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Thread: On the various Baptist congregations

  1. #21
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by popper View Post
    ... And service MUST get over in time for Cowboys game or beating the Methodists to Lubys.
    It's hard to outrun them Methodists to a chow line!

    A tiny bit of trivia about Sunday services from 11 to 12; it didn't come from Paul and Silas!

    I was once told by a Bible scholar that in Martin Luther's time Roman Catholics' scheduled an early hour for common folk's mass each week. When Marty went off the RCC rails he loved to set up late Saturday evenings with beer and debate with friends, often to the wee hours and that made it hard for him to jump up early to meet the rules of an organization that had already kicked him out.

    So, it seems he determined to start a bit later but maintained the idea of an hour of worship. Eventually he got to 11 by the clock and couldn't go further without violating expectations of an hour of worship on Sunday mornings.

    Today, by and large, the non-RC church still follows that schedule even tho few people know why. I do know how long the entry lines suddenly appear at many good eating places about 12:15!

  2. #22
    Boolit Master
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    1hole, I hear you!
    You make good points
    and I thank you.

    I was a little ticked off about Baptists
    not recognizing each other...
    Alcohol is a curse or a blessing.
    Your choice.

    When an alcoholic needs help
    where is he gonna go?
    to a football game?

    I am glad to find a group of people who believe prayer is answered, who agree what the Word of God teaches, and what we are gonna do about it. Not perfect but a good start. We condemn alcohol and believe the world was created on a Monday 4004BC. I cannot agree with all I hear, but I do not go there to preach, but to listen. (I suppose I come here to preach, but golly---"Do you believe in Hell?"--- Yes! I will answer that.)

    Why make a relationship with God difficult?
    It isn't. We all have one.
    I find Independent Baptist quite simple.

    You wouldn't shoot my reloads
    and I won't shoot yours.
    We each make our own.
    To find out what shoots best.

  3. #23
    Boolit Master
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    No offense meant by the liquor store joke (I've herd it my whole life) insert any name you wish. The point is that we are all good about judging others, but not ourselves! Other groups, but not our group!

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus

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    Man is rescued from a solitary Island where he was ship wrecked. They ask him about three structures on the place. First he replies, this is my home, I slept and felt secure here. Over there is where I attended church. OK they replied, what's that third building? Oh, that is where I used to go to church.
    [The Montana Gianni] Front sight and squeeze

  5. #25
    Boolit Master
    dtknowles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MT Gianni View Post
    Man is rescued from a solitary Island where he was ship wrecked. They ask him about three structures on the place. First he replies, this is my home, I slept and felt secure here. Over there is where I attended church. OK they replied, what's that third building? Oh, that is where I used to go to church.
    It is an unending search for a better church. No church has it right but sometimes a church can feel as comfortable as a home until something happens and you end up in divorce. Don't mistake comfort for salvation. You salvation is with God. Your church is just a social club.

    Words are weapons sharper than knives - INXS

    The pen is mightier than the sword - Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    The tongue is mightier than the blade - Euripides

  6. #26
    Boolit Grand Master Outpost75's Avatar
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    over the hill, out in the woods and far away
    The ENEMY is listening.
    HE wants to know what YOU know.
    Keep it to yourself.

  7. #27
    Boolit Master
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    Four guys shipwrecked on an island. The Catholic started a chapel. The Jew built a synagogue. The two Baptists started the first and second Baptist churches.

  8. #28
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtknowles View Post
    It is an unending search for a better church. No church has it right ....
    And you "know" that how?

    Your church is just a social club.
    No, my church is not a social club; we are a heart/spirit joined family of brothers and sisters in Christ. Sorry about your's.

  9. #29
    Boolit Master
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    Just got back from our first Men's Breakfast since March. Had a fine chow line, 47 men counting the boys. Fixed the prayer list, checked off prayers answered. Of 300 people, we lost one beautiful lady at 103, and none from wuflu. (so far,so good). Pastor did a fine devotional about how we are to lead, make good choices, and build. Seven points of Scripture, took 20 minutes.
    We were all very glad to be back. Then we washed tables, counters, windows, pulled cobwebs and weeds. We dared to reopen in August with HEPA filters in the A/C. You are safer in that church than at your doctors office.

  10. #30
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by .429&H110 View Post
    1hole, I hear you! You make good points and I thank you.
    Thank you for the kind words.

    I was a little ticked off about Baptists not recognizing each other... Alcohol is a curse or a blessing. Your choice.
    True. It's what we make of alcohol that matters to God. Misuse of anything is a mistake. I know some fat people who sin every time they pick up a spoon but you don't hear about that from a pulpit.

    We can make most anything a curse in our own hearts but I find no prohibition about alcohol in scripture so touching it is only a sin in our own minds. We do err when we try to make others bend to our wills. I don't drink. I don't like the hard stuff (and I think beer should be poured back in the horses they get it from) but I don't sneer at those who disagree with me.

    When an alcoholic needs help where is he gonna go?
    The "sin" of alcohol isn't the sin; the sin is it's abuse. We should deal with it same as any other abuse (including over eating). A (wise) Godly minister or another (wise) Christian friend is probably the best first step in dealing with it, same as anything else that causes us to stumble in our daily walk.

    (A side note: I LOVE H-110 in my 6 inch .429" but it is high pressure stuff so it is LOUD when used correctly!)

  11. #31
    Boolit Master
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    My favorites...there're thousands.

    Man was sitting on his porch.
    Sheriff pulls up.
    "Levy broke, it's time to go!"
    "The Lord will answer me".
    Water in the street. Firetruck.
    "C'mon get in, it's time to go!"
    "The Lord will answer me".
    Water to the porch. Boat.
    "C'mon get in, it's time to go!"
    "The Lord will answer me".
    So the guy is sitting on his roof.
    Helicopter: last chance.
    "C'mon get in, it's time to go!"
    "The Lord will answer me".
    So the house washes away.
    He meets the Lord says,
    "Lord, why didn't you answer me?"
    "You stubborn man. I sent you
    a Sheriff
    a firetruck
    a boat
    a helicopter
    you chose poorly".

    Too preachy...
    How about...

    A Pastor storms into a bar, yells
    "If you want to go to Heaven
    wait for me outside!"
    Everybody leaves but for one guy.
    "Don't you want to go to Heaven
    when you die?"
    "Oh, when I die. I thought
    you were leaving right now".


    Pastor played hooky
    on Sunday
    went golfing instead.
    Tees up slices,
    God lifted a finger,
    ball drops in
    hole in one.
    St Peter says "What...?"
    Lord smiled.
    "Who's he going to tell?"

    If you have ever heard a Muslim joke
    I would like to hear it.

  12. #32
    Boolit Master
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    (If there was a quiet SRH
    it wouldn't be fun.)

  13. #33
    Boolit Master
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    Doesn't seem to be much humor to be found in or about Muslims. We can laff, even at ourselves. Muslims are so thin skinned if anyone laffs at them they want to kill. Literally.

  14. #34
    Boolit Master
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    I will find out
    Last edited by .429&H110; 10-04-2020 at 08:32 AM. Reason: keep pastor out of this

  15. #35
    Boolit Master
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    Ok only one more, I promise
    and I will go back to writing
    Devotionals for people
    who want to read them.

    What is a church?
    A place where I worship God.
    What is a social club? I dunno, that's vague. My coach used to scream at us in practice, "This isn't a social club!" OK, Basketball is not a social club, we are focused only on the ball, has rituals, must be a religion.

    Confused, I Goggled it. Wow! What is the difference between a church and a social club. Wow! That AI even picked the right ads.
    Whatta interbabble world!
    So just a start:
    In a social club you buy your own wine, and they don't cut you off at one sip.
    In a social club you have to become before you belong.
    A social club is entertainment.
    A social club sits around while others do the work.
    A social club is exclusive.
    A social club does not wash tables.

    A social club is your kingdom, a church is The Kingdom.
    A social club lasts an hour, church lasts forever.
    A social club is for members, a church is for the world.
    Church is the hope of the world.
    A monastery would make a poor social club.
    From the inside:
    A social club looks like a church
    A church does not look like a social club.
    From the outside, hard to tell.
    Jesus did not die for a social club.

    “Too frequently when Christians get together they seek for points upon which they differ, and then go at it …The Christian denominations too often present a spectacle of a political party split into factions and unable to make an effective fight.”

    – D. L. Moody (1837-1899) quoted in The Life of D.L. Moody

    nunc demittis

  16. #36
    Boolit Master
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    All my dealing with Baptist' I've learned one thing. Since I wasn't saved in a baptist church, I really haven't been saved..

  17. #37
    Boolit Master
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    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by 3leggedturtle View Post
    All my dealing with Baptist' I've learned one thing. Since I wasn't saved in a baptist church, I really haven't been saved..
    That hasn’t been my experience. I was raised Roman Catholic and am currently a member of a souther baptist church. Going in to become a member they asked if I was saved, I said that I was, they asked how, I explained, they said great lets get you dunked so you can be a member.

    The dunk is symbolic. You can be saved with or without it.

    At least that’s my view.

  18. #38
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimB.. View Post
    That hasn’t been my experience. I was raised Roman Catholic and am currently a member of a souther baptist church. Going in to become a member they asked if I was saved, I said that I was, they asked how, I explained, they said great lets get you dunked so you can be a member.

    The dunk is symbolic. You can be saved with or without it.

    At least that’s my view.
    You are correct.

    "Baptize" is an untranslated and greatly misunderstood Greek word meaning nothing more complicated than "wash clean."

    Jewish synagogues used to have stone bathtubs where incoming dirty people could clean (baptise) themselves from the filth of the world before entering into worship, it's meaning was known as something completely normal to early Christians, not at all the mystic meaning the church of Rome later made of it.

    There is Biblical justification for spiritual washing (baptism) by immersion, pouring and sprinkling but water baptism doesn't save anyone. Whatever form is used, water baptism is always symbolic and, of itself, conveys noting. Christianity is not something magic or mystical with special results coming from specific acts. Thus, there is no Biblical justification to believing ceremonial (water) baptism in any form, or at any time, or by any special person has anything to do with the dipee's salvation. Salvation and the new birth is spiritual and rises ONLY from the spiritual cleansing (baptism) of the Holy Spirit. Ergo, the thief on the cross beside Jesus was spiritually baptised and that was all he needed to be!

    In Baptist doctrine, ceremonial dunking down and raising back up symbolises a personal death and burial to the temporal world and resurrection into a new spiritual life in Christ. Therefore, Baptists hold that water baptism should properly be taken by cognizant believers, NOT infants or pretenders.

    None of this means water baptism's ceremonial function is unimportant. Whatever else it may mean to the world, it's highest meaning is our expressing to others what Jesus' life, death and resurrection means to each of us and that public testimony really matters!

  19. #39
    Boolit Master
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    I've never understood why any one claiming Christianity would NOT want to be water baptized in some form, if the opportunity where present.

  20. #40
    Boolit Master
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    I evangelize and then apologize,
    so you have my apology.

    Set out lamp in hand to find
    where are the 210 Baptists
    posited in posts #4,5,6, 18?
    Wikipedia, of course, lists them
    but only 208. They missed
    New Independent Fundamentalist
    and Episcopal Baptist,
    to make 210.
    Why 210? Good question.
    I'll get back to y'all
    someday on that.

    A new guy in Heaven was getting the tour. At one point St Peter hushes and tiptoes past a mansion. "Why so quiet?" St.Peter replies, "That's the Baptists, they think they are alone here".

    For some, there's only
    one way to find out...
    Ya gotta go look.

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C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check