I just received my new Winchester 1886 Short Rifle. It is just as great as my other Miroku Winchesters all though they are in the 92 action (45 Colt and 44 Mag). Just untouchable quality. I know a lot of people do not like the safety's but I don't mind it because the first thing I do is get rid of the rebounding hammer and although these do have the half cock it can still be fired in the half cock position with some good effort on the trigger. So the safety does come in handy on these new Winchesters. Just in case.
Anyway only took me three shots to get her on target. She does let you know she means business with that steel but plate. I have already made the modifications that I intended to make to her. Same a I have done on both my Miroku Winchester 92's.
1. Removed the rebounding leg off the hammer strut. No more rebounding hammer. (It was not a problem, but I also never want it to be so it's gone)
2. Wrapped the lever in leather and oiled the leather to prevent rusting (I have never had I rusting problem on a lever with leather)
3. Added sling swivels and a leather sling (as I do with all my lever rifles)
Love this rifle