Finally got around to sending some of my boolits from my 130 Hensley & Gibbs down range yesterday. I like the wide bottom driving band and single lube groove. Out of my soft alloy they are 206 grains! Wasn’t expecting them to be that heavy.
So they don’t feed and function as reliably as a round nose. Where have you found the best running seating depth? Are they supposed to be flush with the case mouth?
The XD ran better as pictured with 3.8 grains of Red Dot (Lee 0.5cc dipper.) Next I tried 10.4 grains of Accurate 7 and it was stouter than I wanted and abandoned it.
The starting load was 4 grains of Red Dot so since I was dipping 3.8 grains I decided to seat a little deeper and see if feeding got better. Pressure obviously went up. The XD didn’t feed them well at all, but I finished them off in the 1911 with only one needing a bump on the back of the slide to finish going into battery.
Think I can find a length that works for both? Does this boolit shape require a harder alloy?
Thanks in advance to everyone for your replies.