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Thread: Lead Ingots For Sale - Buyer's Choice

  1. #1
    Vendor Sponsor
    TheCaptain's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Stratford, Connecticut

    Lead Ingots For Sale - Buyer's Choice


    * updated 01/22/2024* The USPS has increased their postage rates, effective 1/21/24. Prices: Small Flat Rate Box is $10.40, Medium Flat Rate Box is $18.40, and Large Flat Rate Box is $24.75. Range lead price has been increased by almost a penny and a half per pound (exactly .014 cents per pound) so a pound of range lead is now $1.192 (up from $1.178). Percentage wise, the increase is 1.19%. *end of update*

    * updated 01/17/2024* From time to time, I should have clipon ingots in stock in addition to Range Lead ingots. Please send me a PM to check on availability of the clipon lead since I should be getting more clipon ww's at some point in the near future. At the time of this writing, I have about 3500 pounds of Range Lead ingots in stock. Price and payment information are below. Thank you. *end of update*

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lead Ingot measurements.jpg 
Views:	1121 
Size:	14.3 KB 
ID:	28264

    Analysis of one of my range lead ingots done on 7/31/2023: 98.54% lead, 1.29% antimony, .174% copper

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BulletLeadIngotComposition.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	35.6 KB 
ID:	316534

    Insurance for packages valued up to $100 is free (* updated 7/20/22) ; Once your package is in the hands of the USPS, it is USPS's responsibility to deliver it to you, not mine. If there are any problems with delivery, it is up to you to work with the USPS. Thank you.

    3/27/24 CLARIFICATION on filing a claim if there are any problems with delivery, like a lost package: For the first time since February 2006, a package of lead is seemingly lost. Mailed on 3/6/24 and last tracking was 3/16/24. As I stated above back on 7/20/22, once the package is in the possession of the USPS, any problems with the delivery are to be handled by the buyer. Insurance claims can be filed either by the SELLER OR BUYER! The easiest way to file a claim is to do it online at the USPS website. For filing Priority Mail® claims: file after 15 days and file before 60 days. In other words, you wait 15 days from the date item was shipped. And then you file the claim before 60 days has passed from shipping date.

    Here is what is required:

    1) Tracking number
    2) Proof of insurance - system lets you know to use $0 since insurance is free, up to a value of $100
    3) Proof of Value i.e. sales receipt, printout of online transaction identifying purchaser and seller, price paid, date of transaction, description of item purchase.

    Note: If one wants a copy of my invoice as an extra proof of value, I will gladly send it by email.

    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    At the end of the claims form there is the following:

    For Buyers Only: I certify that no replacement product was sent or refund was paid to me by the seller
    For Sellers Only: I certify that a replacement product was sent or a refund was paid to the buyer

    3/27/24 END OF CLARIFICATION on filing a claim

    Range Lead Prices effective 01/21/2024:

    Range Lead ingots $1.192 per pound. One 50+lb box shipped to your door is $78. The math: 1.192 x 50 = 59.60 + 18.40 = 78

    * Although I reserve the right to limit quantities, but as of this writing, I have plenty of range lead ingots in stock *

    Clipon Prices effective 08/29/2023:

    Clipon ingots $1.50 per pound. One 50+lb box is $75. Postage extra, which is $18.40 as of 1/21/2024. Total cost is $93.40

    Smaller quantities of both types of lead can be shipped via SFRB. Depending upon the pour, the box will contain between 23 to 25 pounds; I try my best to give 25+lb! But no worries, you pay by the pound. Shipping is extra per the current postage rate. Below illustrates a SFRB filled with 25+lb of flat bars of lead. Each ingot is stamped with "R" for range lead; and (when available) stamped with "C" for clipon lead.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SFRB Lead Forum.jpg 
Views:	672 
Size:	12.9 KB 
ID:	323659

    Please send a PM in regard to availability. At the time of this writing (1/22/2024), I am out of stock.

    * I reserve the right to limit quantities *

    Note: smaller quantities of lead ingots can be shipped via USPS Priority Small Flat Rate Box. The cost of the USPS Priority Small Flat Box is $10.40, as of 1/21/2024.

    ** Payment Methods ** I prefer payment via USPS Money Order for convenience of cashing at the post office. A nice perk after lugging all of this weight around! I also accept all other types of money orders, bank checks, etc. (except cash - if the letter gets lost in the mail, I have no way of proving that it never made it to my hand). If obtaining a money order is a hardship or electronic payment is preferred, I do accept PayPal but only if sent via Family/Friends option. I also accept Zelle. Thank you!

    NOTE: All payments, especially PayPal and Zelle, must first have my approval as to when they are to be sent.

    When supplying me with your name and address, PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK IT TO BE SURE THAT IT IS CORRECT. I do a copy and paste to ensure accuracy when doing invoicing and postage labeling. For first time buyers, you must provide to me your contact information via a PM or Email. Because I had one 50lb box sent to an incorrect address (circa 2012), the system showed it being returned to me... but it has not yet reached my hand. So to protect both myself and the buyer, I need to do a copy and paste. This way, I am sending to the exact address as given. If the first time buyer does not fulfill this simple request, their snail mail envelope will be refused upon receipt, and dropped back into the mail. I can not afford to misread an address or do a typo, which is easy for anyone to do. By having the buyer provide the address in electronic format, and if it is incorrect, then that's their oversight - not mine. THANK YOU.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ALL SALES OF LEAD AND QUANTITY MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO FUNDS BEING SENT. If funds are sent without approval (which has happened on occasion), I simply return the funds back to the sender. Thank you for your understanding.

    Note: I reserve the right to limit the number of boxes sold to each person and company.

    *** PLEASE NOTE *** Once a package is accepted by the USPS and is in their possession, I am no longer responsible for it. Up to $50 insurance per package is free. Should a package get lost or delayed, it is up to the forum member to do the followup. To date (since February 2007): all packages with correct addresses have made it to their destinations. There have been times a package has been delayed anywhere from 4 to 16 days either due to weather, being routed incorrectly in the USPS system, etc. - but eventually the package reaches its destination. Tracking numbers are always provided via a PM or by automatic tracking notifications from the USPS via email. Thank you ***

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Some past history:

    *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** As of 11/24/2018, I am reporting the results of having sorted and processed 1196 pounds of wheel weights fetched approximately 3 weeks ago.

    30% lead (280 lbs clipon ingots, 80.2 lbs stickons straight off the rim) ** In January of 2018, the yield in lead ingots was 48% **
    61% steel (727.1 lbs)
    8% zinc (95.1 lbs)
    1% junk (13.6 lbs).

    So as you can see, lead wheel weights are becoming more scarce... eventually in my area, there will be no more. I do have the opportunity to buy wheel weights from 2 scrap yards, but at a high price; due to the scarcity, and my expenses (notably rent), I have raised my prices. For those of you who have dealt with me over the years, I have charged a very fair price. Unfortunately, I am unable to sustain my business without raising my prices. For the time being, range lead will remain at $1.05 a pound, but I may not be able to hold to that forever. At this time, I am doing a business analysis to determine whether or not to phase out wheel weights. If I factor in my time to collect, sort, and smelt, I have lost money. That aside, with the cost of rent and propane, I am barely making a profit. You may ask, why do all of this work for very little return on investment. My answer is: I like helping my fellow shooters. I know that some people no longer can obtain lead locally as they once were able to do in the past, and I never take advantage of that. Unfortunately the day will come when I call it quits in regard to wheel weights but as things stand now, I should have a steady supply of range lead. Unfortunately, some neighboring states have banned the use of new lead wheel weights and as I have shown above, ww lead yield last year this time was 48% - and as of this writing (Nov 2018), it is down to 30%. I guess I can call this a labor of love! I enjoy this forum very much and I will hang in for as long as I can! Love you guys and gals!

    Update on 6/11/2019: I have discontinued fetching wheel weights. Too little lead, and TOO MUCH STEEL. At this time, I will be selling only range lead which I have a steady year round supply. I can fetch soft lead from time to time on an individual request basis, but price needs to be agreed upon prior to my buying it from a scrap yard, if they have it available.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Clipon WW ingots [ Discontinued as of 6/11/2019 ]

    Stickon WW ingots and straight off the rim [ discontinued as of May 2019 ]

    Please send a PM if you are looking for soft lead to check on availability at a scrapyard that I deal with.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    *** Note:
    Range lead has an approximate BHN of 12-14
    Clipon lead has an approximate BHN of 12-14, and reported by some casters to be harder (on a par with linotype)
    Stickon lead has an approximate BHN of 8-10, and has been reported by a fishing sinker company when poured into thin strips of 1/8", it bends like pure lead. Some casters use the stickon lead as a substitute for pure lead.

    I leave it up the to buyer to make his or her own determinations as to the suitability of my lead for their needs. This forum has a wealth of information to assist with this effort.
    I do offer money back guarantee for those unsmelted pounds returned, but to-date, I have yet to have a single return. I do my best to describe my lead but final choice is up to the buyer.

    *** End of Note ***


    Some information in regard to the Wheel Weight and Range Lead ingots:

    Here is what Mike (Mikenbarb) had to say about my WW lead:

    " ... and the WW lead she sells works great in my pistols and the lead is even clean enough to use in a Littleton shot maker. I did the Saeco hardness testing for her and it all comes out around the standard WW BHN. "

    Some information in regard to the Range Lead ingot:

    I must note that I do pick up lead from a few indoor ranges:
    I can say is that some ranges shoot mostly .22's, while some ranges shoot a more balance mix - ranging from .22 on up to .45acp. I am far from being an expert in regard to the hardness and properties of the lead reclaimed so I hope this description will suffice.

    A forum member recently tested my range lead ingots derived from 2 different indoor ranges. His tester is a Lee. The lead from one range was a mix of many years, due to not cleaning out the range. That sample tested at 13.4 and the other (lead cleaned out twice a year), tested at 11.

    ** update 6/27/2012 ===> My range lead is on a par with that of ww clipon lead in terms of hardness. Both types of lead have been used by professional boolit casters without any drama and feedback has been received indicating that both types are very clean.

    And talking about feedback. I would like to share with you what a new forum member asked me last week. And because I could not give him an informed answer, I asked for help from the fishing company that I deal with. The question:

    " I'm new here and was googling around to buy lead. What kind of lead would you recommend for me to melt to make fishing jigheads/ weights? "

    And the answer:

    " The captains range lead works supurb for molding sinkers and even the smallest fishing jigs. I have been buying lead from them for many years and have molded tens of thousands of sinkers and jigs. D&B Tackle uses Captain Enterprises exclusively for our lead supplies as we find that we get little to no waste and the lead pours nicely into the molds.

    Two thumbs up to a class act company.

    Floyd Reese D&B Tackle Co. Nokomis, FL "

    <=== end of update

    The average weight of the range lead ingots are around 3.5 pounds. Some may be a few tenths of a pound heavier, and others can weigh around 2.5+ pounds. Just depends upon the pour. The dimensions are approximately 7.75" long x 1.5" wide x 1" high.

    And if you are reading this, I thank you for looking!

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lead Ingot measurements.jpg 
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Size:	14.3 KB 
ID:	28264

    Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	18.5 KB 
ID:	28910

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PICT1767StickonS.JPG 
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Size:	50.1 KB 
ID:	28911

    Ingots cast using 45-70 Shooter's molds are pictured below.

    1/2 mold for stickon ingots. Approx. 2" x 4"

    Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	53.6 KB 
ID:	135176

    The longer molds were used for clipon ingots.
    Approx 2" x 7-3/4" and 2" x 8".

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	135179

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	135177

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	135178

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lead Soft.JPG 
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Size:	160.8 KB 
ID:	82871

    Click image for larger version. 

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Size:	46.4 KB 
ID:	81906
    Last edited by TheCaptain; 06-25-2024 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Approval of when funds are to be sent
    My Feedback Thread!

    For current pricing and lead information, please see Post #1 of my VS thread:


    And to see what I am up to, please visit my Facebook page!

  2. #2
    Cast Boolits Founder/B.O.B.

    45nut's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    A Bargain!
    Boolits= as God laid it into the soil,,grand old Galena,the Silver Stream graciously hand poured into molds for our consumption.

    Bullets= Machine made utilizing Full Length Gas Checks as to provide projectiles for the masses.

  3. #3
    Boolit Master bearcove's Avatar
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    Rio Rancho NM or Bearcove AK
    I'll take two packages of wheel weights

  4. #4
    Boolit Master at Heavens Range Bob Krack's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Ohio for a while Kalifornia then who knows where - Missouri?

    Glad to see ya again. If you can possibly do it, keep the stick ons separate from the clip ons. Many are willing to pay a little more for the softer lead.

    Cheers and then some,

    I was always taught to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder to find any!

    Μολὼν λαβέ; approximate Classical Greek pronunciation [molɔ̀ːn labé], Modern Greek [moˈlon laˈve]), meaning "Come and take them" is a classical expression of defiance reportedly by King Leonidas in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae.

  5. #5
    Vendor Sponsor
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    To Bob:

    Hi Bob,

    What do they say, a day late and a dollar short????? YES, I do agree with you 100% to keep the clipons separate from the stickies. I had over 900LBS of WW's that I casted the last time around; and it dawned on me (at the very tail end.................) to cast stickies separate from the clipons.... DUH on my part!!!! However, I did salvage enough stickies to make up 25 pounds of ingots; and 150+ pounds of ingots cast only from stickon's.... and sold them on the forum.

    Because I deal in such high volume, and BEFORE I became better educated... I did not know that there is a "difference". And I also marketed to people who make fishing sinkers, and they were happy to have the "mix". However: Never too late to learn.... AND I HAVE LEARN A LOT BY THE GREAT PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM, including yourself.

    But, right now, I have to deal with the "error of my ways" and sell the WW lead - which is not a lost cause since I believe some boolit casters find this type of lead OK for their particular application.

    Take care, and I thank you for your pearls of wisdom.

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie

  6. #6
    Vendor Sponsor
    TheCaptain's Avatar
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    To Bearcove.


    Please send me a PM - and we can exchange information.


    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie

  7. #7
    Boolit Grand Master

    stubshaft's Avatar
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    Southernmost State of the Union
    Kathie - Sent message from other posting. Will take 1 box of range lead. PM sent
    If you are going to make a hole in something. MAKE IT A BIG ONE!

  8. #8
    Boolit Buddy
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    hello kathie sent you a pm any questions just
    thanks for the service you give us here
    Last edited by iron mule; 11-01-2009 at 12:30 PM. Reason: typos fingers got confused

  9. #9
    Vendor Sponsor
    TheCaptain's Avatar
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    To Iron Mule

    I thank you for your PM - and your compliments. You are very kind!!!!

    Take care for now!

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie

  10. #10
    Boolit Buddy
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    well what can i say/// recieved the lead today all 4 boxes ww and range lead// was one of the best packing jobs i have seen in a while no boxes torn or broken open, all was well packed and padded // the lead ingots were very clean and well prepared/// you can't go wrong with getting your lead here// nice job / will be dealing with kathie again

  11. #11
    Vendor Sponsor
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    USPS - Rate increase

    The USPS has increased their rates for 2011 as noted in post #1, which can be viewed by clicking on the link below. Thanks!!
    Last edited by TheCaptain; 01-27-2011 at 10:51 AM. Reason: USPS rate increase Jan 2011

  12. #12
    Boolit Master
    Bullshop's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    G'Day Mam
    I have been buying from members here as they offer but it is rather a bit helter skelter though trying to find any regularity to availability and also to consistency of alloy.
    I have a custom casting business in Alaska and need a more regular source.
    I am interested in making arrangements for a steady supply.
    My needs are for both WW alloy and also very soft lead that for practical purposes could be considered pure.
    Last week I got 300 lbs of WW from a member but that was all he had.
    I would like to try a couple hundred lbs of WW alloy if you have it available.
    If it is what I need then I would expect to buy a couple hundred lbs per month average.
    I shut down my shop in the summer because we have too many subsistence chores too get done but cast commercially from October to April.
    I would most likely keep buying through out the summer just to stay ahead on inventory.
    I am anxious to hear from you.

  13. #13
    Vendor Sponsor
    TheCaptain's Avatar
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    2010 - Waiting List for WW clipons


    For prices of my lead, kindly view Post #1 which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

    Please send a PM to confirm contact and availability of lead.

    I am requesting payment to be made preferably by USPS Postal Money Order, but will take under consideration other payment methods on an individual basis. Any unsolicited funds will be returned to sender - all sales have to be approved in advance of payment.

    I reserve the right to limit quantities of lead ingots sold per customer.

    WW lead clipon ingots are cast using Ray's mold.

    WW stickon ingots are cast using Ray's "short" mold.

    Range lead ingots are cast using my signature "Bullet Lead" mold.

    In regard to my lead. Various people have tested my WW clip on lead ingots and the hardness is pretty much standard for WW. For further information, please see post #18 of this thread:

    In regard to the hardness of my range lead, current tests show it to be in a range of 12.5 to 15 BHN. In November 2009, I bought a Cabine Tree tester and the lead tested at around 12.5 BHN. Another forum member (using a Cabine Tree tester) also got 12.5 BHN. A custom boolit shop owner (Bullshop) did a test, and he came up with 15BHN.

    I will advise that I am no "expert", and I have done the best I can to describe my lead. I rely on the customer to do their own tests {if necessary} and make adjustments accordingly. My previous venue was that of fishing sinkers and I found that there was no need to be so detailed.

    If my lead does not "work out" for you, I will refund money by the pound for ingots returned and refund return postage, up to $10.20. However, since I started selling in Feb. 2006, I have yet to have anyone do any returns.

    Please note: the ingots can vary in "height" due to the pour. I sometimes do short pours, and I end up with an accumulation of ingots weighing anywhere from around 1.5LBS to around 2.5 to 3 pounds. The average weight of my ingots are around 3.6 LBs, give or take a few 10ths of pound. I MAKE NO GUARANTEE THAT ALL INGOTS IN THE BOX WILL BE AROUND THE 3.6 LB AVERAGE WEIGHT.

    I welcome all feedback, and it can be posted here in this thread and/or in the Straightshooters and Deadbeats portion of the forum as well. I thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me by way of a PM.

    I do not take monies in advance - - I don't want to deal with the recordkeeping of holding funds for lead that I do not have in stock. When I have lead ready to ship, it is at that time I will make payment arrangements (on a 1 to 1 basis) by way of a PM.

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lead Ingot measurements.jpg   PICT1246-RAY G.jpg   PICT1767StickonS.JPG  
    Last edited by TheCaptain; 01-27-2011 at 11:21 AM. Reason: link to post #1 for pricing
    My Feedback Thread!

    For current pricing and lead information, please see Post #1 of my VS thread:


    And to see what I am up to, please visit my Facebook page!

  14. #14
    Boolit Master

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    East Texas
    PM sent. I would like one lot of range lead

  15. #15
    Vendor Sponsor
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    To: Deltaenterprizes

    Thanks!!! PM has been sent to you.

    ~ K

  16. #16
    Boolit Mold
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Rhode Island
    PM sent......

  17. #17
    Boolit Bub
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Kenai Alaska
    Kathie, just out of curiosity do you have a BHN on the WW?

  18. #18
    Vendor Sponsor
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    BHN for WW

    Hi Vance,

    I am new to testing; did a few readings with my Cabine Tree tester; I get between 12 and 14 for the BHN. I am no expert by far! For the few readings I took, the dial came in at .078 and chart has .074 to .076 as 12.5 BHN (est), and .080 to .083 = 14 BHN (est).

    According the reference sheet: New WW 12.5 -est (taken at 1 day, by Cabine ) and Aged WW (14) est (taken after several months).

    My ingots have been kicking about for a couple of months; and it is anyone's guess as to the age of the "raw" WW-s; and according to the cross reference sheet, Cabine Tree states: "WW (wheel wts) vary in composition and your results may vary slightly."

    And I must emphasize that I am a newbie at testing; I start the reading as soon as I sense the point touching the ingot - but I realize I have to develop a consistent technique... which takes practice.

    All in all, I do my best to describe my lead and leave the final tests up to the boolit caster, who I believe can make adjustments accordingly.

    Not sure if this helps; I believe the final answer rests with the boolit caster and his/or her tester.

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie

  19. #19
    Boolit Buddy
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I have bought two boxes of WW and two boxes of range lead from "The Captain" and both products are great. Good clean lead.

    I cast the range lead as is in a NOE 358429 mold. To get proper fill out I had to raise the temperature a few degrees but they came out great. In my .38 special loading I put 4.2grs unique behind this 177gr boolit and got no leading. Went to 5.0 grs and got bad leading.
    Accuracy was OK, this big bullet likes speed, but the alloy was great for normal 38 special velocity. I added 2.5 % tin and put 10grs 2400 behind this bullet and accuracy improved and no sign of leading.

    I added 2.5% tin to the WW ingots and was able to replicate the 38/44 HD loads of Elmer Keith with no leading out of my Mod 27's and 28's I settled on 11.5grs 2400, no leading.

    The Captains lead is great and price is good, try some you will not be sorry.

  20. #20
    Vendor Sponsor
    TheCaptain's Avatar
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    Stratford, Connecticut

    Thanks Hamour

    Dear Hank,

    I thank you for taking the time to write about your experience with my lead ingots.

    With kind regards,

    ~ Kathie

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check