Ever since my very early youth I've loved BB guns and pellet guns, probably like most of you. Somewhere around 1959-1960 I bought a Sheridan Blue Streak .20 caliber (5mm) single shot pellet rifle which in those days was like getting a Corvette for your first car. Starlings, squirrels, rabbits and more became well acquainted with the little rifle. I never actually tested it for accuracy using the open iron sights but it just always seemed accurate enough for my use.
Eventually it reached the point where it wouldn't pump up, and I've been casually, from time to time, thinking of getting it repaired. Thing is I just don't quite know how to go about getting this accomplished; it's certainly not a job for your friendly neighborhood gunsmith. I don't hunt any longer having stopped around seven years ago due to health problems and, okay I'll say it, old age. The Sheridan was loyal and served me for many decades.
Before she died years ago my mother gave me (young at heart, ya' know) a very inexpensive .177 pump rifle with a scope at Christmas. This is what I've been shooting for years. I used it to discourage squirrels from gnawing their way into our attic, it killed them pretty well. Plastic stock but fun to shoot and it's getting about time to run this one across my chronograph screens.
Please forgive these ramblings of an old man but an old man still interested in air guns. Any replies, information, suggestions, corrections or complaints are welcome.