Would it matter less with stainless barrels?
Willy Snyder
PO Box 2732
Pocatello, ID 83206
Would it matter less with stainless barrels?
Windex and GI bore cleaner. Either or.
I began shooting military surplus corrosive ammo in 1958 and still do so today. The Old Army Manual prescribed hot, soapy water followed by dry patches and then an oil patch. I use the same for my muzzleloaders. Windex, etc., works because it is WATER based.
Lately I have changed my cleaning routine and use Moose Milk/Ballistol for all my cleaning and I am a believer. This is for corrosive and non-corrosive ammo. What made me change was using a 10/22 and Hoppe's. I have been noticing that when trying to clean the carbon mess from the bolt, receiver and back end of the barrel that Hoppe's takes some of the carbon off, but it leaves behind a hardened layer in corners and crevices. One of my shoots I sprayed Ballistol over the parts mentioned and all the carbon wiped off easily leaving it clean. Seems like the Hoppes evaporates and leaves a rock hard deposit. Also this goes for my handguns when cleaning, it gets everything off. The other day I took my MAS-36 and used some old surplus French ammo that was corrosive. I used my moose milk mixture on the bore and I was astonished to see how clean the bore came out and how much came out of it. It's never looked so good. Going forward this is going to be my only product I use on my firearms.
I thought M1 thumb was bad but urinating in a rifle chamber congers up a whole new realm of unwanted possibilities.
If liars pants really did catch on fire, watching the news would be a lot more fun!
Water dissolves the salts. Soaps/detergents help free the salts from the steel and carry it out of the bore.
NOTHING "neutralizes" the salts. Ammonia simply acts as a mild detergent and it's concentration in window cleaners is so low as to have nil affect on copper.
Some will argue I am wrong, but they are. My info comes directly from chemists at NSWC Crane when I was a test conductor/technician working at NAWC AD Patuxent River.
Old GI bore cleaner worked because it was water based. Anything that does not contain water will carry salts out of the bore mechanically, but they aren't nuetralizing anything except your wallet.
I don't' need a flames suit because I am correct.
Ballistol is all that is needed. I've run corrosive ammo through AK's with NO harm at all. Wash the weapon down in ballistol and lube as normal.
Moose Milk
Ballistol and water in a spray bottle.
It works really well
great for cap & ball revolvers also.
I don't buy that for a second. I've sprayed down corroded battery terminals with it in my vehicles ( cleared them right up)and have never had a speck of rust after shooting corrosive ammo and always use it solely with no other products to clean up after shooting my black powder rifles.. It works great! So whatever it is made up of does the trick for me and my uses.
Castrol Brayco 300 Amber, Spec. Mil-L-PRF-32033A Type 1, Class 1, Lubricating oil, water displacing, general purpose. Boats US, West Marine, NAPA, or Skygeek..Use straight to wipe down for storage after hot water wash.
Or forms stable emulsion in water. Make your own spray cleaner mixing 1 pint Brayco 300, 1 oz. Dawn or Ivory dishwashing detergent. 1 gallon of water.l
Last edited by Outpost75; 07-11-2024 at 03:19 PM.
The ENEMY is listening.
HE wants to know what YOU know.
Keep it to yourself.
Moose milk seems to clean everything good, corrosive or non corrosive. Better than anything I have used.
Also, the barrel isn't the only item exposed to the corrosive salts. Something to consider.
Rights, and Privileges, are not synonymous. We have the Right to Bear Arms. As soon as the Government mandates firearm registration, and permiting, then that Right becomes a Privilege, and may be taken away at our Master's discretion.
oh, never mind. I have to go find aliens from Roswell.
Challenger, I did the OOW/Jojoba oil routine. I need more OOW. Thanks!!!!!!
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |