Getting time to clean out the local range again.
Traditionally the club has just opened it to members and we've scrounged it all for reloading. However, the number of members that cast anymore has dropped to such low numbers now that it's not anywhere near enough to clean it all out. We've also had some success in gathering a group together and cleaning it and selling the ingots, but even those volunteers are falling short these days.
We looked into having it removed and the cost was enough to shut the club down forever.
Now, We're considering just cleaning the range, and selling the scrap right out of it as is. I'm looking for input as to what we should set the price at. Sure we could just give it away, but the proceeds from selling the lead always go back into funding the Jr Rifle program. Currently we are able to keep the cost to $10 a year, and we provide the firearms and the equipment. the only other cost to the kids is the ammo. which we also sell at cost to them since we're a non-profit.
Generally we get about 800-1000# dirty, and when I've processed it, I've ended up with about 600-700# of ingots and a $100 worth of scrap copper. I've tested more than a hundred bars over the years and they always seem to come out around 11 bhn.