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Thread: Are we living in the end times?

  1. #61
    Boolit Buddy savagetactical's Avatar
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    I know someone who believes we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecies as foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 , and I disagreed with him . Because the Israel of today is most definitely not the land of unwalled villages. We also do not understand which millennium the scripture speaks of ,I know it is tempting to for us to try to apply the prophecies of the Bible concerning events of the end into our own contemporary context. Just food for thought as we all try to understand the Bible .
    Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you.

  2. #62
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagetactical View Post
    I know someone who believes we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecies as foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 , and I disagreed with him . Because the Israel of today is most definitely not the land of unwalled villages.
    Roger that. Nor is Israel in a bloody war with the second ring of countries surrounding it; prophecy is always detailed truth when it's fulfilled. (See Psm 83 for the inner ring of Israel's surrounding enemies.)

  3. #63
    Boolit Master
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    Let’s imagine ID2020 gets implemented on a global scale in the next few years, in response to counterfeit documentation/ID/etc. Many people are so scared that they would get a digital tattoo with blockchain security to verify who & what they are. Let’s suppose, for our own security and for a multitude of humanitarian reasons, the Federal Reserve moves to digital currency which eventually gets linked to this new ID. It’s easy to call that scenario a crazy conspiracy theory, but it’s also easy to imagine.
    How many times will there be a globally mandated system, that controls our ability to buy/sell/work before the mark of the beast comes along? While impossible to answer, the first time it happens will be quite alarming to me.
    I’m watching for this now, and I’m also watching for the construction of a third Jewish Temple. Ten years is plenty of time for these things to take place.
    (Sorry for the tone of my wording - nothing is meant by it other than my own sense of concern.)

  4. #64
    Boolit Master
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    It's worth mentioning that "time as we know it" won't end until long after the Rapture of the Church. That time will include at least the seven years of Tribulation, plus the following 1,000 year earthly Kingdom of Jesus, plus the undefined (and rarely mentioned) time after the Kingdom age as will be required for Satan's last gasp effort at rebellion; plus the following separation of remaining sheep from the goats of all ages before the Great White Throne to be justly sentenced to their eternal places in the Lake of Fire for their bad works in the flesh. (Meaning that not every lost soul who has rejected Jesus as Lord will go to hell to be punished exactly the same as everyone else ... as some preachers wrongly say. BUT, every rebellious soul will be in hell and, at its best, there will be no bright, happy corners of rest or good time buddies and beer parties in hell!)

    However, the sudden resurrection of the believing dead and concurrent snatch-up (Rapture) of the Church (i.e., the body of believers in this New Covenant age of salvation by faith alone in Jesus alone) IS the next scheduled end times event and that can occur at anytime; I can get excited looking forward to it! (See 1 Cor 15:52 and 1 Thes 4:17 for confirmation.)

  5. #65
    Boolit Bub

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1hole View Post
    How many? I suspect a lot of people have felt the same as you for much longer than 2000 years! But, I ask, what does that "prove"? The answer to that is nothing; the errors of the past don't negate the reality of the coming future. Read 2 Peter 3:1-18 and fit it all together for yourself.

    Ref. the Rapture, even the oldest, dustiest dead in Christ will rise before the living (1 Thess 4:16)! So, for the Rapture, being alive or dead on that day will make no difference, all believers will rise (1 Cor 15:51-52).

    Just for the rest of the story, non-believers of all ages will stay dead until after the Millennial Kingdom. At that point only the "goats" who have rejected Jesus will stand before the Great White Throne for sentencing of the "second death" meaning eternally alive but without any of the good things of God that we all have now and THAT will indeed be HELL!
    I feel the need to correct your post only because I don't want others to feel mislead. You stated that the unsaved would stay dead and in the ground after the rapture and until the Great White Throne Judgement. Sorry, but this is not correct. Here's why:
    In Old Testament times and in the days of Christ’s ministry upon earth, the spirits of all the dead departed to a place known as Sheol in the Hebrew and Hades in the Greek. Sheol or Hades was divided into two sections — one for the saved called Abraham’s bosom and one for the unsaved which was the place of torments. These two places were separated by a great gulf so that one could not pass from one to the other.

    Since Christ’s resurrection and ascension the righteous dead are no longer in Hades but are in Paradise. Today when the saved die they go directly into the presence of Christ which is far better (2 Cor. 5:8). But what about the unsaved dead? Their abode has not yet been changed. When an unsaved person dies he goes directly to Hades (Hell) which is the place of torment. The Bible makes it clear that all the unsaved dead go the Hell and remain there until they are resurrected to appear before God at the Great White Throne Judgment. In Revelation 20:13 we read, “…death (the grave) and Hell (Hades) delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their worth.

    Hades was the place for the unsaved dead in the time of Christ and still is. The Bible passage that best presents a picture of Hades (Hell) is Luke 16:19-31. “There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dog came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said to Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead.”

    This Scripture passage is not a parable. When our Lord spoke In parables He always said something like this: “Hear ye therefore the parable…” or “Another parable put He forth unto them…” A few times He used the word “like” where a particular truth was compared to some familiar object or scene. In this passage Jesus mentions two specific persons, a rich man and the beggar Lazarus. Jesus did not say that this was a parable, neither did He say it was “like” some other Bible truth. Here Jesus speaks about two definite men and in order to prove the reality of Hell, He gives us this account of what happened to the unbelieving rich man. Some of you may say, “Well, I think this passage is just a myth.” Such an attitude, however, is a denial of the truth of God’s Word.

    In the first part of Luke 16, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees about the danger of loving money unto the damnation of their souls. He then gives a definite account of what is going to happen to all who love their money more than they love the Lord. Many people, even today, seek to gain the things of this world at the expense of their souls. In Matthew 16:26 we read. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?.

    Now notice Luke 16:19, There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously everyday.” Here Is a picture of a man of wealth living as if life would go on forevermore. I want you to notice this: there is one thing that riches cannot keep us from dying. I believe with all my heart this man was a good moral upright man. No doubt he obtained his money honestly, looked after his family, and was respected in the community. Perhaps he even gave money to charity.

    In verses 22 and 23 we read, “the rich man also died, and was buried: And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments.” Neither his money nor his good works could keep him out of Hell. How surprised he was for he did not expect to go there.

    I believe there will be many people like the rich man They live good respectable lives, but they do not care for their souls. They are more occupied now with living than with dying. But when they die they will be also occupied with living, for they will be alive in the torments of Hell forever.

    In this passage we are clearly told that Hell is a definite place. “The rich man also died…And in hell he lift up his eyes.” In verse 28 we read that the rich man was anxious to warn his brothers. “lest they also come into this place…” Hell is a place just as real as Halifax or New York. It is not a “condition” here upon the earth. People are not passing through Hell now.

    Hell is a place of torments. It is a place of terrible suffering and pain. In verse 24 the rich man cries, “I am tormented in this flame.” In verse 25 Abraham says to the rich man, “thou are tormented. In verse 28 we also read of “this place of torment.”

    The grave is not Hell. Man is alive in Hell. In Rev. 14:11 we have the same truth, “The smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

    Hell is a definite place of fire torments. Notice verse 24, “…send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.”

    Is there no hope of escape from Hell? None whatever! No one can get out of Hell once they arrive there. Verse 26, “And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot: neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.” The gulf is fixed. I want you to notice another important fact. The rich man in Hell, prayed. People in Hell are praying today. Why? Because they have an interest In the eternal welfare of their loved ones who are left upon the earth. Verses 27 and 28, ‘Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment,”

    I pray to God that we might have the same compassion for the souls of loved ones and for the lost multitudes. It is too late in Hell to warn men and women to flee from the wrath to come. But it is not too late now. I am so thankful that our radio and literature ministry is a soul-winning ministry. If God’s people were more concerned for the eternal welfare of souls we could do even more to reach the multitudes with the Gospel of Christ. Oh, beloved, let us arise and tell the nation that JESUS SAVES!

    The key to the right understanding of this passage is verse 30,”…if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.”

    The rich man went to Hell BECAUSE HE DID NOT REPENT OF HIS SINS. He is now concerned about his brothers and feels confident that if someone from Hell visited them. they would repent of their sins and escape God’s eternal Judgment. Men do not go to Hell for smoking or drinking whiskey or stealing. Men go to Hell because they will not repent of their sins and accept the Saviour. I know that many of you today are not born again Christians. You are not taking seriously the welfare of your immortal soul. I want to leave the following two verses of Scripture with you:

    John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only, begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”: and Revelation 20:14, 15, “And death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire..”

  6. #66
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Combatmedic63 View Post
    The rich man went to Hell BECAUSE HE DID NOT REPENT OF HIS SINS. ... Men go to Hell because they will not repent of their sins
    You are Biblically correct in all points but two;

    First, there be ONE bodily resurrection of the lost. It will come shortly after the end of the Millennial Kingdom and before the establishment of Jesus' eternal Kingdom on earth. (That's when there will be a separation of sheep and goats, wheat and chaff, etc.)

    Two, the rich man didn't go to hell because he didn't repent; that would put salvation's cart before the saved horse and I believe those events and order are insignificant.

    Now, the background:

    We know the rich guy went to hell because of ONE failure: he had failed to submit his life to the Savior by faith/trust/belief before he died. IF that man had been saved first his serious repentance would surely have followed, BUT if his "repentance" had come first it would NOT, of itself, have imputed any saving power to him. (Ditto for the rest of us.)

    (See John 3:17, 18 for clear confirmation that NOTHING BUT UNBELIEF gets anyone condemned and it's an obvious certainty that applies immediately at the first death. Therefore, going to hell - or heaven - will not be an issue before God at the court of the Great White Throne. Note that ONLY the poor souls who have already condemned themselves to hell for unbelief, not because of any lack of repentance, as such, will stand for that penalty judgement!)

    -- Sir, I have a well loved 30Yr. old grandson who served as a USAF combat medic in Afganistan. When I say "Thank you for your service" I think I have a better understanding of and greater appreciation for what you have done than most folk. I will pray that God will continue to protect and bless you and your's until we can meet in Glory Land.
    Last edited by 1hole; 12-28-2021 at 10:18 PM.

  7. #67
    Boolit Bub

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    I think I was unclear on what my goal was in the response. According to what I have read and understand in the Bible, the dead don't stay in the ground. I believe, and this is only my humble opinion that there is a hell and then there is hades. If you die without repenting and accepting Christ as your personal Savior, you don't just go in the ground and stay there until the Great White Throne Judgement, you go to hades which is the, for lack of better term pre-hell. The Bible clearly states "absent from the body, present with the Lord" so it would also make sense that if you are absent from the body without being saved you would go to hades until the end of times. Understand this is only my opinion based on what I understand from reading the Bible.

    1hole, thank you for your kind words at the end of your post. I will keep your grandson in my prayers along with you and yours. I went through what I considered hell on earth in Iraq and I am paying for it now both mentally and physically. I have seen enough death and and suffering to last several lifetimes. God has truly been working on me and I feel Blessed with the progress made with my disabilities.
    Last edited by Combatmedic63; 12-28-2021 at 01:45 PM.

  8. #68
    Boolit Master
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    You are correct that the "dead" do not remain in the ground of death; saved souls of the Old Testament went to Sheol (a shadowy place but NOT a "purgatory."

    When the Lord died on the cross he told the believing man they would be together that day in "Paradise", which seems to be a beautified and happier place for souls awaiting the Rapture.

    I see at least three waves of physical resurrections of believers that will restore dead bodies to their departed soul for a physical eternity. First wave at the Rapture; Second wave at the end of the Tribulation; Third wave at the end of the Millennial Kingdom. It appears there will be a few individual resurrections mixed in along the way (the two witnesses killed in Jerusalem, etc.)

    There will be ONE final great resurrection before court conviens at the Great White Throne. It will include all of the lost of all ages plus all who died in the Kingdom Age and - maybe - the believers who died between the Garden and the day of Pentecost. (AND maybe those believers who died in the Tribulation?) THEN there will be a separation of sheep and goats. Finally, the eternal punishments for what the now risen lost did in their first life will be handed down by the final court.

    It has taken a very long time and a lot of Bible study to get where I am today and I grant that I may still have some of the details mixed up. But I'm confident the central points and path of the end times is in there.

    P.S. - Thankfully, my grandson has now married (an attractive doctor!) and is dealing with the stressful memories of his one sandbox medic tour quite well.

    However, after four tours, my ex-Marine (grunt) grandson-in-law is not doing so well; he's out and having great difficulty holding a job. He's straining the sanity of my beautiful granddaughter to near breaking so he (and SHE!) needs everyone who cares about the young men who stand up in uniform to pray for him ... and all the others our politicians have played for fools and are now coming apart at their emotional seams!

    (Just to be clear, I really hate America's arrogant and smug establishment/deep swamp politicians, including the many woke political wimps wearing general's suits. But I love Trump and all of his supporters, not because I always agree with them but because they hate our polished professional government liers and their fake, lock-step propaganda wing "news" media too!)

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by exile View Post
    Are we living in the end times?

    Will time as we know it come to an end?

    What are some indications that time might be coming to an end?

    If time does come to an end, can we escape the consequences of this event?

    What does the Bible have to say on this subject?

    What do you think?

    I'll let ya know later

  10. #70
    Boolit Master
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    "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour."

    1 John 2:18 (NKJV)

    "There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men. 1776

    "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 (E.S.V.)

  11. #71
    Boolit Master
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    What Roman emperors where the most "anti- Christ"?

    The Romans would have snuffed out Christ followers if it had been possible. As I've said, we ARE in the last time. There will be no more time on this earth after the Christian age. How long the time last is totally up to God the father, and the only thing we can know for sure is that today is one day closer than yesterday.

  12. #72
    Boolit Master
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    The end times is when you pass.

  13. #73
    Boolit Grand Master Char-Gar's Avatar
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    Every generation looks around and finds events they interpret as signs of the End Times. They have all been wrong this far and most likely will continue to be wrong until God decides otherwise. If anybody thinks they can read God's mind, good luck with that Sparky.
    Disclaimer: The above is not holy writ. It is just my opinion based on my experience and knowledge. Your mileage may vary.

  14. #74
    Boolit Master
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    I can imagine how Eastern Europeans felt during WWII. Millions starved or were murdered. It literally was the end times for them.

  15. #75
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Char-Gar View Post
    Every generation looks around and finds events they interpret as signs of the End Times. They have all been wrong this far and most likely will continue to be wrong until God decides otherwise. If anybody thinks they can read God's mind, good luck with that Sparky.
    Since you've invoked my nom de plume, were you speaking directly to me or using a colloquialism? At any rate I would agree with you.

  16. #76
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    It doesn't really matter. If a person is saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ it doesn't matter if it is the beginning, middle or the end times does it.
    Why worry about it?

  17. #77
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagetactical View Post
    I know someone who believes we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecies as foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 , and I disagreed with him . Because the Israel of today is most definitely not the land of unwalled villages.
    I agree with you. And there's much more in Ezk38-39 that doesn't match. For prophecy to be from God it has to match - perfectly.

  18. #78
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Char-Gar View Post
    Every generation looks around and finds events they interpret as signs of the End Times.
    Yes, many have misinterpreted what they have read but their errors change nothing for us today.

    The biggest hole I see in your "forget it" premise about the Lord's coming for His church is that you ignore the Biblical instructions for us to keep expectantly looking up until He does come. Thing is, we're not to ignore the whole question of His return in the air simply because others have guessed wrongly, after all, we really are told that we shouldn't be caught off guard! (1 Thess 5:6, Rev. 16:15)

  19. #79
    Boolit Grand Master Good Cheer's Avatar
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    The thoughts you stated on the parable of the fig tree are much as mine. Jesus commanded we learn it so I'm interested.

    Jesus is coming again after more than 2000 years (Hosea 6:2 and other places), so 2028* and later. And 120 years after 1948 comes 40 years after 2028. So it looks as though perhaps the people of the Earth will see the sign of the coming of the son of man sometime in the forty year window from 2028 to 2068. And wouldn't that seem just totally appropriate if one is familiar with the number forty being associated in scripture with trial and testing? Due to the way our calendar days have been swapped around I tend to think of it as 2030 to 2070. Gives me a good chuckle at the 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development.

    Since those thoughts intruded upon my world view I've been looking around and seeing if the nations are behaving as they should for this to be the run up to that window. Yup, they are. By government insistence Jerusalem is the gay tourists' Mecca and it appears the western oligarchs have been working to have globgov based in Israel right where the devil wants it. Globgov never does totally come together and Russia is being kept alienated to fulfill its role in EZ38. Besides, this point in time is indeed the "externalization of the hierarchy" (it's not like they don't tell you what they intend to do).

    By the way, did you ever think about now how many peoples around the world are giving each other gifts towards the end of December? Can't help but ask myself, "Is that what time of the year will be when the two slain witnesses stand back up?"
    And unless you had already joined up with the wrong side then would you be there and needing to flee Jerusalem in winter?

    There's lots more but hey, those are just some of my musings and everyone that looks around this goofy world has their own.
    No doubt someone will get torqued about date setting. Hope they notice that I didn't but that I'm trying to understand the seasons like I'm supposed to.

    *And my goodness aren't there lots of arguments about when he was crucified!

  20. #80
    Boolit Master
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    well, Jim Jones and his followers thought we were in the end times 40 years ago, well for them it sure was the end times.
    and David koresh preached to his devotees that we are in the end times, and once again it was the end times for them.
    I'm pretty sure these types of situations have been repeated many times through history
    regardless if we are are in end times or not all you can do is live your life the best way you possibly can, we each only have a finite amount of days alive on our planet.

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