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Thread: Prayer for our nation daily

  1. #1341
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    Isaiah 6:1
    In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

    Oh Lord, we need to see You as You truly are, not as what others say You are. Let Your people see You high and lifted up! Let us see You as holy. Let us understand Your nature, character, and sovereignty. Let us know Your word. Sweep across this land and reveal Yourself like never before. Let us know You, God! In Jesus' name, Amen.
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  2. #1342
    Boolit Master
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    Dear Lord.... The world goes crazy but Your Followers are still here. Lead us... guide us.. help us thru this insanity... Bend this evil to Thy Will and Bless this Land once again... Amen

  3. #1343
    Boolit Master

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    Amen & Amen
    Being human is not for sissies.

  4. #1344
    Boolit Master
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    As the world again proves itself unfaithful, we ask for Love, Mercy, Hope, and Help. Let us follow Thy Teachings and live this life as You would lead... Amen

  5. #1345
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    Lord, you have loved us when we weren't very lovable. You have led us even when we were determined to every way BUT the one you wanted us to take. You have protected us from most of the consequences of our thoughts and decisions and actions. You have stood beside us through all our errors and folly and willfulness. And through it all, you have loved us, and guided us, and stayed faithful to us, even in our sins. I am ashamed of the mess I have tried to make of my life, and I am in awe of your grace and mercy toward me, and all the blessings you have sent my way in spite of my willfulness. To you be all Glory and Honor and Praise. Everything I am and have or have had, or ever will have, comes from you, including my very life. You have been so unmatchably generous to me, and to this nation! A will be in your debt forever, and am very lucky to be so. I am happy and satisfied being in your debt. And I am happier than I'd ever have been had I had my own way in every little thing I thought I wanted. I was foolish. Please forgive me. And thank you for taking such good care of me when I wasn't taking care of my own self.

    And now I pray for my nation, which has unfortunately seemed to try to get away from recognition and worship and honoring you, to whom we owe everything - every jot and tittle of what we are and what we have. Please forgive us, and bide with us yet a while longer, and protect us from our own selves. Open our hearts and minds and ears, that we might once again receive your grace, and return to become the nation you always intended for us to be. You have given us a good leader, who has restored much of the trappings of our one-time greatness. But without you in our hearts, we can never last much longer. Goodness and Righteousness is under siege from all angles today, and the contemptuous and lawless amid our ranks seem to be unrepentantly dedicated to removing every last vestige of truth and goodness and righteousness from the whole face of this nation. And many who call themselves by your name seem to not know what to do, and just sit and watch as it all comes down around us.

    But Lord, we CAN right the wrongs of the past. That's what repentance is all about, and people have been doing this for at least 2,000 years now, and we can do it again .... with your help and guidance. Lead us, Lord. Give us a great leader we can gather around, and support, and restore this nation to the Christian nation we were always designed from the outset to be. We merely allowed others of differing faiths to live here in peace and security, but never were we intended to be an atheistic nation. NEVER! Living in peace with those of other or no faith, is NOT the same as condoning them, or saying they're "as good" as Christianity. In you is all truth and justice. In you is all our hope and salvation. In you lies all goodness and mercy and grace and peace. Thank you for taking such good care of us, when we have let so much pass by without even noticing it. Forgive us, and return us to your justice and glory, I pray. Thank you and Amen.

  6. #1346
    Boolit Master

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    Double Amen
    Being human is not for sissies.

  7. #1347
    Boolit Master
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    Dear Lord... Today we Thank Thee for all we are and all we have. Fill our President with Strength, Love, Courage, Faith,Hope, Wisdom, and Victory. Lead us down the Path You would choose and bend this evil in our Land to Thy Holy Will... Amen

  8. #1348
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  9. #1349
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    Lord, our nation is at a crossroads. Either we are going to turn back to you, or we will turn away, and be led to perdition and slavery and misery and pain. Lord, forbid that we could be so foolish and self-centered as to choose that latter course, when all we really need to do, is just reactivate that certain knowledge within us of your tremendous love and grace. So many have loosened their grasp on you and all you do for us, and just drifted away when they know full well, deep inside them, who and what you really are, and what you mean and want for us. But WE have to make that decision, and we have to make it in our own way, in our own time and for our own reasons.

    Fill us, Lord, with the certain knowledge of who and what you are, and your intentions for us and our nation. Give us the peace within to acknowledge the things that are true, and that we need so very much to acknowledge, in order to become the nation you always intended for us to be, and be happy and well attended and provided for. Bless us for the sake of the young, who love you and want to experience the kind of world that my generation was so lovingly and ardently provided for us by our fathers and forefathers. Let us simpy recognize the simle Truth, that YOU are the key to all the good things in this life, and our own wills consistently lead us to pain and heartache and perdition. Grant Lord, I pray, this simple boon to all the young folks who are coming up, who love you and try their best to follow you, and the directions and advice you left for us in your Book. This I pray in the Holy name of the Son of the Living God, my Savior, my Redeemer, and my best friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  10. #1350
    Boolit Master
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    Such good posts...Amen to all...

    Dear Lord...Revival of all our Hearts is the only answer. Give us wisdom and understanding, strength and courage to face the future. Bless our Land and this President...Amen

  11. #1351
    Boolit Master
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    Dear Lord... I see many here who need Your help and know many more not here who need it too. Please Lord...... mercy, love, forgiveness, health, healing, and wisdom for them all.

    Bless our Land...

    Bless our President and defend him always as he does Your Will thru out this land.

    Your servants are here Lord... Lead us down the Path you would choose ... Amen

  12. #1352
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  13. #1353
    Boolit Master
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    Dear Lord... Please Mercy for this Land and People. Let the fear diminish and the Hope flourish... Give us strength ,courage, and wisdom....Give our President wisdom and fill his hands with victory.... Amen

  14. #1354
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these. No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL! - Donald J. Trump
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  15. #1355
    Boolit Master
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    Amen... Mercy Lord...Please Mercy for us all.... Amen

  16. #1356
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    Lord, our nation is sorely challenged today with this coronavirus thing. Many are out of work and wondering where their next paycheck will come from. Many are worried about getting this malicious virus due to weakened immune systems or respiratory systems. It has already killed many, worldwide, and too many here in the USA. Please, Lord, help those who are trying to find a cure and a vaccine for this dreaded disease, and let them find it quickly, or at least as quickly as possible. Many of us are living by your grace alone, and need your blessing and protection to avoid getting this disease. Keep our hearts and minds, Lord, on you, and your will and your plans. I know everything that happens has a purpose. This virus has captured the attention of many. Let them turn to you, Lord, and broaden the numbers of your culture. Help them realize this is no dress rehearsal, but real life, and what we say, think and do counts for something real. A nihlistic cynicism has gripped so many in this nation! Let them see that what they do matters, and let us all do what we can to help those in charge of fighting this disease. Thank you for your grace and mercy, and for all the many, many blessings you have bestowed upon such a rebellious crew as we humans tend to be so often. Thank you, and amen.

  17. #1357
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    2 Chron. 7:14
    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  18. #1358
    Boolit Master
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    Amen to these good Prayers.....

    Dear Lord... In troubled times we all look up. Give our Leaders wisdom, Grace, and Strength. Fill us with Hope and Faith... Your Will be done. Amen

  19. #1359
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell during a briefing about the coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House on Monday.

    "God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on, God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word. Read our Bible and spend time with our families."
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  20. #1360
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    Lord, thank you for all the many blessings you have bestowed upon all of us. They outnumber the stars in the sky, and we are usually only aware of the ones we've prayed for. Help us to understand just how amazingly generous and loving You really are, and to appreciate the blessings you bestow on us, and have in the past. Keep us humble, I pray, so we can hear you more clearly when you speak to us. Not our wills, but thine be done. I do ask that you protect us, the faithful, from this coronavirus. Many of us are weak, and particularly susceptible to it, according to all we're told. But you are always in control, and as Daniel survived the lion's den, I ask you to keep us whole, healthy and prosperous. It's all up to you, Lord. You often allow the faithful to undergo trials that their faith might be intensified, and in order for us to further grow and understand your ways. We tend to go our own ways, and do our own wills, during the "good times." And our nation has sinned some great sins, and gone far from what You intended for this nation to be. Forgive us, I pray, and help us restore the nation to what would be pleasing to You, I pray.

    Bless us, and our families, and help us to understand that what we all deserve, is perdition, for our sins and transgressions, not Heaven. But you, in your divine plan, have shown us the way to faithfulness, if we'll but accept what you have so generously offered us. And if we'll adhere to the wondrous instruction and direction you left for us to live by.

    You are the great God of the universe, and our faith is often so weak! How foolish we can be, and just when our faith is needed most! Grant us, oh Lord, an understanding of your will and your plan, and lead us to recommit more fully and completely to your will, instead of our own. Our wills will pass away, but yours endures forever. Thank you for all your wondrous blessings, and keep us steady during times of trial and the travails that pock mark this mortal world. Keep our eyes on that which is eternal and everlasting, and not on the foolish and transient things of our own wills. Thank you Lord, for all that you do, and all that you are. Amen.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check