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Thread: Canadian Ranger "Marksmanship Mechanics & Ballistic Tables

  1. #41
    In Remembrance Reverend Al's Avatar
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    Actually, the new Canadian Rangers issue .308 rifle is manufactured by Tikka (Sako) and is listed in Canadian military inventory as the "C-19" ... they were designed to replace the old Lee Enfield .303 British rifles since military inventory was running out on both the No. 4 LE rifles and spare parts for them. It was simply time to upgrade to a new rifle chambered for the 7.62 Nato (.308) cartridge ...

    I may have passed my "Best Before" date, but I haven't reached my "Expiry" date!

  2. #42
    Boolit Man Dead Dog Jack's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    The original post is thirteen years old and is a dead link. Should this still be a sticky?
    Rule .303

  3. #43
    Boolit Buddy
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    Feb 2021
    Dominion, got bought out by IVI, got bought out by General Dynamics and are back producing small amounts of Brass for the civilian market. 5.62, 300 Blackout and 7.62 but the first two mention are the ones available now.
    I used to buy Dominion primers from Canada Ammo from time to time. Should have bought a pallet of them.
    Used to sell surplus Dominion powder too. Still have some D700X.
    Dominion Arms is putting their name on other things now although I think it is an offshoot division and not powder or brass related. Seems every couple years there is a flip and someone else owns it.
    A few years back I saw Marstar's selling Dominion 303 Ammo.
    Check out:

  4. #44
    Moderator Emeritus robertbank's Avatar
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    Terrace, B.C. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Polymath View Post
    Dominion, got bought out by IVI, got bought out by General Dynamics and are back producing small amounts of Brass for the civilian market. 5.62, 300 Blackout and 7.62 but the first two mention are the ones available now.
    I used to buy Dominion primers from Canada Ammo from time to time. Should have bought a pallet of them.
    Used to sell surplus Dominion powder too. Still have some D700X.
    Dominion Arms is putting their name on other things now although I think it is an offshoot division and not powder or brass related. Seems every couple years there is a flip and someone else owns it.
    A few years back I saw Marstar's selling Dominion 303 Ammo.
    Check out:
    IVI makes all the small arms ammunition for the Canadian Armed Forces to this day. I am not aware of IVI producing brass for the civilian market. They make no ammunition for the civilian market. IVI Industries is owned by SNC Technologies Inc. headquartered in Valcartier Quebic. The Dominion brand was originally owned by Canadian Industries Ltd. and was a child of WW11 and sold. I pick up IVI brass at our range after the RCMP or Fed. Fisheries do their annual qualifiers. I don't reload the brass as some of it have crimped primers which are a pain to catch when you are reloading.

    I may have a copy of the Cdn Ranger info. If do I will post the actual document here.

    Dominion primers are not made by IVI or "Dominion" . They are branded primers for the Canadian market and made in Bosnia or the Ukraine. I have seen the shipping box marked from both countries.

    Can Pro primers are from the same company in Bosnia. Bosnia is what is printed on the boxes they come in. Don't get fooled by the pretty Maple Leaf on the primer package. They may well be Russian Tula primers rebranded as Bosnian primers to get around the West's sanctions. I have used both Can Pro and Dominion primers for the past several years because they were significantly less expensive then Winchester, CCI, Federal and Remington primers and more importantly were available. There is no difference in results using them they all go bang in my guns. I have 15,000 of them in my loading room as I write this. Most will be used up by September.

    D700X is cannister powder I believe out of Hogdon plant in Montreal. The continues to make 700X in Montreal. They make make other powders for Hogdon as well. D700X was said to be 5% faster than 700X. If it is/was my chronograph did not report a difference between D700X and 700X. I have about 8lbs of the powder and use it in 9MM and 38spl.

    Take Care

    ps The old Dominion ammunition was made by the CIL subsidiary. There is not a connection between that ammo and the "Dominion" branded primers sold by several retailers over the past five years or so.

    pps The General Dynamic brass being sold by Marstar is made in the US. Knowing Marstar it well could be over run brass from General Dynamics. Some of our American friends can comment if General Dynamics sells primed brass in the US to the retail market.

    ppss: SNC Technologies Inc. is a subsidiary of SNC Lavelin a Canadian engineering conglomerate with offices in Canada, the US and Europe. A simple Google search got me the corporate structure of the company that makes IVI ammunition in Canada. I doubt the Canadian Government would allow any foreign company to purchase the assets of SNC Technologies Inc.
    Last edited by robertbank; 01-30-2023 at 11:03 PM.
    Its been months since I bought the book, "How to scam people online". It still has not arrived yet!

    "If the human population held hands around the equator, a significant portion of them would drown"

  5. #45
    Boolit Grand Master

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    On an old Apache camp area !
    Our Present "ruling mass" would gladly sell their lives and future to the highest bidder.
    "Behold The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world". John 1:29
    Male Guanaco out in dry lakebed at 10,800 feet south of Arequipa.

  6. #46
    Boolit Buddy
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    Quote Originally Posted by robertbank View Post
    ppss: SNC Technologies Inc. is a subsidiary of SNC Lavelin a Canadian engineering conglomerate with offices in Canada, the US and Europe. A simple Google search got me the corporate structure of the company that makes IVI ammunition in Canada. I doubt the Canadian Government would allow any foreign company to purchase the assets of SNC Technologies Inc.
    Bob, it would appear that SNC Lavelin has a side office within the Imperial Suite of Canada's Prime Minister Racist Black Face. Kind of odd how the Force sort of disappeared that investigation into influence peddling and campaign funding during the election campaign. Or at least, I haven't heard anything about it since.

    And unless I misunderstand the sale, Diemaco was eagerly sold to a foreign company named Colt, located in a foreign country somewhere to the south. I did quite a few visits to the Diemaco facility during the SARP and afterwards; retired for a while now, but I believe they still do all the 3d and 4th line maintenance on Canada's military small arms as well as manufacturing. To be topical: manufacturing the new bolt action rifle for the Rangers as well.

    In 2005, Diemaco was acquired by Colt’s Manufacturing LLC and our company name changed to Colt Canada. Under new ownership Colt Canada has further expanded and diversified it’s products throughout our customer fleets.

    And unless my memory is foggy, Diemaco itself was either a creation of Héroux-Devtek, or snapped up by Diemaco with the intention of becoming the manufacturer proving the new family of weapons for the SARP as well as foreign governments.

  7. #47
    Boolit Buddy
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    Whitefish, MT
    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Dog Jack View Post
    The original post is thirteen years old and is a dead link. Should this still be a sticky?
    The references in the original post are mostly of historical interest, and within the context that somebody within the Ranger element decided to put that together, not even somebody within Ranger Higher Niner back in NDHQ. Not throwing dirt on their parade or claiming it's of little interest, just pointing out the relevant context and nuance when applied to ammunition that is not actually MkVII.

    Actual ball Mk VII ammo is about as easy to find today as stud unicorn foreskins and as expensive as fairy gold dust, so the sight corrections provided aren't going to help anyone much who's running military issue adjustable rear sights while using jacketed ammo, factory or reloads if they intend to shoot at any ranges beyond about 200 yards.

    Hornady and Sierra's 174 gr. bullets, when loaded to the same MV as Mk VII, does not show the same drop and drift at longer ranges when groups are shot side by side under the same conditions. There is repeatedly talk within the Lee Enfield community over the years for somebody to begin manufacturing of a replica Mk VII bullet for reloaders to use, but as best I remember the one guy who came closest to doing that was somebody in Australia that has yet to begin doing that.

    My remaining stocks of the very excellent Greek ball ammo have dwindled to the point I have been considering breaking it down my remaining 550 rounds into lots of 10 for sale, for serious owners of Lee Enfields to see what the accuracy potential of their rifle is with ball ammo known to be of excellent grouping capability.

    If attempting to replicate Mk VII ballistics with today's bullets as part of replicating the same sight settings and adjustments isn't enough, when you hit the range with an unaltered rifle and it's sights with some actual Mk VII ammunition isn't enough to drive you crazy, you'll quickly find that Canadian and British pams at time are in disagreement as to what changes in POI result from the same sight changes.

    In my case, I finally realized that the official military pams for the rifle gave me a very close starting point, and figuring out what actually correct for my rifle with its sights was correct - whether using Mk VII or my best reloads.

    I do have .pdf versions of the Shoot To Live pam published in 1945 "this handbook for officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers of the Canadian Army, an attempt has been made to present a sound, simple and sensible method of teaching men to shoot correctly, effectively and consistently" by the Canadian government.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	______ Recipe1g.jpg 
Views:	3 
Size:	57.6 KB 
ID:	313051

    Furthermore, other military pams for the Lee Enfield from both the Canadian and British government that cover the years from the 1940s to the last pams published by the Canadian government relating to the No. 4 Mk1 for 1st, 2nd, 3d line maintenance as well as the individual soldier's pam for the rifle. And the armourers' instructions for setting up the rifle sights correctly and zeroed before the rifle ever arrived in a soldier's hands.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	______ Recipe1h.jpg 
Views:	3 
Size:	50.4 KB 
ID:	313054

    And finally, documentation from the DCRA and others on how to properly stock up a Lee Enfield for best grouping ability all the way out to 900 yards in Service Rifle type competition using military ball ammunition.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	______ Recipe1i.jpg 
Views:	7 
Size:	39.6 KB 
ID:	313055

    However, Shoot To Live alone weighs in at 27 Mb in size, so it's not as simple as inserting it into a sticky. Does this forum have a library as well where documents such as this can be uploaded to?

    There's a wealth of military source historical pams and documents concerning the Lee Enfield rifle, as well as from national competitive organizations like the DCRA. But it's hard to find it all together in one place, as far as I know. If we don't have a library here, perhaps I should look into this cloud thingy to make things available to all who could use it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ______ Recipe1h.jpg  

  8. #48
    Moderator Emeritus robertbank's Avatar
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    Terrace, B.C. Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by MOC031 View Post
    Bob, it would appear that SNC Lavelin has a side office within the Imperial Suite of Canada's Prime Minister Racist Black Face. Kind of odd how the Force sort of disappeared that investigation into influence peddling and campaign funding during the election campaign. Or at least, I haven't heard anything about it since.

    And unless I misunderstand the sale, Diemaco was eagerly sold to a foreign company named Colt, located in a foreign country somewhere to the south. I did quite a few visits to the Diemaco facility during the SARP and afterwards; retired for a while now, but I believe they still do all the 3d and 4th line maintenance on Canada's military small arms as well as manufacturing. To be topical: manufacturing the new bolt action rifle for the Rangers as well.

    In 2005, Diemaco was acquired by Colt’s Manufacturing LLC and our company name changed to Colt Canada. Under new ownership Colt Canada has further expanded and diversified it’s products throughout our customer fleets.

    And unless my memory is foggy, Diemaco itself was either a creation of Héroux-Devtek, or snapped up by Diemaco with the intention of becoming the manufacturer proving the new family of weapons for the SARP as well as foreign governments.
    Diemaco morphed into Colt Canada sometime ago. Colt Canada has a VG reputation for making quality AR15 style rifles I believe the Danes use our Colt Canada rifles. Turdo has placed all AR's under house arrest for the time being. Pierre says he will reverse the OIC. I am afraid if our American friends continue to suffer school shootings where the firearm of choice is the AR he might not be able to reverse the ban as freely as he would wish. Time will tell. To my knowledge IVI remains under the corporate tree of CNC Lavelin. If Pierre does reverse the house arrest i am going to drop what ever it takes to pick up a Colt Canada rifle. I suspectr guys ewill be selling some of their toys off in anticipation of another Liberal Gov't after the Conservatives clean Turdos mess up.

    Take Care

    Its been months since I bought the book, "How to scam people online". It still has not arrived yet!

    "If the human population held hands around the equator, a significant portion of them would drown"

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check