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Thread: 22 Savage with 75 grain boolits bhn app 15, moly coated

  1. #1
    Boolit Buddy braddock's Avatar
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    22 Savage with 75 grain boolits bhn app 15, moly coated

    I load for my 22 savage high power and a local foundry helped me out in the past giving me a handful of 55 grain cast boolits to experiment with.
    The issue is that the 22 savage rifle(savage mod 1899 from 1918) has an across groove measurement of 0.228", the 55 grain had to be powder coated several times to get the diameter up to 0.2275 - ish and tbh the performed well but not great.
    They decided to cast some 0.229" boolits as I mentioned above and are sending 100 or so in return for feed back on performance, thereafter I'll have to buy them. FWIW the boolits have one of those wonder coatings on to make them slippery and can be loaded to jacketed mvs, though I'm rather sceptical about that because of the relatively low BHN of 15.
    My PITA is I need a start point to get this motoring.
    The powders I have at my disposal are Lovex (world powders?) D036 which is similar to unique, S062 and S065 similar to TAC and Varget respectively and D0735 and D0736 which are ballpowders and equivalent to accurate 2460 and 2520 respectively.
    I also have Hodgdon Universal, CFE223 and H-Lvr, Alliant 2400 and Vhitavuouri N110, N120, N140 and N150.
    The Lovex reloading data has a start at load of 25.5 grains of S062 for a 70 grain jacketed bullet or 27.8 grains of S065, muzzle velocities within 50fps of each other and the S065 1430 psi LESS pressure than the S062. I've used both these powders with the 70 grain S&B bullet, also with the 70 grain Hornady bullet and also used N110, N120 in lesser amounts this is really just for info as the VV powders are really not producing the same velocity as the Lovex ones.
    Does the team think that the Lovex start at load minus 10% would be a safe start point for the cast boolits?
    Or is there someone out there with a different recipe?
    A little more background info, the gun has a 20" barrel, despite this the mv's I'm getting exceed the lovex numbers out of a 24" barrel by about 50 to 80 fps. I can't see any of the commonly mentioned pressure signs re primer, sticking cases etc.

  2. #2
    Boolit Grand Master
    rintinglen's Avatar
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    I share your skepticism as to the strength of those boolits. They will probably disappoint as to groups if pushed to the 2700-2800 fps that factory loads achieved, but hope springs eternal. The only experience I have with this cartridge was with Hornady jacketed for a sweet drilling brought back by the father of one of my amigos. We were using 3031 but other that that I don't remember much about it.

    However, I'd take a look at the N133 data for the .223 for a start load, if a phone call to Vitavouri couldn't give a good starting place for the 5.6×52mmR/ 22 Savage Hi-power. I have had good luck with the VV powders in limited testing, too bad they are so expensive here in the states.
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  3. #3
    Boolit Buddy braddock's Avatar
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    Dover, UK
    N133 unobtanium, I've started loading with N110 and thinking about Alliant 2400 but I only have a pound of that whereas I have several of N110 and N120.
    Vv won't make any recommendations re the 22 savage because they haven't any data for it so that's that.
    Funnily enough Vv are cheaper here in the UK than US imports eg N110 is £119 per kilogram or 2.2 pounds, whereas Hodgdon H110 is £80 per pound.
    Ol' DT will probably be cutting off supplies completely in the not to distant future.

  4. #4
    Boolit Grand Master
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    With N-120 I'd start at 20 grains and gingerly work up to a max of about 25 grains, paying close attention to my chronograph. But I don't think that is an optimum choice. Still, you have to dance with the one you brought, and it should work better than the N-110, at least velocity wise. N-110 is a little fast, being more like 2400, IME. That said 15.5-17.5 grains of 2400 will probably encompass a sweet spot which will give you great accuracy, albeit not great velocity.
    _________________________________________________It's not that I can't spell: it is that I can't type.

  5. #5
    Boolit Buddy braddock's Avatar
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    Dover, UK
    Looks like 14 - 16 grains of N110 will yield about 1800 fps to 2000 which is good enough for plinking. I've tried with excess of 20 grains of N120, I'm not chasing velocity with these powders.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check