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Thread: Lee ram swage set

  1. #1
    Boolit Master
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Communist New Jersey

    Lee ram swage set

    I realize that crimped military brass is starting to go away, especially in 30-06 but I still get it whenever I can because if that crimp is intact I KNOW I have once fired brass. That said I have fought with primer pocket swagers for years. My dads old Herters was the best up till now, you still have to pull the case off of the swaging pin but it is nowhere near as violent as the RCBS press swager. And the RCBS desktop swager is completely useless for 30-06. Unless you have a really solid bench and weightlifters arms.
    I just got the Lee ram prime, THIS is the one!!! No effort to do the actual swage and the best part is the spring behind the case head that pushes the case off the pin. When the ram comes down the case is already free. Going in is even nice due to a spring loaded cone that centers the case on the way up.
    A lot of people bash Lee for having cheap products, well, this was cheap. MUCH cheaper than either of the afore mentioned RCBS units. And it works so much better. Sometimes they do hit one out of the park.

  2. #2
    Boolit Mold
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I'll agree with you. I researched this before I bought it and I'm not disappointed! I was using the RCBS and this one is much easier to use.

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check