Willy Snyder
PO Box 2732
Pocatello, ID 83206
I have no idea the size. It is about the same as you would find on a military rifle. I put the final touches to zeroing it last night and love it. I have this self resetting squirrel target on my range, and after I got it completely zeroed at 27 yds I moved up to 20 yds and was repeatedly making head shots off hand with it. Back at 27 yds off hand the head shot was a bit harder, but it was me and not the rifle. Upper body shots were easy enough off hand at that distance.
Here is a target of 11 shots at 27 yds with the rifle off the bags before I installed the peep sight. There was no swabbing, just a 10 shot group, then a sight adjustment followed by the 11th shot.
Tyrants use the force of the people to chain and subjugate-that is, enyoke the people. They then plough with them as men do with oxen yoked. Thus the spirit of liberty and innovation is reduced by bayonets, and principles are struck dumb by cannon shot: Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
The Tom A Hawk sight works perfectly. 1 for 2 the second squirrel came running down a big limb with a hickory nut in his mouth, I was aiming at the nut figuring to hit him in the head. Just as I squeezed the trigger the squirrel stopped and I hit the nut. The squirrel was stunned for a second and then when I moved to reload started barking at me. I dumped the powder in and reached for my patch tin and it was gone. I dropped it back where I got the first one. Eventually the squirrel got bored watching me tear apart my possibles bag trying to find my patches, and ran off. I walked back the way I came and sure enough there was my patch tin.
Tyrants use the force of the people to chain and subjugate-that is, enyoke the people. They then plough with them as men do with oxen yoked. Thus the spirit of liberty and innovation is reduced by bayonets, and principles are struck dumb by cannon shot: Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |