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Thread: Someone needs to enlighten this guy about safe bullet casting

  1. #21
    Boolit Master
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    From my perspective, someone who is (or purports) to be an "expert" on any subject is to be held to a higher standard in getting his/her information correct. To me that means making statements that have been researched and that research considered for accuracy and truth before they go shouting "the sky is falling"! Case in point: watching building expert(?) Mike Holms (sp?) showing some young guy what to look for when checking out a possible home to buy. Mike opens the door under the sink. There is a bit of obviously lead pipe. Young guy begins to reach toward the pipe and Mike grabs his arm and pulls him away while saying words to the effect of "don't touch that it is lead and is very poisonous---. It was like the kid was going to try to give Medusa a haircut with a pen knife! I have lost any respect I had for Mike Holms. The point I am trying to make is that warning of potential danger is fine but acting like it is the end of the world is not. Just be careful of how you deliver information.

  2. #22
    Boolit Master
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    Well I do not think any of us who spoke up about the person in the video who was obsessive to the point of paranoia about the hazards of lead were undo in our comments , but if you feel we were well so be it , and yes I said he was obsessive in his paranoia .

    As to making videos for youtube , I feel no need to film myself or my hobbies , yes some of us come here to gain insights into this hobby , but most of us seem to be older and have been doing this for quite some time with common sense and or learning we have got along the way.

    If he would have done his research before his long winded over hyped video , there may have been no criticism , If one purports to be an expert of makes instructional videos or websites then they should be held to a higher standard and should not be passing on wives tales gossip rumors and myths and misconceptions on this subject as there is enough state inspired fear being promoted about it already .

    Warning this may cause cancer and reproductive harm , along with everything else on this planet in this life .

    So in ending sorry if I and maybe others were unduly harsh in our comments on the feller , but he should delete his video and do his research maybe on here and learn some before hamming for the cam .

  3. #23
    Boolit Master
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    It took me 2 days to finally watch the whole video. I heard him say that handling lead with your bare hands would absorb it into your system. Seems he forgot that later on when he touched cast bullets and ingots. He also said that moving your hands near the casting pot would cause lead fumes to escape into the room and contaminate the environment. Ladle casting is a no-no too. So when do you figure that somebody hasn't really taken the time to investigate for himself what is fact? His argument is that he is a lead survivor. If he needs to do all he proposes to feel safe, then do it twice as much. But it doesn't make him an expert.

    He reminds me of a woman at work. She said she needed a can of Lysol from the store for covid abatement. 12 ounces costs $9/can of spray. Member Dragonheart told us about Consan 20 which has the same sanitizer as Lysol. I mixed a gallon of it for 37 cents when supplies were near nonexistent. I brought it out and showed it to her. She said " I'm a cancer survivor, and if I can't drink a gallon of something I won't use it". How do you convince an idiot? Some folks will pick and choose the facts to support their idea. Some are well intended but misinformed. The result is the same.

  4. #24
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tar Heel View Post
    Define the "right" way. There is my way, your way, the scientific way, the Godly way, the idiot way, the southern way, the California way, the northern way, this way, and that way. Which one is right or correct? Truth and "right" are relative. Make your video and post it. See how many folks correct you. Post a video showing the "right way" and watch the experts chop away at it. The way that works best for you is the "right way" and probably differs from my "right way".

    I still can't figure out why folks put lipstick on their bullets rather than doing it the "right way" with bullet lube in a lubrisizer.
    Lol that's what I'm trying to figure out,the way people here jump on YouTubers every time there must be a RIGHT WAY.
    Personally I'm of the opinion there really is no one singular right way for everything. Just to many variables and person needs to sit down look at what their doing and extrapolate useful information from the source so it's useful to them.
    Heck I watch alot of videos dealing with F class reloading but in no way do I think it's the best because I'm on a budget,using range brass ect but I extrapolate from these videos how I can make my reloading better though small things like " hay these guys are shooting 1000 yards and their being very precise about brass prep, I don't have a IDOD or a Promthtis but maybe I should try to be a little more careful with brass sorting and weight my charges or just start using CBTO instead of COAL like them because it's more consistent over all"
    Same with this guy. Well he's casting indoors I'm casting out doors you can easily think " hay ya know I don't really need an exaust fan because I'm not indoors but I'm young and I want my lungs to last a long time so mabye a half mask respirator wouldn't hurt!"
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

  5. #25
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Another question I have to ask when it comes to YouTuber's when did he ever call him self and expert ? Don't think in that entire video that word came out of his mouth? Honestly most people understand that there are very few actual experts on YouTube.
    Heck I've had alot of people acusse me of trying to act like an expert because I make videos of me doing the cast stuff for my AR-15. Same with other YouTubers ," well hot dang their making videos and just talking like they know everything!" I see these comments all the time here,. No not really just sharing our experiences same for guys like full lead taco , Elvis ammo ,fourthune cookie 45lc.
    And I gotta ask would y'all prefer someone like that nice old guy that genuinely seems to care about folks health and safety and just a little paranoid or some wild bill yahoo just going " o safety?! Pfffffff what ever just do abc and youll be fiiiine!"
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

  6. #26
    Boolit Master

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    Oh boy….where are the fact checkers when you need them? I have been casting/shooting cast for 40 years. I have to get blood labs quarterly and have never, ever had elevated lead levels.

    Lead does NOT release fumes until after 900° F. Even so I have a range hood above my lead pot, just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean someone’s not after me….

    ”Only accurate rifles are interesting”
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  7. #27
    Boolit Master
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    Lead fumes? Please! When I was a kid we used to chase after the mosquito sprayer trucks to stay in the smoke cloud. Guess what they were spraying. Then there was all of the orange stuff in SE Asia. Your lungs will be just fine breathing in the periodic smoke off a casting pot.

    We didn't eat paint though. We always had biscuits. Go cast some bullets and enjoy life.

  8. #28
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by jsizemore View Post
    It took me 2 days to finally watch the whole video. I heard him say that handling lead with your bare hands would absorb it into your system. Seems he forgot that later on when he touched cast bullets and ingots. He also said that moving your hands near the casting pot would cause lead fumes to escape into the room and contaminate the environment. Ladle casting is a no-no too. So when do you figure that somebody hasn't really taken the time to investigate for himself what is fact? His argument is that he is a lead survivor. If he needs to do all he proposes to feel safe, then do it twice as much. But it doesn't make him an expert.

    He reminds me of a woman at work. She said she needed a can of Lysol from the store for covid abatement. 12 ounces costs $9/can of spray. Member Dragonheart told us about Consan 20 which has the same sanitizer as Lysol. I mixed a gallon of it for 37 cents when supplies were near nonexistent. I brought it out and showed it to her. She said " I'm a cancer survivor, and if I can't drink a gallon of something I won't use it". How do you convince an idiot? Some folks will pick and choose the facts to support their idea. Some are well intended but misinformed. The result is the same.
    Spot on. The post video is FULL of misinformation and BS. That makes it very much bash worthy. As an elevated lead survivor you would think (at a minimum) he would research how and why he became lead poisoned due to working at an indoor range verse the realities of his home casting situation.
    Last edited by M-Tecs; 01-30-2022 at 05:38 PM.
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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  9. #29
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfdog91 View Post
    Lol that's what I'm trying to figure out,the way people here jump on YouTubers every time there must be a RIGHT WAY.
    Personally I'm of the opinion there really is no one singular right way for everything. Just to many variables and person needs to sit down look at what their doing and extrapolate useful information from the source so it's useful to them.
    Heck I watch alot of videos dealing with F class reloading but in no way do I think it's the best because I'm on a budget,using range brass ect but I extrapolate from these videos how I can make my reloading better though small things like " hay these guys are shooting 1000 yards and their being very precise about brass prep, I don't have a IDOD or a Promthtis but maybe I should try to be a little more careful with brass sorting and weight my charges or just start using CBTO instead of COAL like them because it's more consistent over all"
    Same with this guy. Well he's casting indoors I'm casting out doors you can easily think " hay ya know I don't really need an exaust fan because I'm not indoors but I'm young and I want my lungs to last a long time so mabye a half mask respirator wouldn't hurt!"
    Believing that there is a "right way" is your first mistake. There is the most preferred method followed by less preferred methods. That is basically true with everything in life. The rub is that the "most preferred method" varies for each individual and each situation. In a fantasy world with unlimited resources, abilities and time the "most preferred method" would be the same for everyone and everything. That is not reality. On the flip side there is such a thing as a "wrong method". A "wrong method" is something that produces unsafe or unreliable results

    You mentioned watching F class reloading videos. That is an excellent example. When you shoot long range competition you need the very best ammunition possible to be competitive. Based on your abilities and equipment the method you use to produce the most accurate ammunition possible would be your "most preferred method". That will change over time as your abilities and resources change.

    In addition to being a long-range competitor I also shoot cowboy action. Accuracy requirements for that type of shooting is almost zero. Can I use F-class loading techniques for cowboy action? Yes, but that is far from being the "most preferred method" since it wastes a great deal of time, energy and resources for a competition that 10 MOA ammunition is more than accurate enough.

    As to why I have a hard time with a lot of the YouTubers is they tend to push their methods as not only the "right way" but the "only way". People posting videos on YouTube range from the world class experts to world class idiots. Lot to learn on YouTube and lots to ignore.

    I do not like misinformation and or BS and the video in question is full of it about lead handling and realistic safety issues.
    Last edited by M-Tecs; 01-30-2022 at 09:12 PM.
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    "Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point."
    – Amber Veal

    "The Highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about".
    - Wayne Dyer

  10. #30
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I would like to thank all the superior, self appointed, ultra experts and philosophers that replied to this thread. I got quite an education from how the Gurus/Casting Gods replied. I doubt if I'll ever let anyone here know how I do anything...
    My Anchor is holding fast!

  11. #31
    Boolit Grand Master
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    out of here, wandering somewhere in the SW.
    OH NO, Uncle Bill................we're all gonna die!

    There are those that just LOVE to see & hear themselves on TV. Even if they are babbling total nonsense.

    What an ultra-marron.

  12. #32
    Boolit Master
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    Maybe this will make you feel safe casting:

  13. #33
    Boolit Master
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    When you have a bunch of people here who have been casting since the 60's and don't wear a mask or worry if their hands are dirty and have never had high lead levels, it would make anyone think that it works fine to do it that way. What other difference could be possible. Some here have casted more in a year than that guy did in his life time. Just look at the equipment he has sitting around him and it tells you quickly that he is not very experienced and his false claims keeps newbies from having enough confidence to do this hobby without having so much safety equipment on that you can't function. Just saying it isn't safe to touch lead makes my head twirl and eyes roll.

  14. #34
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M-Tecs View Post
    Believing that there is a "right way" is your first mistake. There is the most preferred method followed by less preferred methods. That is basically true with everything in life. The rub is that the "most preferred method" varies for each individual and each situation. In a fantasy world with unlimited resources, abilities and time the "most preferred method" would be the same for everyone and everything. That is not reality. On the flip side there is such a thing as a "wrong method". A "wrong method" is something that produces unsafe or unreliable results

    You mentioned watching F class reloading videos. That is an excellent example. When you shoot long range competition you need the very best ammunition possible to be competitive. Based on your abilities and equipment the method you use to produce the most accurate ammunition possible would be your "most preferred method". That will change over time as your abilities and resources change.

    In addition to being a long-range competitor I also shoot cowboy action. Accuracy requirements for that type of shooting is almost zero. Can I use F-class loading techniques for cowboy action? Yes, but that is far from being the "most preferred method" since it wastes a great deal of time, energy and resources for a competition that 10 MOA ammunition is more than accurate enough.

    As to why I have a hard time with a lot of the YouTubers is they tend to push their methods as not only the "right way" but the "only way". People posting videos on YouTube range from the world class experts to world class idiots. Lot to learn on YouTube and lots to ignore.

    I do not like misinformation and or BS and the video in question is full of it.
    That was sarcasm when I there has to the the right way. Only said that to point out how it seems people posting here seem to think. evevyone is saying he's going about it the wrong way basically so what's the right way ? See what I mean . I mean I did say in other comments on this thread I don't feel there's a "Right way" And again I was saying I was I just took from that what I could to make my current methods better. I want to make my cast load as accurate as possible so I went to the guys who make the most accurate ammo and tried to use some of that in some of the stuff I do. And as you said it would be totally different if I was after something else.
    It's like when I first started casting I was basically told the way to do it was Alox random clip.on wheel wheights and just go. That may work for some for their purposes that's the right way for them but what I want calls for something completely different
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

  15. #35
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Caster View Post
    When you have a bunch of people here who have been casting since the 60's and don't wear a mask or worry if their hands are dirty and have never had high lead levels, it would make anyone think that it works fine to do it that way. What other difference could be possible. Some here have casted more in a year than that guy did in his life time. Just look at the equipment he has sitting around him and it tells you quickly that he is not very experienced and his false claims keeps newbies from having enough confidence to do this hobby without having so much safety equipment on that you can't function. Just saying it isn't safe to touch lead makes my head twirl and eyes roll.
    It is worse that. Video's like this tend to be used by people who want to ban lead and casting to further their agenda . We "friends" like him spreading misinformation and BS we do not need "enemies".
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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  16. #36
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfdog91 View Post
    That was sarcasm when I there has to the the right way. Only said that to point out how it seems people posting here seem to think. evevyone is saying he's going about it the wrong way basically so what's the right way ?
    His methodology is basically sound. His message not so much. Not a single person on this post has stated he is doing it "wrong". They are stating his warning are not factually correct or accurate. They also pointed out he is not even following his own advice. Jsizemore pointed out SOME of the misinformation in his post which I highlighted in post #28.
    Last edited by M-Tecs; 01-30-2022 at 09:24 PM.
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    "Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point."
    – Amber Veal

    "The Highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about".
    - Wayne Dyer

  17. #37
    Boolit Master
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    Who fired that shot?

  18. #38
    Boolit Grand Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfdog91 View Post
    So who's gonna make the response video to PROPERLY teach people?
    You are showing your age and the faults of your generation. Instant gratification and dependence on video learning from anyone with a cell phone. How do you evaluate useful stuff from crap?

    I learned how to cast properly and safely from reading books and using common sense. There was no internet in 1972.

    I could not finish the video. The man lacks knowledge, wisdom and common least on this topic.
    Don Verna

  19. #39
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Caster View Post
    his false claims keeps newbies from having enough confidence to do this hobby without having so much safety equipment on that you can't function. Just saying it isn't safe to touch lead makes my head twirl and eyes roll.
    Yes on both counts.
    2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    "Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if not, there’s absolutely no point."
    – Amber Veal

    "The Highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about".
    - Wayne Dyer

  20. #40
    Boolit Master Wolfdog91's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dverna View Post
    You are showing your age and the faults of your generation. Instant gratification and dependence on video learning from anyone with a cell phone. How do you evaluate useful stuff from crap?

    I learned how to cast properly and safely from reading books and using common sense. There was no internet in 1972.

    I could not finish the video. The man lacks knowledge, wisdom and common least on this topic.
    Was pretty sure most folks knew I was 20 something and honestly some people just plain learn better from videos. I know I do ,it's just plain how I'm wired. I have honestly sat down with the Lyman manual and a note book for a few nights read and took notes but it just doesn't click as well as being able to watch and listen.
    And it's not just my generation theirs tons of older folks who find videos better for learning then reading on a forum. And how to evaluate? Common sense of course. Like I've stead a few time already most people watching these videos do have the common sense to go " yeah mabye that's a bit much or hay that does makes sense if yadda yadda yadda" most people will watch a few different guys and go " well he said this but he doesn't do that and he's fine and so those that guy ,so mabye I can ease up on this"
    Again if I had his experience I'd definitely try to tell people to be safe.
    But yeah I know hay I'm just the 20 something year old kid of the forum what do I know.
    Last edited by Wolfdog91; 01-30-2022 at 11:45 PM.
    A wise man will try to learn as much from a fool as he will from a master, for all have something to teach- Uncle Iroh
    MS Army Guard 2016-2021

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check