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Thread: We saw 13 Hours in Benghazi yesterday afternoon

  1. #1
    Boolit Master

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    We saw 13 Hours in Benghazi yesterday afternoon

    Mrs. Brass and I went to see "13 Hours" yesterday afternoon. Great show.
    I can see why the low information types do not "get it". It deals strictly with events on the ground in Benghazi. It doesn't name persons outside Libya. If you do not know that Hillz and DingleBarry's actions led to the chaos and Chris Stevens was trying to clean up some of the mess they caused, it's just another "violent shoot-em up picking on people who don't look like us."

    I think it is pretty accurate. I kept thinking, "Why on earth did we risk American lives like that?" Even worse, "Why didn't the US Gov't send ANY help from outside the country"? I do not buy they were too far away.

    An American plane picked up the CIA survivors and the injured, butt the American Heroes who saved their lives were left with the bodies and picked up later by a Libyan plane. Why?

    The viewing audience was very small, but it did start at 4:00 PM on a work day.

  2. #2

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    I am truly hoping this movie's timing is damaging to Hilary's campaign. I plan to go see it soon, thanks for the review.

  3. #3
    Boolit Master
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    I may be all wrong here but attacking a U.S. Embassy and murdering the ambasador would be grounds for declaring war on the country in which it happened. And am well aware of the tet offensive in which the U.S. embassy was overun. But we were at at war with the viet cong and north vietnam. The comment made by hildabeast "at this point what does it matter" will never be forgotten by a lot of folks. Frank

  4. #4
    Boolit Master GabbyM's Avatar
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    As far as I know General Ham is still under house arrest for trying to send in help. Along with the US Admiral who was in command of naval forces.

  5. #5
    Boolit Master

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    Don't ever think that we could not have sent in help, all were told to stand down and let 4 Americans meet their fate. It was a ploy to distract the American People from what was really going on and in my mind it was we were supplying the new terrorist group that was just coming to the world stage.
    Beware of a government that fears its citizens having the means to protect themselves.
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  6. #6
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by shdwlkr View Post
    Don't ever think that we could not have sent in help, all were told to stand down and let 4 Americans meet their fate. It was a ploy to distract the American People from what was really going on and in my mind it was we were supplying the new terrorist group that was just coming to the world stage.
    A plan to let four Americans meet their fate?

    It was a plan to let all of them meet their fate!

    We know the "Stand down" order was given. There are too many witnesses to claim it wasn't. We still don't have an official statement of who gave the "Stand down" order or an official statement of where Barry was during those 13 hours.

    Best guess so far is Barry didn't care and wouldn't respond. Unconfirmed reports say Valerie Jarrett gave the "Stand down" order. Petraeus was fired for stating "CIA did not give the stand down order." Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Don't waste your time with "TruthorFiction," Wikepedia, or the other disinformation outlets. Check out the Usterman Report for info on her. A disinformation outlet can slice and dice the truth too fine! "Never claimed to be a Muslim" is not the same as "Not a Muslim." Born in Iran is a Muslim unless self-identified as a Christian! "Never claimed to desire the Muslim overthrow of the Western world" does not mean not a believer in a global caliphate, it just means we can't find the quote on the front page of the New York Times!

  7. #7
    Boolit Master
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    The Americans Killed in Benghazi, in My Opinion, were Intended to be Just the Ambassador and close Staff as Hilary Ignored His Repeated calls for more Security at that Consulate.
    I think Hilary "Got rid of a Thorn in Her side" there.

    Just my /Reading on The Information released So far.

    Best Regards,
    Chev. William

  8. #8
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chev. William View Post
    The Americans Killed in Benghazi, in My Opinion, were Intended to be Just the Ambassador and close Staff as Hilary Ignored His Repeated calls for more Security at that Consulate.
    I think Hilary "Got rid of a Thorn in Her side" there.

    Just my /Reading on The Information released So far.

    Best Regards,
    Chev. William
    That could be.

    "What difference could it make now?"

    Uh, oh! Now I am quoting her!

    It could make a big difference.
    Could Ambassador Stevens' itinerary have been hacked from her server? Could her server have led his murderers straight to him while she ignored his calls for help?
    Is the FBI going to recommend indictment? If so, will the AG indict? If no, or no, then what comes next?

  9. #9
    Boolit Grand Master bedbugbilly's Avatar
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    "What do you mean did I wipe my computer clean . . . do you mean like with a cloth?"

    My wife and I haven't seen the movie yet but we plan on it. The "timing"? Who really knows . . . but I sure as heck it makes the knuckleheads think twice on who to vote for.

    What's scary is that the younger generation are being lead like a bunch of sheep. This is one group that they hope will vote for the left . . . and who have no idea of what socialism is or what it will mean to this country if they get in office. What's even scarier . . . on the news today, we heard they took a poll of college students and one of the questions was . . "Who is Judge Judy"? Some had no idea . . . some thought she was a Supreme Court Justice!

    What happened in Benghazi is a black mark on this country which never should have happened . . and everything leads back to you know who. And yet . . . once again . . . justice is not served in making those responsible for it answer to the people of this country . . . instead, they make excuses and refuse to accept the responsibility . .. . and there are people who want more of this????? It sickens me just to watch her on TV and listen to her excuses and arrogant attitude.

  10. #10
    Boolit Master
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    I sure am planning to catch that movie soon. I believe it was all politics. Too close to November elections. I can't see how some people can't figure it out. After all, it happened on Sept. 11, the anniversary of The Twin Towers. I heard Bill Whittle on a you tube video, say if we couldn't honestly get there on time, he would fly the F-16's just above ground going super sonic and the boom would break every window in Benghazi and let them know: "We Are Coming".

  11. #11
    Boolit Master

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    I saw this again last night. I was alittle disturbed leaving after the first viewing. Like your first BJ and going to the bar to celebrate because you can't get the bad taste outta your mouth. As I said in a previous review, the film mainly depicts the events on the ground in Bengahzi with very few cutouts to the national political structure. No names were dropped but repeated refrence in the movie as trying for help through channels with no response and a few outside the chain of command which also fell on deft ears.

    When I got home I started going through and reading some info on it which paints 'the other side of the story' and it isn't pretty. Alligations from news blackouts or spoonfeeding the Kool Aid to the U.S. national press what they wanted. Obama was in the middle of a re-election campaign and had just made the claims that OBL was dead and the world terroist were on the run. The U.S. Government just organized/supported a coup, regime change, I mean a civil war on a questionable grounds. Kadaffe was no longer in charge of the county prior to all the turmoil. I never heard that here on the news. Was it because the country was trying to organize other 3rd world countries on the continent into a convienant regional government run banking system without the private sector help from the WB. Reguardless, we didn't follow through to the end and left when the new regime needed us the most. As a reult, it has fallen to the thugs to become a breeding academy for the future. As mentioned earlier, I think this was just an inside job on the ambassador. He was doing well, the country was semi stable but he k ew too much and was a thorn in someones side.

    I don't think the movie was directed as a mud slinging event. Hollywood wouldn't allow that in our current polical cycle. Maybe if the current regime was R. Is what it does do is piss off the audiance and re-ignite their desire to learn what happened. Not what the machine wants you to know as they hand out the Kool-Aid and shrug their shoulders but outside of the machine.

    As I left the theater last night, I ran into an aquaintence who just viewed the movie with a friend of his. Yea, they were both pissed off. The friend (about early 50s) made the comment that he would never vote D again for the rest of his life after watching that movie.
    Last edited by Greg S; 01-22-2016 at 09:00 PM.

  12. #12
    Boolit Master
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    Maybe even if O'bammy's and Hildabeast's complicity in letting Americans be murdered wasn't directly mentioned hopefully it will cause people say "Well where was O'bammy and Hildebeast when this was going on?" Hopefully it might start that unscratchable itch in the back of some people's minds. Sometimes the unsaid can be the most damning.

  13. #13
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by Don Purcell View Post
    Maybe even if O'bammy's and Hildabeast's complicity in letting Americans be murdered wasn't directly mentioned hopefully it will cause people say "Well where was O'bammy and Hildebeast when this was going on?" Hopefully it might start that unscratchable itch in the back of some people's minds. Sometimes the unsaid can be the most damning.
    Make them think instead of just follow.

  14. #14
    Boolit Master

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    Attack a Russian embassy somewhere. See if it takes Putin 8 hours to do anything.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master GabbyM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooterg View Post
    Attack a Russian embassy somewhere. See if it takes Putin 8 hours to do anything.
    Knock down a couple buildings in New York City then see if we don't come bust over your entire nation. Just saying!!

  16. #16
    Boolit Grand Master popper's Avatar
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    Blackhawk down was another one full of desk jockey idiots.

  17. #17
    Boolit Master

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    I know, my comments should be in the pit......

    I haven't seen the movie yet. I was always betting my roll of tin foil that most of it was staged to make the big O to look more presidential.

    - Big O is about to have a debate with the leading Republican, and wants to cinch his role as a world negotiator.
    -"They" decided that the Big O needs a political boost.
    - Benghazi was a classified listening post. Most of the equipment and personnel were pulled out prior to the "event."
    - The compound security detail pulled out prior to the "event."
    - "They" believe that militants will take the compound and Ambassador Stevens as hostage, and demand ransom or other political favor.
    - "They" believe that the Big O will negotiate the release of Ambassador Stevens and will be seen as a "Great Statesman"
    - "They" purposely let Benghazi fall, and withhold military support for a rescue. To set the stage for "ransom negotiations."
    - Problem - "They" failed to properly estimate the intent of the militants, and Ambassador Stevens and other Americans are killed.
    - "They" do their best to sweep everything under the carpet, and blame it all on some trivial militant and say they couldn't get military support to the compound.

    And these are the same people who are attempting to elect H as president. I also believe they have Bloomberg all set up to set in to take over the Dem's lead when H falls. Bloomberg will be able to go against the Republicans without any of the bad media behind him, because "he is late to the race."

    Do I need more aluminum foil for my hat?
    Last edited by scarry scarney; 01-25-2016 at 01:32 PM.

  18. #18
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by scarry scarney View Post
    I know, my comments should be in the pit......

    I haven't seen the movie yet. I was always betting my roll of tin foil that most of it was staged to make the big O to look more presidential.

    - Big O is about to have a debate with the leading Republican, and wants to cinch his role as a world negotiator.
    -"They" decided that the Big O needs a political boost.
    - Benghazi was a classified listening post. Most of the equipment and personnel were pulled out prior to the "event."
    - The compound security detail pulled out prior to the "event."
    - "They" believe that militants will take the compound and Ambassador Stevens as hostage, and demand ransom or other political favor.
    - "They" believe that the Big O will negotiate the release of Ambassador Stevens and will be seen as a "Great Statesman"
    - "They" purposely let Benghazi fall, and withhold military support for a rescue. To set the stage for "ransom negotiations."
    - Problem - "They" failed to properly estimate the intent of the militants, and Ambassador Stevens and other Americans are killed.
    - "They" do their best to sweep everything under the carpet, and blame it all on some trivial militant and say they couldn't get military support to the compound.

    And these are the same people who are attempting to elect H as president. I also believe they have Bloomberg all set up to set in to take over the Dem's lead when H falls. Bloomberg will be able to go against the Republicans without any of the bad media behind him, because "he is late to the race."

    Do I need more aluminum foil for my hat?
    Very plausible!

    Bloomberg or Biden (Not so likely!) or Michelle (Maybe?)

  19. #19
    Boolit Master

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    Chris "Tanto" Paranto came to Grand Junction, Colorado on Wednesday, January 27, to talk about Benghazi. He is an impressive speaker!
    Colorado Mesa University hosted him and the house was packed! His visit was front page news on the Daily Sentinel on January 28.

    Mrs. Brass and I went back and saw the movie again today at 4:00 PM on a workday. We got there near the end of the previews. Today the back half of the theater had no empty seats. There were also plenty of people in the front half where we had to sit. It seemed like there were only a few more cars parked there than last week. I guess they were concentrated in the 13 hours showing.

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