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Thread: On what day of the week did the Crucifixion of Jesus take place?

  1. #1
    Boolit Master
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    On what day of the week did the Crucifixion of Jesus take place?

    Many/most say Good Friday.....but it seems to me that it was on a Wednesday? Why think so? I looked for some proof and I finally found a clip that makes the case better than I can put into words. ( I suggest you mute the audio as it is just "music".) You can skip to 12:00 to get the summary.

  2. #2
    Boolit Master
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    Much to my surprise, I've come to believe the crucifixion occurred on Wednesday too.

    It's no contest, we have lots of historical reasons to believe resurrection day was indeed Sunday. The only remaining question is, when did the son of man/Jesus rise and how did we come to accept a confusing Friday crucifixion?

    The Lord himself said he, like Jonah, would be in the grave for 3 days AND for 3 nights (Mat 12:39-40). The only way for that to work is for Jesus to have be entombed on Wednesday afternoon. Jesus had to be taken down before sundown Wednesday because sundown started the next day, which was "a" sabbath, i.e., the Passover. Passover Thursday would be followed by Friday when the "women" appear to have bought the normal burial ointments.

    Then, after the normal weekly (Saturday) sabbath, the two women could have handled the dead body so they rose very early Sunday and went to the empty tomb.

    Experts say Jesus died in 31 AD and Passover that year occurred on Thursday. So, if we make Messiah's midweek cut-off and crucifixion occur late Wednesday afternoon, everything falls into place for 3 full (24 hour) days and nights in the tomb and a very early Sunday resurrection.

    Many know Easter and its eggs rise from legends of the death and resurrection of a pagan god. It would have been easy for "the church" leaders of the time to make a big show and present it as a valid Christian celebration. Thus, no matter its unquestioned pagan roots, Christians have slowly twisted Easter out of the claws of Satan (and a bunny!) and made it a time of rejoicing in the risen Lord; I like that.

    So, how did Christians come to practice "Good Friday" as the day of crucifixion in the first place? Well, it came to us from traditions of the Roman Catholic Church; they have a lot of traditions that rise from, and are directly linked to, pagan practices of the period so ... ???
    Last edited by 1hole; 04-10-2020 at 03:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Boolit Master
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    1hole....For many years I too wondered about the 3 days and 3 nights....Friday to Sunday doesn't I "researched" it. The clip I offered was the best illustration that I ever found, although I have read many other articles basically saying the very same thing. We should be celebrating Good Wednesday.

    Yes the Roman Catholic Church started the tradition inn the 4th century....but it is incorrect. Jesus wasn't born on Christmas December 25 either.

    Then there is the which day is the true is not Sunday. It is and will always be sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday....I'll let you guess what church denomination changed that.

  4. #4
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wally View Post
    Then there is the which day is the true is not Sunday. It is and will always be sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday....I'll let you guess what church denomination changed that.
    Well, yeah, there is that. But the proper Mosaic Law Sabbath "day" (sundown Friday until sundown Saturday) rule for Old Testament Hebrews and a day of church meetings for study, fellowship and worship by Christians under New Testament rules is a whole different issue that needs to be carefully examined lest we get tangled up in legalism.

    Read Paul's excellent letter to the Galatians to see what I mean about the potential spiritual hazards of even well intended legalism.

  5. #5
    Boolit Master
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    Ya know...I really don't care what day of the week it was. But...the scripture says it was just before the day that Sabbath began...which starts Friday at sundown to the Jews....Saturday being the Sabbath.

    The day of the week is meaningless to me.....What is meaningful is the fact that Christ was crucified for MY sins...and rose again the third day that I can be called redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. God raised him up on that third day we call Easter.

    Nothing else matters.


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  6. #6
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk0 View Post
    Ya know...I really don't care what day of the week it was. But...the scripture says it was just before the day that Sabbath began...which starts Friday at sundown to the Jews....Saturday being the Sabbath.
    Thing is, there was a Passover that week and it too was a Sabbath.

    The day of the week is meaningless to me.....What is meaningful is the fact that Christ was crucified for MY sins...and rose again the third day that I can be called redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. God raised him up on that third day we call Easter.

    Nothing else matters. redhawk
    Well, this study and discussion is of an interesting but harmless interest but it's not keeping any of us from doing God's works.

    Fact is, if our idea of the day of crucifixion is right or wrong, nothing about it matters unless we are indeed born again believers. But, learning of salvation is just the newborns "milk" of scripture and we are expected to mature and grow passed a child's foundational level of knowledge (1 Pet 2:2). We should strive to grow in Godly knowledge and wisdom every day.

    I'm 80 and I've been a Christian for 65 or so years. I know that eventually there's little to grow on just by continuing everyday along the same well trodden paths around the fundamental principles of Christianity (1 Cor 3:2).

  7. #7
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhawk0 View Post
    Ya know...I really don't care what day of the week it was. But...the scripture says it was just before the day that Sabbath began...which starts Friday at sundown to the Jews....Saturday being the Sabbath.

    The day of the week is meaningless to me.....What is meaningful is the fact that Christ was crucified for MY sins...and rose again the third day that I can be called redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. God raised him up on that third day we call Easter.

    Nothing else matters.

    exactly, that's what i say

  8. #8

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    And where did "Easter" come from? What is the connection between eggs and rabbits and the Resurrection? Where is its observance commanded in the Bible? Where does it say that the generations after the Resurrection observed it? On the other hand, the Passover was commanded as an eternal observance. Who do you make happy by observing the counterfeit and ignoring the commanded day?


  9. #9
    Boolit Master
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    No egg laying rabbits here.

  10. #10
    Boolit Master
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    Just Google is of a pagan origin. The early Christian Church took the holiday and made it into a religious one, commemorating the crucifixion & resurrection of Jesus....IMHO, a wonderful thing. Christmas was the pagan Saturnalia that was changed into the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Jesus was most likely born in September or October. None of the Apostles including Paul celebrated either holiday.

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wally View Post
    ....IMHO, a wonderful thing.
    Why? Instead of persuading pagans to observed Biblical Holy Days, "Christians" now observe pagan holy days. Wonderful to you, perhaps, but likely not pleasing to God, since He listed the days to be observed.

  12. #12
    Boolit Master
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    It is because these pagan days now have Christian religious meanings. The Holy Days in the Old Testament were for the Israelites. I am not all that sure that many would like to move to a tent for the Feast of Booths for a week as found in Leviticus 23

    23 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘These are my appointed festivals, the appointed festivals of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies.

  13. #13

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    Mt. 15:9 But in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of man.
    Are the pagan days and their symbols of God or man?
    Mal. 3:6 For I, the Lord, do not change;
    By His testimony, it would seem than He hasn't changed his mind about Leviticus 23 (or a lot of other things!).
    Zch. 14:16 Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go p from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths. (Future)
    There are groups of Christians who continue to celebrate The Feast of Booths (Tabernacles), their thinking being that if it was commanded in the past, and will again be observed after the return of Christ, it should be observed now. Some camp, but most avail themselves of vacation rentals. The modern equivalent of tents are camping trailers and motorhomes. Odd that this should come up, since it is a Fall festival, and the Passover and Easter are in the Spring. The idea of the F.O.B. is to occupy a temporary dwelling.

  14. #14
    Boolit Master

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    Friday, he was crucified on Friday. They had to get him down from the cross before the sabbath. That begins on Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown. Strange but that's what the bible says:
    John 11:9

    9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master
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    You make a good point..Mal 3:6 is quite explicit. As I recall this is what The Armstrong Church preaches as well as all their offshoots. The Catholics and Protestants don't follow Leviticus 23.

  16. #16
    Boolit Master
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    There was a special Sabbath on the same have to watch the clip that explains it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by kungfustyle View Post
    Friday, he was crucified on Friday. They had to get him down from the cross before the sabbath. That begins on Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown. Strange but that's what the bible says:
    John 11:9

    9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.

  17. #17

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    Christ was asked by the Pharisees, "Are you the Messiah?" His answer was that the only answer they would receive was "The sign of Jonah." Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights.

    Christ observed the 7th day Sabbath. If he was taken down from the cross in the late afternoon of Wednesday and placed in the tomb, then Wed. night was 1 night. Thursday was 1 day. Thursday night was 2 nights. Friday was day 2. Friday night was the 3rd night. Saturday was the 3rd day. He arose near the end of the Sabbath, the weekly Sabbath, 3 days and 3 nights, completing the Sabbath day of rest. The ladies went to the tomb early on Sunday morning looking for him and found that he had risen, and did in fact see him but thought him to be a gardener. This was after the fact, the resurrection having occurred at or just before sundown the previous evening.

    The crucifixion occurred on the day of Passover. The next day was a High Day (the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread) and so they hastened to get him into the tomb as work on that day was/is forbidden. Christ was the Passover Lamb for all of mankind, and at the moment of His death the curtain separating the Temple Courtyard from the Holy of Holies, where only certain priests could go to intervene with God for man, was rent in two, symbolizing that man could now directly access God. Priests became obsolete, and are no longer necessary. Pastors are acceptable if they follow the Scriptures and don't become filled with themselves. A Pastor should be a guide, not a ruler or demi-god. This is all indisputable Bible history and verse, and logical, but the majority of Christians refuse to believe it. Easter has nothing to do with Christ except by the precepts of man. It has everything to do with paganism, fertility symbols, and the Roman Catholic Church which incorporated it into their doctrine. As the Protestants "came out of" the Catholic Church via Martin Luther they all trace their beliefs to the mother church. The Catholic Church changed the Sabbath to Sunday. For confirmation, consult articles on the Sabbath in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Man does not have the authority to change God's commandments or Sabbaths. There are many places in the Old Testament where God (or the Lord) said that a law or commandment would be a law forever. "The Sabbath shall be a sign between me and my people forever." Forever has not happened.

    Some things were modified with the New Covenant, such as blood sacrifices (lambs) being done away with by the blood of Christ, but although we are no longer required to sacrifice animals on these days, the requirement to observe the days have not changed. 1 Co. 5: 7-8 Paul said, "For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. Let us therefore celebrate the feast...... There is another verse in a subsequent scripture where Paul said that he couldn't stop by to visit with a certain congregation because he had to be in Jerusalem to keep the Feast. So, it can not be said that observance of the Feasts/Holy Days ended with the death of Christ.

    At about this point in this type of thread someone will jump in with a condemnation of "Legalism" and tell us how all of the Old Testament's requirements were washed away by the blood of Christ and the New Covenant and Grace. I think it's just laziness, both spiritual and physical, that they don't want to dig a little deeper and think it out. God, to my way of thinking, makes it pretty clear that he has rules, and the basics don't change. Where Grace comes into play is, being human, we fail and can be forgiven. But the rules remain. Pagan rituals and observances, no matter how modified or by whom, are an offense to God who strictly prohibits them. We can be joyful about the Resurrection at any time, and I am, but it is a "tradition of man" to observe Easter instead of the Passover.

    Did you (well, maybe not because of coronavirus) attend a Sunrise Service? Another incorporation into "Christian Doctrine" by the Roman Catholic Church. The Romans worshiped Solis Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun. But, Christ did not arise at sunrise, but rather at sunset.

    The Armstrong Church was mentioned in an earlier post. I, early in life in California, and by coincidence my wife in Louisiana and Arkansas, were both raised as Southern Baptists. But both of us, as young people will do, drifted away from our beliefs. At one time I even questioned the existence of God. We were both baptized as youngsters, and were married in a Baptist Church (because, where else were we to go?) but it wasn't for several years after we were married that we began to wonder and search. We attended a Southern Baptist service or two, but found that somehow it just didn't ring true. My wife began listening to Herbert Armstrong on the radio, and after a couple of years joined a local congregation of the Worldwide Church of God. I attended a few times, but it just sounded so strange and different from everything that I'd been taught (perhaps not taught well, as I'd drifted away), but my wife was deeply committed. We had some screaming arguments, and things were looking dim for our future relationship. So, I decided that I'd either have to reconcile my beliefs to hers, or lose a beautiful wife. She challenged me, as did Armstrong regularly on his radio program, to disprove their church's doctrines. I could not do so. However, I never joined that church. This reminds me of the movie "Scent of a Woman", where Lt. Col. Slade (Ret.) is giving his defense of Charlie in front of the large congregation of impressionable but intelligent boys. I am Slade, and you my fellow forum members, are the audience. Slade said, "I always knew the right road to take. Without exception, I knew the right road. But I never took it. You know why? Because it was too damn hard." Well, as applied to me and my life, I knew that I should keep the 7th day Sabbath. I told the Lord, "I just can't do it. It was very hard to get this job, it's the only thing I'm suited for, and I have to work or Saturday." My answer came just a couple of years later when I was injured and retired. No obstacle then to keeping the Sabbath. Then, I found another occupation where I could set my own days and hours. But, about that same time the "Armstrong Church" disintegrated. Like a dandelion, the wind (Satan) blew the seeds in all directions, and today there are many sprouts of various sizes. Their take on things vary a little from one to another. I have no secrets (anymore!) and since you're curious I'll say that I have one foot each in the Church of God International, and the United Church of God. Due to the circumstances of life in which I find myself, I am not the best of observers of Holy Days, and I'll hope for Grace to cover that. If not, I've got it coming.

    Now I know none of this has made a dent in the breastplates of those who have put on the whole armor of paganism, but eggs, rabbits, mistletoe, evergreen trees and Santa Claus have nothing to do with Christ.

    I think I've exhausted the subject from my perspective. We all go on a journey in life, searching for God and what truth may be revealed to us. I am not too far from the end of my journey. I wish you who are interested in the truth a good journey. We won't know everything until we meet our Creator. Blessings to you.

    Last edited by Der Gebirgsjager; 04-12-2020 at 09:01 PM.

  18. #18
    Boolit Master
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    DG, ref. the Mosaic Law (it was God's Law really), every facet of the Ten Commandments save one is restated in the New Testament. The specific exception is Sabbath day so this is not a new question. Biblically, it seems the day we want to call holy is rightly our's to prayerfully choose.

    Paul suggests in Rom 14:2-6 that one man may hold to one Sabbath day, others to another. In Col 2:8-18 Paul actually says for us to not to let others judge us about things like Sabbaths. Luke, in Acts 20:7, specifically tells us the first day of the week was when early Jewish Christians met for communion and Bible study.

    So, from all that, my easily chosen Sabbath is Sunday. But I sure won't judge that anyone else is "wrong" about choosing Saturday or Tuesday, etc.

    (May God forgive Armstrong for his many bad teachings.)
    Last edited by 1hole; 04-12-2020 at 10:43 PM.

  19. #19
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wally View Post
    There was a special Sabbath on the same have to watch the clip that explains it all.
    Wednesday it is, I stand corrected, Thank you and great video. Never knew about the special Sabbath, but was always curious about the time-line.

  20. #20
    Boolit Master
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    DG you make many good points...I admire your stating what you have. My original intent of this thread was to offer a discussion as to whether Jesus was crucified on a has drifted to a discussion about Christians not following the originally ordained Holy Days. IMHO I think that you are correct, we as Christians should be doing so. So how was it that the church changed from them to the current ones? Rather than me putting them in a long, detailed post I offer an explanation that I feel succinctly explains it all, for anyone interested. I think it is a good read and something to think about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Der Gebirgsjager View Post
    Christ was asked by the Pharisees, "Are you the Messiah?" His answer was that the only answer they would receive was "The sign of Jonah." Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights.

    Christ observed the 7th day Sabbath. If he was taken down from the cross in the late afternoon of Wednesday and placed in the tomb, then Wed. night was 1 night. Thursday was 1 day. Thursday night was 2 nights. Friday was day 2. Friday night was the 3rd night. Saturday was the 3rd day. He arose near the end of the Sabbath, the weekly Sabbath, 3 days and 3 nights, completing the Sabbath day of rest. The ladies went to the tomb early on Sunday morning looking for him and found that he had risen, and did in fact see him but thought him to be a gardener. This was after the fact, the resurrection having occurred at or just before sundown the previous evening.

    The crucifixion occurred on the day of Passover. The next day was a High Day (the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread) and so they hastened to get him into the tomb as work on that day was/is forbidden. Christ was the Passover Lamb for all of mankind, and at the moment of His death the curtain separating the Temple Courtyard from the Holy of Holies, where only certain priests could go to intervene with God for man, was rent in two, symbolizing that man could now directly access God. Priests became obsolete, and are no longer necessary. Pastors are acceptable if they follow the Scriptures and don't become filled with themselves. A Pastor should be a guide, not a ruler or demi-god. This is all indisputable Bible history and verse, and logical, but the majority of Christians refuse to believe it. Easter has nothing to do with Christ except by the precepts of man. It has everything to do with paganism, fertility symbols, and the Roman Catholic Church which incorporated it into their doctrine. As the Protestants "came out of" the Catholic Church via Martin Luther they all trace their beliefs to the mother church. The Catholic Church changed the Sabbath to Sunday. For confirmation, consult articles on the Sabbath in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Man does not have the authority to change God's commandments or Sabbaths. There are many places in the Old Testament where God (or the Lord) said that a law or commandment would be a law forever. "The Sabbath shall be a sign between me and my people forever." Forever has not happened.

    Some things were modified with the New Covenant, such as blood sacrifices (lambs) being done away with by the blood of Christ, but although we are no longer required to sacrifice animals on these days, the requirement to observe the days have not changed. 1 Co. 5: 7-8 Paul said, "For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. Let us therefore celebrate the feast...... There is another verse in a subsequent scripture where Paul said that he couldn't stop by to visit with a certain congregation because he had to be in Jerusalem to keep the Feast. So, it can not be said that observance of the Feasts/Holy Days ended with the death of Christ.

    At about this point in this type of thread someone will jump in with a condemnation of "Legalism" and tell us how all of the Old Testament's requirements were washed away by the blood of Christ and the New Covenant and Grace. I think it's just laziness, both spiritual and physical, that they don't want to dig a little deeper and think it out. God, to my way of thinking, makes it pretty clear that he has rules, and the basics don't change. Where Grace comes into play is, being human, we fail and can be forgiven. But the rules remain. Pagan rituals and observances, no matter how modified or by whom, are an offense to God who strictly prohibits them. We can be joyful about the Resurrection at any time, and I am, but it is a "tradition of man" to observe Easter instead of the Passover.

    Did you (well, maybe not because of coronavirus) attend a Sunrise Service? Another incorporation into "Christian Doctrine" by the Roman Catholic Church. The Romans worshiped Solis Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun. But, Christ did not arise at sunrise, but rather at sunset.

    The Armstrong Church was mentioned in an earlier post. I, early in life in California, and by coincidence my wife in Louisiana and Arkansas, were both raised as Southern Baptists. But both of us, as young people will do, drifted away from our beliefs. At one time I even questioned the existence of God. We were both baptized as youngsters, and were married in a Baptist Church (because, where else were we to go?) but it wasn't for several years after we were married that we began to wonder and search. We attended a Southern Baptist service or two, but found that somehow it just didn't ring true. My wife began listening to Herbert Armstrong on the radio, and after a couple of years joined a local congregation of the Worldwide Church of God. I attended a few times, but it just sounded so strange and different from everything that I'd been taught (perhaps not taught well, as I'd drifted away), but my wife was deeply committed. We had some screaming arguments, and things were looking dim for our future relationship. So, I decided that I'd either have to reconcile my beliefs to hers, or lose a beautiful wife. She challenged me, as did Armstrong regularly on his radio program, to disprove their church's doctrines. I could not do so. However, I never joined that church. This reminds me of the movie "Scent of a Woman", where Lt. Col. Slade (Ret.) is giving his defense of Charlie in front of the large congregation of impressionable but intelligent boys. I am Slade, and you my fellow forum members, are the audience. Slade said, "I always knew the right road to take. Without exception, I knew the right road. But I never took it. You know why? Because it was too damn hard." Well, as applied to me and my life, I knew that I should keep the 7th day Sabbath. I told the Lord, "I just can't do it. It was very hard to get this job, it's the only thing I'm suited for, and I have to work or Saturday." My answer came just a couple of years later when I was injured and retired. No obstacle then to keeping the Sabbath. Then, I found another occupation where I could set my own days and hours. But, about that same time the "Armstrong Church" disintegrated. Like a dandelion, the wind (Satan) blew the seeds in all directions, and today there are many sprouts of various sizes. Their take on things vary a little from one to another. I have no secrets (anymore!) and since you're curious I'll say that I have one foot each in the Church of God International, and the United Church of God. Due to the circumstances of life in which I find myself, I am not the best of observers of Holy Days, and I'll hope for Grace to cover that. If not, I've got it coming.

    Now I know none of this has made a dent in the breastplates of those who have put on the whole armor of paganism, but eggs, rabbits, mistletoe, evergreen trees and Santa Claus have nothing to do with Christ.

    I think I've exhausted the subject from my perspective. We all go on a journey in life, searching for God and what truth may be revealed to us. I am not too far from the end of my journey. I wish you who are interested in the truth a good journey. We won't know everything until we meet our Creator. Blessings to you.


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C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
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GC Gas Check