I like to add peppers to many of my meats and some of the vegetables
So I started Jalapeno , Poblano and Yellow Hungarian peppers in December
I raised the plants next to my wood furnace through the winter and have moved the plants to the picture window
There I have a solar heating set up to keep the plants warm
I have had a grow light light over the pepper plants set so they get at least 14 hours of natural or man made sun light a day
I keep the peppers removed so the peppers don't get mature
My question
How long will the plants keep producing peppers ?
This is my first year of growing peppers through the winter
As if they will start slowing down or stopping
I will start new plants to plant in the garden so I can up my supply of peppers
By the way my Male cat likes to eat any plant he can
But he learned the peppers are not the best to snack on