Hello Ammohead here,
I have been hanging with this crowd since it was called Shooters back in 1999. BruceB, Buckshot, Curmudgeon, Duke and I founded the Nevada Cast Boolit Shoot in 2000. In 2 weeks we will be having the 25th annual NCBS in Winnemucca, NV.
I am a retired maintenance machinist with a small shop that I use for personal gunsmithing and die making. I am not a commercial shop just a old guy with a lathe, mill and some other tools. When Buckshot stopped making dies he gifted me much of his unused blanks and lots of tooling. Lately I have been getting lots of requests for Star/Magna dies. Here is a price list and helpful hints on how to order.
I make lube/size dies and short size only dies for powder coated bullets. You can have them hardened for hard commercial use, or unhardened for hobby use. I can't imagine a hobby caster ever wearing out a unhardened die, but you can bugger one up. I don't know exactly how hard the hardened dies are on a rockwell scale but on a McGill, Nevada scale they are damn hard. I also make punches and locknuts with set screws. If you order a die/punch combo the locknuts are free. I also offer custom lube hole spacing. Most customers want a standard 3 rows with 3 holes staggered 60 deg, each row spaced .125" apart. You plug the holes you don't need with lead shot. But if you have special lube hole spacing needs, we can do that too. I spec +.0005 -.000 please remember you are not dealing with NASA here, but I get good reviews.
Lube dies unhardened $55
hardened $70
Short dies unhardened $45
hardened $60
Punches $25
Locknut with set screw $5
I am currently working on a design for a die removal tool. More on that to come.
For die/punch/nut combos add $25 to price of die.
PM me to place an order, and you will get put on the list along with a million other things I have going on, garden, fishing, shooting etc. I am usually finished in a week or 2. Lately things have been ganging up on me, but I should be caught up soon. When your order is complete I will send you my address, you send me yours and the $$ and dies can cross in the mail. Check or MO please.
PM ME FOR A FASTER RESPONSE PLEASE. I don't look here as often as I should, but I do check my PMs daily.