I want to get a mold for my .44 SBH
I want a Keith style 240gr. that drops .432
With WW.
And I don't want to wait months to get it.
Am I asking to much?
I want to get a mold for my .44 SBH
I want a Keith style 240gr. that drops .432
With WW.
And I don't want to wait months to get it.
Am I asking to much?
Failure is not an Option
Accurate Molds 43-240 K or L, but the 43-250J is their true Keith clone.
In the Land of Oz, we cast with wheel weight and 2% Tin, Man.
MP has some in that weight class. I have a 432-240 comes with the hollow point pins. I like it a lot.
The MP H&G503 might be of interest to you. Though the sample I have, which was cast from range scrap was .431. MP regulates their moulds for WW alloy. https://www.mp-molds.com/bullet-cast...t_type=product
Curious what the difference is in aluminum mold vs brass.
I have never used a brass mold.
Also Curious why MP molds are much less expensive than the other guys.
Seems like you get a lot more bang for the buck
Failure is not an Option
MP H&G503 and today its quite possible its in stock ready for shipment. not like when he first made them for a group buy and we waited, and waited and waited but when it arrived it was well worth the wait. I have not used my 3 Lyman Keith molds since getting this gem from miha
brass mold from miha once you use it a bit it drops perfect bullets consistently if you never used one once it gets up to temp and you figure your rhythm out its excellent casting experience.
as to the cost be thankful they cost what they do each of his molds is like a piece of art.
as far as bullet weight. does 240 vs 260 grains really make that much difference?
I did a little unscientific experiment with one of Miha's hollow point molds being shot in a Rossi 92 in 45 colt. four cavity brass mold each cavity set up with a different hollow point and one with with no hollow point pin for a solid bullet. all loaded with 20 grains 4227 and shot over chronograph at about 50 yards. all shot right around 1200fps and all shop pretty near each other even though the bullet weights varied from about 255-270 grains. just saying that was my experience.
Not being a smart Alec but you do know MP is in Slovenia...right? I have MP molds in several sizes from 308 to 512 and each is a joy. Don't worry about shipping delay if he has them in stock it will be in your hand in a week....unless you are super remote. I use the MP 270 SAA a lot in my 44s magnum and special. Good bullet.
20 grains of weight makes a pretty big difference in regulating the sights of handgun loads.
Last edited by Bazoo; 02-05-2025 at 03:02 PM.
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |