Couple of months ago, I got a chance to get some range scrap from a local range. Soooo, I gathered up some 600+ pounds of range scrap, brought it home, and began the processing procedure!
As hot as it’s been down here inSW Louisiana lately, I would start early morning, then just do what I could stand till it gets too hot!
I finished yesterday, here’s the results:
450+ pounds of 8-10 bhn Redneck Gold ingots. Tested with a Cabine Tree tester.
Approximately 200+ pounds of bullet jackets. Sold 120 pounds already to the scrap yard. ( used that cash to buy components) the remaining 80-90 pounds still gotta go to the same yard. Here’s the result:
Attachment 329301
Can’t see it in the photo, but each ingot has a hard stamp on it! “RS”
No cheat sheets for me! Just stamp the blasted things as to what they are, no guessing involved!
Good casting stuff, I think I’m about to a lifetime supply. ( y’all believe that about enough lead? ) Hahahaha!!!!
In that blue drum, the 450+ pounds is sitting on top of another 400 pounds I acquired from an earlier range scrap project.
I love seeing it in its final form.