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Thread: Do you give 10% to your church?

  1. #241
    Boolit Master

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    I give God 10% of the money he provides to us, from my first fruits.

  2. #242
    Boolit Master
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    So the original question was? Am I going to hell if I don't give 10% before taxes, and, does my time count for nothing?

    Is anyone here guilty of "blowing the trumpets" to let everyone know, "look here, I'm leaving a big gift at the alter"? Just saying again, "ain't nobodies business what you give, or don't give"!
    Last edited by Thundarstick; 12-28-2017 at 06:34 AM.

  3. #243
    Boolit Grand Master
    Shiloh's Avatar
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    We are under 10% but workin toward it.

    Je suis Charlie

    "A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
    Bertrand de Jouvenel

    “Any government that does not trust its citizens with firearms is either a tyranny, or planning to become one.” – Joseph P. Martino

    “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years there would be a shortage of sand.” – Milton Friedman

    "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns; why should we let them have ideas?" - J. Stalin

  4. #244
    Boolit Grand Master Char-Gar's Avatar
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    This entire thread is based on the assumption that by giving to a particular church, you are giving to God. This group seems to be a particularly brain washed group, as there is very little examination of the basic assumption, whether it is true or not.
    Disclaimer: The above is not holy writ. It is just my opinion based on my experience and knowledge. Your mileage may vary.

  5. #245
    Boolit Grand Master popper's Avatar
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    The German Gov. assesses a tax on church members. The German church membership is going down. IIRC, Japan did the same sort of thing for the Shinto (you were declared a member even if not). Do what YOU want. Nobody on this earth has the authority to send you to Hell.

  6. #246
    Boolit Master Electric88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Char-Gar View Post
    This entire thread is based on the assumption that by giving to a particular church, you are giving to God. This group seems to be a particularly brain washed group, as there is very little examination of the basic assumption, whether it is true or not.
    I'm gonna make the assumption that the people who believe giving to a particular church (their church?) is the same as giving to God probably believe this because that's how they think God will use their money. None of them are aware of any sort of direct bank account for God that they can donate to

  7. #247
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    Tyndale Life Application Daily Devotion
    You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year. Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship—the place the LORD your God chooses for his name to be honored—and eat it there in his presence. This applies to your tithes of grain, new wine, olive oil, and the firstborn males of your flocks and herds. Doing this will teach you always to fear the LORD your God.
    — Deuteronomy 14:22-23 NLT
    The Bible makes the purpose of tithing very clear: It teaches us to fear the Lord and put him first in our lives. We are to give God the first and best of what we earn. For example, what we do first with our money shows what we value most. Giving the first part of our paycheck to God immediately focuses our attention on him. It also reminds us that all we have belongs to him.
    A habit of regular tithing can keep God at the top of our priority list and give us a proper perspective on everything else we have.
    © 2010 by Tyndale House Publishers

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traffer View Post
    Tyndale Life Application Daily Devotion
    You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year. Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship—the place the LORD your God chooses for his name to be honored—and eat it there in his presence. This applies to your tithes of grain, new wine, olive oil, and the firstborn males of your flocks and herds. Doing this will teach you always to fear the LORD your God.
    — Deuteronomy 14:22-23 NLT
    The Bible makes the purpose of tithing very clear: It teaches us to fear the Lord and put him first in our lives. We are to give God the first and best of what we earn. For example, what we do first with our money shows what we value most. Giving the first part of our paycheck to God immediately focuses our attention on him. It also reminds us that all we have belongs to him.
    A habit of regular tithing can keep God at the top of our priority list and give us a proper perspective on everything else we have.
    © 2010 by Tyndale House Publishers
    This isn't even logical. We must fear the Lord? Really makes me think that we are nothing but animals that must be trained. Don't walk on the line and you will be punished just like a horse your training. God is supposed to be a loving God. I'm beginning to believe the Bible may just be BS. Nothing but a bunch of stories that were supposed to be the word of God. Too much of it just doesn't add up as far as I am concerned.

  9. #249
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by GhostHawk View Post
    I did tithe for years, faithfully. Until I found out that 40% of all that came in went to the parent church. And the national church was using those funds to promote gun control, and were giving money to terrorists.

    Pastor and I had a few conversations about it. The best he came up with, was he said I could earmark my givings to be used only on our local church, for maintenance, upkeep, etc.

    And I countered with, and ever dollar I do that with means another dollar from someone else that you can send to your liberal policys? He said yes, that is true.

    I said when the Methodist church gets out of gun control lobbying I'll reconsider.

    Still waiting.
    Thats my gripe with these huge outfits. KEEP IT LOCAL

  10. #250

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    Hebrews 10:31
    New International Version
    "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"

    To each his own. We are tiny and insignificant and short lived.

    Luke 12:5
    "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear the One who, after you have been killed, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him!"

  11. #251
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    This isn't even logical. We must fear the Lord? Really makes me think that we are nothing but animals that must be trained. Don't walk on the line and you will be punished just like a horse your training. God is supposed to be a loving God. I'm beginning to believe the Bible may just be BS. Nothing but a bunch of stories that were supposed to be the word of God. Too much of it just doesn't add up as far as I am concerned.
    your catching on!

  12. #252
    Boolit Master
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    Gentlemen, please! It's not difficult to determine who wrote the bible and whether it has changed since it was written. And "who wrote the bible" is a topic worth devoting time to. There are soooo many finger-prints of God in the scriptures I can't even begin to write about them here. But beyond the scriptures, knowledge of Jesus is woven into creation itself. For anyone interested look up Ivan Panin and equidistant letter sequence. This is simply a starting point and the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by singleshot View Post
    Gentlemen, please! It's not difficult to determine who wrote the bible and whether it has changed since it was written. And "who wrote the bible" is a topic worth devoting time to. There are soooo many finger-prints of God in the scriptures I can't even begin to write about them here. But beyond the scriptures, knowledge of Jesus is woven into creation itself. For anyone interested look up Ivan Panin and equidistant letter sequence. This is simply a starting point and the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
    There are too many factors that don't seem to add up. The bible was supposed to be a product of divine help yet it is full of inconsistencies.
    No one has ever lived hundreds of years it just don't happen. I could list at least a dozen on that subject alone that don't make any sense.

    What function does religion play? Well, it satisfies a psychological need to believe in something above us a creator. It keeps people in line so to speak because they are brought up to believe they need to follow the bible to follow its rules. Most of this is totally illogical it defies common sense.

    So, why provide 10% of your gross earnings? Well, its simple. You need to fund the church your going to. You proviide money for heat, wages, that new Ford van that was just purchased, seamless video switchers, and I could continue the list. I wonder why the the focus went from taking care of the poor and the homeless to simply fund the church. The Catholic church for example has millions of dollars worth of paintings, art, land, and other holdings. The other churches aren't any better. I have seen so much in the last 25 years of searving these various religious funnels for our time, money, and help.

    When I watch ancient aliens its starting to make more sense that what we call our God could possibly an alien visitor. Any primitive society would view any extra terrestrial visit as God coming to see them. Its more logical that what we call God is nothing more than an alien encounter.

  14. #254

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    Keep in mind a couple things. Yes the catholic church has wealth in paintings gold ect as do other churches but those have been accumulated over about 2000 years not bought last month. Look at the averages salary of a preist who had to go to school and has a degree. He makes approximately 30k a year. Not much more then what someone on welfare makes. Yes he does get room and board too. But its still a lot less then what I made with a high school diploma. Our church lately has had such poor attendance that I mentioned to my wife the other day that I don't see how there even paying to heat that old large building. they don't get money from Rome. they are suppose to pay own bills and have money left over. Many catholic churches lately have closed and consolidated because they couldn't support themselves. As to ancient aliens, I'm a Christian. Being a christain we are suppose to have faith that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that there is only one God. He is God not an alien

    If you believe that Wako with his hair standing up on ancient aliens has the answers then your not a Christian plain and simple. Yes there is a lot in the bible that cant be scientifically proved. Yes it might have been "adjusted by man" but as a Christian I believe that God had a hand even in that adjusting. bottom line is a show like that's main reason for being aired is entertainment. They have no more scientific PROOF then the bible does. Do I think that there are other worlds with intelligent people. Probably. Do I think they might have visited earth in the past. not really. If they did and we were that far behind them why did they leave? Do you think if we visited a planet that was pristine, full of natural resources and inhabited by a race that was about like comparing ourselves to monkeys that we would help the monkeys and leave them alone. Heck no. We didn't even leave the Indians alone? We took what we could and did our best to kill them off to take there land and resources. Even if you look at it logicaly and an alien space ship was built to go faster then the speed of light by an advanced civilization somehow they had to pay for that trip. I'm sure it would have taken a lot of there resources. Why would they go home empty handed. If Jesus Christ was an alien why did he allow himself to be nailed to a cross??? What point would that have made. Jesus Christ died for us and was raised up into heaven by God. He wasnt beamed up by scotty!!

  15. #255
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd Smale View Post
    Keep in mind a couple things. Yes the catholic church has wealth in paintings gold ect as do other churches but those have been accumulated over about 2000 years not bought last month. Look at the averages salary of a preist who had to go to school and has a degree. He makes approximately 30k a year. Not much more then what someone on welfare makes. Yes he does get room and board too. But its still a lot less then what I made with a high school diploma. Our church lately has had such poor attendance that I mentioned to my wife the other day that I don't see how there even paying to heat that old large building. they don't get money from Rome. they are suppose to pay own bills and have money left over. Many catholic churches lately have closed and consolidated because they couldn't support themselves. As to ancient aliens, I'm a Christian. Being a christain we are suppose to have faith that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that there is only one God. He is God not an alien

    If you believe that Wako with his hair standing up on ancient aliens has the answers then your not a Christian plain and simple. Yes there is a lot in the bible that cant be scientifically proved. Yes it might have been "adjusted by man" but as a Christian I believe that God had a hand even in that adjusting. bottom line is a show like that's main reason for being aired is entertainment. They have no more scientific PROOF then the bible does. Do I think that there are other worlds with intelligent people. Probably. Do I think they might have visited earth in the past. not really. If they did and we were that far behind them why did they leave? Do you think if we visited a planet that was pristine, full of natural resources and inhabited by a race that was about like comparing ourselves to monkeys that we would help the monkeys and leave them alone. Heck no. We didn't even leave the Indians alone? We took what we could and did our best to kill them off to take there land and resources. Even if you look at it logicaly and an alien space ship was built to go faster then the speed of light by an advanced civilization somehow they had to pay for that trip. I'm sure it would have taken a lot of there resources. Why would they go home empty handed. If Jesus Christ was an alien why did he allow himself to be nailed to a cross??? What point would that have made. Jesus Christ died for us and was raised up into heaven by God. He wasnt beamed up by scotty!!
    maybe he was beamed up by scotty, maybe its just another fairy tale. thats why its called faith instead of fact.

  16. #256

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    This is not The Pit
    As a subforum of Our Chapel, I find the flip and derisive posts like this ^^^ completely inappropriate. Better you consort with others who share your disdain of faith, God, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and the Bible in The Pit. Posts here should be polite, courteous and edifying. Not garbage.
    Last edited by jmort; 01-17-2018 at 05:20 PM.

  17. #257
    Super Moderator Emeritus
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    And I agree jmort so time to shut this down

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BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check