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Thread: Advice needed: Dealing with feral & stray dogs

  1. #101

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    I agree you cant argue with some. I will say once more that its not the animals fault in any of this. Some of you have such hatred and distain for them that its sad. They didn't ask to be set out in the woods to starve. If the people that did it would realize its more humane to put them down then to set them in the woods this wouldn't happen. But like people that will gut shoot them people that wont take care of business themselves are just cowards and warped individuals.

    I look at my own little pup at my feet and wonder HOW some of you can be so quick to condemn a dog just because its on your property. You claim you can tell which are feral and which are pets? I say BS. Unless that dog is attacking you or one of your animals you don't have a clue. A dog 50 yards away moving across a field that's yours and you think you have the right to shoot it??? Who made you judge jury and executioner. I don't care if a dog made nasty noises at your kid 5 years ago. If a kid walking down the street in NYC pushes you and takes your wallet or knocks down your wife or kid or takes your wifes purse does that mean all kids in NYC should be shot on site. I don't care what happened to your friends friends friends uncle! If one truly does attack you then kill it. Its the random killing I'm against. Like I said in a previous post. Do what you want, tell your self you have the right to kill but be careful! You don't want to shoot mine! Was at the buddys house the other day. He has horses and cows in the pasture and we had a ball watching his dog and my pup out there playing with them. Be pretty easy to walk up on it some morning and think those dogs were attacking the other animals when in fact it was far from the truth.

    BIS this post obviously wasn't aimed at you. You are a bit more level headed then some here. As to passing more laws I will say this. Many laws are passed to protect the many from a few that feel they can do whatever suits them. For the most part animals don't benefit from them. If your local law enforcement doesn't have time to deal with it then they should either make the time or you should consider standing up for them next time they ask for a small tax increase to fund there department. I think most of those arguments are bs too. If I had a truly dangerous wild dog in my yard and called the police id bet id get a response about anywhere in the country and surely in a rural area where you probably know the person your talking to on the phone. if they didn't come when you called and one attacked your child they know the law suite would about destroy them. So there going to come.

    this aint my first rodeo. Unless you live in the back woods of Alaska 200 miles from a town you have local police to take care of it. Bottom line is if killing them is enjoyment for you then just admit it. Just quit trying to sugar coat it or justify it. But don't try to pull the wool over this guys eyes. Like I said we don't have a problem here. If you have a problem there then its because of the quality of the people living next to you not that dogs or cats act worse there. Deal with the REAL problem. Make it so tough on someone that's considering it that they realize maybe they should man up and take care of it themselves or bring them to the local dog pound. Its kind of like gun control laws. doesn't it make more sense to drastically increase the penalties for committing a crime with a gun to deter them. Same thing here. Same ones that don't want laws are the type that think they can do anything they want without regard to others. Ill rest my case now. I know some of you see red all the time. Its always your way or the highway. Nothing I said in any of these posts is wrong. Don't know about where you live but theres already laws against killing a dog up here. Just had a kid put 3 months in jail for shooting a guys beagle he claimed was chasing a deer. Should have been 3 years! I chuckle at the judge, jury and executioner bunch we have here. Hope its not ever your dog that gets killed. Or your kid that goes to jail for doing it because that's the example you set for him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ballistics in Scotland View Post
    A therapist would tell you they can't do much with someone who values the disorder. Of course dumping dogs in the wild is wrong, and so is taking them there if they are going to run off and seek a better deal than they've got - which in some cases does credit to their judgment. I imagine the former is criminal in most places, and in the UK microchipping of dogs, which most professional breeders have been doing, became mandatory. I think doing it to criminals and people getting married might have more point, but there is definitely enough of a need to justify it.

    Of course any dog which is actually doing harm has to be killed. Unfortunately when damage to stock or danger to children actually is prevalent, animal prime suspects don't get the benefit of the doubt or right to a court judgment human ones do. But there is a world of difference between that and posing as the alpha male deciding what can come into his territory, or saying "Whee, I can kill something I don't need a tag for!" As for trapping, the existence of another barbarism doesn't make an alternative form of barbarism OK. There aren't many countries where you can buy monstrosities like the M-44 or leghold traps, or set any kind of trap in the open.

    About the sickest thing I ever read on the internet was in a board on trapping. Someone said, and was applauded for saying, that animals biting off their own feet to escape didn't matter that much, since they were so formed by nature that they didn't mind it very much. They were staunch sixth-day creationists too, and can you believe that one creature with an electric light bulb above his head realised that that meant Divine sanction for the leghold trap?
    Last edited by Lloyd Smale; 03-18-2017 at 07:34 AM.

  2. #102
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    Dec 2015
    Lloyd Smale, i agree with you on QUALITY of people living next to you. There are some people that have ZERO business owning a dog, or a Hamster for that matter! My sister and her husband are really genuine good people, but somehow every dog they have ever owned turns out either aggressive to some degree, or wierd in some way, I don't care if it was a poodle, golden retriever, let them raise it and it will be a wierd dog. I know DAMN well that they dont abuse a dog, but they have ZERO sense when it comes to raising, and training a dog.

  3. #103
    Boolit Buddy finstr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by texasnative46 View Post
    To All,

    BE GLAD that your problem is "feral dogs". - Here in South Texas, we have a plague of feral hogs, wild or abandoned donkeys & (imo, THE WORST) roaming packs of COY-DOGS & WOLF-HYBRIDS that are TRULY WILD, AGGRESSIVE & DANGEROUS.

    yours, tex

    So when can we come down to hunt them?
    I'm the gun totin, meat eatin', BIBLE readin', redneck conservative your mother always warned you about.

    " Holes kill stuff. "

  4. #104
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    Right here least I was a minute ago
    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd Smale View Post
    no different then gut shooting them. hope no one ever feeds your dog antifreeze thinking its feral or shoots your kid with a bb gun because there on your land!!!! Anyone that would feed even a wild animal antifreeze needs to see a therapist. If a dog catcher around here was turned in for turning dogs loose in the wild would probably be visited by a lynch mob. Its him that's the problem not the innocent dogs that are turned loose that have no choice but to find a way to eat. Its them that should be fed some lead.

    What should be done is to make it a felony to dump a dog in the woods. Make it a year in jail mandatory minimum sentence. Triple it if its an idiot that the city or county hired as a dog control officer. Why anyone would feel its right to punish an innocent dog because some sick individual dumped one on the side of the road is beyond me. You wouldn't put a girl in jail after being raped because she broke a curfew or was trespassing when she got raped. those dogs are victims.

    Yes they need to be removed or even put down if there dangerous but its not up to you and I to judge which are feral and which are someones pet that happened to get loose. If your officials wont respond to the problem then either its not a real problem or you need to spend your time going to a town meeting with a group of like minded people to change things not out poisoning or shooting them. Yes I will concede that theres even ranchers and farmers that these animals are a big problem for. But how many people here recommending you do things like this own farms or ranches???? Maybe its a bigger problem where you live. I don't know. But my guess is its more a matter of shoot first ask questions later. Id bet most who here who do it don't even try to call animal control. I just wonder how youd react if your son who picked up your attitude killed the neigbors dog because dad said they all need to die and in turn the owner shot him! I'm telling you one thing. You don't want to be the one that shot my dog because you have that attitude because I LOVE my dog. I LOVE HIM AS MUCH AS ONE OF MY KIDS! As do many other dog owners. You shoot him because hes on your land and its not a bit different then if you shot my grandkids because they were on your land. Wow be to you!! I will hunt you down and rid this world of your sick mind. If it lands me in prison so be it! Ever see what an animal that drinks antifreeze goes through before it dies????? It isn't pretty!
    If you look at my post closely you will see the smiley at the end ... to most that means its in FUN.. A JOKE it was meant

    But with that said I am betting you live in the city.. I don't .. we get dogs and cats dropped off all the time.. call the county dog catcher and their answer is do you have a gun .. if so you shoot them .. the only time I have done that is when they become threatening
    killing my livestock
    and yes I have dogs but I also keep them around me .. they are never let out to run loose for hours at a time so they MIGHT wonder off
    [SIZE=4][B]Selling Hi Quality Powdercoating Powder

    I carry a Nuke50 because cleaning up the mess is Silly !!

    I am not crazy my mom had me tested

    Theres a fine line between genius and crazy .. I'm that line
    and depending on the day I might just step over that line !!!

  5. #105
    Boolit Bub
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    Private property , POTENTIAL threat to life .
    In several states , you may shoot dogs that are running deer ,threatening humans etc.. You don't have to decide if they MAY catch the deer or MAY attack a human THIS TIME.
    Pure Orwellian socialism to think you MUST call someone else to deal with a problem that God granted us the authority to act upon.
    If still not convinced , view photos of children /adult that have been attacked by dogs , wild and domestic. Nothing further need be debated.

  6. #106

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    munising Michigan
    Might want to take a look on the map at where I live. I live in the upper peninsula of MI. Nearest real city (and its a small one) is greenbay Wisconson which is a 150 miles from here. Nearest 4 lane highway is a 100 miles from my door. We have 3 what we call citys in the UP (most of you would call them towns) the town I live in has between 500 and 600 people depending on the season. I doubt you will find any few people per mile anywhere other then montana/ Wyoming where they have ranches that go for miles. I find it hard to believe you live in any more of a rural area.
    Quote Originally Posted by Smoke4320 View Post
    If you look at my post closely you will see the smiley at the end ... to most that means its in FUN.. A JOKE it was meant

    But with that said I am betting you live in the city.. I don't .. we get dogs and cats dropped off all the time.. call the county dog catcher and their answer is do you have a gun .. if so you shoot them .. the only time I have done that is when they become threatening
    killing my livestock
    and yes I have dogs but I also keep them around me .. they are never let out to run loose for hours at a time so they MIGHT wonder off

  7. #107

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    munising Michigan
    God DID NOT give you authority to kill my dog. But he did say an eye for an eye and didn't stipulate that it was a human eye he was talking about. Kill a dog up here and your going to jail. Only thing wrong with that is it shoud be prison. While you looking at pictures of people mauled by dogs. take a look at pictures of dogs harmed by man. there was just a case in the news where someone cut the nose and ears off a Rottweiler and turned him loose in the wild. Another one on the national news where some tied a rope from one puppys leg to another puppys leg and threw them up over a tree limb and left them to die. These were puppys so small they weren't even weened from there mother. You don't even have to watch tv or do an internet search. Just go down to your local dog pound and talk to them about the cruelty they have seen with there own two eyes. Even wild dogs don't hold a candle to some of you. Remember every wild dog you see is because some human abused a pet, turned him loose to starve. Seems to me theres as many people that should be shot on sight as dogs. Funny thing about dogs running deer too. Most states its illegal to shoot or harm in any way a wolf that kills hundreds of deer in its life but god forbid a beagle chances one and makes it tired!
    Quote Originally Posted by silverbuzzard View Post
    Private property , POTENTIAL threat to life .
    In several states , you may shoot dogs that are running deer ,threatening humans etc.. You don't have to decide if they MAY catch the deer or MAY attack a human THIS TIME.
    Pure Orwellian socialism to think you MUST call someone else to deal with a problem that God granted us the authority to act upon.
    If still not convinced , view photos of children /adult that have been attacked by dogs , wild and domestic. Nothing further need be debated.
    Last edited by Lloyd Smale; 03-18-2017 at 01:11 PM.

  8. #108
    Boolit Master

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    Advice needed: Dealing with feral & stray dogs

    As a teen I would ride my bike down the road and this one big red dog would chase me all the time. Got tired of pedaling my a$$ for all I had to keep my feet. Took my K-bar one day under my rump. When he caught up to me I let him have it across the nose with the handle. Funny how he never chased me again. Another dog bit me once; I bit him back … no more problems again. Did same with a yearling colt who tried to eat my finger, at 12 years old I drilled him between the eyes and he hit his knees. Hand was numb for 2 weeks! He behaved as well after that. Funny how that works. =8;^)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #109
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    Looks as tho we have a person putting animals in the same league as a human!
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  10. #110
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    Smoke4320's Avatar
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    Right here least I was a minute ago
    I believe LLoyd is passionate about dogs .. I get that and think that is just fine
    being cruel to an animal just to be cruel I don't stomach well either
    Now Again when they begin to threaten me, or mine my priorities change

    PS LLoyd I live in farming country .. 36 acre farm (hopefully in the next 2 years 46 acres) surrounded by many 100's of acres
    my block is 6 miles around
    in that 6 mile trip there may be 20 houses total
    There are only 3 including mine in the first 2 miles
    maybe not as remote as you but just fine for me
    Last edited by Smoke4320; 03-18-2017 at 02:02 PM.
    [SIZE=4][B]Selling Hi Quality Powdercoating Powder

    I carry a Nuke50 because cleaning up the mess is Silly !!

    I am not crazy my mom had me tested

    Theres a fine line between genius and crazy .. I'm that line
    and depending on the day I might just step over that line !!!

  11. #111
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    It is wrong to be cruel to any of God's creatures.

    But to take out a feral dog or cat humanly is an entirely is a whole different ball game.

    I too live in a small town, 3,000 population, a small parcel of land 1/4 mile from me has been turned into government sup. housing, we are now over run with cats, once in a while a dog. Sad but true.
    Lets make America GREAT again!
    Go, Go, Go, Go, Go Donald Trump

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  12. #112
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by fiberoptik View Post
    As a teen I would ride my bike down the road and this one big red dog would chase me all the time. Got tired of pedaling my a$$ for all I had to keep my feet. Took my K-bar one day under my rump. When he caught up to me I let him have it across the nose with the handle. Funny how he never chased me again. Another dog bit me once; I bit him back … no more problems again. Did same with a yearling colt who tried to eat my finger, at 12 years old I drilled him between the eyes and he hit his knees. Hand was numb for 2 weeks! He behaved as well after that. Funny how that works. =8;^)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    When I was about 11 or 12, I had a paper route that I carried on my bicycle. There was a big boxer at one house I passed that always made a run at me. Usually I ignored him and he would leave me alone. One day he decided to take a bite out of my ankle. The next day I filled a water gun(you remember the little plastic ones) with a solution of water and ammonia(not very strong. When he came for dessert, I squirted him as fast as I could with the ammonia solution. That "aggressive" dog yip-yipped all the way home. Never bothered me again.

    I hope Lloyd doesn't consider that cruel.

  13. #113
    Boolit Grand Master OS OK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd Smale View Post
    God DID NOT give you authority to kill my dog. But he did say an eye for an eye and didn't stipulate that it was a human eye he was talking about. Kill a dog up here and your going to jail. Only thing wrong with that is it shoud be prison. While you looking at pictures of people mauled by dogs. take a look at pictures of dogs harmed by man. there was just a case in the news where someone cut the nose and ears off a Rottweiler and turned him loose in the wild. Another one on the national news where some tied a rope from one puppys leg to another puppys leg and threw them up over a tree limb and left them to die. These were puppys so small they weren't even weened from there mother. You don't even have to watch tv or do an internet search. Just go down to your local dog pound and talk to them about the cruelty they have seen with there own two eyes. Even wild dogs don't hold a candle to some of you. Remember every wild dog you see is because some human abused a pet, turned him loose to starve. Seems to me theres as many people that should be shot on sight as dogs. Funny thing about dogs running deer too. Most states its illegal to shoot or harm in any way a wolf that kills hundreds of deer in its life but god forbid a beagle chances one and makes it tired!
    "Atta Boy Lloyd...I couldn't agree with you more. Somewhere in the past life or ancestry of every wild, once domesticated dog there is an irresponsible human in the mix."

    a m e r i c a n p r a v d a

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  14. #114
    Boolit Bub
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    OOHHHH you PEOPLE are SOOOO cruel. Think of it. The dog hit with a crow bar ends up dating an ugly dog when it was his destiny to marry Daisy.
    They produced litters that were all UGLY, all of them committed dog a cide by biting truck tires. The entire gene pool was wiped out because you meanies played God.
    The ammonia bath made THAT dog die from chlorine gas poisoning because it jumped in a swimming pool to wash off. How dare you make decisions to benefit humans . Geeeesh I'm beginning to sound like Hillary voters

  15. #115
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverbuzzard View Post
    If still not convinced , view photos of children /adult that have been attacked by dogs , wild and domestic. Nothing further need be debated.
    Well it could be worse. They could have been shot in the liver and spent a few days dying. Or indeed been harmed by humans who come to court and despite being known predators, get acquitted for lack of evidence about the specific act. Or even suffered brain damage falling off a horse that thought they halfway liked it.

    It doesn't seem unfair that animals should get a bit less protection than humans, and they do. "My little Wilbur hung out with a street gang that did things, but he didn't" doesn't carry as much weight if Wilbur is a dog. But the law is right in jurisdictions where some clear danger is required for even that line in vigilantism without obvious danger, and wrong where it isn't.

  16. #116
    Boolit Master

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    This thread should die.

  17. #117
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Most states now have leash laws the owner is responsible for damage caused by their animals whether its a dog running livestock, or an animal hit on the road. I don't like or want to shoot a dog or cat unless I have to. Feral cats and domestic cats will decimate a chicken house in a short time. Domestic animals are worse than most wild animals as they hunt for sport and kill for no reason wild kill what they eat ( though they do come back as long as "food" A is available). Released Dogs can decimate a small sheep heard in a few nights. A pack of dogs that are aggressive towards people is a big concern and need to be dealt with, preferably as humanly as possible.

  18. #118
    Boolit Master knifemaker's Avatar
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    There used to be a government code section, I believe it was in the Dept. of agriculture sect. that stated if a dog came on to your property and "harasses" any livestock on your property, you have the legal right to shoot the dog and you can not be held liable for any criminal or civil action for shooting that dog. That livestock can be cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits. As a deputy sheriff patrolling a rural area, I carried copies of that code with me to give to any person having problems with stray dogs running loose on their property and harassing their farm animals.
    I also gave copies to persons moving to the country from a city environment and feeling that it was ok to allow their dog or dogs run loose because they now lived in the open county. Most of them made the decision to keep their dogs at home after viewing that government code. I can not recall what section the code was under, but a search should turn it up for persons that are interested in that particular law.

  19. #119
    Boolit Bub
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    My last thought on this:
    I left out a crucial point when I spoke about eliminating a threat. If the dog ,coyote, cougar,what have you, shows aggression ,advances etc, then BOOM
    A stray dog moving through does not rise to that level. If it does not keep moving ,it's pound bound if possible and they will of course GAS it.

  20. #120
    Boolit Buddy
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    There seems to be a genuine acceptance that critter problems are best handled by animal control officers... In many cases, these are the same folks that are paid by the city to nap in the park or behind a business. Several years ago there was a large Chow in the neighborhood that ran loose twice a day... very aggressive dog... Walked out my front door one day and it made a run at me... while its owner stood on the side walk and laughed about it. I reminded him of the local leash law and pointed out that, if I had to, I would kill his dog bare handed before beating the **** out of him for making me do it. He continued to laugh. Two days later, same dog chased my two daughters on their bikes. After admonishment from my wife, I called animal control. By the time he got there the dog was already back in his house. Animal control said "nothing he could do" if the dog wasn't out. I told him the dog's schedule was before 0800 and after 1700 and he explained that he doesn't work at those ungodly hours. I asked him if he was the one that had to pick a dead dog up out of the street. Nope. I told him not to worry about it then... I'd just shoot the SOB. He said that I couldn't DO that. Told him I was a pretty good shot... "But you'd go to jail!" Told him I'd sooner go to jail than let my daughters get chewed up by the outlaw Chow. He reluctantly agreed to do his job. I still left the miscreant the message that I would shoot his dog on sight even if it was tied to him on a short leash. He walked it in a different neighborhood after that. We need to keep in mind what we're discussing here. Dogs.... and people. A dog bite is bad. A dog attack is a whole 'nother thing.

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GC Gas Check