Gun club had our final Service rifle match of the year today. I took my M1 Garand and the FN 49. I had planned on shooting the M1 but one of the members brought his boy so long story short I loaned the M1 to the dad so the kid could shoot dad's AR. So, I went to the line with the FN. It is a Luxembourg 30/06. Well, I shot all over the place! Used to M1 trigger and the Fn's is nothing to brag about. Ended up in the middle of the pack. Take away is this in comparison:
The FN shoots softer than the M1 probably because of the adjustable gas system
The M1 balances WAY better shooting offhand.
M1 has better sights for match shooting
FN has 10 rounds which is faster even with 1 reload
Both weigh about the same
Both are good "battle" rifles
I will take them out again and shoot head to head again and see what results. Shot AMA 62 ball in FN for the match.