I posted this in Casting and Reloading/Molds...Maintenance and Design, but perhaps the question is better posted here. Sorry for the duplicate posting.
I recently purchased a .310 Cadet and the chamber cast showed a full length .32/20 case, with the rim thinned to 0.050" and the shoulder removed with a .30 Carbine die, would fit just to the origin of the rifling. The bore dia. is 0.314" and the groove dia. is 0.321". I had the idea to use the Speer .32 HBWC, seated out as a bore rider, expecting the hollow base to bump up to fill the grooves like a Minie ball.
Then I got concerned with the bullet separating, leaving the skirt in the bore, which is reported to happen in revolvers. The rifle has a smooth run from case to muzzle, unlike all the possible drag issues on the bullet skirt caused by a revolver.
I wanted to load it to about 1200 ft/sec, perhaps with about 5 grains of Unique.
Does anyone have any experience with this?