And that is a commendable point of view. Either get it right with the proper funds if a Like new is your target or leave it alone. Problem is alot of folks just cant leave well enough alone. Thats why I included the bubba get by method that some what fixes an other wise ugly ass gun.
Xtriggerman, Thank you for the guidance.
Don't get angry when I post something you don't like 'cause I'm just some anonymous nobody connected by electrons. One click and I'm gone.
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |