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Thread: Physical healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. #41
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    I will pray for whomever I want. That's the point. If you wish to not believe something, that sir is your problem. However, please don't A,S.S.U.M.E. that anybody's life is "screwed up" just because it doesn't meet your limited and close minded viewpoint. One break, coming up!
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  2. #42
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    Sir, I believe in reality. If you cannot prove there is an injury or sickness then its in your head. Most if not all of what I have read is nothing more than coincidence. Some of you people eat, sleep, and dream religion. Wake up! There is more to life than what you have been brain washed to believe. I grew up as a child in a catholic home. I can still remember the religion that was taught in the catholic grade school. What we learned what was repeated over and over and over again. We learned question and answers and all was drummed into our heads. This is nothing more than simple brain washing.

  3. #43
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    They are here to distract us and prevent prayer or praise of GOD by starting arguments and breaking up the different threads . There is no other practical reason for their posts in a chapel .

  4. #44
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    You have proved my point. IMHO, your experience has closed your mind to God and his wondrous Creation. Try opening your heart and mind to acceptance of "things unseen". You may actually find that life is more than bitterness and cynicism.
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  5. #45
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    Some of you don't seem to realize I still have the right to post. Some of you don't like what I have said simply because its the truth. Show me the way. Show me the proof and I too will believe. I believe in prayer and I also believe in reality. I do not however believe in wishful thinking. I have seen nothing here to prove anything happened. Show me the proof of an acute problem or cancer or something along this line and then show this acute problem went away. Its really simple otherwise you have absolutely nothing to back up these wonderful stories and they become nothing but stories without any proof. Might as well talk about snow white and the seven dwarfs.

  6. #46
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    Of course you have every right to post anything you want, so do I. As far as truth is concerned, your truth may be different than my truth, that's a given. Consider this. All medical studies of cures contain a certain percentage, as high as 15 %, of people being cured by the "placebo" affect. Coincidence? Faith? Your call.
    The WAY is before you, nobody can show you, you have to find it yourself. I'm just trying to help.
    "Sword of truth fly straight and true, that evil perish and good endure." I love "Snow White and the seven dwarfs".
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  7. #47
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    Some of you don't seem to realize I still have the right to post. Some of you don't like what I have said simply because its the truth. Show me the way. Show me the proof and I too will believe. I believe in prayer and I also believe in reality. I do not however believe in wishful thinking. I have seen nothing here to prove anything happened. Show me the proof of an acute problem or cancer or something along this line and then show this acute problem went away. Its really simple otherwise you have absolutely nothing to back up these wonderful stories and they become nothing but stories without any proof. Might as well talk about snow white and the seven dwarfs.
    Only distraction . Arguing to keep you from honoring GOD .

  8. #48
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    Religion is nothing more than a psychological need to believe in a higher being than ourselves. A lot of nice stories that have some of you with a feel good feeling in your gut but in reality is probably nothing more than a coincidence. I've seen no medical evidence to support any such claim. Nothing has been brought forward to support the so called cancer or acute problems. The only thing that has been stated was "I was sick and I prayed" its not enough for me. I've had one incidence in my life where I experienced an individual make a miracle recovery. The cancer was documented by a whole department. The individual had a whole convent of nuns praying for her for about a month and the cancer went away. The incident was also investigated by the catholic church and was found to have merit. So, what I have read so far isn't backed up with any proof as far as the Cancer or the acute medical condition therefore is nothing more than coincidence that you happened to pray and your problem was gone.
    I'm amazed that none of you claim to play with poisonous snakes and the power of prayer would not only keep you from getting bit but if you did get bit you wouldn't die as a result. Someone recently within the last year or so got bit by an eastern diamond back rattlesnake and died so I guess the power of prayer didn't happen to work in this instance. I frequent a lot of churches and what I see would amaze you. I had one Baptist preacher tell me the devil made him fall and after getting up from his fall he promptly prayed and his shoulder that he hurt was instantly better. Give me a brake....... I have no love for the devil as its all of the good vers evil thing. If there is a devil I doubt that he/she/it would target a Baptist preacher so that an injury would result. The reality of this whole thing is some of you people lead such a screwed up life that you need to believe there is something out there and that something is a god and that god is going to waste his time watching insignificant people like yourselves so that he can work a miracle or two. I believe in a God simply because we didn't just happen into existence but I also believe we are nothing more than a simple amusement and when God tires of us we will be gone in a split second. So, please no moronic comments like "I will pray for you" from any of you. You all are free to believe in whatever you wish to the extent that you wish and keep it to yourselves please.
    6bg, you just came here to "show off" your denial, didn't you? To disrupt people of faith discussing what people of faith discuss, didn't you? OK. You're FAR from the first and won't be the last. But what you're doing just shows how much evil and ill will you've let within you.

    That's YOUR problem, sir. We've been putting up with people like you and thoughts like yours for 2,000 years now. Do you seriously think that you're suddenly going to be the one who steps up and unravels the whole thing? HAR! You're a real legend in your own mind, aren't you?

    There's nothing you can say, do, think or feel that hasn't been said, done, thought or felt in the past 2,000 years, but your inner grandiosity and worship of your own self, has led you to the inane concept that what you're doing is rational. It's not, but I don't expect you to see that. You're just another convert to another power other than God, and are doing that entity's bidding, succumbing to evil temptations, and poisoning your thoughts and words and deeds.

    And in all probability, you're doing it to "get even with God" for allowing something bad to happen to you, that you didn't WANT to happen.

    You've been told why things like this happen, but you choose to not accept it, so you can carry on your denial and vendetta against God. So be it. God gives you that privilege, and nobody here can override that, nor do they seek to.

    But you look awfully foolish among a bunch of believers who KNOW things that you have just simply chosen to hide your face from and pretend don't exist. That's your decision and your consequences to pay for when the bill finally comes due.

    God lets us all run a tab, and only presents us with the bill at the final hour. Just before you die, I suspect you'll have one last, final revelation about how foolish and willful and dependent on evil you've been. That's a very poor moment to choose to see what's been apparent all along, but that's YOUR business, and YOUR quandry to deal with as YOU determine fit for you.

    I'll just never understand how people can be so totally unfair and willful to their own SELVES.

  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus

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    C'mon, guys. I KNOW some of you have more stories. Don't let the idjit disbelievers have the Chapel here, or intimidate you, or make you afraid of what they might say! I KNOW many of you have stories you can relate. PLEASE don't hold them under a bushel. If one of you starts this thread back again, I think many would be blessed by it.

    I for one have seen prayer do things that I was personally SURE meant the difference in the end, though many were receiving medical attention as well. It's one of those things that YOU know was God's hand at work, but most of us know agnostics and disbelievers of every other type will mock us for telling such stories.

    It's when we do this that we LET the non-believers control US! That ain't right, men! So let's show 'em what REAL Christians are, and that we're not afraid of their inane and quarrelsome aspersions.

    Let's hear from you what YOU have seen and felt. It matters, so don't let the idjits take that from us. We simply CANNOT let them do this, without diminishing our own selves in the process.

    No, it's not always pleasant to deal with these aggressive non-believers, but it's what God demands we should do whenever our lives and our whole religion isn't on the line. We either use what we have or we lose it.

    So, I challenge each of you to post some example where you felt prayer was at least a vital part of someone's being healed. I doubt there's a single one among us who hasn't had that experience, so let's give those non-believers enough targets to play with that maybe they'll get tired of it and just go away.

    And it's NEVER too late or unwanted to tell the truth, even if it means telling someone intruding what a boor they actually are. So let's see who worships PC theology, and who's willing to stand up for his beliefs. After all, if you can't or won't stand up for your beliefs and faith, who else will ..... or should?

    It's up to each of us, really, to do battle against evil. We're the strong right arm of God, if we'll just allow ourselves to be. God and Christ were never timid when challenged. They may have remained silent, but were NEVER timid, nor afraid. How can WE, who call ourselves by His name, be that way? If we are, we let Satan rule, not Christ.

    Have we so little faith as to let these disbelievers run rampant here in the Chapel, even, and run US off? Heavenly Father I HOPE NOT!!!! If we have no more spine than that in our beliefs, what are they then worth, really? A powerful question, and one we NEED to answer. It's not about our being "ready" for it.

    It's just about our DEALING with it, whenever and wherever it occurs! And here is NO place to let it run rampant nor let it be without countering it, and doing so effectively! Don't we all realize that? Or have we become more PC than we are Christian?

  10. #50
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Ahh I don't think anyone is afraid of them . They just know they can put a damper on things so they do . I normally don't even read their posts and if you read the latest ones it's not hard to figure out why . They will say anything to get an argument started or do some trolling to get you to trying to convince them of GOD . All just to torment and make people mad . They are drawn to places like this like a moth to a flame to cause believers problems . Any prayer , good work , praise or form of worship irritates them. No ones conviction needs defense and GOD certainly does not need defense. As long as you give them ANY attention at all they just get worse . As the sticky says at the top of the Chapel ;

    Your church affiliation is not important , we care about you not the name on the building your church meets in . We are here to simply help each other , give praise to our GOD , pray for one another and provide encouragement .

    It's pretty self explanatory . They could start a topic in the pit but thats not enough 'fun' . Nothing but trolls .

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    I guess there are a few of you that seem to be afraid now that a posed a simple question or two. I simply wish to know if any of you that profess to have been healed have any proof. If not then I guess I will continue to wonder. Many pasters and ministers I have spoken to have commented that investigations have been carried out in such cases. The catholic church for example investigates these miracles. So, anything on paper to back any of these miracles up?

  12. #52
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    You haven't "posed a simple question," sir, you've intruded where you are unsuitable to be. That's something different than what you claim it is. You're doing EXACTLY what Boaz says, and the funny and tragic part of it is, YOU think it's funny. It's not. It's an aggression, and while Boaz has a point, and a very good one, you're just serving quite another entity than God. And you know it. And you find glee in that. So be it. You idjit deniers have been doing what you do for many centuries, and you've not made one speck of difference. But you continue anyway. You continue because you're compelled by your inner knowledge that we're right and your contentions are wrong, but you don't care about that, you're gonna' do it anyway because of your compulsion to intrude where you honestly have no right to be.

    You do these things not just knowingly and willfully, but with glee, as though you ENJOY it - disrupting righteous purposes. You can't resist it, so .... you don't. You're not ever in control of your own selves, nor anything you say. You consistently revert to age-old lies that have been disproven and discredited for many, many years. I'd think you could come up with SOMETHING different every now and then, but your type has NO respect for reality or logic or reason or belief. So you do what you do, apparently in the belief that by intruding here, you're agrandizing your own selves.

    You have no place here because you don't believe, and thus, are unfit to do what we do here. But YOU say "I have a right ...." No sir. You don't. You may have a privilege, but you do NOT, emphatically, have any right to intrude upon righteous prayer and discussion. That's supposed to be allowed in the pit.

    If you insist on intruding, we'll deal with it. You obviously can't. You can only intrude, and that's not "dealing with" anything. It's just showing just how wretchedly twisted and desperate you really are.

    Whores and other sinners are welcome in any real church. Those who are determined to disbelieve, no matter what, and are here to disrupt are NOT welcome. You're more out of place than a "***** in church." The one you're whored out to, though, will eventually consume you and all that you've ever been. But you don't care about that ..... yet. But you will one day. But it'll be too late then. I actually still feel sorry for one so lame and forlorn as you obviously are.

  13. #53
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    I guess there are a few of you that seem to be afraid now that a posed a simple question or two. I simply wish to know if any of you that profess to have been healed have any proof. If not then I guess I will continue to wonder. Many pasters and ministers I have spoken to have commented that investigations have been carried out in such cases. The catholic church for example investigates these miracles. So, anything on paper to back any of these miracles up?
    LOL , classic example .

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    Sir, I believe in reality. If you cannot prove there is an injury or sickness then its in your head. Most if not all of what I have read is nothing more than coincidence. Some of you people eat, sleep, and dream religion. Wake up! There is more to life than what you have been brain washed to believe. I grew up as a child in a catholic home. I can still remember the religion that was taught in the catholic grade school. What we learned what was repeated over and over and over again. We learned question and answers and all was drummed into our heads. This is nothing more than simple brain washing.
    Have to agree with that. Truth and reality are very hard to grasp sometimes. faith is rather easy. I will put my so-called "faith" in educated doctors an empirical tested scientific evidence whenever me or my family is sick.

    Well doesn't the Bible say somewhere "ask and you shall receive" So stop going to the doctors and just ask to be healed to see how your life goes....

    If it wasn't for advanced science and very good doctors I would have been dead ten years ago but they found damage to my aorta from an auto accident in an MRI were able to save me.I don't think prayer would have done so well.

  15. #55
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    Mr. Blackwater, I happen to have the same right that you do to post here. I asked a simple question and that is show me the proof. So far no proof has been given to prove anyone was actually sick and or cured of this sickness. You all profess to be God fearing people and you done nothing but attack me for asking for some simple proof. Some have gone as far as to suggest that I am with the devil. Unless I am badly mistaken this particular thread this section is no different than any other section in this forum. ANY person has the right to come in and to post. If you feel I am in error than do your best to get be banned from this forum. Until this happens I will continue to ask the same question and that is show me the proof.

  16. #56
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    Quote Originally Posted by 6bg6ga View Post
    Let me guess......when you had cancer you were never treated with any drugs. I'm going to pray tonight for a full head of hair. Maybe if I pray all night I'll end up with enough so you don't see my balding head. I too was sick when I was young and had a fever of 104 and it was climbing. I prayed and so did my mother but I give credit for the shot in the butt I got.
    Just for the record my temp ran 108 degrees for most of the night my mother sat outside my room praying. Tell us how many 13 year olds live thru that with no brain damage?

    How many with twisted legs and back's go on to walk and serve their Country in active duty with no hardship.

    What's the average of folks with cancer that take chemo with no ill effects and recover from cancer after being told they have a 30% chance of living more than a month or two. Then try to convince me there is no power in Prayer.
    Lets make America GREAT again!
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  17. #57
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    BTW, I did not go bald till years later in my old age, just as my father did.
    Lets make America GREAT again!
    Go, Go, Go, Go, Go Donald Trump

    Keep your head on your shoulders
    Sit with your back to the wall
    Be ready to draw on a moments notice

  18. #58
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    Well, if this did indeed happen your probably in the medical journals. Any idea of what month and year I can start looking? JAMA would have some good records and articles on such an impressive event as yours.

  19. #59
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    The Great Randy (de bunker of Uri Gellar)offers a million-dollar prize for proof of Supernatural in a controlled setting (prayer being one of them) I am sure if it worked somebody would be a million dollars richer right now.

  20. #60

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackwater View Post
    You haven't "posed a simple question," sir, you've intruded where you are unsuitable to be. That's something different than what you claim it is. You're doing EXACTLY what Boaz says, and the funny and tragic part of it is, YOU think it's funny. It's not. It's an aggression, and while Boaz has a point, and a very good one, you're just serving quite another entity than God. And you know it. And you find glee in that. So be it. You idjit deniers have been doing what you do for many centuries, and you've not made one speck of difference. But you continue anyway. You continue because you're compelled by your inner knowledge that we're right and your contentions are wrong, but you don't care about that, you're gonna' do it anyway because of your compulsion to intrude where you honestly have no right to be.

    You do these things not just knowingly and willfully, but with glee, as though you ENJOY it - disrupting righteous purposes. You can't resist it, so .... you don't. You're not ever in control of your own selves, nor anything you say. You consistently revert to age-old lies that have been disproven and discredited for many, many years. I'd think you could come up with SOMETHING different every now and then, but your type has NO respect for reality or logic or reason or belief. So you do what you do, apparently in the belief that by intruding here, you're agrandizing your own selves.

    You have no place here because you don't believe, and thus, are unfit to do what we do here. But YOU say "I have a right ...." No sir. You don't. You may have a privilege, but you do NOT, emphatically, have any right to intrude upon righteous prayer and discussion. That's supposed to be allowed in the pit.

    If you insist on intruding, we'll deal with it. You obviously can't. You can only intrude, and that's not "dealing with" anything. It's just showing just how wretchedly twisted and desperate you really are.

    Whores and other sinners are welcome in any real church. Those who are determined to disbelieve, no matter what, and are here to disrupt are NOT welcome. You're more out of place than a "***** in church." The one you're whored out to, though, will eventually consume you and all that you've ever been. But you don't care about that ..... yet. But you will one day. But it'll be too late then. I actually still feel sorry for one so lame and forlorn as you obviously are., you talk as if you may be able to understand my habit of "shaking the dust from my shoes" and leaving these serpents to GOD, to be dealt with. It is a waste of your time and you may well be squandering a chance to witness to an open mind, while engaging these reprobates.

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C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check