Happened across a cartridge the other day, supposedly a 25-20 WCF, which now has me wondering if it is a 25-20. For starters there is no sign of there ever being a headstamp. That's a first, for me at least. Then in comparing this casing to a factory casing I find that it's shorter by .20" with an OAL of 1.178", from the base of the rim to the bottom of the shoulder is roughly .790", OAL of the round is 1.496", round nose lead bullet. Diameter of the bullet is .258 at the case mouth. I'm doubting that this is a factory round due to the color and shape of the primer. The primer has the appearance of a Federal primer and it's flat vs. the slightly convex appearance of a factory round.
My photo attachment abilities are eluding me today, otherwise ...
Sometimes I can muddle my way through it!