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Thread: Do you witness

  1. #1
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Do you witness

    Witnessing is not knocking on doors spewing out King James scripture and telling folks they are going to hell . Witnessing is not showing a personal superiority over another . Soon as you tell someone they are going to hell it's game over .

    Witnessing is calling GOD's name in conversation during normal everyday living . Many fear simply saying ...May GOD bless us today , I will pray for GOD's help in your situation , It looks like GOD has given us a pretty day ! Too much political correctness among Christians these days . The simple calling of GOD's name in everyday activity's and conversation is not offensive . If your afraid or ashamed to mention your Lord's name you might want to reconsider your conviction in your relationship with him ?
    No turning back , No turning back !

  2. #2
    Boolit Master
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    A friend once said "if you need to wear a name card saying I'm a Christian,you may need to look at your conviction"
    when the dust settles and the smoke clears all that matters is I hear the words " well done my good and faithfully servant "


  3. #3
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    Witnessing is a really indistinct word, at least in the way you're using it here. We witness, whether we intend to or not, in everything we do and say and the manner with which we carry ourselves, daily. We can't NOT witness, when you get right down to it! Most though, think of "witnessing" as being a concerted attempt to get someone who believe, who does not presently do so.

    I've been around a pretty good while, and seen many things, and done quite a few of them myself. The BEST way to witness to someone, at least that I've found, and the way that tends to be the most EFFECTIVE, is to simply talk to folks. And doing so with a good sense of humor, and proportion, and a high degree of respect for others' ideas and beliefs, keeps us from running them off, and tends to get them to listen to what we DO say.

    Just striking up a conversation about anything at all is a good way to start. Then, just drop in something like the simple mention of the Lord's or God's name, and do so in a very inoffensive and matter of fact sort of way. If they respond with a cold or even hostile manner, just chuckle. After all, it's not personal, so don't take it that way. Many Christians are WAY too defensive, and we have NO reason to be defensive at all! So don't expect your words or citing Bible verses to crumble the wall between any non-believers you meet, and the Word. It just doesn't work that way, no matter how much we might WANT it to.

    We mainly have to work in a manner that simply WORKS, and avoid totally anything that might be an affront or offensive to a non-believer, EXCEPT that you also have a right to express your beliefs just as much as they do. No, they don't have to listen, and many won't, but you never know that until you try. FAR too often, we try to convince ourselves that we have some sort of pre-knowledge of who will respond, and who won't. But that's just fooling ourselves, or worse yet, justifying our own lack of real effort to spread the Gospel, in direct disobeyance of our Great Commission, and plain ol' good common sense.

    Witnessing without SHOWING a reverent and respectful attitude toward EVERYONE we encounter, is about as vain an endeavor as exists anywhere! Not too long ago, I told an 80 yr. old woman friend of mine that the first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was a Christian. And I honestly did, too! She raised her eyebrows, and asked how I could possibly know that. I just smiled, and told her it was the assured manner of her walk and demeanor, the look in her eyes (intent, serious, and satisfied), and her casual and fearless manner. This lady has celebrated her 80th birthday now, and when very young, was told that she probably wouldn't live through her teen years due to a heart defect that there was no way to deal with then. Well, the docs don't get things like that right all the time, and she is one of the most delightful to talk with people I know. She's got a great sense of humor, in addition to her intent aim to give everyone who'll listen and who doesn't currently believe, a shot at belief through whatever she can say and do to get them to understand. And she's pretty good at it.

    As a child, she heard her Mom pray nightly - never missing a single night - that she'd be given the grace to live a normal life. God really DOES answer prayers, and sometimes, really reaches out and grants huge gifts if he's besought in the right way. She is one of the most devout women I have ever had the great pleasure to know, and I treasure her friendship.

    Many who set out to prosteletyze, don't prepare enough. Many don't even know enough to answer many questions the unbelieving typically come up with. And a failed attempt hardens the non-believer's heart, and the more failures they are subject to, the harder their hearts get. So really, and unfortunately, some do more harm than good in their initial efforts to prosteletyze. I hate saying that, but it's honestly true.

    The first thing a person needs to do in order to witness EFFECTIVELY, is to know enough answers to the common questions that non-believers typically throw at believers, such as "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?" That view sees God as some big "sugar daddy" in the sky, and a sort of eternal gum ball machine that we go to ONLY when we want something from Him. That's nothing like what God really is!!!! NOTHING!!! But of course, non-believers don't care about that, and mostly, just want to be left alone and not bothered by the "traditional" manner of attempted conversion.

    Yet, if you just converse with them, and then ask them questions, you can go a long way towards increasing the esteem non-believers treat you and your words with dramatically. If they say "Ah! That "God thing!" I don't have any use for that stuff!" Just smile (after all, you CANNOT expect a non-believer to respect something he or she has no clue about, can you?). Then say something like, I can't blame you for your hostility. A lot of believers are a bit short on their respect for others thoughts and opinions. But I try hard to never be like that. Would you mind if I ask why you have the attitude you do toward God and religion and the Church? That's a near irresistible question for a non-believer! They LIKE to teach us believers a "lesson or two" in why their non-belief is superior to our beliefs. And let them talk until they don't really have anything left to say, and start having to search for words. Then, thank them for being so forthright and honest, and let them know they're not wrong to respond that way to offensive and assumptive tactics. Then, ask permission to tell them why YOU believe. Now THIS one is a real BIGGIE! And you have to know YOURSELF just exactly why it is that you believe, and what in the "real world" it is that supports your beliefs - things they can see and identify with. Like unlearned behavior - why does a pointing dog point? Why do most animals seem to inately avoid and fear snakes? Or if you know enough science, you're really in luck these days, with so many, many newish findings in the field of science, that clearly supports your faith and beliefs.

    From there, you may be able to make inroads, or at the very least, get them to thinking, probably for the first time in a very long time, about the real validity of God and faith and belief.

    Look closely and study how Christ himself dealt with non-believers. He was never disrespectful, and NEVER "talked down" to anyone. Not EVER! That should be a clue to us, I believe. Doesn't it seem logical to you?

    So ultimately, I don't think we need to be asked if we "witness," but maybe more appropriately, when do we NOT "witness?" People know us better than we like to think. They HAVE to, just like we have to know them. It's said that in child raising, more is "caught" than "taught." In a like manner, we say a LOT more to folks by our manner and body language, than we like to think. Not many make a real and concerted effort to learn to "read" body language, but that doesn't keep us from innately doing it, though. We all do it, and we do it constantly. Boss show up with a scowl and is unusually quiet? Best to stay away from any avoidable problems until his mood changes!

    Whatever we do, we ABSOLUTELY need to approach everyone with respect and good humor, and NEVER be defensive. Defensiveness on our part is almost a surrender before we've even fought the battle!!! Sadly, far too many of us work more against our intentions than for them, but ... that doesn't HAVE to stay that way! Mostly, just remember the "Golden Rule" and treat and approach others in the same way you'd want to be approached if the shoe were on the other foot.

    We Christians CAN, at least sometimes, be good at spouting off good advice, and all the while, being slow to follow it .... or even practicing the exact opposite (usually because we feel "justified" by our beliefs - I believe Christ said not one of us is truly "justified" lest it be through Him, didn't he? That's a good passage to always, always, always keep in mind. It keeps us humble enough to converse on a level with others, and neither talk down nor up to them.

    Believing is NEVER going to be a reason for justifying haughtiness or being aggressively condemning of others. Christ had some things to say about this, as well, didn't he?

    So my recommendation is to just simply talk to folks, and be as casual about it as if you were discussing the weather. After all, if we truly believe our faith, what could we possibly ever feel we have to be defensive about? And what could we possibly think could EVER give us justification for treating others poorly or antagonistically?

    Billy Graham is our most successful evangelist of our day, and he did it all with the simple message, "God loves you, and He is REAL, and wants you to know Him, and love Him, and receive the wondrous gifts He bestows on all who love him." And that's the essence of the message he took all over the world! Simple, concise, and accurate. But mot of all, LOVING. I've seen some seemingly try to "beat folks over the head" to make them believe! What a fool's job THAT was!!!

    God loves all of us, and wants NONE to perish. If He does that, how can we do any less? We can love many into the body of Christ. That's what Billy Graham did, and it's the best rule to follow for us as well. That's my 2 cents' worth on the matter, anyway.

  4. #4
    Boolit Master

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    Witnessing is everyday living.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Emeritus
    Preacher Jim's Avatar
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    USMC87, you hit the nail on the head. If everything you do shows Jesus, you are a great witness. Simply saying good day to that grumpy person in the store and wishing them God bless you today after you do is a strong witness. The Holy Spirit just needs you to crack the door of a heart to begin working on that person.

  6. #6
    Boolit Master
    toallmy's Avatar
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    I don't beat people on the head thumping my Good Book but I do my best to carry myself as a Christian ( although I am a work in progress ) , and I don't mind sharing the Lord's love with others . Take a moment to share with someone in need spirituality doesn't hurt a thing .

  7. #7
    Boolit Grand Master

    Wayne Smith's Avatar
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    Jesus said "You WILL BE witnesses" - the only question is to what are we witnessing? My life is my witness - good or bad.
    Wayne the Shrink

    There is no 'right' that requires me to work for you or you to work for me!

  8. #8
    Boolit Master
    toallmy's Avatar
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    Well said

  9. #9
    Boolit Master tinhorn97062's Avatar
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    In conversation with my boss a while ago, I said something to the effect of “when people meet me, they have no choice but to also meet Christ...I just don’t have anything else to offer”

    I’m extremely unashamed of my relationship with my relationship with Jesus.
    I serve Jesus you?

    .45-70 Marlin 1895 GBL
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    I finally obtained a feedback post!

  10. #10
    Boolit Master tinhorn97062's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preacher Jim View Post
    USMC87, you hit the nail on the head. If everything you do shows Jesus, you are a great witness. Simply saying good day to that grumpy person in the store and wishing them God bless you today after you do is a strong witness. The Holy Spirit just needs you to crack the door of a heart to begin working on that person.
    I love this.
    I serve Jesus you?

    .45-70 Marlin 1895 GBL
    .30-06 Win. M70

    I finally obtained a feedback post!

  11. #11
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    Great comment, Jim! All we need to do to "witness" many times, is just crack the door open, and leave it to later to try to widen that gap, and let some light in. Most people, I firmly believe, are NOT won by a single event, but by repeated exposure to good Christian behavior, demeanor, attitude, and sentiments. Witnessing is a lot like raising children, and more is "caught" than is "taught." Most folks know a lot of the basics of the story of Christ. Whether they take it to heart or not depends very largely on how we who bear His name behave, and present ourselves in public. And who among us can't work on that, at least a little? The best preachers I have known in this life have also been the most humble. And at the same time, the most fearless. After all, if a man is assured of his own salvation, what has he got to fear??? Even death can't take him. Just this body we wear today. My eldest grandson is showing signs that he's considering becoming a preacher. I would be elated if he does. He's got the character and strength of belief to make a very good one, I think. Time will tell. And for most converts, time is also the most critical ingredient, added to the association with a good, solid, mature Christian friend, associate or relative. Faith has a way of ingratiating itself into those who simply see it being practiced well.

  12. #12
    Boolit Master WRideout's Avatar
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    I once had a Baptist couple come to my door to proselytize. They were apparently very worried about my immortal soul because I am Lutheran. I didn't tell them I was raised Baptist.

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - or else it gives you a bad rash.
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  13. #13
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I'm sure that many Baptists will be very surprised to see who else is in heaven - and I was raised Baptist, too. Jesus said that we will know one another by our love, how we love one another. Not by our demonination, theology, or profession.
    Wayne the Shrink

    There is no 'right' that requires me to work for you or you to work for me!

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Emeritus
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    Wayne, Amen. It's all about Jesus or nothing at all, church attendance will not save you. Only the blood of Jesus washing by sins away saved my soul. I don't care your denomination label cause it won't get you to heaven, just Jesus.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master
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    I wonder about the ones who feel their license plates or bumper stickers must spout their beliefs to the world. In particular the bumper stickers that say "God said it, I believe it and that settles it" shows a lot of arrogance. The ones who spout their beliefs at every opportunity or make the opportunity are taking the glory for themselves.

  16. #16
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preacher Jim View Post
    Wayne, Amen. It's all about Jesus or nothing at all, church attendance will not save you. Only the blood of Jesus washing by sins away saved my soul. I don't care your denomination label cause it won't get you to heaven, just Jesus.
    Thank you Jim . Amen
    No turning back , No turning back !

  17. #17
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WRideout View Post
    I once had a Baptist couple come to my door to proselytize. They were apparently very worried about my immortal soul because I am Lutheran. I didn't tell them I was raised Baptist.

    But then again Wayne ...I am a Baptist and sent my son through A Lutheran private school through the sixth grade . Not all 'Baptists" condemn others . I prayed with a lady a few days ago standing beside my car . I did not know her name and did not ask her denomination . I don't try to spread the Baptist church but I do try to spread the gospel and love Christ has for all.

    From what I see you put here you do the same . I always enjoy reading your lessons and thoughts .
    No turning back , No turning back !

  18. #18
    Boolit Master
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    Amen we are not to go and tell the world about church. We are to preach Jesus crucified.
    when the dust settles and the smoke clears all that matters is I hear the words " well done my good and faithfully servant "


  19. #19
    Boolit Buddy glockfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boaz View Post
    Witnessing is not knocking on doors spewing out King James scripture and telling folks they are going to hell . Witnessing is not showing a personal superiority over another . Soon as you tell someone they are going to hell it's game over .

    Witnessing is calling GOD's name in conversation during normal everyday living . Many fear simply saying ...May GOD bless us today , I will pray for GOD's help in your situation , It looks like GOD has given us a pretty day ! Too much political correctness among Christians these days . The simple calling of GOD's name in everyday activity's and conversation is not offensive . If your afraid or ashamed to mention your Lord's name you might want to reconsider your conviction in your relationship with him ?
    that is exactly what i do! that way,it may or may not instill a conversation on our faith ,or lack of.

    it happened to me that after mentionning '''thanks to my god '' for this or that , the person i'm conversing with goes on : '''god has nothing to do with it'''....and then i go: '''don't you believes in the fact a creator MUST be behind the scene , moreover, created the ''scene''' (earth) we're evolving on? i've faced the extra terrestrial explanation,the neandertalian evolution....basically,all the misconcepts to avoid the proofs that god and his son existed , and gave their life so we are saved from the demons we're unfortunately collecting along our life on this planet....

    but i'm always fine having such conversation with anyone willing to discuss his faith or lack of.....atheism is a modern trend,people are following blindly,but when you raise some questions they're not able to answer logically,it insinuate the questionning in themself,and i'm ok with that.

  20. #20
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I work at Christian Psychotherapy Services but we do not limit our clients to Christians. When doing an intake I ask about their standing with God since they came to Christian Psychotherapy. Some say their MD or social worker or PO sent them and they did not know it was Christian. Some start telling me about their Church experience, I gently remind them I asked about their relationship with God, not the Church. I get varied responses to that - from being taken aback to quietly saying 'well, I pray' to an enthusiastic love of God response to a confused mishmash of spiritual rationalizations.

    Note: PO = Probation Officer
    Wayne the Shrink

    There is no 'right' that requires me to work for you or you to work for me!

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