Quote Originally Posted by Forrest r View Post
Using pc'd bullets is a real game changer...

...A 200+ round range session with a s& w 686. No wiping/cleaning/oiling needed. I simply put it back in the range box and it was good to go the next range session. I wouldn't of been able to do that with traditionally cast/lubed bullets...

...Not too many reloads are going to be able to shoot 600+ rounds in their 9mm's using jacketed or cast/traditionally lubed bullets and use 1 patch to clean the bbl/no bore brush.
This is the exact experience I get from PCing boolits. There are a few on here that still nay-say it. They'll tell you it's a waste of time, money, resources, etc. They're wrong. Flat wrong. And I've blocked a few of them because they just so dang opinionated they feel the need to interject their biasness into every topic on the matter. I deal with enough of those people in my day job, I'm sure not going to waste air (or time typing) in my spare time to have a conversation with them.

The benefits to PCing in my opinion, and most who actually do PC their boolits, is that the benefits of it far outweigh any perceived increase in time or cost that PCing brings. And I use "perceived" with a lot of hesitation. As in my experience it's no more costly or time consuming than lubing/sizing. The reality is that it is far less costly or time consuming in my opinion. But some of the nay-sayers will tell you otherwise....