bullinger.

  17. #37
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lx2008 View Post
    not just the USA but all nations will see the wrath of our Lord.
    the USA has been turning from God for a very long time. its has just been these past
    60+ yrs has it been so evil. other nations have shared this evil even longer.

    my Savior`s return is very soon.
    Good morning sir. I couldn't agree with you more.

  18. #38
    Boolit Master pmer's Avatar
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    The subjectification of persons was one of things the Declaration of Independence took a stab at. I was listening to Glenn Beck over the 4th and first versions of the D.E. was aimed at ending slavery in the new world. The Emancipation Declaration wasn't the first attempt. In 1776 it was decided all 13 states had to be unanimous in the list of declarations and 2 states voted against the ending of "stealing people". American Indians were doing it to each other along with African tribes. As more and more people became literate and the bible got translated into their own languages it got harder and harder to see a person as property.

    IMO the D.E. was an attempt to step away from the evils of monarchy and their attempts/needs to maintain their power in their own small "g" god ways. Biblically speaking I think it's wrong minded to see our separation as non biblical. But I think we're living in Romans 1 & 2 but to me it's two seperate things.
    Oh great, another thread that makes me spend money.

  19. #39
    Boolit Buddy

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    Quote Originally Posted by .429&H110 View Post
    Supreme Court ruled on abortion
    and Lake Mead started filling up.
    There are no co-incidences.
    California gets roughly 60% of Lake Mead's water...
    not sure that they are being blessed because for the courts decision, seeing that they crave abortion up to the day of birth and have committed to be a Sanctuary State for the abortion industry.

  20. #40
    Boolit Master
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    Book says:
    ...rains on the just and the unjust...

    Arizona is going to run out of water, sooner or later.

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