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Thread: General Purpose .357 Mold

  1. #41
    Boolit Grand Master Bazoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdgabbard View Post
    Well, I have found, as many others have, that the RCBS 150gr or the Lyman 358477 is one of the very best options out there for the 38/357s. Other designs are obviously good. And I'll second the 358156, and the 358429. Though, I find the 429 a little heavy for what I do...which is mostly target work.

    I personally bought this one a while back for .38spl loads, as I too got tired of casting on a 2-Cav 358477. With 5.0gr of Unique it consistently does 875-900fps. I have been VERY happy with it as far as a target load goes. And it can be had in a 8-Cavity Aluminum mold, making it easy to cast a mountain of bullets in very little time. https://www.mp-molds.com/product/359...aluminum-mold/

    The other option I would suggest, is to go over to NOE Bullet Molds, and pick you up one of these. They can be had in 5-cavity with or without gaschecks. This is a clone of the 358477, and from what I understand it shoots really nice. I'd probably go for the version with Gaschecks, as you mentioned you're using these specifically in a 357. https://noebulletmolds.com/site/prod...60-152-swc-v5/

    Lots of other molds out there will do you fine. Believe it or not, one of the best shooting bullets I've used is the Lee Tumble Lube 358-158-SWC. You can get a 6-Cav from Lee (through Titan Reloading) for probably $50ish. The target below is an example group I use for that bullet in my gun, and does have a flyer. But not bad for 25yrds with non-adjustable iron sights...

    That is a decent group I've just begun working with the TL358-158-SWC, but for 357 Rifle. I'm using 358156 data as it's very close to the used case volume, though my bullets weight a touch heavy at 162 grains with WW alloy. I managed some clover leafs at 25 yards off my Tracker roof. Not bad for a start.
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  2. #42
    Boolit Mold
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    In the past (started casting in the 80's) I've cast and shot a lot of different cast bullets for the 38spl's and 357mags.

    The 358311 rn was a fantastic bullet that was extremely accurate in anything I shot it in. Same with the 358477, accurate & did well in a wide range of firearms. I never could get the same level of accuracy using the lee 158gr wfn. Don't know if its shallow crimp groove or bevel base had something to do with it.

  3. #43
    Boolit Master murf205's Avatar
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    Here is my favorite. It's a 36-160H-D from Accurate. Mine drops at .360 and works like a champ in my 19,586,686 and 28 S&W's. As a close 2nd is the 150 gr Lyman and I have never seen a revolver that didn't shoot it well.
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  4. #44
    Boolit Master

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    Would you consider tumble lube, as in Lee Liquid Alox or one of the dozens of alternatives you can learn about on this site? If so, the generic Lee 158 TLSWC is a good design that is accurate in all my .357s (M66, 2 M 27s, old style Colt Trooper) is available in the relatively inexpensive 6 banger, and the liquid lube is so easy it's ridiculous.

    I'm actually transitioning BACK to this bullet. I shot it for years. Then I switched to one of our group buy designs, a plainbase copy of a Lyman 358156 that Lee cut. That was/is a fabulous bullet, but honestly I'm getting sick of lubesizing bullets if I don't have to. The TL bullet is just as accurate, possibly more. And it's easier to process a bunch. These days I don't experiment much.

    Just a thought...

  5. #45
    Boolit Master

    jdgabbard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick L View Post
    Would you consider tumble lube, as in Lee Liquid Alox or one of the dozens of alternatives you can learn about on this site? If so, the generic Lee 158 TLSWC is a good design that is accurate in all my .357s (M66, 2 M 27s, old style Colt Trooper) is available in the relatively inexpensive 6 banger, and the liquid lube is so easy it's ridiculous.

    I'm actually transitioning BACK to this bullet. I shot it for years. Then I switched to one of our group buy designs, a plainbase copy of a Lyman 358156 that Lee cut. That was/is a fabulous bullet, but honestly I'm getting sick of lubesizing bullets if I don't have to. The TL bullet is just as accurate, possibly more. And it's easier to process a bunch. These days I don't experiment much.

    Just a thought...
    You know, TL and PC work just as well on them skinny-belly boolits. No reason to switch back if you like it. You can just coat it with the TL and be on your way.

    But I agree, the 158 TLSWC is a great boolit. Go see my previous post with the target at 25yds. I just got tired of TLing, and moved back to Lubing. Now, I'm PCing whatever shoots good and I can cast fast enough. For me, that's the MP 158gr SWC-BB in a 8-Cav mold.
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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check