I'm attempting to reduce the $$ damage done by thieves should I suffer a break-in. We live a "remote area" such as still exists in the southeast. The location results in long waits for law enforcement and the long distance from the road offers isolation for intruders to do their thing. I have opted for hiding my firearms versus using a safe because a safe tells thieves where the guns are - and my basement contains all manner of metal fabrication (aka, destruction) tools. A hidden room is nearing completion that will be the repository of my firearms. Humidity control needs to be addressed before finishing. The area surrounding the hidey-hole is dehumidified which may be enough? Despite a good bit of thought I haven't come up with a brainstorm idea to ensure dry storage without offering a clue (ventilation) that there is a there there. I'm thinking of an external moisture monitor via a probe - assuming the room once dry will stay so. Thoughts?