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Thread: Prayer for our nation daily

  1. #861
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    “A man of calm is like a shady tree.
    People who need shelter come to it.”
    ― Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

    “Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.”
    ― Albert Einstein

    “Calmness is the cradle of power.”
    ― J.G. Holland

    Dear Lord... With pure Hearts and gentle Souls we come to you for the Fresh, Clean Water of Faith. Being Sinners, none of us is perfect..... We can only Hope for Amazing Grace and Eternal Love. To this, add Wisdom and Understanding. This World pulls our Thoughts here and there... dulling our Focus. Let us focus on being the Men You want us to be....

    Please Bless and protect our New President. Fill his Heart with Faith, Love, and Mercy. Let him seek after You.... Fill his Hands with Victory... Amen

    “So if we love someone, we should train in being able to listen. By listening with calm and understanding, we can ease the suffering of another person.”
    ― Thich Nhat Hanh

    “The power of prayer is so profound that it can assuage our emotions. It calms the mind, dilutes all our worries, gives an anchor to fears and endows us with a remarkable peace of mind.”
    ― Balroop Singh

    Deuteronomy 3:22 You shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you.

    "The Lord will fight for you. You need only be still." Exodus 14:14

    "Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." - Max Lucado

    "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" - Corrie ten Boom

    "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day." - Abraham Lincoln
    Last edited by castalott; 06-02-2017 at 07:46 PM.

  2. #862
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Amen . Thank you Dale .
    No turning back , No turning back !

  3. #863
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Wow! Your quotes you include with these posts just keep getting better and better! Thanks! And thanks for keeping this thread up and going. This nation needs all the help we can get, and I think it's impossible for us alone to restore this nation to its once great status in the world. Only the Grace of God can do that. And we've got some half decent folks in places of high leadership, which is a BIG asset. The only question is, will someone come forward from their ranks to explain the situation as it really is, rather than as the many PC types want to define it as being? I hope and pray dearly that there will arise someone who can and will lead this nation as a whole BACK to the God who built us up and blessed us so richly for so very long! It doesn't matter what segment of our society this individual comes from. We just need a new leader, one who can and will instill in us the faith and loving Truth that once guided this nation, and without which we'll falter and fail. Lord, this is my continued prayer. Please grant us such a leader, I pray! Amen.

  4. #864
    Boolit Master
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    Dear Lord... Let Our Faith be simple... no buzzers, bells, or computers talking to us. Let us know Right from Wrong and constantly seek Right. Let us not wonder what shade of gray this or that is. Let us search for Truth in the Word of God..... Let us know Thy Heart and understand Love and Joy in Thee.... Amen

    "My Mom said she learned how to swim when
    someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim."
    --Paula Poundstone

    "Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant??
    I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God.... I could
    be eating a slow learner."
    --Lynda Montgomery

    "If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and
    all the impersonators would be dead." --Johnny Carson

    "My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but
    they turned sixty, and that's the law."
    --Jerry Seinfeld

    "Bigamy is having one wife/husband too many.
    Monogamy is the
    --Oscar Wilde

    "Our bombs are smarter than the average high
    school student. At
    least they can find Afghanistan." --A. Whitney

    "Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you
    were a member of
    Congress ... But I repeat myself." --Mark Twain

    "Women complain about premenstrual syndrome,
    but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself."

    "Instead of getting married again, I'm going to
    find a woman I
    don't like and just give her a house,"
    --Rod Stewart

  5. #865
    Boolit Master
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    Do you think BIG or do you think small? Both have their place. Big thinkers are usually seeking a direction to go or a universal truth. Small thinkers can concentrate on small, often essential , details.

    Both big and small thinkers never see the whole picture. You must be able to do both....

    Dear Lord.... We come to you today asking for the whole picture. Let us be bold enough to see Your Universal Truths and Universal Plan. Add to this the ability to understand the finer points.

    We do this when reading the Bible. One day we understand a passage "this way" and the next time we read it a "new understanding" is clear. Let us grow and be the Men You want us to be... Amen

    “Faith is not the belief that everything will be all right tomorrow, but the belief that I possess the strength to make everything all right today.”
    ― Charles F. Glassman

    “Blessed are they that have faith for they shall take steps like a blind man!”
    ― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

    “I can see, I can hear, I can smell, I can taste, I can feel, I can think. So, I can understand that we are surrounded by a great wonder.”
    ― Romi Florea

    “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord.”
    ― J.I. Packer

    “Bible study without Bible experience is pointless. Knowing Psalm 23 is different from knowing the shepherd.”
    ― Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

    “Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given.”
    Mother Teresa

    “God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.”

    “Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”
    Leo Buscaglia

    So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
    2 Corinthians 4:18

    The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.
    Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
    Proverbs 4:7

  6. #866
    Boolit Master

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    tropical southern vermont
    Amen & Amen
    Being human is not for sissies.

  7. #867
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    "All we do crumbles
    to the ground
    Though we refuse to see...

    Dust in the wind" Dust in the Wind, Kansas

    James 4:14 (KJV)

    Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

    Dear Lord.... This world we think is so real is really just a temporary thing. Help us all think on Your Spiritual Example. Let our Spirits grow and learn and become pleasing to You. Lead us down the Path you would choose. Let our Faith grow and be our Backbone in this world. Bless us all. Fill Our New President with Love. Mercy , and Faith... Fill his hands with Victory... Amen

    “The closer you are to the end of your temporal trials, the louder the voice of critics. Close your ears to the heavy downpours of their discouragements. God whispers; “I am with you”!”
    ― Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

    “The first and last lesson of religion is, 'The things that are seen are temporal; the things that are not seen are eternal.' It puts an affront upon nature.”
    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson, English Traits

    Because when God heals a body, that is temporal; but when God saves a soul, that has eternal importance.
    BENNY HINN, clergyman

    The temporal quality of all things was being firmly impressed upon me.

  8. #868
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    Even though this world is a temporary and fleeting thing, we still must do our duty here. Those we love and the Freedoms we cherish must be protected. I urge you all to rise to the challenge.... Be ready for what may come at any time...

    Dear Lord... Give us Courage, Wisdom, Insight, Strength , Faith, Hope, Mercy, and Love. Let us do our work happily and rest in your assurances... Let us be men in every way... Amen

    Duty cannot exist without faith.
    Benjamin Disraeli

    There must be a corps that will battle for righteousness, for there are endless battalions who serve unrighteousness.
    Janet Morris

    It is easier to do one's duty to others than to one's self. If you do your duty to others, you are considered reliable. If you do your duty to yourself, you are considered selfish.
    Thomas Szasz

    Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty.
    John D. Rockefeller

    Duty is the sublimest word in the language. You can never do more than your duty. You should never wish to do less.
    Robert E. Lee

    Sergeant Apone: All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I *love* the Corps! ( Aliens)

  9. #869
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Thank you castalot . Amen
    No turning back , No turning back !

  10. #870
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    I watched a young man with his father at taco Bell.... The boy was whining about this and that.... Soon the father said, "Stop it. You have it a lot better than many. I'm tired of it. Stop."

    I could see God talking to me like that. The same exact words..... I do too much whining to God.....

    Dear Lord... Let us be Thankful, Truly Thankful, for the many Blessings we have.... We only see the little dab of green we don't have on the other side of the fence and not the acres of bounty we have on this side. Let us, like Men, support ourselves and our families. Let us seek after Good and shun evil... Amen

    “One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
    ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship

    “My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library.”
    ― Peter Golkin

    “No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do.”
    ― Germany Kent

    “The deeds of the light are goodness, righteousness and faithfulness”
    ― Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

    “We got life to live, not to survive, do the things you always want to & be the person you always desire to be. don't let other people deal with it..!!”
    ― Ridhdhesh Jivawala

    “You are the biggest threat to your emotional and physical health if you don't set aside time for relaxation, joy, and personal growth.”
    ― Maddy Malhotra, How to Build Self-Esteem and Be Confident: Overcome Fears, Break Habits, Be Successful and Happy

    “Lord, I thank you for answering my prayers at the right time.”
    ― Lailah Gifty Akita

    Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
    ~Robert Breault

  11. #871
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Thank you castalot . We can never be thankful enough . Amen
    No turning back , No turning back !

  12. #872
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Lord, you have blessed this nation and this people so tremendously! Thank you. Thank you from the depths of my soul! And in all the blessings you have given us, we have become willful, lazy, satisfied with what we have, and we no longer see any need to further your will and your plans. We have grown slovenly in our faith and in our deeds. We have let our young be raised by an uncaring and deceitful state, rather than by our own loving hands and words. We have allowed evil to reign in our governors, and even encouraged it, thinking that at least they're OUR theif! And now, all this is coming to fruition, and our folly and our neglect are upon us. Now, only you can be our salvation, for we have strayed, and thought our straying would be inconsequential. But it hasn't been unconsequential. It has convicted us for acts of both action and inaction!

    Forgive us, I pray! Forgive us, and let us repent, and once again become the people you always wanted and intended for us to be, once more, as were the people who supported and maintained this nation for us for so very long now. Grant us, oh Lord, a reprieve. I believe you have already done this in electing a man who isn't afraid to use your name for our leader.

    But Lord, we are sorely ashamed, and when ashamed, we deny and try to hide. I pray that you would send us a messenger from Heaven who will bring about a revival in this land the likes of which has never been seen before! I pray boldly for this, for I know we do not and could never really deserve this. I pray simply for Grace and Mercy, though I know we merit justice. Forgive us, I pray, and humble us enough to remind us just who we are, and who YOU are, and our rightful place in all that is. Remind us of our duty to not only ourselves and our families, but to our fellow man, both here in this country, and abroad.

    Unharden our hearts, that we might again see clearly how crucial our obligations are to each other, and especially to You, our Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Grant us once again the excitement and wonder that we rightfully should have for you and all you have created and done for us, I pray. Give us a leader who can and will inspire us once again, to be the nation you always intended for us to be. We have been blessed beyond that of any other nation that has ever existed. Make us once again grateful for your wondrous Grace and Mercy upon us. Many gave their very lives to see us here today. Let us be mindful of these, and appreciative of their sacrifice on our bahalf. Bring us again to our knees, I pray, in worship of Thee and Thine awesome wonders!

    We are sheep milling about, not sure what to do. Grant us, I pray, a great leader who can inspire us, and motivate us once again, to be at least something like what you always intended this country to be, I pray. We merit none of this, I know, and thus, I pray only for Mercy and Forgiveness and Grace, and one more chance to "get it right" this time. By the blood of Jesus Christ I pray this, my Savior, my Redeemer, and my best friend. Amen.

  13. #873
    Boolit Master
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    We live in a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, in a world that has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. We have solved the mystery of the atom and forgotten the lessons of the Sermon on the Mount. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about dying than we know about living.
    Omar N. Bradley

    Dear Lord... Today we ask for Wisdom and Understanding.... We need guidance in our Lives and Thoughts... Lead Us down the Path You would choose....Let Us embrace Virtue and flee from vice....Amen

    The greatness of a leader is measured by the achievements of the led. This is the ultimate test of his effectiveness.
    Omar N. Bradley

    America today is running on the momentum of a godly ancestry, and when that momentum runs down, God help America.
    Omar N. Bradley

    It is to the United States that all freemen look for the light and the hope of the world. Unless we dedicate ourselves completely to this struggle, unless we combat hunger with food, fear with trust, suspicion with faith, fraud with justice - and threats with power, nations will surrender to the futility, the hopelessness, the panic on which wars feed.
    Omar N. Bradley

    Dependability, integrity, the characteristic of never knowingly doing anything wrong, that you would never cheat anyone, that you would give everybody a fair deal. Character is a sort of an all-inclusive thing. If a man has character, everyone has confidence in him.
    Omar N. Bradley

    Freedom-no word was ever spoken that has held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed more to be nurtured, blessed more the giver. . . or came closer to being God's will on earth.
    Omar N. Bradley

    Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.
    Omar N. Bradley

    We've learned how to destroy, but not to create; how to waste, but not to build; how to kill men, but not how to save them; how to die, but seldom how to live.
    Omar N. Bradley

    If you will help run our government in the American way, then there will never be any danger of our government running America in the wrong way.
    Omar N. Bradley

    In war there is no second prize for the runner-up.
    Omar N. Bradley

  14. #874
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    Last edited by castalott; 06-20-2017 at 09:26 PM. Reason: ooopppssss

  15. #875
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Wow! What a great prayer and quotes! Thank you, Castalot! I've never read many of Bradley's comments, but those are simply golden! I've copied and saved them. Thanks!

  16. #876
    Boolit Master
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    southern Illinois
    Would a mod please delete my double post? Thanks! Dale ( this one too)

  17. #877
    Boolit Master
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    “The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free”
    ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    “The modern human lives in a cesspool of man-made electromagnetic radiation.”
    ― Steven Magee

    Dear Lord... We stumble about immersed in fraud. No one thinks of Truth...Eternal Truth or any other kind. The Magicians entertain us but never enlighten us. We ask you today for Truth... Wisdom.... Understanding.... Strength....Hope..... and Faith. Help us throw away our childish thoughts and think like adults... Amen

    “It struck him that the true characteristic thing about modern life was not its cruelty and insecurity, but simply its bareness, its dinginess, its listlessness.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “Depression: the healthy suspicion that modern life has no meaning and that modern society is absurd and alienating.”
    ― Neel Burton, The Meaning of Madness

    “A great many people, and more all the time, live their entire lives without ever once sleeping out under the stars.”
    ― Alan S. Kesselheim, Let Them Paddle: Coming of Age on the Water

    The three horrors of modern life - talk without meaning, desire without love, work without satisfaction.
    Mignon McLaughlin

    A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it. A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.
    Jerome Lawrence

    I've spent most of my life living in cities where people are obsessed with looking down on people from everywhere else. You get so used to doing it that you start to believe it's simply what everyone does. It makes for an atmosphere of unwelcome that penetrates much of our modern life. It's a shame really because a couple days in Oklahoma will open your eyes to how much better it would be if the rest of the country was filled with a few more people from Oklahoma.
    Adam Duritz

    The trouble with the lost generation is that it didn't get lost enough.
    James Thurber

  18. #878
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Dear Lord, please help us to remember that today is not yet done, and tomorrow is not a promise for any of us. As we amble about, lost in the confusion and apathy of our modern world, give us a great leader who can and will reinvigorate us, and teach us once again, what it truly means to be a Christian, and American, and a "citizen of the world." Grant us, oh Lord, a new revival and a new understanding of our world - one that is more apt and accurate than all those being bandied about so callously and haughtily. Just give us someone who can and will get us to understand the simple Truths of our existence on this plane, and the promise that lies beyond it.

    We are lost, Lord, in our own concerns and desires. We once had Billy Graham. We need another like him, only now, I fear he'll have to be even more daring and resourceful to motivate the jaded people that occupy so much of our land today. Grant us, Lord, a real and true Revival, the likes of which this world has never seen before. Let the young and the old alike, realize at last, what we truly are and why we're here. Whole masses are wasting away in doubt, disbelief, confusion and despair. Raise our eyes, oh Lord, to that which we CAN be if we simply will it to be. Give us the humility and insight necessary to know You more and better, that we might transform the many, who languish and have given up.

    Protect our nation, Lord, from harm. Give us thy Love and Grace, and not thy Justice just yet. Give all the good young people who truly love you, and want to follow you, a chance to do what my generation has so sadly failed to do - convert the profane, and establish the righteousness and reality of Thy Kingdom, that this world might be more pleasing to Thee.

    I ask this boon knowing how great a request this is, and knowing You CAN do it, as thou canst do all things. My faith is in You, oh Lord, and my Hope and my Promise. Forgive this nation its many flagrant sins, and give us a true revival that sweeps this country clean like a new broom sweeps a dirty room clean. Forgive us and grant us this one last great boon, I pray, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, my Savior, my Redeemer, and my best friend. Amen.

  19. #879
    Boolit Master
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    "Weezer" was in the waiting room at the doc's tonight. He is the guy I talked about that was a marine on Iwo Jima. I got about 15 minutes to talk to him. You know how talking goes ( I ask a lot of questions) so here is the best I can remember...

    He said Iwo was kill or be killed...neither side asked for or got quarter. He didn't personally harm anyone but he was prepared to... he said he watched the first flag go up on Mt Suribaci and then saw the first B-29 land there...

    Then he was in the occupation army in Japan. Everyone was starving. He ran a daily patrol with a Japanese fellow "about my age" as an interpreter.

    Every c rat had a hard biscuit that the guys called 'dog biscuits' and thru them away as too hard to eat. The interpreter picked them up and then asked if he was doing something wrong.

    "What are you going to do with them?"

    The interpreter replied 'he had 2 younger sisters with nothing to eat and they would eat these'.

    Weezer told him, " Starting tomorrow we will carry two extra c rats for you to take to your sisters."

    Weezer told me 3 times how the Japanese loved their families...loved their kids... It changed him... he loved and respected the Japanese People after that...

    Isn't this the message the Great Teacher had for us... to love each other? Do we have to go thru something like this to learn?

    Dear Lord... Another great lesson for this poor student. Love and Mercy means a lot. We ask you ,Lord, for Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Strength, Wisdom, Understanding , and Faith. Lead us down the path we need to go .... Please Bless and protect us and our New President. Put Love and Mercy in his Heart, Wisdom and Understanding in his head, and Victory in his hands... Amen

    “there is a God, there always has been. I see him here, in the eyes of the people in this [hospital] corridor of desperation. This is the real house of God, this is where those who have lost God will find Him... there is a God, there has to be, and now I will pray, I will pray that He will forgive that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive that I have betrayed, lied, and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now in my hour of need. I pray that He is as merciful, benevolent, and gracious as His book says He is.”
    ― Khaled Hosseini

    “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln

    “For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.”
    ― G.K. Chesterton

    “The world will give you that once in awhile, a brief timeout; the boxing bell rings and you go to your corner, where somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life.”
    ― Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

  20. #880
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Amen! What a great story! Indeed, I knew a man who was in that battle, and for all the rest of his life, he absolutely HATED the Japanese. I've long though it was the fear he felt during that conflict that caused it, plus the wound he got there in the fight. Your friend Weezer surely seems to have been fully human, while my friend who couldn't or wouldn't forgive, never truly felt satisfied in his life, I think. What a contrast between these two men, and their respective stories! I think there's a great lesson in there for us all, if we'll learn it.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check