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Thread: Rossi 92 Bulging Cases

  1. #41
    Boolit Master

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    Nov 2007
    I'm picking up a used Rossi 357 in a few weeks.
    Ya'll got me worried now 😟
    I did have new one probably 7 years ago and it was perfect. It was a 20" round barrel, the one I'm getting is a 24" Octagon.
    I do know from experience that Rossi CS is none existent.
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  2. #42
    Boolit Grand Master Bazoo's Avatar
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    Good luck hylander!
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  3. #43
    Boolit Master elmacgyver0's Avatar
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    P-Trap of the Big Muddy, on the unoccupied side.
    I have a Rossi I bought new in 2020 for $500 on Gun Broker, it has the nasty little lawyer safety on the back of the bolt.
    I have not shot it much, but what I have shot was mostly .38spl that I laded years ago.
    Was very happy with it, never paid any attention to the cases.
    Rifle seems smooth as butter.
    Listening to all the dismay of how lousy the Rossi's are I gave the chamber a closer scrutiny and noticed that the bottom had a ramp cut obviously by an end mill or similar machine tool.
    Where the ramp enters the chamber, I could feel a slight edge using a small screwdriver.
    When I found out I was going deer hunting I thought I would bring it along as for backup to my .45/70 Henry.
    I bought some of those pointy Hornady Lever evolution rounds in .357 magnum.
    I fired 3 rounds from the rifle to see where they hit, I was satisfied so that was all.
    I did fire two rounds of the same ammo from my Uberti Cattleman at a running deer and missed.
    After reading all these posts about what a *** the Rossi's are I decided to look at my fired brass.
    Looking at my fired brass I can see no difference between any of them, no bulges that I can see.
    Perhaps the Hornady is not all that hot, I do not know.
    So far, I am still happy with my Rossi, but I will be giving it closer scrutiny.

  4. #44
    Boolit Master

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    The one I had a few years back was great.
    No issues, no bulges and very accurate.
    I call Rossi today, and the one I'm getting was born 01/11/2012
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  5. #45
    Boolit Master ACC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebel Hamster View Post
    Hi all,
    Long time listener, first time caller.
    On November 27, 2024 I bought a blued Rossi 92 .357 24" Octagon barrel and I test fired it the next day. Upon test firing I discovered that it was bulging cases and that the chamber was oversized. Having read online that Rossi's customer service/warranty department is terrible, I went back to the store that I bought it from and talked with them. I spoke to a manager that was really nice and wanted to keep customers happy, she said that they'd take the gun back, send it into Rossi to have it repaired and when it arrives they'd sell it as used, and transfer a new gun from one of their sister stores in for me. I was very pleased with their customer service. Today, December 17, 2024, I got the phone call that my replacement gun had arrived, so I went into the store and picked it up. Upon arriving home, I test fired it, same exact problem as before. Now I'm not exactly pleased with Rossi.

    I have questions for the Rossi 92 owners. Is this a common problem? Is it a common problem in the octagon barreled guns? Have you had related problems?

    Please post gun specs (caliber, blue/stainless, barrel length, etc.) in responses.

    I plan to go back to the store where I bought the gun and talk to them again. I'll update after I talk to them.

    Rossi has always been known for sloppy chambers. Even back in the seventies. I see a lot of them.


  6. #46
    Boolit Master
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    Is Rossi customer service the same as Taurus customer service? If so, then....

  7. #47
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by ACC View Post
    Rossi has always been known for sloppy chambers. Even back in the seventies. I see a lot of them.

    I just don't understand how they can such a problem with sloppy chambers.
    I don't know of any company putting out reamers always made oversized. Or maybe they have reamers made oversized so they can cut more chambers with each one. Or maybe there techs don't know about runout?
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  8. #48
    Boolit Master steve urquell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hylander View Post
    I just don't understand how they can such a problem with sloppy chambers.
    I don't know of any company putting out reamers always made oversized. Or maybe they have reamers made oversized so they can cut more chambers with each one. Or maybe there techs don't know about runout?
    I feel like some of those rifles have a feed ramp cut out in the chamber allowing the brass to be unsupported like a Glock. Brass I recently got had a bulge in one small area ~1/4 diameter of the case like "Glock smile"
    Dan Wesson 744V .44mag, S&W Mod 19-4 .357 , S&W Mod 17 K22, Stevens Favorite .22mag 30GM, ADC .45/410, CZ SP01 9mm

  9. #49
    Boolit Grand Master FergusonTO35's Avatar
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    Dang it, all this talk about bulged brass has me worried even though my rifle has never done this. Guess I'll have to test drive it tomorrow to reassure myself huh?
    Currently casting and loading: .32 Auto, .380 Auto, .38 Special, 9X19, .357 Magnum, .257 Roberts, 6.5 Creedmoor, .30 WCF, .308 WCF, .45-70.

  10. #50
    Boolit Master ACC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hylander View Post
    I just don't understand how they can such a problem with sloppy chambers.
    I don't know of any company putting out reamers always made oversized. Or maybe they have reamers made oversized so they can cut more chambers with each one. Or maybe there techs don't know about runout?
    They make them cheap for more profit.


  11. #51
    Boolit Grand Master Bazoo's Avatar
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    I think Rossi cuts a feed ramp into the chamber so that they don't get a bunch of folks complaining that their rifle won't feed.
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  12. #52
    Boolit Buddy engineer401's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bazoo View Post
    I think Rossi cuts a feed ramp into the chamber so that they don't get a bunch of folks complaining that their rifle won't feed.
    That's what I've been thinking all along. The only thing that doesn't feed are full wad cutters.

  13. #53
    Boolit Grand Master Bazoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by engineer401 View Post
    That's what I've been thinking all along. The only thing that doesn't feed are full wad cutters.
    The ones I've dealt with fed SWCs like butter. Never had any WCs along to try though.
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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check