i have 3 dremels and a high end foredom. for quick work i use the dremel. for serious work, i use the foredom
i have 3 dremels and a high end foredom. for quick work i use the dremel. for serious work, i use the foredom
I ordered a knock off pistol grip attachment off ali express for a $1 shipped. Also a china flex shaft off ebay for $4.72 shipped. Found a new 225-01 flex shaft and bought it off Poshmark for $15 shipped. Figured i would like to try that flex shaft even though my first one broke before i got to try it 25 years ago.
I have a dremel and two chinese knockoffs - those I like better due to the ergonomics (switch positioning and operation)
in my main workroom I have a footpedal control on the power supply - the best thing ever for close work - use that setup three or four days each week for short little jobs.
Yeah, I wasn’t spending $400 on a dremel. Mine gets used probably once every three weeks to a month and lasted almost 25 years until I had to put a hose clamp on it. I’m sure it’ll last another 25…lol. Especially now that I have a new one to go with it. My first one still has the original brushes. I did sand them flat thinking that the curvature in them could’ve been an issue. I also re-greased my bearings which had plenty of grease in them still. If the plastic housing didn’t wear out I would’ve never bought another one. At least that hose clamp squeezed it down and it runs as smooth as new or I should say better than new. I swear it’s smoother than my new one. I realistically probably use mine maybe once every few months when I’m working on a project so it isn’t something I use daily as a work item as some of the guys here apparently do…if so I would buy the best.
The detailer script showed up today from Aliexpress. I’m shocked it came that fast! Didn’t match the description, but it was only a $1.04 shipped. I remember looking for flex shafts on there the other day and added one to my cart that was $2.32 shipped….lol. I couldn’t find it and I got an email today saying that it was still in my cart. Apparently I have three different accounts with them and the one that emailed me was from an old account. I ended up ordering it today. We’ll see how that looks when it shows up. I have an Dremel 225 01 flex shaft on the way as well so I can compair the two. The other cheap off brand Chinese flex shaft looks exactly the same as the one off of Aliexpress I ordered off of eBay hasn’t even shipped yet so I just put in a cancel for that one.
They advertised it in the two tone, black and gray, just like the OEM Dremel tool detailers grip. It showed up black and is missing the cover that snaps over the screws. If I ever use it, I’m sure I’ll never notice that it’s missing….lol
These are a great deal. I bought the small one for about $20 and use it all the time.
These men and their hypnotized followers call this a new order. It is not new. It is not order.
The Foredom tools are without a doubt most durable, powerful and smoothest of all. Anybody who ponies up the cost will ever go back to a Dremel.
I haven’t played with the new Dremel yet. I keep messing with the old one to see if it’s gonna blow….lol. I can tell you it still does vibrate at high speeds so I think it’s gonna get set aside and the new ones gonna have to come out and play. I did get my $2.42 flex shaft in the mail the other day. I hooked it up to the new Dremmel and hung it upside down and let it run for about three minutes. I don’t know if they vibrate inside with the Dremel brand, but I could feel it vibrate at high speeds, but it seems to work just fine. I did buy a brand new Dremel branded flex shaft as well that I found on Poshmark for 15 bucks shipped! I still have another Chinese offbrand like shaft coming that I bought for $4.45 on eBay so I’ll have a few spares.
I use a dremel occasionally. I cut a case down for a dipper the other day.
A couple of years ago, I gave a friend a Buck 110. He came back and it had some electrical arc holes on the edge of the blade, where he cut into some live wire. It had a good 1/16" divot. I took my cutting where, and ran down the straight part of the edge, and then used it an angle to recut the secondary bevel on both sides, then finished it with a stone.
Yep, I use mine to polish trigger groups all the time. I also opened up a few barrel channels from Boyd’s uncut stocks as well with them that was decades ago though.
I've used a dremel to fit a sight to a dovetail before. It was very close, and I took the sanding disc attachment and used that to remove metal of the sight so it could be drifted in. It probably wasn't as precise as a file, but it worked just fine and you couldn't tell it was done with a dremel vs a file.
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |