The 2024 Sty. Thomas Groundhog Shoot Season opens on April 13, 2024 at the Thurman Finniff Memorial Rifle Range at The Saint Thomas Sportsmen's Association, 595 Apple Way, St. Thomas, PA 17252
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Matches begin at 09:00, rain or shine. There is a class for almost any rifle you care to bring. This year will feature additional competition formats during and after the main shoot. Registration fee is $15 per rifle. You must register in person. You must be present to collect winnings. The course of fire is 200, 300, 400 yards for custom rifles; 100, 200, 300 yards for factory rifles. Please review the rules at the link below.
CHANGES THIS YEAR: This season will feature a group shoot that runs concurrently with the main groundhog shoot. Registration for the group shoot is $2 per rifle. Distance for the group shoot will be determined at random before the match begins.
Also, this week there will be a white wolf/groundhog match after the main match concludes. This will consist of SIX shots only at 300 yards for custom rifles, 200 yards for factory rifles. The best five will be scored. Registration is $5 per rifle.
Aggregate scores will be kept this year with a payout at the end of the season.