Ok, I am new to black powder reloading. Have done some smokeless powder reloading but not black powder. This means I will probably have to learn to cast boolits too.
So I am doing my research and this is what I have so far. I am going with an RCBS Easymelt as it keeps the lead at temp even when it gets to half a pot.
From the pot I ladle it into my mold, drop the bullet from the mold.
Now I guess I need to lube and size the bullet. What is a good sizer and what is the best lube? I will be making bullets for a High Wall for BPCR and general shooting. I also have a lever action in 38-55 that I will be loading with smokeless.
Any other equipment for casting? I know I will need a good set of gloves and a stick to open the mold.